Lead Free Bullets Study.

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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jan 2024, 2:36 am

Fionn wrote:
Lazarus wrote:Come on sweetheart, surely you can do better than that, you remember, or maybe you contradict yourself so often you just can't recall which time I'm talking about.
And look, pounced on that like a pussycat just as I predicted.
You're not only a nasty girl, you're tediously predictable.

Once agin, fionns trolling has led another thread into acrimony, perhaps we should consider Tomotron's previous suggestion.

I know you will find this hard to believe and it's very common for people like you to be this way, but people can't read your mind so they have no idea about what little fantasy's you are confusing with reality.

Also I have nothing against you being a homosexual, but I am straight and not sexually attracted to men, so "sweetheart" won't work with me.

Wait, what?

So, you're actually a bloke?
Who acts like a menopausal woman?
And you're not gay?

Well, there's one for the books.

The world is an amazing place, filled with strange and mysterious creatures.

My apologies for mis-gendering you, but if it walks like a duck.........
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by on_one_wheel » 26 Jan 2024, 8:32 am

Lazarus, your only stroking it's ego and giving it the validity it's so desperately seeking by replying to its pointless dribble.

Best we can do is simply ignore it and hope it's gene pool is spat out, left unfertilised or modified through further evolution to become a lifeform worthy of decent conversation.

Alternatively, you could simply tap on its user name and select "ignore" and its posts will instantly become bearable, just like this
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by gunderson » 28 Jan 2024, 9:26 pm

Personally if I am shooting something to eat it, Its headshots only, I ain't dealing with a chest cavity full of contamination from burst organs and a heap of meat being spoilt.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Border_Bloke » 16 Feb 2024, 1:06 pm

There was a bloke I knew in the late 70's / early 80's in the shotgun club who got lead poisoning, but this was more to do with him casting lead and breathing the fumes.I've been soldering as part of my job & hobby for the last 35 years but I'm careful not to breathe the fumes.
Waterfowl do get lead poisoning because of the way they eat, if the swamp is full of lead pellets then they'll ingest it.
I'm fine with eating meat shot with lead - most of the time you cut that bit out, and who has never spat out a shotgun pellet missed in a duck or rabbit?
I'd have to question how many eagles are actually dying of lead poisoning.because of hunters, it can't be many.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Jul 2024, 6:47 pm

Well, the push is on.
I got a survey to complete from SSAA today about this very subject.

Just last week purchased enough bullets intended to use deer hunting to last me out. Lead and copper. :wtf:
They want to introduce in in abt 3-4 years
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Jul 2024, 6:58 pm

You can provide feed back here on numerous proposed changes to the game regulations.

https://engage.vic.gov.au/proposed-wild ... -statement
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by on_one_wheel » 10 Jul 2024, 8:04 pm

Great ... more "proposed " changes

I reckon they've already made their minds up and are simply ticking the public consultation box.

Do you support the banning of lead and other toxic ammunition (shot and projectiles) for Stubble Quail, non-indigenous game birds and deer hunting, in line with bans already in place for game duck hunting? Please explain why Required

Please explain why.
There is no substitute for the ballistic performance that lead offers.
Lead projectiles are safer as they break up upon impact minimising the chance of a projectile to ricochet at its full weight, the smaller lead particles and fragments dissipate their energy much faster. This same effect increases leads ability to give cleaner faster kills as compared to solid copper projectiles that can pass straight through tissue dissipating very little of the available energy, leaving a small wound canal and potentially travelling far beyond the target.

Do you think that there should be any exemptions for the use of lead shot for specific gauges, calibres or types of shotguns (e.g., Damascus barrels, muzzle loaders)? Required

If so, what should be exempted and why?

Many Muzzleloader rifles do not have the same strength as modern firearm barrels, using anything other than lead can be extremely dangerous as the projectile is not capable of easily conforming to the contours of the rifling upon firing.
The basic operation of most muzzleloader rifles relies on lead compressing to engage properly with the rifling to provide a good gas seal and induce adequate rotation of the projectile to enhance flight stability thus improving accuracy.
Most antique shotguns are not suitable or safe to use with steel shot.

