bigpete wrote:I ask for 2 reasons,curiosity being one, the other being that I'd like to know if anyone has shot unpatched round ball out of a smooth bore ?
bigpete wrote:Traditional means other than inline. Actually I've pushed my .725 RB down the barrels of my Stevens shotgun with a lot note ease than I load prb in my 50 cal. Actually patching also helps with engaging the rifling in a rifled barrel. If your using a shotgun,you normally load an overpower was between the powder and the projectile to provide the gas seal.
bigpete wrote:Actually not super fussed on speed although I understand what your trying to achieve. I have zero idea how fast any of my loads really go,never really stops them from doing their job ( except that one time lol )
bigpete wrote:Because I currently have a goodly supply of .725 RB which I seriously doubt I'll get down the barrel with any thickness of patch material and I don't really want to go and buy .690 RB if I don't have toand yes you do need an overshot card too for shot,I'm kinda hoping I don't necessarily need one if I use the .725 RB as they should be a semi tight fit already
bigpete wrote:It certainly is a muzzleloader I want to try them through. I already shoot them through my Stevens coach gun. I just want to see if I can make use of it on larger game such as goats. I'd be 99.9% certain it is open choked, and the balls are pure lead and soft as butter ( almost ) check out my thread on loading 12 gauge brass cases,they're the same projectiles
bigpete wrote:They're not great,probably right around the 25moa you mentioned,perhaps a bit smaller than that. Guess I was hoping someone may have actually done what I'm planning to try and could give me some tips on what to try or look out for.
Anyway,how about some photos ? Lots of photos of every other sort of firearm on the site but not many proper muzzleloaders. I'll have get some pics up of mine soon
bladeracer wrote:bigpete wrote:They're not great,probably right around the 25moa you mentioned,perhaps a bit smaller than that. Guess I was hoping someone may have actually done what I'm planning to try and could give me some tips on what to try or look out for.
Anyway,how about some photos ? Lots of photos of every other sort of firearm on the site but not many proper muzzleloaders. I'll have get some pics up of mine soon
I've been meaning to get some pics of my firearms for my brother.
I don't know much about this one.
It's a Hawken style made by a Kiwi called Tony Hawkins in New Zealand.
I've read that he formed "Hawkins Arms" in about '73 and closed down about '99 but I haven't even been able to confirm that much. There is a video on Youtube of a bloke test firing the same rifle as mine.
I have no idea of proofing or recommended charges. I bought it from Graeme Forbes and even he couldn't tell me anything at all about it.
I've been shooting FFFg from 50gns to 75gns with 0.005" lubed patches and 0.440" balls. I went with 5-thou patches to allow me to try different thicknesses until I find the optimum.
I really need to put aside a bunch of hours to do some load development for accuracy, but I'll have to clean it for every shot for consistency. I fired seven identical consecutive 50gn loads and velocity went from 1000fps from the clean bore up to 2100fps! I think partly due to bore fouling but also because I have no consistent seating depth on the ramrod yet - difficult to determine that until I determine how much powder to run. I understand as pressures build it'll start tearing the patches and accuracy will drop off. As with centrefire rifles, I'm guessing there's a window in which velocity will be fairly consistent across minor variations in charge weight, and I'm hoping that'll be around the 1400fps mark.
Tank wrote:Bladeracer get hold of some Alliant Black MZ and forget 'cleaning after each shot'.
It is great stuff and cleanup with Ballistol no more difficult than smokeless.
I love the stuff!
I know this is 'not pc' in black powder circles but it works!
bigpete wrote:That looks short and handy
bladeracer wrote:Tank wrote:Bladeracer get hold of some Alliant Black MZ and forget 'cleaning after each shot'.
It is great stuff and cleanup with Ballistol no more difficult than smokeless.
I love the stuff!
I know this is 'not pc' in black powder circles but it works!
Is this stuff a BP alternative?
I'll see if my local can get me some.
TheDude wrote:Yep it's a BP alternative. I've used it in my 58 2-band Enfield and 45 hawken and it's pretty good. Cleans up well, similar velocities to equivalent loads to 2F. It's more expensive at about $70 a pound compared to $55 per kg for wano. Also I've heard next shipment into the country is a long way off
bigpete wrote:That's what I pay for a kilo
bladeracer wrote:TheDude wrote:Yep it's a BP alternative. I've used it in my 58 2-band Enfield and 45 hawken and it's pretty good. Cleans up well, similar velocities to equivalent loads to 2F. It's more expensive at about $70 a pound compared to $55 per kg for wano. Also I've heard next shipment into the country is a long way off
My LGS charged me $90 for a kilo of FFF Wano
Does that mean there's none around currently?
Going to take me a while to burn through what I have already, so no rush
TheDude wrote:bladeracer wrote:Tank wrote:Bladeracer get hold of some Alliant Black MZ and forget 'cleaning after each shot'.
It is great stuff and cleanup with Ballistol no more difficult than smokeless.
I love the stuff!
I know this is 'not pc' in black powder circles but it works!
Is this stuff a BP alternative?
I'll see if my local can get me some.
Yep it's a BP alternative. I've used it in my 58 2-band Enfield and 45 hawken and it's pretty good. Cleans up well, similar velocities to equivalent loads to 2F. It's more expensive at about $70 a pound compared to $55 per kg for wano. Also I've heard next shipment into the country is a long way off