Vince24 wrote:To me the main feedback is that the firearm limit, if there is to be one, should be modulated acccording to the dangerosity of the firearms - should they be stolen.
E.g. long collectible firearms should have no limits, 1 shot competition firearms should have no limit at all (nonody is going to commit crimes with a KK300), while we could indeed imagine a limit for modern handguns in popular powerful calibres.
It’s the “should they be stolen” reasoning that bothers me the most. Not from you Vince, but from the government.
It becomes a pre-emptive punishment on the victim of a crime, being theft.
What people own shouldn’t be decided by the risk of theft. And the victim of the theft shouldn’t be held accountable.
No one should have to live their lives like that. That’s why we have laws that make theft a crime. Only the thief should face punishment.
But this goes even further I think because it’s a wide scale assumption that all licensed firearm owners in the state are by default in some degree culpable of theft. Assigning the blame to them before any crime has been committed.
It’s this messed up ideology that these new laws are based on and I think it’s morally wrong. It’s no different than blaming the victim of a rape just for being there.
You are not responsible for a crime committed against you period.
And it goes beyond morality because it defines the society we all live in. A society where bad people hold influence over good people’s lives.
It’s the mistake that was made in 96 when we allowed a psychopath to become possibly the most influential individual in our modern history. We allowed him governance of our future. It was not his right to wield such power.
And we should never live our lives in fear of what may happen just because bad people exist. We should to the contrary live our lives without affording them any power over us. Without any fear of what they may do to us. Because in fearing them they hold power over us and dictate how we should go about our lives.
This legislation gives criminals power over our lives. And it is real power, well beyond any that any elected government holds in its limited term. It it eternally binding. It is effectively constituted. Power they will hold over your children and your children’s children.
And long after martin is dead he will still have this immortality . It was a mistake to grant him this. This legislation is an offshoot of that and it’s poison. It will grow like a cancer and spread to all other forms of legislation.
And we become a society of cowards. A society of victims. And in this case victims of crimes that have yet to manifest.
It is not strong and brave . It is weakness.
Dictated by a weak leader with a weak mind. And we don’t want this because we don’t want to be a weak people raising our children to be cowards.
John Howard chose to be a coward. It’s not the official narrative. But in our hearts we all know it. We will remember Paul Papalia the same. Perhaps we should mail him a vest.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned