NSW Election. 25th of March 23

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Mar 2023, 4:50 pm

The NSW State election is on 25 March.

Pauline Hanson, love her or hate her.
This is about her Shooting & Hunting policy.

https://sportingshooter.com.au/news/one ... elections/
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
Member. SFFP, Shooters Union.
SSAA, the powerful gun lobby. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hunt safe.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by isaacfm » 19 Mar 2023, 1:18 am

Chad "evidenced-based firearms legislation vs virgin "common sense gun laws"

Tis a shame it comes from Pauline Hanson. Labour n liberal could surely draw in people who vote on the basis of better laws surrounding firearms by dedicating even a tiny amount of resources to this s**t.
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New South Wales

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by JohnV » 20 Mar 2023, 9:04 am

I sent my postal vote of last Friday . I do have issues with people who suddenly develop a shooting policy when they started Politics without any shooting policies or associations . It all sounds good but is it a wasted vote when the party will never have any balance of power or credible influence ? I don't know . I don't love or hate her I just feel the party can't do anything for us other than make statements . All I know for sure is none of them including Shooters Party have done much for hunters in general . no rolling back of the things that matter to me , like need for permission letters , semi auto's , pump action shotguns , not being able to legally carry a firearm while looking for a private property to shoot on , remove ammo registers . As far as I am concerned all the gun lobby . political party and the associations have done nothing to help private hunters on private lands . It's all been about , ranges , Competition shooters , youth drives , Game Council , R licenses etc. Buying Stations that the average SSAA member will never be able to go there but they can fly in Americans to shoot on it . I don't vote for the Shooters Party anymore because they have done zero for people like me .
Last edited by JohnV on 20 Mar 2023, 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 20 Mar 2023, 9:07 am

What John said.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Gamerancher » 20 Mar 2023, 11:18 am

The Shooters party lost all credibility and influence in NSW with the Game Council debacle and their push for shooting in National Parks.
My local "Member" was SFFP but has quit and now standing as an independent along with two others who have done the same. He never did a thing with regards firearm policy except present a petition the SSAA put together a couple of years ago and they basically had to twist his arm to do it.
He and the other two have supported Labour/Greens in their voting so basically, just Labour stooges.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by JohnV » 20 Mar 2023, 8:05 pm

Gamerancher wrote:The Shooters party lost all credibility and influence in NSW with the Game Council debacle and their push for shooting in National Parks.
My local "Member" was SFFP but has quit and now standing as an independent along with two others who have done the same. He never did a thing with regards firearm policy except present a petition the SSAA put together a couple of years ago and they basically had to twist his arm to do it.
He and the other two have supported Labour/Greens in their voting so basically, just Labour stooges.

Yeah that pissed me off also .
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 20 Mar 2023, 11:23 pm

There is some criticism with SFFP and ON for not doing enough for us yet the reality is they will never have the numbers to achieve this. They do raise issues at times that concern us which does give us a tiny voice that otherwise wouldn't be heard when the major parties known as the 3 stooges try to trample all over us.

The fact some of them will not get in is no reason not to vote for them. The party you put at number 1 will get electoral funding so it's important to mark your preferences which will continue to fund them even if they have no chance.
The party you put at number 1 gets electoral funding don't give any to the major parties.

For me i will put LDP at 1 with SFFP or ON at 2 and 3. I don't expect LDP to get in so 2nd or 3rd preference will likely get in for Senate.
I live in a safe Labor seat the ON candidate isn't likely to get in no SFFP so ON gets number 1

I will be putting Greens or the Tofu eating Vegans from the Animal Justice Party last.

Pauline made a speech in Parliament back in 1996 about our knee jerk firearm laws i think David Oldfield wrote it he and his wife were pistol shooters ON have always been one of the better parties for legal gun owners. The party will keep Latham in line with their firearm policy.

If we don't have anyone sticking up for us take note of what is happening in WA.
These questions were asked in WA they should have asked how many of those 20 deaths were done by licensed firearm owners.
We need voices to stick up for us even if they don't have the numbers to change things.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 21 Mar 2023, 3:06 am

You guys really need to consider what Baronvonrort just posted. He knows how to do this.

