What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do..........

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Daddybang » 11 Aug 2018, 7:16 am

Ziad wrote:That's what I meant daddy.... probably you didn't read my full post.

If a kid knows he can get away with murder..he will. If these kids knew if they run riot that they will end up in a divvy van be locked up without pizza and movie nights. Thei might think twice

Yeah ziad I read all ya post :thumbsup:
But blaming the police and judiciary is pointless as they can only operate as directed.
Does the name Dylan Voller ring any bells?
The little wankstain was a habitual crim that was known to spit and bite corrections staff.
What happened when they tried to punish him???
Then look at what's going on in child corrections facilities around the nation :x
If blame is gonna be apportioned then give it to the oxygen thieving criminal kids and the bleeding hearts that won't let the police etc punish them. :drinks:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigfellascott » 11 Aug 2018, 8:13 am

bigrich wrote:
bigfellascott wrote:All the diff Govt's we've had over the years are to blame for the BS we see happening today, gradually but surely discipline and respect have been whittled down to the wafer-thin example of it we have today, there is no respect for authority, today its about look at me look at me aren't I pretty and special.

Just have a look at the trash passed off as "Reality" TV - it's so far removed from reality it's a bloody joke calling it Reality. The judicial system is a joke, there's no discipline in schools like there used to be, it's all just feel good bulls**t these days where no one should ever feel sad, have a look at some of the sports today the young ones play, everyone gets a trophy even if you come last.

Another weird and wonderful thing is this non binary BS - that crap will only ever get worse and lead to nothing but trouble down the track.

ya nailed it BFS :thumbsup: now all we gotta do is convince the average " I phone " addicted muppet out there to vote for a worthwhile independant/party next election to send the only message pollies understand . voting polls. me personally , i go with the conservative liberalls , auntie pauline or the Kat in the hat , bob katter. none of them are perfect i know, but on a lot of issues they represent me better than soft c#ck labor Bill, or rich uncle Mal. unless anyone thinks i should vote for sarah hanson-young :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:

Too right BR, people need to start looking outside the box so to speak and stop voting either Lib or Lab, sadly the media have an agenda and that is to control the vote for Lab or Lib which suits their agenda nicely.

I reckon what people really need to do is switch the idiot box off and stop buying newpapers etc, that way they will end the brainwashing that's been happening for many many years now, me I don't watch the news, I couldn't give two f***s what's happening with politics, bulls**t around the world etc etc, when and if any government decides to run the place right I might start listening again and show some interest but to me at the moment it's all just lies and bulls**t and I ain't interested in listening to any of that crap at all.

Hopefully one day soon we will get a real leader that can actually get things done in this place without all the BS that's involved now, the money wasted in this country is staggering, just mind blowing what we could have if these ****** just got on with the job and stopped listening to all these homo minority groups pushing all their agendas which in the end stop any progress. :drinks:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 11 Aug 2018, 9:11 am

Lol not that I would suggest vote the greenies... she kis a decent looking woman though.

But as I said before, doing a donkey vote or even liberals is better than voting Hanson. Apart from cool words and statements and force is the flavor of the month... if you look closely she doesn't stand for anything of value. Fk she can't even manage her own party and her MP and senators how do you expect her to manage the affairs of the country..... PLEASE EXPLAIN

I honestly am unsure who I will vote 4 in the upcoming vic election, always voted liberals or nationals
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gaznazdiak » 11 Aug 2018, 9:59 am

This trend started years ago with parents not allowed to smack their own kids in their own home.
Then they get to school with the attitude that they can act how they like with no respect, teachers were no longer allowed to discipline disruptive students and others follow the example by joining in.
This bred a generation who grew up knowing there were SFA consequences for their misdeeds.
Combined with magistrates giving repeated bail to offenders already on bail when reoffending, leads to things like the episode below.

The gutless maggot who attacked a random stranger for no reason was on bail for other violent offences, and guess what, was given bail for this as well.

Fortunately he was stupid enough to do it wearing clothes that advertised his own business.

My sister, who is a Faceplant user, said that once he was identified the good old vigilante spirit took over and he is getting some justice outside the system.