Will the proposed commencement dates of the banning of lead shot and projectiles (31 December 2027 for deer hunting and from September 2024 for Stubble Quail hunting ahead of the 2025 Stubble Quail hunting season) allow sufficient time for this proposal to be implemented? If not, what is an appropriate timeframe?
I do not support the banning of lead projectiles for hunting however I do support the phase-out of lead shot in modern shotguns, the time frames are too short as many hunters have many more years supply of hunting ammunition.
10 years grace or a buyback at full replacement cost is fair and reasonable.

Specified hunting areas and specified times
Do you support a later start time of 8.00am on the first five days of duck season for hunters and 11:00 am for non-hunters? Required



Please explain why.
Firstly it's discriminative. Why should one group have better opportunities than the other?
Secondly, early morning is sometimes the ideal time to hunt, also many people enjoy getting out early.
Having a growing number of hunters hunting within a narrow time window will mean more people trying to hunt all at the same time creating a more hazardous, more crowded hunting environment.
It would make more sense to extended hunting hours to decrease the number of shooters operating at any one time.

Improving the management of illegal deer spotlighting
Do you support increasing the number of recognised deer habitats to include West Wimmera Shire and Moyne Shire in order to better address illegal spotlighting? Required



Please explain why.
People who operate illegally do not care for laws or rules, they will continue to do whatever they please.
Having rules that make the destruction of pest species more restrictive makes no sense. Hunters should be encouraged to shoot more deer by removing unnecessary and senseless restrictions.

Excluding deer hunting in areas where it is inappropriate
Do you support retaining the current prohibited deer hunting areas? If not, what areas should be included or excluded? Required
The entire state should be open for deer hunting to reduce the economic costs to farmers caused by grazing competition, infrastructure damage, dease spreading and environmental damage caused by feral pests such as deer.

Red-tape reductions
Do you support the removal of requirements to take Hog Deer to a checking station, to be replaced with a new ‘harvest return’ which can be completed online? Please explain why
There should be no red tape when it comes to reducing feral pest species,

Do you support giving the GMA the power to request a registered hound be presented for inspection within 28 days and a power to cancel or suspend the registration of a hound for failure to comply? Please explain why.
The GMA already has much more power than is necessary, its simply a money sponging organisation that has no real purpose other than creating cushy jobs for a small purple circle of government bureaucrats who like to feel important.

Do you support allowing the use of hand-held thermal imaging devices during the day for the hunting of deer? If not, why?

Anything that makes hunting safer and more effective is a good thing.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Jul 2024, 8:38 pm

Well done
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by on_one_wheel » 10 Jul 2024, 9:02 pm

I'm just sick to death of the ever increasing restrictions, bureaucracy and demands imposed on everyone in all areas of our lives, its beyond a joke.

As for hunting, fishing and gathering, it should be our God given right, un restricted for personal consumption and FREE.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Jul 2024, 9:43 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:I'm just sick to death of the ever increasing restrictions, bureaucracy and demands imposed on everyone in all areas of our lives, its beyond a joke.

As for hunting, fishing and gathering, it should be our God given right, un restricted for personal consumption and FREE.

I fundamentally agree. But we still need a few rules. Otherwise some would be netting creeks and rivers, and spotlighting everything. Then there will ne nothing left.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Noisydad » 11 Jul 2024, 10:53 am

You more likely to be harmed by eye cancer from reading reports like these than by lead fragments.
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 11 Jul 2024, 3:21 pm

Noisydad wrote:You more likely to be harmed by eye cancer from reading reports like these than by lead fragments.

Spot on. It's all total BS.
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Re: Lead Free Bullets Study.

Post by Oldbloke » 11 Jul 2024, 5:37 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Great ... more "proposed " changes

I reckon they've already made their minds up and are simply ticking the public consultation box.

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