Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 3:12 pm

That eff wit shoebridge and the greens are at it again!!! Check out the abc news website!!
If someone can post a link that would be great!!! :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 3:41 pm

bentaz wrote:Last time this s**t came out I had more guns than they said were in my post code!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :drinks:
At least vic qld and the territory told'em to f@#k off. :drinks:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by No1Mk3 » 11 Oct 2017, 4:13 pm

Do these muppets really not understand that crims use such information to target suburbs for cruising?
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by YoungBuck » 11 Oct 2017, 4:53 pm

Daddybang wrote:That eff wit shoebridge and the greens are at it again!!! Check out the abc news website!!
If someone can post a link that would be great!!! :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-11/g ... ia/9038350
It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at five hundred yards, Tannen, and it's pointed straight at your head!
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 5:02 pm

No1Mk3 wrote:Do these muppets really not understand that crims use such information to target suburbs for cruising?

Yeah that's what the pos want then they can go "see told ya so". If one of those places gets hit they should be charged with aiding in the commission of a crime. :drinks:

Thanks youngbuck!! :drinks:

They also want a blitz on storage for holders of ten or more firearms and a limit of five firearms per license holder. !!!!!
F@#kwits :drinks: :drinks:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by YoungBuck » 11 Oct 2017, 5:12 pm

Quite the load of drivel from the greens and yes it's purely aim at political points and they are riding the Vegas shooting wave...
Also shame on the ABC for publishing this crap, they seem to be turning into bloody ACA or Today Tonight with these biased one sided articles.
It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at five hundred yards, Tannen, and it's pointed straight at your head!
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Chronos » 11 Oct 2017, 5:14 pm

bentaz wrote:Last time this s**t came out I had more guns than they said were in my post code!

Last time I went and bought three more to set s new record for the most guns in my suburb, their plan backfired. Lol

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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by jmr22 » 11 Oct 2017, 6:03 pm

sungazer wrote:I was thinking which is dangerous. The police do not let us use self defense as a reason to own a gun or even use one when confronted with a potential life threatening situation. There reason being that it is the Police's job to provide protection to the community. Well this is fine until the time comes when they are not there to provide the protection. In this case do we have a case to sue the Police for not providing us with protection? when we could have potentially protected ourselves but were not allowed to do so.

I look at it this way sungazer, If someone comes into MY house to do harm to me or my misses, I'll do what I gotta do and deal with the consequences later. they'll be dead and I get a couple of years and be alive. Sick and tired of being told to roll over for scum. I want one of these do gooden bastards to move into a s**t suburb in Cairns for a while.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by juststarting » 11 Oct 2017, 6:05 pm

sungazer wrote:I was thinking which is dangerous. The police do not let us use self defense as a reason to own a gun or even use one when confronted with a potential life threatening situation. There reason being that it is the Police's job to provide protection to the community. Well this is fine until the time comes when they are not there to provide the protection. In this case do we have a case to sue the Police for not providing us with protection? when we could have potentially protected ourselves but were not allowed to do so.

Police enforce, not make the rules, so no.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by southwest shooter » 11 Oct 2017, 6:43 pm

Protect yourself if you have to by whatever means available , you can't rely on the cops to save your bacon !
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 6:51 pm

jmr22 wrote:
sungazer wrote:I was thinking which is dangerous. The police do not let us use self defense as a reason to own a gun or even use one when confronted with a potential life threatening situation. There reason being that it is the Police's job to provide protection to the community. Well this is fine until the time comes when they are not there to provide the protection. In this case do we have a case to sue the Police for not providing us with protection? when we could have potentially protected ourselves but were not allowed to do so.

I look at it this way sungazer, If someone comes into MY house to do harm to me or my misses, I'll do what I gotta do and deal with the consequences later. they'll be dead and I get a couple of years and be alive. Sick and tired of being told to roll over for scum. I want one of these do gooden bastards to move into a s**t suburb in Cairns for a while.