This report was published before the c*nts in question were identified.
https://www.theage.com.au/national/vict ... 4zubm.html

As to voting for minority parties in the hope of getting something done, it's a waste of time.
The system is rigged by the majors.
These minor parties have done preference deals with the majors well before the first vote is cast.

The only way for them to get the message is if we start a campaign of either voting for "None Of The Above" or just not turning up at the polls at all.

A couple of million people saying they don't want to choose between eating dogsh!t or catsh!t might actually get their attention for once.
Last edited by Gaznazdiak on 11 Aug 2018, 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Daddybang » 11 Aug 2018, 10:08 am

Ziad wrote:Lol not that I would suggest vote the greenies... she kis a decent looking woman though.

Great looking woman........ If ya tastes run toward the Rabid Psychopath look,!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :drinks:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigfellascott » 11 Aug 2018, 11:24 am

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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 11 Aug 2018, 2:25 pm

Well ok that was maybe 10 years ago... but still compared to the rest of the polies.

As they say, in the land of the blind, the one eyed is the king

Not that I give my vote based on looks,
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 12 Aug 2018, 8:56 am

If you want someone to blame for an apparent rise in youth crime, you should look fairly a nd squarely at the parents. Black, white, purple or polka dotted; it is the parent who are responsible for teaching kids to be decent people. Not the govt. Not police. Not prisons. By the time these authorities get involved, it is usually too late.

Never the less. This is all a beat up. Real world crime stats are steadily decreasing and have been for decades. Yes, there are blips that rise but the tend is steadily downward. Also, 'white australian' kids are by far the greatest perpetrators of youth crime. Even though the percentage of population is steadily decreasing, the percentage of youth crime stays the same. Contrary to claims above, these little s**ts also just get a slap on thhe wrist and a tissue for their negligent upbringings.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Stix » 12 Aug 2018, 9:19 am

Gwion wrote:If you want someone to blame for an apparent rise in youth crime, you should look fairly a nd squarely at the parents. Black, white, purple or polka dotted; it is the parent who are responsible for teaching kids to be decent people. Not the govt. Not police. Not prisons. By the time these authorities get involved, it is usually too late.

Never the less. This is all a beat up. Real world crime stats are steadily decreasing and have been for decades. Yes, there are blips that rise but the tend is steadily downward. Also, 'white australian' kids are by far the greatest perpetrators of youth crime. Even though the percentage of population is steadily decreasing, the percentage of youth crime stays the same. Contrary to claims above, these little s**ts also just get a slap on thhe wrist and a tissue for their negligent upbringings.

Wow...this thread is still going.

You're spot on with your first paragraph gwion...BUT...the kids that do disresect society raised by parents with the same attitude will continue, all due to the fault of society as a whole not really giving a fuk about it.

I mean sure, you n i are concerned (& id like to think the bulk of the populis), but we dont do anything about it...!
The average person these days is just plain greedy, & are only concerned about their pay rates & things that directly affect them.
If everyone was genuinely concerned (& educated enough to know whats actually going on), there would be a civil uprising in this country & govt as we know it would cease.

And all of this starts at the top...& the top of this country is the Govt-so if the govt dont care enough to dish out tough consequences & let people get away with s**t, then it will continue to happen.

So it is my belief that it is OUR (society's) responsibility how our kids are raised--& that falls to the Governing power...
If the govt do not reflect the greater populations views, then from a simple persective, we are all a bunch of diks for allowing them to be remain there.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 12 Aug 2018, 9:28 am

I agree with most of the comments in the last dozen or so posts. Except Hanson young being desirable. :lol: if you’re registered to vote and ya don’t, you’re vote goes to the party in power by default. Remember last election when independent got 15% of the vote that rattled the majors cages. One nation and Katter or the shooters and fishing party getting your vote gives them bargaining power with their preferences as was once said “ evil men triumph when good men fail to act “. At this point, doing something is better than nothing :thumbsup:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 12 Aug 2018, 9:31 am

I feel better now. Gunna go do some hand loads for my new/old 222 chinwester toy and kill some paper this arvo. Cheers
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 12 Aug 2018, 9:56 am

Stix wrote:
Gwion wrote:If you want someone to blame for an apparent rise in youth crime, you should look fairly a nd squarely at the parents. Black, white, purple or polka dotted; it is the parent who are responsible for teaching kids to be decent people. Not the govt. Not police. Not prisons. By the time these authorities get involved, it is usually too late.

