Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by bigfellascott » 23 Jun 2014, 5:22 pm

WesleySnipes wrote:I honestly think that even when private ownership of firearms is completely outlawed and 20 years later down the track gun crime is still through the roof and increasing at a healthy rate these idiots still probably wouldn't even get it. Nothing that specifically legislates law abiding citizens and makes it tougher on the good guys will make a difference to the underlying issues causing gun crime. In fact all it seems to do is make more and more innocent people defenceless against the criminal element in our society.

Is this not common sense though? Or am I missing the point...

Spot on WS - these SHEEPLE are so thick they will never get it ever.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by bigfellascott » 23 Jun 2014, 5:27 pm

MeccaOz wrote:
gazza wrote:Charge anyone found with a stolen, unregistered firearm with attempted murder.

Why ???? Nearly every rifle Ive met has never harmed a human being in it's life. How about we charge people who have actually attempted murder with attempted murder. A license is paperwork .. A white color crime at best.

Yep that is what I reckon too, how the hell do you change someone with something they haven't done (scratches head). Charge em with the theft or illegal possession etc but charging em with murder isn't going to fly in my books.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by 1290 » 23 Jun 2014, 6:02 pm

gazza wrote:Charge anyone found with a stolen, unregistered firearm with attempted murder.

Someones either taking the pi$$ or has been on the pi$$ a bit early today....

as far as 20yrs time... Im not going to stand idely by and allow those mofos to take our society to that extent whereby guns are outlawed and the associated police state is cast upon us....

but just for discussions sake imagine a society with no 'legal' guns... I'm quite sure that gun crime will not 'disappear' and all thos involved in banning guns will be scrathing their collective heads and wondering how possibly their could be ANY gun crime.... "we outlaw guns years ago!!"
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by headspace » 23 Jun 2014, 6:22 pm

I guess it must have been a slow news day down in Tassie, but that reporter does look a little like he's fit right in with a Greens Party committee meeting. Designer stubble and all. I reckon 1290 has a pretty good case and stated it well. I do believe though that making a gun related crime a minimum (long) sentence would be a step in the right direction. Zero tolerance for gun crime including stealing them.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by WesleySnipes » 23 Jun 2014, 6:22 pm

1290 wrote:
gazza wrote:Charge anyone found with a stolen, unregistered firearm with attempted murder.

Someones either taking the pi$$ or has been on the pi$$ a bit early today....

as far as 20yrs time... Im not going to stand idely by and allow those mofos to take our society to that extent whereby guns are outlawed and the associated police state is cast upon us....

but just for discussions sake imagine a society with no 'legal' guns... I'm quite sure that gun crime will not 'disappear' and all thos involved in banning guns will be scrathing their collective heads and wondering how possibly their could be ANY gun crime.... "we outlaw guns years ago!!"

And neither will I. History is cyclical, especially if the majority of people are dumb enough and allow it to happen again.

And that's exactly my thoughts, when all private ownership is gone and crime is through the roof and innocent people are getting hurt everyday they won't have a whole lot to say then.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by MeccaOz » 23 Jun 2014, 6:36 pm

The Brits are doing that now ... They want them back, they realised what a crock it was and I bet their government is really going to say, yeah sure, have them back :)
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by 1290 » 23 Jun 2014, 6:45 pm

Honestly, I think there is only one circumstance where the shooters/firearm owner will gain the respect they deserve in a balanced/intelligent society, and thats at time of war.

Should we ever be threatened by war and invasion of our shores again (& I hope it doesnt) at that time many people WILL change their tune....instead of castigating the shooters, their skills appreciated and as occurred a century ago the farmers will be sought out again... "oh sorry, you took our guns away years ago... but I'm good at XBox, does that count??"
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by WesleySnipes » 23 Jun 2014, 7:23 pm

1290 wrote:Honestly, I think there is only one circumstance where the shooters/firearm owner will gain the respect they deserve in a balanced/intelligent society, and thats at time of war.

Should we ever be threatened by war and invasion of our shores again (& I hope it doesnt) at that time many people WILL change their tune....instead of castigating the shooters, their skills appreciated and as occurred a century ago the farmers will be sought out again... "oh sorry, you took our guns away years ago... but I'm good at XBox, does that count??"

That's exactly right. It'll be funny when all the guns are taken and absolute oppression sets in (hoping it doesn't), and they'll want something to protect themselves, or perhaps even someone else to do it for them, and no one will be there. I bet if you told a German in the 1930's that an insane mass murderer was going to be ELECTED by the people and then be responsible for an estimated 80 million deaths during the course WW2, they'd laugh at you and send you to the local mad house.

Unfortunately my generation is caught up with the latest copy of Call of Duty rather than actual life. A bit of a generalisation but you get the point.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by gazza » 23 Jun 2014, 8:56 pm

I'm saying make these people who steal our guns more accountable. My dad got his guns stolen years ago, uninsured. If you want a gun for sport you go and buy one. If you steal guns or buy stolen guns you are a scumbag crook and should be dealt with harshly. What do you want a stolen gun for? Plinking in the woods?
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by Warrigul » 24 Jun 2014, 6:40 pm

gazza wrote:I'm saying make these people who steal our guns more accountable. My dad got his guns stolen years ago, uninsured. If you want a gun for sport you go and buy one. If you steal guns or buy stolen guns you are a scumbag crook and should be dealt with harshly. What do you want a stolen gun for? Plinking in the woods?

Aside from those sold to the "criminal class for nefarious purposes"I suspect there is also a huge sub culture of people simply having one for the sake of it or to pot a few rabbits without going to all the bother of getting a licence.

If every single firearm that was stolen was used in a crime we would have an epidemic.
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by subatom » 24 Jun 2014, 7:56 pm

gazza wrote:What do you want a stolen gun for? Plinking in the woods?

Did you read that thing a week ago about the drug dealer in the states? Shot 2 junkies and used 'self defence' as his legal defence.

Protection against the people you're fuelling with drugs is a legit reason apparently...
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by on_one_wheel » 25 Jun 2014, 7:39 am

Regarding potential changes to storage requirements...

It would be nice to know what is going to change if anything in regards to gun security, I'm about to buy a new safe but don't want to end up using it as a cupboard if it doesn't suit the requirements in a year or two.

Im going to buy a Spika SFABH or a slightly larger SFB1 Like these ones

Surely they will be fine for years to come ?
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Re: Storage requirements AGAIN in the news

Post by flap » 27 Jun 2014, 9:40 am

Something like the SFABH I reckon will always be ok, it's well above the "minimum" in a lot of ways. Multiple locking points, 150kg, bolt holes, fire resistant...

More than a few pegs above your normal gun locker. That's where they'll make changes if any.

I can see them changing something like forcing safes to be bolted down regardless of weight, like in WA. But above that I don't see much changing.

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