An interesting offer to speak about shooting

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An interesting offer to speak about shooting

Post by brett1868 » 13 Nov 2017, 10:14 pm

I received a phone call this afternoon from my manager which isn't unusual but she said she had a strange request for me. Apparently her manager would like me to give a 15 minute presentation on "Shooting as a sport" to the team which numbers around 50 people of various ages and nationalities in a few weeks time. For those that don't know, I work for one of the big 4 banks in IT so it's going to be a massive challenge to present something that doesn't offend.

My plan is to focus purely on the Sporting side of shooting rather then spraying Skippy's brains all over the paddock with a well placed 798gr hollow point or murdering Bambi to make sausages.

I want to make it factual, educational and entertaining as this is a great opportunity to encourage others to join our sport.

I'm seeking ideas on what I should / should not discuss.

Thoughts guys?
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Supaduke » 13 Nov 2017, 10:32 pm

I would emphasize the safety aspects, range rules, safe handling procedures, laws and regulations we are subjected to and things like storage requirements etc.

Dispell some myths about about our 'watered down' gun laws, few stats on the amount of crimes involving legal guns etc.

Then talk about the inclusive nature of shooting sports. How men and women with or without varying disabilities can compete on a level playing field.

The economic benefits

The benefits to agriculture and sustaining native wildlife.

Then after all that PC feelgood business you could explain just how awesome it is to shoot guns.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by scaredyet » 13 Nov 2017, 10:34 pm

Maybe don't mention Michael Diamond
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by p3seven » 13 Nov 2017, 10:45 pm

1 Target Shooting and how it prepares us to be better sportsmen in both hunting and competition. All ages, all sexes
2 Our Olympic and Commonwealth games success.
3 Feral animals their costs to farmers and environment. The cost effectiveness and humainness of hunting for control vs poisions and traps.
Hilights would be,
Quoll reintroduction in Flinders Ranges due to years of work by volonteers in controlling foxes.
Mornington Peninsular rabbit control.
Kangaroo Island cat control
There are many others. Like Farmer Assist. Indigenous Rangers working in Camel, cat and wild dog control.

Also the exercise effects of walking while hunting.

Good luck.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by on_one_wheel » 13 Nov 2017, 10:46 pm

"My plan is to focus purely on the Sporting side of shooting rather then spraying Skippy's brains all over the paddock with a well placed 798gr hollow point or murdering Bambi to make sausages" :lol:

Probably a good idea.

What I'd do with an audience like that...
Firearm basics ( how they work )
Talk them through step by step what happens when you pull the trigger, choose a common round to talk about like the .308. Talk about the mechanics and physics, pressures, speed of projectile in fps and kph ( most folks cant comprehend something like 3200 fps), rpm of the projectile then get into what it takes to make an impressive long range shot, the difference between accuracy and precision, what you physically do and the calculations you make.

Whenever I talk technical ears prick up. Most peopke don't realize the level of focus and things like predictable factors and unpredictable factors until they've had it explained.
I get the occasional question and I'm always happy to do a quick presentation on the white board. General people at my work get very interested and love the technical side of it as science plays a pivotal role in my workplace.

Perhaps even have a few projectiles to hand around and a empty case or two (if it's not going to cause any issues )
You could even plonk a book like Applied Ballistics down on the desk te emphasize just how technical things can get if you really want to get into it.

They'll love it
Last edited by on_one_wheel on 13 Nov 2017, 11:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Die Judicii » 13 Nov 2017, 10:59 pm

Hey Brett,
The undeniable fact that (? 98 %) of women from all walks of life that have the opportunity to actually fire (usually a largish calibre) for the first time in their life, come up with a huge smile, and say eg. F@ck,,,, that was good, can I have another shot ?

It is true my friend,,,,,, I have witnessed it many times,,, and have heard many other reports confirming this.

Go for it Mate,,,,
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by juststarting » 13 Nov 2017, 11:28 pm

I know the crowd, honestly, you know they don't give a s**t about 'The benefits to agriculture and sustaining native wildlife.' because you are talking about a sport, not food.

Do mention food and that most hunters actually do something useful, more so than dry humping trees like the greenies (I am power phrasing).

Pretty much what Supaduke said, but go in stages... Like, the anatomy of what you would consider a gun nut (person with many guns) start with something like, everyone starts on a .22 and this is why... And that's precision.

Then to test reaction everyone gets a shotgun.