Never the less. This is all a beat up. Real world crime stats are steadily decreasing and have been for decades. Yes, there are blips that rise but the tend is steadily downward. Also, 'white australian' kids are by far the greatest perpetrators of youth crime. Even though the percentage of population is steadily decreasing, the percentage of youth crime stays the same. Contrary to claims above, these little s**ts also just get a slap on thhe wrist and a tissue for their negligent upbringings.

Wow...this thread is still going.

You're spot on with your first paragraph gwion...BUT...the kids that do disresect society raised by parents with the same attitude will continue, all due to the fault of society as a whole not really giving a fuk about it.

I mean sure, you n i are concerned (& id like to think the bulk of the populis), but we dont do anything about it...!
The average person these days is just plain greedy, & are only concerned about their pay rates & things that directly affect them.
If everyone was genuinely concerned (& educated enough to know whats actually going on), there would be a civil uprising in this country & govt as we know it would cease.

And all of this starts at the top...& the top of this country is the Govt-so if the govt dont care enough to dish out tough consequences & let people get away with s**t, then it will continue to happen.

So it is my belief that it is OUR (society's) responsibility how our kids are raised--& that falls to the Governing power...
If the govt do not reflect the greater populations views, then from a simple persective, we are all a bunch of diks for allowing them to be remain there.

I disagree. Most of the kids doing this s**t aren't raised by generational delinquents or criminals. They are raised by parants who don't believe in setting boundaries, instilling respect and who foster an entitled attitude. I know this through experience with my own family. One of my brothers set clear boundaries for his kids with consistent dicipline and what could be viewed as a more traditional approach. My othe bro and my sister both applied the latest open ended parenting techniques and would go off at me anytime i tried to set boundaries for their kid in my presence. Guess who are now well adjusted young adults and who is having trouble with drugs, crime and general inability to deal with life.

To be clear, we all had the same straight laced, traditional upbringing.

Sure. One family is not a comprehensive study but i think it is indicative of what is happening.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gaznazdiak » 12 Aug 2018, 11:21 am

Another couple of thoughts on minor party voting.

Most minor parties are one trick ponies.
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers primarily want to look after those in the title.

The Greens care about SFA but the environment and gender issues.

One Notion only care about stopping all immigration and pandering to the Blair Cottrell type knuckledraggers.

Bob Katter's mob are all over the place from one minute to the next.

Does anyone know what any of these know or care about other important issues like foreign affairs, trade, education, health, science etc etc etc?

Just imagine the horrendous hypothetical of one of them actually gaining control.

Can anyone say that Hanson-Young or god forbid Pauline would be PM material.

In my view the party system IS the problem.
Everyone, in every party, has no alternative but to toe the party line if they want to get on, and that's all any of the avaricious narcissists are there for, to get themselves money and power.

They tell us the fairy story that we have a representative democracy because we have the right to vote. More bullsh!t. We are legally obliged by their system to vote, regardless of whether we support any of them or not.
The incestuous backroom preferences peddling is not done for our benefit but for those looking to weld their snouts to the trough, making minor party voting a mockery.

These "people" have been pissing down our backs and telling us it's just raining for so long most people believe them.

The Roman poet Juvenal wrote
"'It is scarcely possible that the eyes of contemporaries should discover in the public felicity the latent causes of decay and corruption. This long peace, and the uniform government of the Romans, introduced a slow and secret poison into the vitals of the empire. The minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished, and even the military spirit evaporated.' Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things----Bread and Games!"

Basically meaning as long as the people have their bread and circuses they'll never revolt.

Now it's Maccas and Netflix. It worked 2000yrs ago and it's still working.

We need to dispose of the party system and have each politician beholden only to the voters who gave them their job, not each other.

So ends the sermon.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 12 Aug 2018, 12:40 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:Another couple of thoughts on minor party voting.

Most minor parties are one trick ponies.
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers primarily want to look after those in the title.

The Greens care about SFA but the environment and gender issues.

One Notion only care about stopping all immigration and pandering to the Blair Cottrell type knuckledraggers.

Bob Katter's mob are all over the place from one minute to the next.

Does anyone know what any of these know or care about other important issues like foreign affairs, trade, education, health, science etc etc etc?

Just imagine the horrendous hypothetical of one of them actually gaining control.

+1 , but ya not gunna make big changes overnight. so do what you CAN , and don't vote majors. sends a message that they REALLY need to lift their game . it's better to do something than nothing. katter and one nation are the only parties i've heard that publicly said they wanted to help firearm owners. commie lefty labor and greens want to make laws even tougher :o p.s i like the roman poet reference, very relevant to modern western society :drinks:
Can anyone say that Hanson-Young or god forbid Pauline would be PM material.

In my view the party system IS the problem.
Everyone, in every party, has no alternative but to toe the party line if they want to get on, and that's all any of the avaricious narcissists are there for, to get themselves money and power.

They tell us the fairy story that we have a representative democracy because we have the right to vote. More bullsh!t. We are legally obliged by their system to vote, regardless of whether we support any of them or not.
The incestuous backroom preferences peddling is not done for our benefit but for those looking to weld their snouts to the trough, making minor party voting a mockery.

These "people" have been pissing down our backs and telling us it's just raining for so long most people believe them.

The Roman poet Juvenal wrote
"'It is scarcely possible that the eyes of contemporaries should discover in the public felicity the latent causes of decay and corruption. This long peace, and the uniform government of the Romans, introduced a slow and secret poison into the vitals of the empire. The minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished, and even the military spirit evaporated.' Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things----Bread and Games!"

Basically meaning as long as the people have their bread and circuses they'll never revolt.

Now it's Maccas and Netflix. It worked 2000yrs ago and it's still working.

We need to dispose of the party system and have each politician beholden only to the voters who gave them their job, not each other.

So ends the sermon.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 12 Aug 2018, 1:30 pm

As for commie left labor & greens wanting to tighten gun laws; so do fascist right liberal/national... infact, it was a fascists who enacted the NFA... :unknown:
Last edited by Gwion on 12 Aug 2018, 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 12 Aug 2018, 2:48 pm

Considering number of firearm owner and legal firearms increasing... they might not be doing as well.

If it makes anyone happy.. just added one more gun this month and now my wife is applying for her license.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Aug 2018, 4:36 pm

IMO continuing to vote for the major parties, will only result in more of the same poor performance and crappy deal we are currently getting, I liken it to burning your hand then sticking it back into the fire, hoping for a different result, the best way to make a politician do what we want, is to threaten their seat, if more people voted for and supported the minor conservative parties like the SFFP and KAP, a clear message would be sent to the majors to lift their game.

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 12 Aug 2018, 6:22 pm

I'm interested to know what a conservative party is and what makes the SFF Party think that all Shooters, Fishers and Farmers are Conservatives???

Seems to me this country needs more moderate parties willing to work with all "sides" to effect positive change; not more parties pushing to perpetuate the left v right paradigm.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Aug 2018, 11:04 pm

Gwion wrote:I'm interested to know what a conservative party is and what makes the SFF Party think that all Shooters, Fishers and Farmers are Conservatives???

Seems to me this country needs more moderate parties willing to work with all "sides" to effect positive change; not more parties pushing to perpetuate the left v right paradigm.

We do not think all shooters, fishers and farmers are conservatives, this may be your interpretation, however we are a conservative based party as reflected in our views and principals, traditionally the majority of our supporter base is orientated to the right of politics, a fact we are not about to ignore, the policies actions and ideologies of labor and the greens are pretty much anti our aims and beliefs, in saying this many of the actions of the LNP are not something we support either.
Last edited by Member-Deleted on 12 Aug 2018, 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Aug 2018, 11:06 pm

Yes mate, agreed, the name is suggestive of that, however in reality we are more than happy to venture outside of the parameters of the name. :thumbsup:

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 13 Aug 2018, 6:35 am

Member-Deleted wrote:
Gwion wrote:I'm interested to know what a conservative party is and what makes the SFF Party think that all Shooters, Fishers and Farmers are Conservatives???

Seems to me this country needs more moderate parties willing to work with all "sides" to effect positive change; not more parties pushing to perpetuate the left v right paradigm.

We do not think all shooters, fishers and farmers are conservatives, this may be your interpretation, however we are a conservative based party as reflected in our views and principals, traditionally the majority of our supporter base is orientated to the right of politics, a fact we are not about to ignore, the policies actions and ideologies of labor and the greens are pretty much anti our aims and beliefs, in saying this many of the actions of the LNP are not something we support either.

People like to bash "the left" but it was "the right" that introduced the NFA.

You'd think that if 'the majority' of shooters, fishers and farmers were of a right wing bent, you would have far more support and more representatives in parliament. The fact is, your party has decided that the right wing owns these demographics and ignors the fact that these segments of society are just as diverse as any other. This is why your party will always just remain fringe agitators and never be politically effective.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 13 Aug 2018, 6:57 am

bigrich wrote:I agree with most of the comments in the last dozen or so posts. Except Hanson young being desirable. :lol: if you’re registered to vote and ya don’t, you’re vote goes to the party in power by default. Remember last election when independent got 15% of the vote that rattled the majors cages. One nation and Katter or the shooters and fishing party getting your vote gives them bargaining power with their preferences as was once said “ evil men triumph when good men fail to act “. At this point, doing something is better than nothing :thumbsup:

i still stand by this. regardless of your opinion of any of the minor parties, we are getting poor service from our political system. i have seen the independants hold up bills and bargain for a better deal for "US" in the senate. whatever happened to the average bloke ( or sheila ) 'aving a go ? people just rag on anyone who steps up these days. i remember when hanson first got into politics and got a lot of grass roots support, the liberal party was behind FALSE criminal accusations that saw her locked up and later cleared (causing her to be out of the election ) and false nude photo's in the media. they never found out who was in the photo's either. who was in charge of the slanderous under handed attack ? tony abbot ! this is fact. independants scare the majors into action. they keep them on their toes. the american two party system is a far worse example of politics as they stonewall each other into stale mate. independants , whether you like it or not are TRUE democracy as the ancient greek philosiphers imagined :thumbsup:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 13 Aug 2018, 7:08 am

bigrich wrote:
bigrich wrote:I agree with most of the comments in the last dozen or so posts. Except Hanson young being desirable. :lol: if you’re registered to vote and ya don’t, you’re vote goes to the party in power by default. Remember last election when independent got 15% of the vote that rattled the majors cages. One nation and Katter or the shooters and fishing party getting your vote gives them bargaining power with their preferences as was once said “ evil men triumph when good men fail to act “. At this point, doing something is better than nothing :thumbsup:

i still stand by this. regardless of your opinion of any of the minor parties, we are getting poor service from our political system. i have seen the independants hold up bills and bargain for a better deal for "US" in the senate. whatever happened to the average bloke ( or sheila ) 'aving a go ? people just rag on anyone who steps up these days. i remember when hanson first got into politics and got a lot of grass roots support, the liberal party was behind FALSE criminal accusations that saw her locked up and later cleared (causing her to be out of the election ) and false nude photo's in the media. they never found out who was in the photo's either. who was in charge of the slanderous under handed attack ? tony abbot ! this is fact. independants scare the majors into action. they keep them on their toes. the american two party system is a far worse example of politics as they stonewall each other into stale mate. independants , whether you like it or not are TRUE democracy as the ancient greek philosiphers imagined :thumbsup:

Spot on. If any real change is going to effected in this country, it will be by diverse group of people working together; not by one party or another pretending they know best. It is the flawed and out moded systeem that is to blame for the poor leadership this country faces as well as the population's laziness and apathy when it comes to adressing issues both large and small. Just choosing a party to follow will never truely represent the nation or achieve what's best for it.
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 13 Aug 2018, 8:08 am

That is a very interesting point gwion. Something that I didn't even click onto.

It was the right wing party with support of the left wing parties that NFA was impacted. But now that it is, it's the left wing that keep it there. Also I'd you look at America.. and look at australia... most of the vocal majority of shooters would identify themselves as right wing .....( maybe even far right wing I'd you look at trump support base)

In Australia I haven't heard the right wing of liberal ever mention guns
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Gwion » 13 Aug 2018, 10:13 am

No, it's not the left wing that are anti guns. It is broad across politics as it is seen as a way to 'be tough" on something.
The simple fact of the matter is that the RIGHT wing of Australian politics are the ones responsible for restricting our access to firearms. It is one of the first things that any totalitarian movement seeks to do: disarm the masses.

