Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :-)

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Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :-)

Post by bladeracer » 30 Jul 2017, 4:22 pm

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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 30 Jul 2017, 4:36 pm

Glad to see some people taking action and trying to get into the right places to make changes!
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 30 Jul 2017, 4:37 pm

They're my "local", although they're 2.5hrs away and I've never managed to get there.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 30 Jul 2017, 4:48 pm

Reading through the candidates looks like some passionate people finally, good times ahead hopefully.

That little comic of the guy poking SSAA saying come on do something is the perfect representation of the issue :drinks:
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Sarco » 30 Jul 2017, 8:42 pm

Sadly again few of the potential candidates, either these four or the ones in the "other" block have precious little management experience to bring to the organisation. The last thing the SSAA Vic needs is more Board members who are only there to push their own barrow.

Pipe dreams of new ranges east of Melb. are just that, pipe dreams. To just complete a feasibility study on the need and location of the proposed range would take millions of $, far more than the SSAA has and is likely to have in the future. Unless stunningly monumental government grants are given to the organisation and/or the government miraculously decides there is a need (more pipe dreams). Further the east of Melb is among the fastest growing areas in Vic. so where would be a feasible location? Certainly not west of Warragul and probably not west of Traralgon. The southwest, similarly is also not really a viable option as bad enough the development on prime farming land least of all rifle/pistol ranges.

This group supported by 'past' board members is great, a group of past board who achieved virtually nothing collectively between them and in fact presided over some of the grossest acts of mismanagement to occur in the organisation.

SSAA Vic is NOT a not for profit organisation like many other clubs, including other SSAA orgs interstate. It turns over $Millions every year and these need to be manage correctly. It cannot be ran like a local old boys footy club.

Governance and corporate compliance must be addressed and personally I would like to see the organisation become quality accredited, meeting ISO9001 requirements. Currently I don't believe they know the meaning of the word "quality"

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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Jul 2017, 9:23 pm

"Governance and corporate compliance must be addressed and personally I would like to see the organisation become quality accredited, meeting ISO9001 requirements. Currently I don't believe they know the meaning of the word "quality""

Weeeellll, actually I think certification in AS/NZ 4801 OHS Management Systems would be more appropriate.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Tiger650 » 30 Jul 2017, 10:10 pm

Sarco directly above sounds like an apologist for the Status Quo, which is s**t BTW.

I avoid Little River for several reasons, not the least of which are money harvesting from Members and tolerance of BS behavior such as people turning up and "reserving" a bench by placing a chair on a bench prior to signing in, no need to wait in line to sign in like the blokes who turned up earlier !

Last time I was there I was told by an RO that "You cannot have that bench, that is Johnno's bench [complete with freaking chair] Johnno was nowhere to be seen so I removed a chair from an adjacent bench and set the gear up including target frames out.

All good to go and some s#itbag comes wandering up and demands that we move everything because he had "reserved" the bench by turning up later than us putting a bloody chair on the bench.

My young bloke was shooting an accurate varmint rifle with our experimental [vs std 168gn Sierra] handloads and the bulls**t was unwelcome re his focus on the job.

Given that a rifle range is not the place for aggressive defence I was polite but firm, even when told that the chair on the bench bulls**t was in the range rules, I was dealing with a persistent ****** who really needed to be slapped.

Then the RO who had shooed us away from Johnno's "reserved" bench suggested that it may be best if we gave up the bench to the d**khead to avoid any bother !

I firmly but politely declined to do that, almost anywhere else I would have become very coarse in my language and behaviour but never at a rifle range.

The queue jumping loudmouth pissed off and so did the RO, damage was done and the young bloke shot OK but did not need the distraction, neither did I as his Coach.

Two other ROs approached us at first check fire and expressed their support for my position, good blokes and it has been my pleasure to meet the Chief RO on a couple of occasions, a Gentleman and kindred spirit but he cannot be there during all range hours.

Given the significant costs of use of the Range he could be permanently employed and I would expect the range to be better run if he were there to train/supervise [put some backbone in] the hired ROs.

My ideal would be to have retired Army NCOs doing the job, preferably RAR or RA or RAEng, it would have been beneficial to the queue jumper and most amusing for the young bloke [a serving soldier] and myself.

Money is where it is at, once I neglected to pack a forend rest and had the pleasure of paying $20.00 to hire a well worn $125.00 retail rest, the woman in the office knows which side her bread is buttered on for sure.