And SFFP have actually achieved a lot. Much more than any than any other pro gun party ever has here. Ever. And worked hard for it.
They’re realists. You’re not getting your semi autos back. Ever. Get over it.
Still need to get behind the people actively protecting what we have and challenging the never ending bulls**t when it presents.
I don’t even like Ballsack. He’s a jerk.
I don’t like Pauline Pantsdown either. She’s a goose.
Dose’nt matter still getting my votes both of them at every opportunity, same with LDP.
You have to vote pro gun above all else every time. Single issue voters. It’s the only way we survive.
Look how dumb and naive the greeny vegan freaks are. Single issue voters who don’t care about anything else. These people are too dumb to survive, but yet they do. And we have to respectfully tolerate them.
People need to start respectfully tolerating us also. And that is the realistic goal.

If the party dose’nt have a firearms policy, they’re anti. Dose’nt matter how much they spruik freedom. Just look for their firearms policy. That’s all we need to know.

I get the pro gun argument . Accept no legislation or regulation because it’s the the thin edge of the wedge. Murder is murder the means is irrelevant.
I get it.
But we’re not in Texas Dorothy. We are way past the thin edge. That wedge is in for good. I know it hurts. We just have to live with it and ensure it doesn’t get more infected because it would be fatal. We’re in survival mode. Back the people who are fighting to survive. There’s no magic cure.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Billo » 21 Mar 2023, 8:39 am

Gamerancher wrote:The Shooters party lost all credibility and influence in NSW with the Game Council debacle and their push for shooting in National Parks.
My local "Member" was SFFP but has quit and now standing as an independent along with two others who have done the same. He never did a thing with regards firearm policy except present a petition the SSAA put together a couple of years ago and they basically had to twist his arm to do it.
He and the other two have supported Labour/Greens in their voting so basically, just Labour stooges.

This, I saw Borsak at a recent Gun show and I had to bite my tongue, he is a Jack ass who has destroyed what took decades to build.

Phil Donato will romp in his seat and the same for Helen.

Perrottet will be booted from office with a Legacy of DEBT.
22lr, 20 Hornady Hornet, 6mm ARC, 270 Win, 308 Win, 358 Win, 9.3x62, 500 S&W
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 21 Mar 2023, 9:45 am

Billo wrote:
This, I saw Borsak at a recent Gun show and I had to bite my tongue, he is a Jack ass who has destroyed what took decades to build.

Phil Donato will romp in his seat and the same for Helen.

Perrottet will be booted from office with a Legacy of DEBT.

We need Helen and Phil they know which party they were in and why people voted for them so yes vote for them.

We need voices in the senate the best choices are LDP, SFFP and ON so these should be put at 1, 2 or 3 your choice with Greens or AJP last.

The SFFP have done some good things it also lets inner city people know there are large numbers of people who support legal firearm owners even if it's just their name.

While your vote may not change anything don't put any of the majors at 1 take electoral funding away from them and give it to someone who will support us even if they don't have the numbers to do anything.

Elections are usually pretty close those who are rusted on to a party don't change anything they just cancel each other out. Those who swing with their vote are the ones who change things.

Dom will probably go we need the senate to keep labor inline.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by geoff » 21 Mar 2023, 10:07 am

You're dreaming of you think One Nation is really going to be much substance. They are political leeches with no real values except the culture war division - they will just do whatever is expedient for them at the time. They're just LNP stooges desperate for relevance and they'll Stoke any hate fire they can to get it. If gun owners are the next big public target, don't expect them to take your side if it doesn't help them.

Anyone can publish a policy on a website.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 21 Mar 2023, 10:46 am

Voting for single issue niche parties, like SFFP, One Notion etc is akin to not voting at all.

Yes, they all have positions on other issues, but their small membership base (by comparison) and their small vote share reflects the popularity of their main issue.
For example, as of 2021, only 3.41% of the Australian population own firearms, so to ~96% of the country, the issue is functionally irrelevant at best.