If you doubt that Australia's current (right wing) government seek to develop totalitarian power; take a good long look at the police state laws they have just enacted!
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Member-Deleted » 13 Aug 2018, 11:35 am

Gwion wrote:We do not think all shooters, fishers and farmers are conservatives, this may be your interpretation, however we are a conservative based party as reflected in our views and principals, traditionally the majority of our supporter base is orientated to the right of politics, a fact we are not about to ignore, the policies actions and ideologies of labor and the greens are pretty much anti our aims and beliefs, in saying this many of the actions of the LNP are not something we support either.

People like to bash "the left" but it was "the right" that introduced the NFA.

You'd think that if 'the majority' of shooters, fishers and farmers were of a right wing bent, you would have far more support and more representatives in parliament. The fact is, your party has decided that the right wing owns these demographics and ignors the fact that these segments of society are just as diverse as any other. This is why your party will always just remain fringe agitators and never be politically effective.[/quote]

You forgot to add, "in your opinion", if that is what you believe, that is up to you, but the reality is that statement is far from the mark, the SFFP, especially in QLD works for its constituents and in the process is far form complementary of the LNP, Labor and the greens, while we are by nature a conservative party, it does not mean we are going to pander to the LNP, while we prefer them and their policies to labor and the greens, we realise they are out to disarm licensed shooters as much as the other side, in fact we have been very critical of them in Queensland.

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by Member-Deleted » 13 Aug 2018, 11:54 am

Ziad wrote:That is a very interesting point gwion. Something that I didn't even click onto.

It was the right wing party with support of the left wing parties that NFA was impacted. But now that it is, it's the left wing that keep it there. Also I'd you look at America.. and look at australia... most of the vocal majority of shooters would identify themselves as right wing .....( maybe even far right wing I'd you look at trump support base)

In Australia I haven't heard the right wing of liberal ever mention guns

From what I have seen, more shooters and farmers would identify with the position of the right of politics than those of the left, as for fishers, who knows, the one sure thing is both major sides of politics want to disarm as many licensed shooters as they can, in Queensland the LNP crossed the floor twice last year to vote with labor against the interests of shooters and farmers on firearm bills.

The only thing I can say is, we are getting a raw deal from both major sides of politics, if people want to change this, they need to stop voting for the major parties, the best thing voters, especially shooters and farmers can do is, support the pro shooting and farming minor parties and put them ahead of the major parties when voting.

At least in Queensland the SFFP is talking to the KAP and ONP, we share many common objectives and are happy to work together to reduce the stranglehold duopoly of the major parties.

Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 13 Aug 2018, 1:51 pm

Gwion wrote:
bigrich wrote:
bigrich wrote:I agree with most of the comments in the last dozen or so posts. Except Hanson young being desirable. :lol: if you’re registered to vote and ya don’t, you’re vote goes to the party in power by default. Remember last election when independent got 15% of the vote that rattled the majors cages. One nation and Katter or the shooters and fishing party getting your vote gives them bargaining power with their preferences as was once said “ evil men triumph when good men fail to act “. At this point, doing something is better than nothing :thumbsup:

i still stand by this. regardless of your opinion of any of the minor parties, we are getting poor service from our political system. i have seen the independants hold up bills and bargain for a better deal for "US" in the senate. whatever happened to the average bloke ( or sheila ) 'aving a go ? people just rag on anyone who steps up these days. i remember when hanson first got into politics and got a lot of grass roots support, the liberal party was behind FALSE criminal accusations that saw her locked up and later cleared (causing her to be out of the election ) and false nude photo's in the media. they never found out who was in the photo's either. who was in charge of the slanderous under handed attack ? tony abbot ! this is fact. independants scare the majors into action. they keep them on their toes. the american two party system is a far worse example of politics as they stonewall each other into stale mate. independants , whether you like it or not are TRUE democracy as the ancient greek philosiphers imagined :thumbsup:

Spot on. If any real change is going to effected in this country, it will be by diverse group of people working together; not by one party or another pretending they know best. It is the flawed and out moded systeem that is to blame for the poor leadership this country faces as well as the population's laziness and apathy when it comes to adressing issues both large and small. Just choosing a party to follow will never truely represent the nation or achieve what's best for it.