The show lacks organization and is a money mill for whoever, certainly not run for the benefit of the shareholders.

Too late to the table Sarco, there are many folks such as myself who will not swallow your ISO9001 be frightened of the UN bulls**t.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by andreweden » 30 Jul 2017, 11:13 pm

This all sounds like a bunch of kids whining about what happened in the playground at 'little lunch'.

And wtf does ISO9001 have to do with the UN?
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by thegooch » 31 Jul 2017, 9:24 pm

Same at Springvale where supposedly therei s a 10 meter air rifle range. There is, but it's off limits to all except the pieces of !@#t that have it reserved 24 hours a day 7 days a week and are never there. I've seen some heads up some a!!@# but this needs to be looked at and have some light shed on it. Then you got the Hawkers peddeling their crap
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 11:11 pm

andreweden wrote:This all sounds like a bunch of kids whining about what happened in the playground at 'little lunch'.

And wtf does ISO9001 have to do with the UN?

Are you saying that it's perfectly okay for paying members to suffer this sort of abuse, and for it to be condoned by the range management?
Would you expect the manager to keep his job once such behavior turns into assault and Police get involved?

Have you seen the statement from Shooter's Union today that the proposed NSW range has fallen through due at least in part to the efforts of SSAA's president?
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by andreweden » 31 Jul 2017, 11:26 pm

Then don't be a member. Clubs are always like this, full of egos and bulls**t. Either live with it or leave, or make a difference. Just whining about is fairly pointless.

Setting up a rival faction union/party/association simply further divides and looks like a bunch of squabbling kids. "I'm not your best friend anymore". Taking ones bat and ball and going home.

Remember Monty Pythons Life of Brian? The Judean People's Front, the People's Front of Judea, the Popular People's Front of Judea..... that is what all this looks like.

Sure as hell whining on social media has never actually changed a thing.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 11:38 pm

andreweden wrote:Then don't be a member. Clubs are always like this, full of egos and bulls**t. Either live with it or leave, or make a difference. Just whining about is fairly pointless.

That's the reason I posted it here - this club wants to make a difference to the fix the current mess.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 01 Aug 2017, 1:53 am

bladeracer wrote:
andreweden wrote:This all sounds like a bunch of kids whining about what happened in the playground at 'little lunch'.

And wtf does ISO9001 have to do with the UN?

Are you saying that it's perfectly okay for paying members to suffer this sort of abuse, and for it to be condoned by the range management?
Would you expect the manager to keep his job once such behavior turns into assault and Police get involved?

Have you seen the statement from Shooter's Union today that the proposed NSW range has fallen through due at least in part to the efforts of SSAA's president?

That in its self is part of the problem you mentioned, SSAA, SSAANSW, SUNSW, SFFP!

What we need is ONE central nation wide body that pulls s**t together, not this state branched multi org bs, I looked back via SUNSW, in the 3+ years they’ve been focused on this “range” have they done anything in regards to firearms laws? Cause all their fb has is “shooting range this”
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 01 Aug 2017, 1:58 am

WatchyShooter wrote:That in its self is part of the problem you mentioned, SSAA, SSAANSW, SUNSW, SFFP!

What we need is ONE central nation wide body that pulls s**t together, not this state branched multi org bs, I looked back via SUNSW, in the 3+ years they’ve been focused on this “range” have they done anything in regards to firearms laws? Cause all their fb has is “shooting range this”

Agree with all of that.
But it's not good to have our largest organisation stifling the efforts of others to protect their own bottom line.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Gwion » 01 Aug 2017, 10:45 am

Old Boys' Club... Executive gets rusted on and there's no-one motivated enough to campaign seriously for change.

I'm sure they believe they are acting in the best interests of shooters and let's face it, they do a hell of a lot day to day but the comments above as being a lack of management experience to move the organisation forward is spot on. In this day and age it is not good enough to run what is considered the peak body for Australian Shooters run like a bush league footy club.

Also agree that factional splintering is not the answer but what is the alternative if traction for change and modernisation is not forthcoming!?!
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 01 Aug 2017, 12:16 pm

bladeracer wrote:
WatchyShooter wrote:That in its self is part of the problem you mentioned, SSAA, SSAANSW, SUNSW, SFFP!

