by Warrigul » 08 Jan 2014, 6:47 pm
A young cop, fresh from the big smoke, equipped with a warrant goes to inspect a farm after a tipoff about a dope crop.
He rolls up at high speed and brakes, a cloud of dust rolling across the farmyard.
The old farmer casually strolls out and says "gidday".
All hyped up and ready to solve the worlds problems the cops goes" I have a search warrant and I will be searching your property"
Farmer: "Righto young fella but under no circumstances should you go...."
Cop: "Now look here, I am a police officer, I have a search warrant, you see this badge(shows badge) this allows me to go where ever I like on your property and you will respect this badge and do what I say"
Farmer: "Yes but down....."
Cop: "look what do you not understand about this badge? It allows me to go where I like and look at whatever I like, without interference from anyone DO YOU UNDER STAND?"
Farmer: "well okay when you put it like that go right ahead"
So after a couple of hours poking and prodding and really finding nothing more exciting than a leaking drum of sheep dip, the cop decides to check out a bit of bush down the back, the farmer goes to say something and the cop just holds up the badge and keeps walking.
He jumps the fence and strolls across the paddock, next thing you know he is running full tilt and screaming at the top of his lungs as the toey bull charges, HEEEEELP, HEEEELLLPPP MEEEEEEE, the farmer runs to the fence cups his hands and shouts: "SHOW HIM THE BADGE, SHOW HIM THE BADGE"
For what it is worth I think 95% of cops are decent and the remaining 5% would be better off doing something else, just like 95% of electricians are normal and the remaining 5% are sooky princesses.