Then you want to challange yourself more so you get a centrefire and shoot further or a handgun and shoot faster (IPSC), blah, blah, blah and this is why we all have lots of guns. Suddenly it all makes sense and too many guns seem like not enough. Heaps of images. Some videos. You'll do well :)
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by darwindingo » 13 Nov 2017, 11:34 pm

Supaduke wrote:I would emphasize the safety aspects, range rules, safe handling procedures, laws and regulations we are subjected to and things like storage requirements etc.

Dispell some myths about about our 'watered down' gun laws, few stats on the amount of crimes involving legal guns etc.

Then talk about the inclusive nature of shooting sports. How men and women with or without varying disabilities can compete on a level playing field.

The economic benefits

The benefits to agriculture and sustaining native wildlife.

Then after all that PC feelgood business you could explain just how awesome it is to shoot guns.

This ^^^^ along with how involving junior members of the family unit in the shooting sports (at the legal age) in a very safe and controlled environment, builds a strong foundation for them to learn responsibility, respect, discipline and safety awareness.. Also how it creates a common interest / bond that strengthens the family unit..

Well at least that's what it did for me..... :drinks:

Also Could you organize a range day for those interested to come and try,,,, and soon to be hooked.... :twisted: .... ???? Let them take their target home to show the other half etc... ;) get them interested too.... Perhaps a follow up range day for them to compete against their partner etc... See where I'm going with this ? ;)

Last edited by darwindingo on 14 Nov 2017, 12:11 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by darwindingo » 13 Nov 2017, 11:42 pm

Die Judicii wrote:Hey Brett,
The undeniable fact that (? 98 %) of women from all walks of life that have the opportunity to actually fire (usually a largish calibre) for the first time in their life, come up with a huge smile, and say eg. F@ck,,,, that was good, can I have another shot ?

It is true my friend,,,,,, I have witnessed it many times,,, and have heard many other reports confirming this....,

YEP !!!! It's a well documented phenomenon DJ.... :drinks:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by SomeoneElse » 14 Nov 2017, 5:41 am

I'd mention that an approx 3.2% ownership rate (800,000 / 24,714,400), it's likely that you are not the only firearm owner in the room. People can relate to % more than raw figures, though the banking industry may be an exception.

If/when you mention personal hearing protection at shooting ranges, maybe something about how Hollywood silencers are a special sound effect, just like Hollywood laser beam guns in space. (The juxtaposition where we are mandated to NOT have a safety device for our hearing...)

What a great opportunity. Good luck with your talk.

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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Wylie27 » 14 Nov 2017, 5:58 am

Also talk about the gold medal / world champsionships our shooters have brought home recently.

A paralympian just got gold in bangkok, bench rest shooters winning gold in NZ etc.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Archie » 14 Nov 2017, 7:06 am

Working in the same industry (big 4, not IT - about as non-rural as you can get so often zero personal exposure to firearms) one of the things I've found with colleagues is, everyone feels a lot more comfortable when they understand that we have strict laws regarding criminal background checks, licencing and storage. For some reason a substantial part of the urban population still think that guns of any type are completely outlawed, and when they find out that they aren't they assume anybody can get them and people keep them loaded under their bed.

It's boring but it illustrates the "safe, responsible" part of the sport.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Gamerancher » 14 Nov 2017, 8:37 am

Reinforce the FACT that it is the safest sport going. If they want figures, get the statistics on sports injuries at hospital emergency rooms.
One of my chosen disciplines, metallic silhouette, is the perfect sport for "helicopter" parents. What other sport is there were mum or dad can stand right beside "little Johnnie" or "princess Susie" while they are "playing" their chosen sport. ( sorry for the use of outdated names there, just showing my age , nowadays it would be something more like Ellington or Justice :lol: )
We have whole families that "play" our sport, mum, dad and the kids, all in the same "game". I can't think of any other sport that is as safe and inclusive. ( there's a word they'll like )
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by AusTac » 14 Nov 2017, 9:21 am

It's a trap! Hope you don't have any 20 something hipsters riding the desk next to you mate!
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Baronvonrort » 14 Nov 2017, 9:38 am

I would point out those with target shooting as a genuine reason cannot participate in bloodsports like hunting along with hunters not being able to participate in target shooting without adding target shooting as a genuine reason, I would ask if they consider it watering down our laws to allow hunters to participate in target shooting comps without having to add it as a genuine reason.

