Only in America

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Only in America

Post by 1886 » 07 Feb 2017, 11:12 am

What a knob.

How to get shot by cops 101.

Man strolls into US police station armed with a military rifle to 'lodge a complaint'

An open-carry activist wearing a black ski mask and bulletproof vest has strolled into a US police station toting an AK-47 and live-streamed officers' reaction.

A clip of two men – one carrying a military-style rifle and another with a camera – entering Dearborn Police Station in Michigan was live-streamed from James V Baker's Facebook account on Sunday.

The men, one identified as "Brandon", claimed they were going to file a complaint against officers who "illegally" pulled them over.

"We felt a little afraid for our lives when we were pulled over, so we figured we better protect ourselves," the masked man said.

An officer quickly noticed the man was carrying a weapon and demanded he put the gun down.

"Dude put that on the ground," the officer said, increasing the volume of his voice with each demand.

"On the ground or you're dead."

"I will shoot you."

"I will put a round in you, sir. Put that rifle on the ground"

Officers observed the man was also carrying a handgun and requested him to disarm completely but he resisted.

"It is all legal, sir."

The camera man insisted he was not armed and questioned why the officers reacted so aggressively when he was simply here to "file a complaint".

"You cannot walk into a police department loaded," an officer said.

"We are dealing a with a police situation so you can file your complaint in a minute."

The officers tell the man he is disobeying a police order by refusing to set down his arms and advised they will place him under arrest if he continued to defy them.

The two men were arrested, according to M Live. ... tary-rifle
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Re: Only in America

Post by Supaduke » 07 Feb 2017, 11:46 am

Wearing a ski mask and vest, so obviously confrontational. Gives all gun owners a bad name. I personally do not believe in open carry of long arms. It's excessive and aggressive. I don't care if it's legal or not. Some clown walking the streets with a rifle , vest and ski mask would make me very uncomfortable.
Bottom line, a Call of Duty playing douchebag trying to prove some sort of stupid point. What a f@&king D@&khead!
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Re: Only in America

Post by pete1 » 07 Feb 2017, 1:08 pm

gotta wonder what goes through peoples heads
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Re: Only in America

Post by Rocker » 07 Feb 2017, 1:13 pm

Supaduke wrote:Wearing a ski mask and vest, so obviously confrontational. Gives all gun owners a bad name.
Bottom line, a Call of Duty playing douchebag trying to prove some sort of stupid point. What a f@&king D@&khead!

Agreed, this is the height of f***ing stupidity.

There is making a point, then there is being a confrontational dick head.

And then there is walking into a police station dressed like you're there to raid the place.
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Re: Only in America

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 07 Feb 2017, 1:18 pm

Yeah, it is stupid.... that we would NEVER consider entering the home of the police armed... when they would never consider entering YOUR home UNarmed.

When the police show up at your doorstep for your next gun audit, how do you reckon they'd react to leave their sidearms in the car....
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Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 07 Feb 2017, 1:51 pm

lol it was only -10 deg last week they were just trying to stay warm
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Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 07 Feb 2017, 1:55 pm

by the way i use to go to gun shows next door to the dearborn police station at the civic center
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Re: Only in America

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 07 Feb 2017, 3:49 pm

wrenchman wrote:by the way i use to go to gun shows next door to the dearborn police station at the civic center

So what are you saying wrenchie, did you get confused and walk into the cop shop, lockednloaded, with the balaclava on :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
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Re: Only in America

Post by Title_II » 07 Feb 2017, 10:33 pm

Guys, I open carry. I have carried in police departments. And I will carry a rifle for any reason, but I will not carry a rifle for NO reason. So you pretty much see where this Yank stands, I'm going to be to the right of most of you even though we are brothers in arms.

That being said, this guy was a complete moron. Unbelievable. He was begging for it.
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Re: Only in America

Post by GLS_1956 » 08 Feb 2017, 2:40 am

There is a fundamental difference between the United States of America and pretty much the rest of the world, when it comes to guns. Owning, bearing, arms is a RIGHT guaranteed Americans in our Constitution, not so much for the rest of the world.

In the United States of America the government has to show cause why you should be banned from having a gun, this means the government is supposed to view the gun owner as a law abiding member of society, and therefore benefit to a free country.