I'm not saying we should give up, just that all the energy, work and funding devoted to these parties would be better used to lobby the only people likely to actually have any real power to change things for the better.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 21 Mar 2023, 10:56 am

geoff wrote:
Anyone can publish a policy on a website.

The firearm owners in WA who voted Labor will have to get mental health checks. :D

ON have always been pro gun i think Latham has done a good job in NSW.

Paulines speech in Parliament back in 1997, was she the only one sticking up for us back then?

The new Australian gun laws..

Mr Speaker,

Australians have always had reasonable access to firearms, and law abiding citizens have always had an understandable expectation that individual ownership would continue as indeed would the facility for them to pursue their sporting pastime.

This reasonable expectation has lost ground daily and Australian firearm owners quite rightfully believe the day is coming when the civilian population will be disarmed and only those who break the law will possess firearms.

The uniform gun laws were ill conceived and rushed through without thought or consultation. Any proposed need has no basis in fact and is an affront to anyone who is even slightly informed of the facts and figures.

Dr Adam Graycar, from the Australian Institute of Criminology, has stated that banning semi-automatic firearms will do nothing to prevent the majority of Australia's gun deaths.

While I would certainly not advocate illegitimate ownership of such firearms, we cannot escape the fact that even just in the case of centre fire semi-automatic rifles, the majority of which are military style, there are in excess of a million such firearms in Australia and yet this style accounts for less than 2% of Australian firearm deaths.

Despite the free access to millions of firearms in Australia, the available data shows the number of murders committed with firearms since 1979 has been in a steady downward trend despite the rise in murders generally over the same period.

It should also be acknowledged that this period of general decline covered the peak years of importation for the so called military style semi-automatic firearms.

In fact, this period shows an average of 92 murders or 20-30% of the total murders committed each year are carried out with firearms -many more people are murdered by other means.

Since 1990, there has been a rapid increase in murders committed with sharp instruments, and these alone far out number murders with firearms for the same period, once again, despite the vast availability of firearms.

Even when looking at suicides, where there is an alarming increase in incidence, you will find a steady downward trend in the use of firearms.

Available information shows that since 1979, suicides have increased nearly 45%, but use of a firearm to commit suicide has gone down by over 25%.

Since 1979, suicide with a firearm has dropped from nearly 30% of all suicides to about 17%.

Removing completely inoperable guns from our war museums, and paying compensation in excessive amounts is probably one of the more foolish examples of this government's agenda.

The act of removing rusty non-working machine guns from museums is contributing to erasing our history and will not save a single life.

A person in Darwin was paid nearly half a million dollars for 20 millimetre cannons from fighter planes.

Considering the current removal of firearms from private ownership was largely targeted at centre fire semi-automatics, and less than 2%, or 10 firearms related deaths a year are attributable to this style of firearm, is the 500 million dollar buy back coupled with the unaccountable costs, justifiable in the context of the variety of weapons used to commit murder and the many causes of accidental deaths?

Perhaps as many as 50,000 Australians die each year through the effects of diseases caused by alcohol and tobacco - What impact would the 500 million dollars have had in reducing these horrendous figures?

Each year, countless thousands die in road accidents and in all manner of other activities, yet are we to believe these and the deaths from alcohol and tobacco are somehow more acceptable because so many people drink and smoke and drive?

There are millions of firearms and millions of firearm owners but despite the vast numbers and the amount of use, in context the number of deaths is relatively low and the government's approach cannot be justified.

Bear in mind removing fireams from law abiding citizens will most likely only impact accidents, and in this case, there are only about 15 fatalities each year.

A 1000 people die each year from accidental falls and 250 drown.

There was no Gun Debate as such, there was no consultation or concern for the facts, merely misinformation shoved down the throats of an understandably emotional public.

This has been a political exercise pure and simple with no reduction in the amount of firearms in society.

In fact quite the contrary has occurred as the figures show that for every firearm turned in, approximately 1.7 modern firearms have been purchased with the compensation.

There is also of course the issue of the number of firearms that have literally gone underground.

