I was having a think about the old rememberance day as a former soldier and it struck how hit and miss the public opinion of soldiers can be. One decade they are the best thing since sliced bread, the next evil baby killers. Its really the flip of a coin. Generally the Australian military has performed the same way for the last 125 years, so these opinions are purely public/media created. Just rehashing the opinions of the major conflicts once soldiers came bacl
Boer war- The what?
WW1- soldiers highly regarded
WW2- same as WW1
Korean war- see boer war above.
Vietnam- well we all know the reception they got there
East Timor- not seen as real soldiers, got medals for basically doing nothing. Got told this by quite a few civilian friends and even an actual Vietnam vet once Anzac day, hence why I stopped doing anzac days the last 20 years
Iraq and Afghanistan early days- Soldiers back to Hero status again for the first time in 60 years, real thanks for your service stuff, here let me give you my plane seat and marry my daughter type thing
Iraq and Afghanistan later days- Heros but ....Heros with mental illness, the public now believes all soldiers are PTSD sufferers when its only about 15% but try to convince someone/lady friend/employer you arent part of the 15% , fkn good luck with that.
Im not bitter, its more of a laugh. i will say it makes me uncomfortable the fashion of people thinking soldiers for their service. One thing is that was an American borne saying and its a little claptrappy and queazy to hear aussies say it, but I thank them back. One thing I do always say is "Remember you said that, in 10 years you might be throwing rocks at soldiers"