Yep it would be nice!!! But we all know they're just miss understood and have come from broken homes and it's not their fault...sniff sniff yep that's bulls@#t I smell!!! :drinks:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by dpskipper » 11 Oct 2017, 7:16 pm

God this makes me mad. Just watched the story on ABC news TV.....
Story starts with the anchor saying "gun control advocates call for gun arsenals to be banned in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting" So I assume they also called for Trucks to be banned after the Nice attacks where a truck was used to run over and kill scores of people??? Why prey on an unrelated event in another country with different firearms laws and culture? Because it helps their cause to ban more guns. Throughout the entire story I think they only said the word "collector" (as in firearms collector) 1 or 2 times. Every other time it was "private arsenal" etc etc. Obvious they want the general public to think we're all mad men, and not just simple sports shooters who like fondling old guns...

I also find it no surprise they had on live TV NOT ONE BUT TWO anti-gun muppets to further their cause. The SSAA only got an honourable mention at the end, no interview NOTHING. Their obvious bias against gun owners is amazing. WHY NOT interview an equal number of people from each side of the debate???

We're being force fed bulls**t masked as news!
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by jmr22 » 11 Oct 2017, 7:25 pm

dpskipper wrote:God this makes me mad. Just watched the story on ABC news TV.....
Story starts with the anchor saying "gun control advocates call for gun arsenals to be banned in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting" So I assume they also called for Trucks to be banned after the Nice attacks where a truck was used to run over and kill scores of people??? Why prey on an unrelated event in another country with different firearms laws and culture? Because it helps their cause to ban more guns. Throughout the entire story I think they only said the word "collector" (as in firearms collector) 1 or 2 times. Every other time it was "private arsenal" etc etc. Obvious they want the general public to think we're all mad men, and not just simple sports shooters who like fondling old guns...

I also find it no surprise they had on live TV NOT ONE BUT TWO anti-gun muppets to further their cause. The SSAA only got an honourable mention at the end, no interview NOTHING. Their obvious bias against gun owners is amazing. WHY NOT interview an equal number of people from each side of the debate???

We're being force fed bulls**t masked as news!

Be nice if they took such a keen interest in the rest of the bulshit invasions of privacy and introduction of more and more methods of covert surveillance on the public. I don't watch TV and generally listen too the ABC on the radio because they have some quite interesting programs that I find a lot more interesting then the s**t dribbled out by commercial stations; Saying that in recent years the amount of times i turn the radio off because i get sick of the air time given too the retard greenies or the apologists for terrorists of all persuasion and other such clowns has been growing.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by brett1868 » 11 Oct 2017, 7:41 pm

Their numbers are off by a country mile, I've got at least 50% more then what they list for my postcode and I can guarantee I've got the biggest civilian registered rifle in NSW if not Aus. apart from Oldblokes oldfella :)
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 7:44 pm

dpskipper wrote:God this makes me mad. Just watched the story on ABC news TV.....
Story starts with the anchor saying "gun control advocates call for gun arsenals to be banned in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting" So I assume they also called for Trucks to be banned after the Nice attacks where a truck was used to run over and kill scores of people??? Why prey on an unrelated event in another country with different firearms laws and culture? Because it helps their cause to ban more guns. Throughout the entire story I think they only said the word "collector" (as in firearms collector) 1 or 2 times. Every other time it was "private arsenal" etc etc. Obvious they want the general public to think we're all mad men, and not just simple sports shooters who like fondling old guns...

I also find it no surprise they had on live TV NOT ONE BUT TWO anti-gun muppets to further their cause. The SSAA only got an honourable mention at the end, no interview NOTHING. Their obvious bias against gun owners is amazing. WHY NOT interview an equal number of people from each side of the debate???

We're being force fed bulls**t masked as news!