The returns do not begin to account for the estimated number of firearms. In particular, hundreds of thousands of military style semi-automatics would seem to be missing. It is time that we acknowledged that crime is caused by economic desperation and helplessness, unemployment, loss of hope, family breakdown, substance abuse, and cultural conflicts, not by firearm ownership.

The Swiss experience is perhaps the best example, as in that country there are more firearms and fewer deaths than in Australia and the majority of firearms in Switzerland are military weapons - millions of them.

It is only when we as One Nation together address these issues, that crime will reduce.

Violence and crime is not proportional to the availability of firearms, it is directly linked to the security and decency of our society and governments that pretend otherwise are looking to hide the true causes of the situation and escape the responsibility for addressing the real issues and therefore perpetrating a lie on their people.

Saving lives or reducing crime was obviously not behind the government's attacks on private ownership of firearms. Indeed they are themselves guilty of the crime of using an emotive period for political purposes

Have no doubt, the buy back has failed. There are now more firearms out there than before and many are modern and potentially more deadly than the firearms they replaced.

It seems most Australians have not handed in their firearms, and be assured, absolutely no criminals have complied.

What does the government intend to do with the millions of Australians who have not complied?

Will Australia become a police state, with homes systematically raided and property confiscated ?

Will the government harass, fine and jail otherwise innocent law abiding Australians.

History has shown only the worst kind of government disarms its people.

Mr Speaker,

I stand by my belief that,

Australians have the right to defend themselves and their families in their own homes.

Shooting is a legitimate sport and pastime and participants should be treated accordingly.

Disarming law abiding Australians is not in the national interest and will do nothing to reduce crime.

An honest government would take heed, so we can be sure this one is not listening, but simply put, it should be remembered that during the last election campaign, the current government used the slogan, "Enough is Enough".

Be assured, the firearm owners of Australia are tired of unwarranted and unjustified interference, they are tired of being used as political scapegoats and the victims of United Nations treaties.

You can be assured, Australia's firearm owners have adopted the Liberal/National Coalition slogan, because that's exactly how they feel, "Enough is Enough".

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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 21 Mar 2023, 11:14 am

Lazarus wrote:Voting for single issue niche parties, like SFFP, One Notion etc is akin to not voting at all.

I'm not saying we should give up, just that all the energy, work and funding devoted to these parties would be better used to lobby the only people likely to actually have any real power to change things for the better.

I disagree with it being like not voting at all.

David Leyonhjelm from LDP was the one who extended the lease on Anzac rifle range in Malabar for another 50 years.He was one Federal senator he achieved this. Lots of city people claim nobody who lives in Sydney should own a gun then i point out we have rifle ranges in Malabar and Hornsby with numerous other smaller ranges for firearm owners target shooting is an Olympic sport we have won numerous gold medals..

You're not going to lobby anyone from labor-Liberals or the Greens to change anything for us they will always follow the party line which is make things tougher for us. If you believe they will change their attitude towards us i have a large bridge for sale.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 21 Mar 2023, 11:57 am

Good point Baron, but I'm not yet senile enough to believe the majors will step outside what they see as safe territory without some perceived upside for them, and yes there have been the very occasional wins, but there simply aren't enough of us, period.

I counter your offer of a bridge with one of my own if you think things will ever trend the other way. Ever.

We live in a world where the upcoming generations are offended by the thumbsup emoji and see full stops in text messages as passive aggressive, where there's a new addition to the alphabet people seemingly every month.
We are a dying breed, mate.
I'm not suggesting we roll over and play dead, just that we stop trying to rearrange the deck chairs and look for other solutions.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 21 Mar 2023, 12:23 pm

The electoral funding comes from taxpayers to the party you put at 1. Don't give any to the majors they don't deserve it they give the same bulls**t in a different wrapper.

If you lobby the majors they will suck up to get your vote it will appear they're listening yet they will stab you in the back every time and follow the party line

Mark Latham has been pretty good in NSW for One Nation. He is an experienced politician where experience counts in that environment of fluent bulls**t.
He speaks out against that PC bulls**t even had a small win in keeping trannys out of womens sport.
Lots of Labor supporters claim they didn't like him i can't believe they would have preferred Howard back when he ran for PM.