In most of the rest of the world a person is required to show cause why they should be allowed to own and/or use a firearm, which means the governments view the general population as a threat to their power over the people. In other words you have to show, prove, you are not a criminal in order to have a gun. The problem is you can't prove negatives.
I've been asked: "How many guns do you need to have?" My answer remains the same: "One more."
Posts: 541
United States of America

Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 08 Feb 2017, 3:30 am

not me court houses and police stations around me we cant bring guns into besides to register a hand gun and it must be cased and locked we go threw metal detector.
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Re: Only in America

Post by Title_II » 08 Feb 2017, 3:39 am

Look at it this way. If this guy came to my house or my office wearing a friggin ski mask with a rifle I would have blown him away myself. What makes that any different for a cop? This has nothing to do with Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It has everything to do with trying to make people think you have come to storm the place and kill them. Don't be surprised when they respond to the vibe you are putting out there.

wrenchman wrote:not me court houses and police stations around me we cant bring guns into besides to register a hand gun and it must be cased and locked we go threw metal detector.

Register handguns? Where do you live? New York City?
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Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 08 Feb 2017, 5:34 am

michigan hand guns get registered her new hand gun you just drop off a form from the dealer instant check realy helped us here with buying hand guns.
before we would have to go and get a form buy the hand then take the hand gun back and copys of the form and the police would register it.
i bet the anti gun guys hate the fact that the insta check system made it much easyer to buy hand guns before the police did the check then they gave you the permit to buy.
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Re: Only in America

Post by Gwion » 08 Feb 2017, 6:50 am

Title_II wrote:Look at it this way. If this guy came to my house or my office wearing a friggin ski mask with a rifle I would have blown him away myself. What makes that any different for a cop? This has nothing to do with Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It has everything to do with trying to make people think you have come to storm the place and kill them. Don't be surprised when they respond to the vibe you are putting out there.

wrenchman wrote:not me court houses and police stations around me we cant bring guns into besides to register a hand gun and it must be cased and locked we go threw metal detector.

Register handguns? Where do you live? New York City?

Yep. Just asking to be shot!
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Re: Only in America

Post by on_one_wheel » 08 Feb 2017, 7:53 am

Sounds like a great way to get yourself shot. Their both lucky they didn't find a highly strung police officer inside.

Police cop more than enough grief without idiots deliberately baiting them with dangerous and threatening scenarios.

I bet if they had been injured in the process of baiting the police they would've cried victim.

Utube is full of similar dick heads walking up to complete strangers and saying weird things to get a reaction. It's like they get off on getting bashed.
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Re: Only in America

Post by Title_II » 08 Feb 2017, 8:19 am

on_one_wheel wrote:Sounds like a great way to get yourself shot. Their both lucky they didn't find a highly strung police officer inside.

Police cop more than enough grief without idiots deliberately baiting them with dangerous and threatening scenarios.

I bet if they had been injured in the process of baiting the police they would've cried victim.

Utube is full of similar dick heads walking up to complete strangers and saying weird things to get a reaction. It's like they get off on getting bashed.

I never really watched them, but several years ago there were TV shows about actors showing up unannounced and scaring the living crap out of people. Put a mask on and pull a knife on somebody, all kinds of stuff. I saw a clip of one where they actually had a guy cornered and had people fake shooting. I don't know where in the US they are filming this crap but they would be taking their lives in their hands in my Commonwealth. They must know this. It's either fake or they did it all in NYC or New Jersey.
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Re: Only in America

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 08 Feb 2017, 8:50 am

GLS_1956 wrote:There is a fundamental difference between the United States of America and pretty much the rest of the world, when it comes to guns. Owning, bearing, arms is a RIGHT guaranteed Americans in our Constitution, not so much for the rest of the world.

In the United States of America the government has to show cause why you should be banned from having a gun, this means the government is supposed to view the gun owner as a law abiding member of society, and therefore benefit to a free country.

In most of the rest of the world a person is required to show cause why they should be allowed to own and/or use a firearm, which means the governments view the general population as a threat to their power over the people. In other words you have to show, prove, you are not a criminal in order to have a gun. The problem is you can't prove negatives.

Your right to bear arms, is directly from the UK Bill of Right of 100yrs earlier, from 'the old country'.... the difference is that your forebears removed a very significant part of the statement, and 'corrected' it by replacing a crucial component;

That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law.

So there is a right there, but it can be 'regulated'.....

US Constitution (2nd Amendment):
.... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That is, May not be regulated..I would take that to respond directly to the 1688 wording...