+1000 :thumbsup:
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigfellascott » 14 Aug 2018, 7:28 pm

there have been HEAPS of hand grenades thrown in sweden (they come via the balkans)

for example:

26 January, Malmö, a hand grenade was thrown into the window of a family's home in Seved. Thought to have been thrown by the assailants into a mistaken apartment, the family of three were said by police to have likely survived only because the father managed to close the bedroom door in time.[14]
15 April, Malmö, a grenade exploded outside a restaurant in Adelgatan.[14]
6 May, Malmö, one man was severely injured after a grenade was thrown into his apartment on Estlandsgatan. The grenade was thought by police to have been thrown into a mistaken apartment by the assailants.[14]
19 May, Malmö, a grenade exploded in Seved damaging eight cars and several buildings.[14]

7 February, Sollentuna, a grenade exploded in the stairwell of an apartment block in Edsberg.[26]
23 April, Malmö, a restaurant was damaged after a hand grenade exploded in Adelgatan.[27]
21 May, Uppsala, two hand grenades exploded after being thrown into the nightclub Birger Jarl.[28][29]
12 June, Malmö, two passers-by were injured when a grenade exploded in Rasmusgatan in Seved.[30][31]
16 June, Malmö, an explosion occurred in Almgården near Rosengård.[31]
20 June, Malmö, two live grenades were thrown at an apartment building in Kroksbäck, but failed to detonate. 60 people were evacuated.[31][32]
13 July, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded outside a family residence in Augustenborg.[30][31]
15 July, Malmö, a grenade exploded near a residence in Arlöv.[30]
17 July, Malmö, three cars were damaged after an explosion in Branteviksgatan.[15]
21 July, Malmö, one man was injured after a grenade exploded outside a community hall on Norra Grängesbergsgatan.[30][31]
23 July, Malmö, a grenade exploded under a car in Limhamn, damaging nearby cars and buildings.[30]
24 July, Malmö, a grenade exploded at a social office and damaged nearby cars.[30][33]
26 July, Malmö, a grenade exploded at a parking lot in Värnhem, damaging ten cars and shattering several house windows.[30][34][35]
5 August, Trelleborg, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown into a social office.[30][36]
9 August, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded in a residential area in Möllevången, with thirty windows shattered in the blast.[30][37]
20 August, Botkyrka, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown at a police van with four police officers inside in Tumba.[3][38]
11 September, Borås, a hand grenade exploded in a residential area in Hässleholmen, shattering several windows.[39]
13 October, Gothenburg, a grenade exploded in Biskopsgården damaging six apartments.[3][40][41]
11 November, Landskrona, the exterior of a house and several cars were damaged in a hand grenade attack.[42]
2 December, Uppsala, a hand grenade exploded in the nightclub Birger Jarl.[28][29]
27 December, Helsingborg, a nightclub in Bruksgatan received extensive damages in a bombing.[3]

