Just came back from what was originally meant to be a week hunting with primitive gear up near Mildura. Let's just say conditions weren't that nice and I cracked the s**ts early and went home on the first day.
But I did manage to get my first kill with my flintlock. I found 2 goats resting under a tree as I drive past them to get the wind right,but of course by the time I got back to where they were they'd moved off a hundred yards.
Knowing I'm not so good with a flinch lock,I got within 30m before shooting at the chest of the biggest one. And flinched that bad I just grazed his knee !
So of course by the time I reloaded,they'd moved off another 200m. Pretty quiet goats really. Once again I stalked up to within 30m and fired again at the chest of the bigger one as it came out from behind a bush. It dropped on the spot. Mainly because I'd bloody flinched again and hit 4 inches to the left off where I was aiming and hit it dead centre of the neck. A quickish reload and a shot to the head and it was butchering time !! I can definitely say goat liver,loin,onion,and gravy makes a fine meal !!!!! But I definitely need to work this flinch lock out before I do too much more hunting,I shoot better with a bow at that distance !!!!

- Tasty !!!
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