This is why I only look at the abc news on my phone that way I can choose which stories I look at. I liked the comment about the owner might go nuts so they shouldn't have so many firearms. What about the nut job who drove a truck thru a nsw town today . He has a history of mental illness yet he's given a forty truck and trailer to drive????? :unknown: :unknown: :drinks:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by juststarting » 11 Oct 2017, 7:47 pm

Lalala I bought more guns today. That is all :)
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Cryptic » 11 Oct 2017, 7:47 pm

:lol: Brett is in a competition with them it seems.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by jmr22 » 11 Oct 2017, 8:34 pm

Ive had a look and couldn't really find straight answers, Is the level of gun ownership per capita rising rapidly or are people just more open about there firearms now?
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Ratsmitglied » 11 Oct 2017, 8:37 pm

I think I have to try harder..but unfortunately that isn't on the cards until we get some other stuff sorted out :-(
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Member-Deleted » 11 Oct 2017, 8:42 pm

Yeah it was an interesting read it certainly shows how retarded the greens are to let this moron babble on with this BS :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
The statement where he states in Tasmania there is 127,000 registered guns the biggest caches were held by people holding licences for
business and Gov departments GUN SHOPS ,POLICE AND ARMY '' WTF'' :wtf: :wtf:
The second biggest was a paint ball business had 42 guns '' WOW'' Now they're Fikken dangerous by any bodies standards :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Honey pot for crims '' CRIKEY '' :shock: :shock: have they finally admitted that crims don't use registered guns for crime they use unregistered ones
a win for the pro gun lobby :clap: :clap: :clap:
And another win admitting the crims won't hand unregistered guns in :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then there's the big one :x :x we're not potential criminals by owning a gun but the greens think we could be mentally unstable :crazy: :crazy:
YET they may be right in my case anyway mentally unstable and forgetful :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
There you go I can't even remember who the greens are :? or are they the people that live in trees and drink their own piss 8-) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Tripod » 11 Oct 2017, 8:55 pm

Their figures are wrong for Tassie and that is a statement of fact. :D
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Daddybang » 11 Oct 2017, 9:02 pm

Tripod wrote:Their figures are wrong for Tassie and that is a statement of fact. :D

No way..not possible for the greens to be wrong they are never wrong and ya should be ashamed for even thinking it!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :drinks:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Member-Deleted » 11 Oct 2017, 9:05 pm

YEP Tripod no doubt it is which even makes them look stupid thank Christ they're not accountants :lol: :lol:
Makes you wonder where all this BS is going to end :crazy: :crazy: being able to state untruths in the media and not
be taken to task for doing so if the average jo-blow done that they would be reprimanded by the courts


Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Oldbloke » 11 Oct 2017, 9:08 pm

brett1868 wrote:Their numbers are off by a country mile, I've got at least 50% more then what they list for my postcode and I can guarantee I've got the biggest civilian registered rifle in NSW if not Aus. apart from Oldblokes oldfella :)

I just love the boy. :friends:
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by jmr22 » 11 Oct 2017, 9:10 pm

It won't be a green flog like Sarah Hansen Young at the helm while all these laws get quietly pushed through, it will be lab or lib...again.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Oldbloke » 11 Oct 2017, 9:12 pm

Throw these graphs and stats at anties. He. He

https://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/u ... l?referer=
Gun deaths per million head of population in the US. 27
For Australia. 1.7

We are a very safe country. And the Greens are

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Last edited by Oldbloke on 11 Oct 2017, 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by dpskipper » 11 Oct 2017, 9:13 pm

jmr22 wrote:It won't be a green flog like Sarah Hansen Young at the helm while all these laws get quietly pushed through, it will be lab or lib...again.

Ditch the major parties! Both are wolf in sheep's clothing!
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Member-Deleted » 11 Oct 2017, 9:22 pm


If that's the case send them up here while they still have their sheep coats on the dingoes will have a field day :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by dpskipper » 11 Oct 2017, 9:25 pm

Then when the dingoes are finished, we can pick 'em off...
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Re: Hoards of guns in the suburbs!!!!

Post by Member-Deleted » 11 Oct 2017, 9:34 pm

What with dpskipper we won't have guns if they get their way so better start voting for different party
one that has Australian at mind and a fair go for all of them :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: :clap:


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