Turtles are endangered in Qld because feral pigs feast on them along with their nests, turtles are the main predator of the Irukandji, I think many like turtles so this could be a good thing to raise. We spend millions of taxpayers money every year on feral pig eradication.

We have 1,973,522 firearm license holders with 5,798,980 registered firearms in Australia, I would point out firearm license numbers and registered guns have nearly doubled since 1996 while gun crime has decreased, our population has risen from 18 million to 24 million in this time so it's a large per capita increase since 1996. Page 63 for License and firearm numbers-

Not much else to add I think you will do a great job with it. :allegedly:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Stix » 14 Nov 2017, 9:39 am

Gamerancher wrote:... ..."little Johnnie" or "princess Susie".. ...( sorry for the use of outdated names there, just showing my age , nowadays it would be something more like Ellington or Justice :lol: )

:clap: :lol: LMFAO :lol: :clap:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Smokingbrass » 14 Nov 2017, 9:55 am

As you only have 15min to play with and you will be concentrating on sports shooting only, I would suggest something like, 1. quick explanation of different disciplines and types of firearm used in Australia ( to give a broad outline) 2. Safety and the also the safety record of the sport (hence the lower cost of insurance in the sport) 3. Shooting sports are not gender specific and persons with varying disabilities can participate. Like any other sport it takes a lot of training, discipline and practice. 4. steps on how to get involved and where to locate further information.

I wouldn't specifically talk about laws or politics, as these are time consuming and can close off minds real quick especially if they are already prejudice to the sport. If there are questions asked after the presentation that involve laws and politics then yes answer away.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by GLS_1956 » 14 Nov 2017, 10:51 am

I do not know how much preparation you will be able to have, but I will assume that bringing either firearms or ammunition to the presentation will not be feasible. If this assumption is correct I will suggest you bring quality photographs of a couple of representative types of the guns in the three general categories, rifle, shotgun and handgun. I would limit to only one or two, no more than four, of each respective category. For the rifle I would show a bolt action sporter, bolt action target (possibly a 22LR), and a lever action carbine. In the case of the shotgun I would have pictures of O/U and SxS guns, one a field gun and the other a competition model, you could add a single barrel single shot here if you wish. When it comes to the handguns again choose at least one target model, like the S&W 41 or a Colt Golf Cup National Match, represent the autoloader and a revolver, single-action, double-action or both, with a 6 inch barrel. These would cover well over 90% if the style of guns they would probably ever come across.

Do your best to keep it simple and try limiting YOUR opening commentary to five minutes. In that time cover the general safety rules, how ammunition works, hammer/firing pin hit primer, primer ignites powder, powder pushes projectile. How the actions work, and keep it simple, you are doing an introduction not an in-depth instruction. Then cover the basic safety rules, starting with TREAT EVERY GUN AS IF IT IS LOADED.

Finally after passing the pictures around and the short talk. ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO KNOW, this way you are talking with them and not lecturing to them. By answering their questions you are able to give them the information they want, answering the questions they have and not talking about something that is not of interest to them,
I've been asked: "How many guns do you need to have?" My answer remains the same: "One more."
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by bladeracer » 14 Nov 2017, 11:17 am

Baronvonrort wrote:I would point out those with target shooting as a genuine reason cannot participate in bloodsports like hunting along with hunters not being able to participate in target shooting without adding target shooting as a genuine reason, I would ask if they consider it watering down our laws to allow hunters to participate in target shooting comps without having to add it as a genuine reason.

In Victoria "Target" allows hunting as well, even on public lands. It just doesn't allow hunting game - deer and duck.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by AusTac » 14 Nov 2017, 11:43 am

Could you bring the .50 in and plonk it on the table for show and tell? I'm sure the bank would be fine with it
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Daddybang » 14 Nov 2017, 12:16 pm

AusTac wrote:Could you bring the .50 in and plonk it on the table for show and tell? I'm sure the bank would be fine with it

Best talk ever!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by brett1868 » 14 Nov 2017, 12:30 pm

Some excellent ideas and I appreciate the input.