With the majors we will get screwed it just comes down to how much if any lube they will use.

Yes we need other solutions yet we can't waste opportunities with elections to hit the majors in the hip pocket with loss of electoral funding.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 21 Mar 2023, 1:46 pm

Our biggest problem is that there are no altruists in politics.

Everyone, everyone, who goes into politics is there for one person only, number one.

Even those who have the gall to talk about the largesse they receive as being excessive still put their hands out for more.

I saw Anne Aly on Q&A babbling about how "obscene" it was that politicians get hundreds per day tax free accommodation allowance while welfare recipients are living in cardboard boxes, but she still takes it.

We need to dispose of the party system.

We need citizen initiated referenda.

Party dogma is king and there is no representation.
It doesn't matter what the constituents want, ideology rules.
We also need to bin "conscience" votes.
I don't care what Oldmate, the member for wherever, personally thinks about a subject, he/she/they/it should only ever vote in line with the will of the people who gave them their place at the golden trough.

Unfortunately, the junkies are in charge of the medicine cabinet and will never give up the keys.

Bring on the Australian version of Bastille Day.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 21 Mar 2023, 3:40 pm

Lazarus wrote:Voting for single issue niche parties, like SFFP, One Notion etc is akin to not voting at all.

Yes, they all have positions on other issues, but their small membership base (by comparison) and their small vote share reflects the popularity of their main issue.
For example, as of 2021, only 3.41% of the Australian population own firearms, so to ~96% of the country, the issue is functionally irrelevant at best.

I'm not saying we should give up, just that all the energy, work and funding devoted to these parties would be better used to lobby the only people likely to actually have any real power to change things for the better.

There simply aren’t any of those people who would “water down” gun laws. In either major party. Political suicide.
Both majors are antis and that’s just a fact.
We have’nt had a repeat of port Arthur. It’s not a risk they are willing to take. And maybe wear the blame for. Because they changed something.
There’s only three parties that are pro gun. The rest are anti, whether stated or not. If you don’t vote pro then you are voting anti
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 21 Mar 2023, 3:53 pm

geoff wrote:You're dreaming of you think One Nation is really going to be much substance. They are political leeches with no real values except the culture war division - they will just do whatever is expedient for them at the time. They're just LNP stooges desperate for relevance and they'll Stoke any hate fire they can to get it. If gun owners are the next big public target, don't expect them to take your side if it doesn't help them.

Anyone can publish a policy on a website.

All true. But they’re still more pro gun than either majors.
And our 3.4 of population percent matters to them. They need it. Nothing and no one is beneath them, they have no standards.
Not a shred of virtue or moral compass
And also no qualms defending lafos even if the majority public went full witch hunt.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by geoff » 21 Mar 2023, 4:54 pm

womble wrote:
geoff wrote:You're dreaming of you think One Nation is really going to be much substance. They are political leeches with no real values except the culture war division - they will just do whatever is expedient for them at the time. They're just LNP stooges desperate for relevance and they'll Stoke any hate fire they can to get it. If gun owners are the next big public target, don't expect them to take your side if it doesn't help them.

Anyone can publish a policy on a website.

All true. But they’re still more pro gun than either majors.
And our 3.4 of population percent matters to them. They need it. Nothing and no one is beneath them, they have no standards.
Not a shred of virtue or moral compass
And also no qualms defending lafos even if the majority public went full witch hunt.

I'm just not willing to side with some of the most repugnant hatemonger racists that parliament has seen in decades simply because they also think guns are cool (and never do anything about it).

I simply don't care about a speech in 1997. Whoop de doo she just said something, and that's all 26 years ago. And someone else thinks that matters now despite not backing it up with anything meaningful since? A speech isn't worth a giraffe full of snow.

One nation are just the Out Loud White Supremacy faction of the LNP (who mostly keep theirs to an inaudible level). Useful idiots for conservative hacks in Parliament.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 22 Mar 2023, 3:07 am

geoff wrote:
womble wrote:
geoff wrote:You're dreaming of you think One Nation is really going to be much substance. They are political leeches with no real values except the culture war division - they will just do whatever is expedient for them at the time. They're just LNP stooges desperate for relevance and they'll Stoke any hate fire they can to get it. If gun owners are the next big public target, don't expect them to take your side if it doesn't help them.