27 January, Landskrona, several cars were damaged and windows shattered after a hand grenade exploded in Tränggatan.[43][44]
12 February, Gothenburg, two grenades exploded within nine minutes in apartments in two different locations (Lunden and Angered).[45]
22 March, Uppsala, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown into an apartment balcony.[28]
28 March, Stockholm, two hand grenades exploded in central Stockholm, damaging the entrances and exterior of a nightclub and restaurants.[46]
6 April, Stockholm, a grenade exploded after being thrown into a restaurant in Jakobsberg.[47]
11 April, Uppsala, one man was hospitalised after a grenade he held exploded at a parking lot in Stenhagen.[28]
17 April, Landskrona, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown into an apartment, possibly against a casual target.[3][43]
18 May, Malmö, a hand grenade caused extensive damages after being thrown at a villa in Fosie, likely against a casual target.[3][43][48][49]
7 June, Botkyrka, a hand grenade exploded in central Fittja.[50]
7 June, Botkyrka, one man was wounded by shrapnel after a grenade exploded outside an office building in Slagsta.[51]
23 June, Tomelilla, a hand grenade exploded outside a villa.[43]
24 June, Uppsala, a hand grenade exploded in a pizza restaurant.[28]
9 July, Sollentuna, a grenade exploded while automatic weapons were fired in a residential area, amid four local shootouts in two days.[1][52][53]
12 July, Botkyrka, a grenade exploded after being thrown under a parked car in Tumba.[54]
28 July, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded in an apartment after several assailants had kicked in the door.[43]
22 August, Gothenburg, a hand grenade exploded in an apartment in Biskopsgården, killing an 8-year-old child Yuusuf Warsame from Birmingham, England. The attack was connected to an ongoing feud between members of Gothenburg’s Somali community,[55][56] as a person who was sentenced for the 2015 Gothenburg pub shooting is registered at the address.[57]
4 September, Gothenburg, one or two grenades exploded on the apartment balcony of an elderly disabled man, creating a hole and blasting out several windows. The grenade was thought by police to have been thrown indiscriminately at the apartment in a gang-area.[58][59]
23 October, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded nearby a garage and a car in Husie.[60]
28 October, Landskrona, a hand grenade exploded in a pizza restaurant.[61]
11 November, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown at a car rental company, situated adjacent to a gas station.[62]
15 November, Västerås, a hand grenade exploded in a hair salon. The attack was thought to be part of extortion.[63]
21 November, Ängelholm, a grenade exploded near an apartment block, blasting out several windows.[64]
30 November, Solna, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown into an apartment balcony where a person was standing in the kitchen. The person got out of the apartment unharmed, while the balcony was wrecked and several windows were shattered. The event is linked to gang crime.[65]
15 December, Gothenburg, a hand grenade exploded causing damage to two apartments in Biskopsgården.[66]

1 January, Katrineholm, a grenade was thrown at the local police station. The entrance, several windows and three cars parked nearby were damaged.[67]
13 February, Södertälje, a hand grenade exploded in a residential area, where an entrepreneur who had recently been extorted had their offices.[68]
28 February, Malmö, one person was wounded by shrapnel and hospitalised after a grenade exploded outside a residence in Lindängen.[69]
11 April, Linköping, a hand grenade was thrown onto a balcony.[70]
7 July, Stockholm, a hand grenade exploded in a shop in a residential area in Spånga.[71]
21 July, Uppsala, a hand grenade exploded in a restaurant.[72]
23 July, Halmstad, a hand grenade exploded in a parking lot and damaged five cars.[73]
2 September, Märsta, a hand grenade exploded in a restaurant. No people were injured.[74]
6 September, Stockholm, a hand grenade exploded in a residential building in Östermalm.[75]
18 September, Gothenburg, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown at an apartment in Biskopsgården.[76]
28 September, Varberg, a hand grenade exploded damaging a villa in central Varberg.[77]
13 October, Malmö, a hand grenade exploded in a residential building.[78]
18 October, Helsingborg, a hand grenade destroyed the entrance of the local police station. Forty windows were blown out in the explosion.[79]
21 October, Stockholm, a hand grenade exploded by a car in central Solna.[80]
27 November, Uppsala, a hand grenade was thrown at a police car outside the local police station. No people were injured, but several cars were damaged in the explosion. One suspect was arrested.[81][82]
3 December, Gothenburg, a grenade exploded outside a family home in Hisingen.[83]

7 January, Stockholm, a man in his 60s was killed and a 45-year-old woman was injured after a grenade exploded outside the Vårby gård metro station. The grenade which was accidentally picked up by the man had been abandoned at the side of the path.[84][85]
21 January, Gothenburg, a hand grenade exploded after being thrown through the window into a house in Biskopsgården in which seven people were present. The attack was linked to gang conflicts involving several grenade attacks between rival gangs in December the previous year.[86][87]
8 February, Stockholm, windows were blasted out and a car was damaged when a hand grenade exploded outside the home of a bank employee reported to be involved in uncovering fraud cases and assisting police in cases linked to heavy organised crime.[88]
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Re: What the UN and a possible Labor Gubbamint will do......

Post by bigrich » 14 Aug 2018, 8:03 pm

that's a lot of 'orrible grenade attacks BFS 'ole mate. i gotta ask what it's got to do with this post but. or is that the point. talking politics is like throwing a grenade into a room ? ;) :thumbsup:
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