What we need is ONE central nation wide body that pulls s**t together, not this state branched multi org bs, I looked back via SUNSW, in the 3+ years they’ve been focused on this “range” have they done anything in regards to firearms laws? Cause all their fb has is “shooting range this”

Agree with all of that.
But it's not good to have our largest organisation stifling the efforts of others to protect their own bottom line.

And honestly that seems like the biggest issue, everyone sees others as “competition” or a threat, someone who’s “taking” members and so on, it hard enough fighting antis we really don’t need to be fighting each other.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Gwion » 01 Aug 2017, 3:46 pm

No reason organisations can't work together. Would actually be better than "one ring to rule them all" theory. Showing a unified front by all these orgs shows that the firearms community is diverse and complex yet united for fairness in law and public representation.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bullzeye » 01 Aug 2017, 5:22 pm

SSAA doesn't feel right to me.

Shooters Union Australia seem a bit disorganised.

So who's left to join?
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 01 Aug 2017, 5:37 pm

bullzeye wrote:SSAA doesn't feel right to me.

Shooters Union Australia seem a bit disorganised.

So who's left to join?

I will always say
Liberal Democrats should be the first one you fund and become a member of if you can, having actual political influence helps more then anything.
After that whoever you like and doesn’t charge much :drinks:
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Elmer » 01 Aug 2017, 10:43 pm

Speaking of the SSAA, about twelve months ago I fronted up to the local SSAA Para range in South Australia to sight in the .22WMR (good excuse for a sicky). Anyway because Im not a "CLUB" member and only a Association member they slugged me $50.00 for range fees :shock:, when I questioned them about the ridiculous price the RO said "It was to put new people off from using the range"....I always thought we as a group being new or old hands were supposed to be united and on equal terms, guess I was wrong.
If the SSAA are trying to recruit new members and keep old ones (have been an Association member since 94) they certainly go about it the wrong way :thumbsdown:
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 01 Aug 2017, 10:46 pm

And more!
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 01 Aug 2017, 11:05 pm

I only renewed my SSAA two weeks ago, after a very long, hard think about it. I never did come up with a satisfactory reason for doing so, but did it anyway.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 01 Aug 2017, 11:21 pm

bladeracer wrote:And more!

Another nail in the SSAA coffin.

Cause that’s what we need, the biggest trade show, with ZERO DECENT POLITICAL REPRESENTATION.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by juststarting » 01 Aug 2017, 11:54 pm

It's hard when all options are bunch of retards and your best option is the least retarded one, the one that only eats glue, but doesn't try to smell fire.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Daddybang » 02 Aug 2017, 7:04 am

bladeracer wrote:I only renewed my SSAA two weeks ago, after a very long, hard think about it. I never did come up with a satisfactory reason for doing so, but did it anyway.

Ya aren't on ya own there b.r I've recently been through the same dilemma. And the same result. :thumbsup:
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by tlia7 » 02 Aug 2017, 10:24 am

Hi Elmer

The Adelaide Pistol & Shooting club is currently building a 200m rifle range and if all goes to plan will be operational by the years end. We will welcome all licensed shooters to use it but preferably get your membership. If you become a member you can use the range at opening hours for no extra cost. The board has yet to decide range fees for non member licenced shooters but I doubt it will be $50!
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by juststarting » 02 Aug 2017, 5:29 pm

My membership is coming to an end... I rather donate to disorganised Shooters Union, than c*** like SSAA, especially after rejections of SFF and ejection of FOU from shot shows. Political my arse, more like competitive.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by bladeracer » 02 Aug 2017, 5:40 pm

I'm curious what the SSAA apologists feelings are about this type of infighting. What are they offering to show that this sort of thing is perfectly okay?
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by WatchyShooter » 02 Aug 2017, 6:03 pm

bladeracer wrote:I'm curious what the SSAA apologists feelings are about this type of infighting. What are they offering to show that this sort of thing is perfectly okay?

It’s in direct contradiction with their own constitution, they vow to work to progress our rights.

I asked how this is helping via FB.
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Re: Even the SSAA clubs are sick of how SSAA represents us :

Post by Gun-nut » 02 Aug 2017, 6:36 pm

SUA is definitely the way to go over the SSAA, they may be a little disorganized but they're still small in comparison. Personally, I'd never give a dime to the SSAA considering how they've treated shooters so poorly over the years. I'm also glad to hear Firearm Owners United have become a non for profit organisation as they've been very vocal for firearm rights since creating their FB page roughly 2 years ago.
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