Anyone can publish a policy on a website.

All true. But they’re still more pro gun than either majors.
And our 3.4 of population percent matters to them. They need it. Nothing and no one is beneath them, they have no standards.
Not a shred of virtue or moral compass
And also no qualms defending lafos even if the majority public went full witch hunt.

I'm just not willing to side with some of the most repugnant hatemonger racists that parliament has seen in decades simply because they also think guns are cool (and never do anything about it).

I simply don't care about a speech in 1997. Whoop de doo she just said something, and that's all 26 years ago. And someone else thinks that matters now despite not backing it up with anything meaningful since? A speech isn't worth a giraffe full of snow.

One nation are just the Out Loud White Supremacy faction of the LNP (who mostly keep theirs to an inaudible level). Useful idiots for conservative hacks in Parliament.

Well said Geoff.
I concede, you are correct.
In fact to associate the lafo cause with rednecks would do us much more harm than good.
I didn’t think that through very well at all.
Totally not worth it at cost of dignity.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 22 Mar 2023, 3:24 am

The 3.4 percent of population as quoted by Lazarus is actually quite encouraging. Not in number but in rate of growth. It’s a fast growing demographic in recent times. The more it grows the faster it grows. Little wonder they’re going so hard on us from all corners.
We do have their attention. I hope all vote wisely.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Billo » 22 Mar 2023, 6:44 am

womble wrote:
geoff wrote:You're dreaming of you think One Nation is really going to be much substance. They are political leeches with no real values except the culture war division - they will just do whatever is expedient for them at the time. They're just LNP stooges desperate for relevance and they'll Stoke any hate fire they can to get it. If gun owners are the next big public target, don't expect them to take your side if it doesn't help them.

Anyone can publish a policy on a website.

All true. But they’re still more pro gun than either majors.
And our 3.4 of population percent matters to them. They need it. Nothing and no one is beneath them, they have no standards.
Not a shred of virtue or moral compass
And also no qualms defending lafos even if the majority public went full witch hunt.

Pauline has consistently voted with the LNP across this country, she can put out a Firearms Policy but it not worth the paper its written on.

The LNP have never been friends of Shooters or Fishers.
22lr, 20 Hornady Hornet, 6mm ARC, 270 Win, 308 Win, 358 Win, 9.3x62, 500 S&W
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 22 Mar 2023, 8:56 am

To anyone who believes anything a power whore politician/wannabe politician of any persuasion says;
Send me your bank details and I'll make you rich :thumbsup:
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 22 Mar 2023, 9:54 pm

geoff wrote:
I'm just not willing to side with some of the most repugnant hatemonger racists that parliament has seen in decades simply because they also think guns are cool (and never do anything about it).

I simply don't care about a speech in 1997. Whoop de doo she just said something, and that's all 26 years ago. And someone else thinks that matters now despite not backing it up with anything meaningful since? A speech isn't worth a giraffe full of snow.

One nation are just the Out Loud White Supremacy faction of the LNP (who mostly keep theirs to an inaudible level). Useful idiots for conservative hacks in Parliament.

You're from WA so this election isn't for you.
WA elected Labor now 90K firearm owners have to get mental health checks because of 14 suicides and 3 murders not to mention the high calibre rifles that have been banned. I seriously doubt anyone has been ever been shot with any of those calibres that were banned.

After last nights incident with LGBTQ protesting Mark Latham in a middle eastern area i suspect one nation will increase their vote because Latham is the only one speaking out with religious freedom and keeping LGBQT out of schools and womens sport. I think ON will steal the muslim vote from Labor on this issue. Yes there were muslims supporting christians last night.

How do these so called white supremacists get the middle eastern vote?
Did you notice who was supporting Latham last night?

I posted Paulines speech in response to someone saying a policy on website means nothing.
As for One Nation doing nothing i recall David Oldfield from One Nation giving it to Lee Rhihannon from the Greens numerous times in NSW Parliament on firearms the fact that you didn't hear this in WA doesn't mean it never happened. David and his wife Lisa were keen pistol shooters and one of the few that ever defended shooting in NSW.

