I just located a new rifle in QLD that I haven't been able to source from any dealers in WA. The QLD dealer has informed me that to get the rifle to WA he has to send it to another dealer (unidentified) in Brisbane who will then arrange for it to be shipped to Perth Arms & Armour (PA&A) located in the Perth Metro area.
I understand, based on info at this link, that PA&A then bill me for the shipping cost from Brisbane
The cost of getting the gun to Brisbane will be $40 and, In addition to the QLD to WA freight charge, I assume a QLD dealer will charge some sort of handling fee as will PA&A. Then there is the cost of getting the thing from PA&A to my dealer in regional WA, if that's permitted. If not, then I will need to travel to Perth to get the serviceability certificate (unless PA&A will post/email it to me) and then again to collect the gun once (if) WAPOL approve the application.
As I see it I'm up for the following costs:
1. Purchase price of the rifle
2. Shipping from regional QLD to Brisbane
3. Handling fee charged by the shipping dealer
4. Freight charge Brisbane to Perth
5. Handling/storage fee by PA&A
6. Shipping cost from Perth to my dealer, if allowed
7. My dealer's fees
8. If 6 doesn't apply, my costs for travel to Perth at least once to collect the gun, assuming PA&A will post out or email the serviceability certificate.
9. The WAPOL charge for adding the gun to my licence - $221
I'm currently waiting to hear from PA&A regarding the likely cost of getting the gun here and whatever arrangements/costs apply after that.