Brumby cull cock-ups

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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by Lazarus » 27 Dec 2023, 10:35 am

I'm not a member so this is just a guess, but perhaps members get personal liability cover, that would not cover a land owner's business ventures
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by animalpest » 07 Jan 2024, 8:50 pm

Lots of armchair experts here on shooting horses (or anything) from helicopters.
Yes, it is difficult and both the driver (pilot) and the shooter need to be competent, as well as have a understanding between them working as a team.
Some government agencies have used what they get in a tender for ammo, such as 150gr PSP which is not the best choice.
Often the horse is down, chest (or heart) shot but is still moving. Even if it is just nerves, you keep shooting until it doesn't. You don't count shots when doing it, you just make sure everyone you shoot is absolutely dead!
Head shooting horses is very difficult, especially in timber. The horse will swing its head from side to side and is difficult to hit. In open country, they just run flat out so its a bit easier, but heart shots are better.and get more consistent results.
A .308 with the right ammo has enough penetration to do the job when aerial culling.
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by Blr243 » 07 Jan 2024, 11:15 pm

I tend to agree , much better for a tourist to find a dead horse full of holes than a live one hobbling along with its rear hooves treading on its intestines… a horse full of holes shows the desire of the shooter to make sure nothing is left to suffer …. I have always thought that when aerial culling occurs and a mob of pigs or horses is running as a pack or in a long line , start at the rear and shoot the stranglers and work your way forward . ( the horses in front won’t even see the ones behind dropping ). Shooting at the leading and most likely dominant horse is likely to cause chaos and make animals break apart and start running off in all sorts of directions making it harder for the shooter and pilot. I have always thought that as the shooter is working his way thru the mob, as each horse drops the shooter instantly moves onto the next target. This is where I have always doubted the ethics of the process and I suspect some wounded horses are not followed up. So if I see an article where dead horses full of holes are found I’m more comfortable that the team took the time to make sure no horses were left to suffer .
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by animalpest » 12 Jan 2024, 4:10 pm

Blr243 wrote:I tend to agree , much better for a tourist to find a dead horse full of holes than a live one hobbling along with its rear hooves treading on its intestines… a horse full of holes shows the desire of the shooter to make sure nothing is left to suffer …. I have always thought that when aerial culling occurs and a mob of pigs or horses is running as a pack or in a long line , start at the rear and shoot the stranglers and work your way forward . ( the horses in front won’t even see the ones behind dropping ). Shooting at the leading and most likely dominant horse is likely to cause chaos and make animals break apart and start running off in all sorts of directions making it harder for the shooter and pilot. I have always thought that as the shooter is working his way thru the mob, as each horse drops the shooter instantly moves onto the next target. This is where I have always doubted the ethics of the process and I suspect some wounded horses are not followed up. So if I see an article where dead horses full of holes are found I’m more comfortable that the team took the time to make sure no horses were left to suffer .

Yup, that pretty well sums up the process
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by animalpest » 12 Jan 2024, 4:49 pm

And that is a head over heels shot
Snapshot 2 (26-11-2013 11-29 AM) horse.png
Snapshot 2 (26-11-2013 11-29 AM) horse.png (183.27 KiB) Viewed 1622 times
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Jan 2024, 8:51 am

Another Sporting Shooters report.

And they used:

"The shooters use semi-automatic rifles fitted with red-dot sights, and fire lead-free Sako 150gn Powerhead Blade ammunition." ... ead%20More
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Jan 2024, 9:04 am

IMG_20240126_100232.jpg (82.18 KiB) Viewed 1488 times

IMG_20240126_100018.jpg (34.03 KiB) Viewed 1488 times
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by bladeracer » 26 Jan 2024, 11:28 am

I was in my local last week and a bloke was grabbing a box of those in .30-06 for testing, a mate of his had tried them and found them amazing.

Oldbloke wrote:

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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by gunderson » 28 Jan 2024, 9:24 pm

end of the day it doesn't matter what they use if the shot placement is terrible, I remember years ago being on a shoot with APB people and I was less than impressed, that was on desert horses not in the mountains, I imagine its even more difficult in the mountains.
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by animalpest » 08 Feb 2024, 4:49 pm

gunderson wrote:end of the day it doesn't matter what they use if the shot placement is terrible, I remember years ago being on a shoot with APB people and I was less than impressed, that was on desert horses not in the mountains, I imagine its even more difficult in the mountains.

So to be there you must have been either a shooter, a pilot or ground (support) crew?
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by gunderson » 08 Feb 2024, 8:13 pm

animalpest wrote:
gunderson wrote:end of the day it doesn't matter what they use if the shot placement is terrible, I remember years ago being on a shoot with APB people and I was less than impressed, that was on desert horses not in the mountains, I imagine its even more difficult in the mountains.

So to be there you must have been either a shooter, a pilot or ground (support) crew?

Shooter in my younger days mate, ground later on..... Nowadays, screw the desert and sunburn.

Few other times I was merely there at the behest of the Lease holder dealing with wounded animals left strewn about.
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by animalpest » 08 Feb 2024, 8:44 pm

So were you doing the aerial shooting there, or ground mopping up on that shoot?
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Re: Brumby cull cock-ups

Post by gunderson » 08 Feb 2024, 8:52 pm

animalpest wrote:So were you doing the aerial shooting there, or ground mopping up on that shoot?

Now a gentlemanly point of order before this derails,
I will say in my first couple posts on this forum I mentioned I have been a long time reader of this forum. As such I have seen you post a fair bit, so as to avoid an argument, which is pointless, because you are just internet stranger #17650.... you are just going to have to leave your curiosity at the gate on this one, I am not into Doxing myself or others online, and will not be asked to do so.. Given I have observed your penchant for probing in these matters, which I understand as you are probably covering your vested interests in the practices, I am not a scratching post for you.

I mean absolutely no disrespect, but it is evident that you have seated yourself as some kind of authority on these matters. Given you are just a random on the internet I will both take your word for it, and not care at the same time.

Now to answer your question, I have aerial shot before and mopped up on the ground.

Hope that helps
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