If Labor form a minority government they will be teamed up with the Greens who will bend them over backwards to ream us with Green lunacy.
If Liberals form a minority government they might need ON who aren't going to let them make things tougher for us.
We might get a few independants who knows which side they will back.

After last nights protest by LGBTQ in a middle eastern area that required the police to evacuate LGBQT i suspect ON will do very well in SW Sydney which has large middle eastern population.

For me it's
1. LDP - I doubt they will get any in be nice if they can get at least 1 senator.
2. SFFP - I think ON will do better so they get number 2 we need them to stay.
3. ON - They have 2 in NSW they might end up with 5
Greens last with AJP second last
I live in a safe Labor seat the Liberals rarely put someone up. The ON guy only gets a couple of thousand if that so ON first then all indepndents with Labor last.
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Posts: 908
New South Wales

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 23 Mar 2023, 3:33 am

I don’t think what happened in Sydney will be good for ON tbh.
The vast majority of christians don’t condone violence and that was a very ugly scene with a group of 15 or so being ganged up on by a much larger group of violent middle eastern thugs. No doubt they would have inflicted serious harm without police presence.
Dose’nt bode well for conservatives when middle eastern gangs can take over a suburb in a violent rampage.
It is what it is. No way to spin it. Newscorp is trying to bury it.
I think the blowback from that will sink ON in this election.

And Christian/ conservative aside it just drives home to anyone with an iota of brain matter who ON really are and what they stand for. Just opportunists masking the same old agenda with a new host. The irony is they’d deport their new supporters if they gained any real power.
The protestors were of a minority demographic. An assault on a minority in pursuit of civil rights is an assault on democracy and freedom for all. It’s the switch you flip that leads straight into fascism.
All democracies are vulnerable to that and hyper wary of it.
And your Australian electorate is 40% immigrant. So that’s an instant 40% of population wondering if they’re next in line for persecution.
f***ing hell Barron. I thought you were smart.
That incident plus a similar one in Melbourne previous seeing a liberal senator on the side of neo nazis pretty much guarantees the last bastion of libtards are going of the coast and straight into the drink in this nsw election.
You’d almost believe both incidents were staged inside jobs for labor. The timing is very suspect.
And that in itself is concerning. They wont have any opposition at state and federal levels that can challenge or contest.
Perhaps likely the teals will become far more prominent in the political landscape to fill that vacuum.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by straightshooter » 23 Mar 2023, 8:41 am

There are two kinds of people in the world.
Those that have the capacity and inclination to think for themselves and those who are content to submit to what they are told what to think.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about."
"There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking." Sir Joshua Reynolds
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New South Wales

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 23 Mar 2023, 9:11 am

womble wrote:I don’t think what happened in Sydney will be good for ON tbh.
The vast majority of christians don’t condone violence and that was a very ugly scene with a group of 15 or so being ganged up on by a much larger group of violent middle eastern thugs. No doubt they would have inflicted serious harm without police presence.
Dose’nt bode well for conservatives when middle eastern gangs can take over a suburb in a violent rampage.
It is what it is. No way to spin it. Newscorp is trying to bury it.
I think the blowback from that will sink ON in this election.

And Christian/ conservative aside it just drives home to anyone with an iota of brain matter who ON really are and what they stand for. Just opportunists masking the same old agenda with a new host. The irony is they’d deport their new supporters if they gained any real power.
The protestors were of a minority demographic. An assault on a minority in pursuit of civil rights is an assault on democracy and freedom for all. It’s the switch you flip that leads straight into fascism.
All democracies are vulnerable to that and hyper wary of it.
And your Australian electorate is 40% immigrant. So that’s an instant 40% of population wondering if they’re next in line for persecution.
f***ing hell Barron. I thought you were smart.
That incident plus a similar one in Melbourne previous seeing a liberal senator on the side of neo nazis pretty much guarantees the last bastion of libtards are going of the coast and straight into the drink in this nsw election.
You’d almost believe both incidents were staged inside jobs for labor. The timing is very suspect.
And that in itself is concerning. They wont have any opposition at state and federal levels that can challenge or contest.
Perhaps likely the teals will become far more prominent in the political landscape to fill that vacuum.