Although 'we' allowed the right to be fully regulated AWAY (Firearm Act 1996 - self defence no genuine reason)
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Re: Only in America

Post by GLS_1956 » 08 Feb 2017, 12:53 pm

Please understand, I think the guys in Michigan were/are A$$holes. A$$holes like them just make everyday gun owners look bad.
I've been asked: "How many guns do you need to have?" My answer remains the same: "One more."
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Re: Only in America

Post by Title_II » 08 Feb 2017, 2:47 pm

GLS_1956 wrote:Please understand, I think the guys in Michigan were/are A$$holes. A$$holes like them just make everyday gun owners look bad.

And a crack dealer makes pharmacists look bad /sarcasm.

Stop letting them force us to think this way. Why should we be the only people that are defined by the worst among us, or not even among us? One reason. We agree to it. Tell them to step off and ram it down their throats twice as hard as they come at us.

I'm not putting up with guilty conscience crap or living in the shadows over guns from anyone. That is the crap that got us here and we are guilty of NOTHING.

If you act guilty, and you act afraid, and you act ashamed, you will end up being all three. At least for practical purposes. Then you get 2017. Here we are.
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Re: Only in America

Post by Supaduke » 08 Feb 2017, 6:50 pm

I for one am neither ashamed or afraid. I do however, understand the importance of public perception. It's exactly the same as my passion, motorcycles. Every dumb kid doing dumb things just rips to pieces our arguement that enthusiasts are responsible and law abiding. It turns those who are apathetic towards our chosen sports against us. Slowly but surely one by one. Those that are turned more often than not won't be turned around to support us. Guns, like motorcycles are not overly popular in our society. It's one of those hobbies that people can be passionately against.

It's not defeatist, it's fact. Incidents like this do not help our cause. Australia especially, where gun ownership is a privilege, not a right is affected badly by such incidents.

Years to build a reputation, moments to destroy. We all know that funny look we've received from some people when you mention you're a gun enthusiast.

Wether we like it or not our government are often driven by populist opinions. Make something unpopular enough and boom it's gone.

I'm certainly not being apologetic for these buttheads, nor do I apologise for owning guns.

Cops have guns, it's part of the job of law enforcement. Don't like cops visiting your house? Then don't own guns.
They are visiting in the course of their job.

Laws change as society changes. Do I agree with all our laws? Nup, the fundamental flaw of democracy.

Do I believe concealed carry is ok? Yes.
Do I believe open carry, especially long arms is ok? No, it's aggressive, intimidating and frankly a bit pissweak.

Imagine those idiots strutting round a shopping centre kitted up like that and you were there with the missus and kids. Your threat responses would be through the roof.

Aggression creates more aggression. Nothing wrong with a little bit of subtlety.
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Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 09 Feb 2017, 2:32 am

these guys are in truoble they have been al over the news here and have pulled crap before
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Re: Only in America

Post by on_one_wheel » 09 Feb 2017, 7:47 am

Title_II wrote:
GLS_1956 wrote:Please understand, I think the guys in Michigan were/are A$$holes. A$$holes like them just make everyday gun owners look bad.

And a crack dealer makes pharmacists look bad /sarcasm.

Stop letting them force us to think this way. Why should we be the only people that are defined by the worst among us, or not even among us? One reason. We agree to it. Tell them to step off and ram it down their throats twice as hard as they come at us.

I'm not putting up with guilty conscience crap or living in the shadows over guns from anyone. That is the crap that got us here and we are guilty of NOTHING.

If you act guilty, and you act afraid, and you act ashamed, you will end up being all three. At least for practical purposes. Then you get 2017. Here we are.

Yes :thumbsup:
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Re: Only in America

Post by Eduardo » 23 Feb 2017, 11:26 pm

I'm all for open carry, but that was the bone head move of the century.
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Re: Only in America

Post by wrenchman » 21 Aug 2017, 9:48 am ... -sentenced
thought you guys might like up date both go to jail
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Re: Only in America

Post by Member-Deleted » 21 Aug 2017, 12:21 pm

So professional provocators they say
I would call them oxygen thieves at best
These turds don't realise that by doing things like that tend to make police edgy and that could lead to them making mistakes like the australian woman
who was shot dead a couple of weeks ago

I'm not totally against open carry but in most cases you could wrap it up in something if you don't have a gun case
In saying that there will be times when you will have to openly carry but it wouldn't be into a police station or the likes

These blokes need to be treated as terrorists to set an example to all the other would be provocators and idiots doing this sort of stuff
It does no good to the gun users or for that matter the public in general

May be if they hadn't taken away the death penalty these sort of people would think twice before doing half the sh@t they do now


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