Proposed Agenda (Draft)
Intro and my background in shooting
Quick run down on various types of firearms - Black powder, Shotgun, Rim fire, centre fire and hand guns (revolver / semi auto)
License types and how to obtain
Massive variety of competitions, Something for everyone, SASA, CASA, PRS, IPSC, BR, Military etc etc, Inclusive Sport, Junior training and development
Large percentage of new pistol club members are women >%20
Why I shoot - Challenging myself, technical aspects (ballistics of LR shooting), Social aspects, it's fun, Environmental benefits
Australia's international success in sport shooting - Olympic Gold, World Rimfire BR, BR, ISSF
Dispelling the myth - "Guns are dangerous",
Brief summary re-enforcing the safety, social and inclusive nature of the sport.

The target audience is 35-60yr old senior professional / technical types with little or no knowledge of firearms. I think there's only myself and 2 others in the team that shoot.

I'll fill in the points with a bit of detail, feral pigs impacting turtle numbers is great as it'll make people think. I'll mention the "Try Shooting" program at SSAA St Marys and have some info sheets to hand out to anyone interested. I did a doco some time ago about obtaining your Cat A & B license in NSW so I might refresh that and forward it onto interested persons.
I don't have the time to go into any great detail, just enough to touch on a few aspects and hopefully spark some interest that'll lead to people having a go. I'm deliberately avoiding the political aspect and will only just touch on the hunting / vermin control side.

How's this look so far?
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by darwindingo » 14 Nov 2017, 1:04 pm

Sounds good to me Brett.. :thumbsup:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Gwion » 14 Nov 2017, 3:02 pm

I agree with the statement about avoiding the political/legal side of it beyond a brief overview of legal requirements. Avoid a political debate at all costs by briefly pointing out that a clean criminal history is required for licencing then simply treating the topic as any other mainstream sport.

Point out the variety of shooting sports available and its accessability to a broad segment of the community. And, as you say, keep it upbeat, fun and interesting.

Maybe finish by offering to organise a try it out session for anyone interested.

Also, maybe avoid letting on that you are possibly The biggest gun nut in Australia! :lol:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by marksman » 14 Nov 2017, 5:48 pm

maybe advise about how popular it is getting to have a firearms licence eg my area does 25 new applicants each week
it's not like little Johnie and the libs expected that there would be no firearms in civilian hands by the year 2000 the reason why they knocked gunsmith off the list of trades to be taught in Australia
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Oldbloke » 14 Nov 2017, 6:36 pm

bentaz wrote:Did your manager say what it is that they hope to get out of it?

That what's puzzles me too.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by pete1 » 14 Nov 2017, 7:09 pm

Many of these points are very good but farming and need in agriculture should be included as it is almost a necessity in farming, but agree splattering brains may get strange looks.
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by pomemax » 14 Nov 2017, 8:27 pm

You work for a bank you discussing the most expensive hobby in the country after racing (any sort ) explain the cost and I do not just mean $$ time too.
Give them a spread sheet to read .
Roughly what an average expend would be NOT your own they may not believe that .
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by Strikey » 14 Nov 2017, 8:37 pm

Gamerancher wrote:Reinforce the FACT that it is the safest sport going. If they want figures, get the statistics on sports injuries at hospital emergency rooms.
One of my chosen disciplines, metallic silhouette, is the perfect sport for "helicopter" parents. What other sport is there were mum or dad can stand right beside "little Johnnie" or "princess Susie" while they are "playing" their chosen sport. ( sorry for the use of outdated names there, just showing my age , nowadays it would be something more like Ellington or Justice :lol: )
We have whole families that "play" our sport, mum, dad and the kids, all in the same "game". I can't think of any other sport that is as safe and inclusive. ( there's a word they'll like )

Totally agree mate, in all the years we have been in RMS shooting I can't recall anybody being injured, have seen a lot of self inflicted hangovers but thats about it, mostly good times with good friends. These days I enjoy helping my young blokes as much as other friends kids that we have all known since they were babies, on another note some of the worst "kids " are a few adults usually led by a certain Tasmanian, think ya might know who,lol :allegedly: :sarcasm:

Anyway back on topic now Brett, shooting sports are not restricted to age, sex or disability, I don't know of too many other sports that are as inclusive and safe, reckon it would be worth mentioning if there are any anti's or non shooters who just don't know, you have a great opportunity to showcase our pastime :drinks: :drinks:
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Re: An Interesting Offer

Post by bladeracer » 15 Nov 2017, 11:30 am

sungazer wrote:In my club there is an old bloke that has made his own barrels even sold them. i saw one of them in use only a few weeks ago it shot as well as any custom high end barrel manufacture. I was very surprised

Has he got a rifling machine or does he do the rifling manually?
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