It was the church members who called police to remove the LGBQT protestors. I seriously doubt those LGBTQ protestors will go back there they will stick to their keyboards. Where is the evidence anyone was hurt any photos hospital admissions or do we take the word of these rainbow freaks? The news have not reported this accurately did they mention these LGBTQ broke a crucifix in front of these people?

The Arabs are not a minority in that area they are the majority. That area voted NO to same sex marriage they have large families with lots of kids they want this LGBTQ crap kept out of their schools and away from their kids. I also have white christian friends who have been saying the same thing there is a lot of support for waht comedian Andrew Dice Clay joked about with gay rights- 10% off vaseline now get back in the closet.

The Liberals have been deporting criminals with dual nationality for quite some time i agree with that policy. I had resident alien status in the USA they would have deported me for serious crime.

ON have 2 elected members in NSW i predict they could have at least 5 after this election this incident isn't going to hurt Latham. Latham is the only person speaking out with keeping these rainbow people out of schools and out of womens sport this is a big issue for areas with large migrant populations.

The LDP are my favourite party they're the only ones with evidence based policy. I hope we get at least 1 elected.
Staff Sergeant
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Posts: 908
New South Wales

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 23 Mar 2023, 3:06 pm

As a nation we can’t really give concessions for one suburb to have a right to discriminate.
Even if as you suggest the local majority hold a particular bias to one group
You have to look past your own bias and view it objectively. We can’t deny a gay child an education because the Arab children just don’t like him or her or it.
What happens when the arabs decide they don’t want girls going to school, or Jews.
What may be a local majority consensus is still a fringe minority relative to mainstream.
Even if you did somehow get a majority vote for it the government can’t mandate it because it goes against our constitution. We are a secular state.
Besides that it’s an affront to equal opportunity, And the freedom to define one’s own destiny. Freedom of choice. From a religious perspective we also have constitutional protections in that. Nobody can be forced to subscribe to any particular set of beliefs.
This isn’t Iran or Afghanistan. This country was founded on the rule of law.
Human rights are recognised and protected nationwide through a range of laws at the federal and state and territory levels, the Australian Constitution, and the common law.
ON are selling a pipe dream to bigots that they can’t deliver. And only to keep themselves in lifestyles of privilege with all the perks.
It’s not possible within the framework of our democracy.
You’re being conned.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 23 Mar 2023, 6:38 pm

womble wrote:As a nation we can’t really give concessions for one suburb to have a right to discriminate.
Even if as you suggest the local majority hold a particular bias to one group
You have to look past your own bias and view it objectively. We can’t deny a gay child an education because the Arab children just don’t like him or her or it.
What happens when the arabs decide they don’t want girls going to school, or Jews.
What may be a local majority consensus is still a fringe minority relative to mainstream.
Even if you did somehow get a majority vote for it the government can’t mandate it because it goes against our constitution. We are a secular state.
Besides that it’s an affront to equal opportunity, And the freedom to define one’s own destiny. Freedom of choice. From a religious perspective we also have constitutional protections in that. Nobody can be forced to subscribe to any particular set of beliefs.
This isn’t Iran or Afghanistan. This country was founded on the rule of law.
Human rights are recognised and protected nationwide through a range of laws at the federal and state and territory levels, the Australian Constitution, and the common law.
ON are selling a pipe dream to bigots that they can’t deliver. And only to keep themselves in lifestyles of privilege with all the perks.
It’s not possible within the framework of our democracy.
You’re being conned.

Well put womble.

A similar situation exists with banning the nazi salute.

It can be quite offensive to many and only a knuckle dragging mouth-breather would use it as a public political statement.
Problem is, banning it creates a precedent.
At the current time, that precedent is a dangerous thing with "authority" on the rise everywhere.

People in the Illinois village of Skokie dealt with it best in the incident below.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_ ... _of_Skokie
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hurt, and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same
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