
Varminting and vertebrate pest control. Small game, hunting feral goats, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits etc.


Post by Tiger650 » 09 Aug 2018, 7:43 pm ... e/10093038

I kill any that come onto my property, the last one was apparently "Pussums" and was hunting the Rainbow Lorrikeet at my backyard bird service station.

Sad thing, lots of "Have you seen Pussums" signs posted on light poles around the area and such, I do not relish killing anyone's pet but the native wildlife are my free range pets.

Them and a cattle dog bitch who does not predate.
Posts: 451

Re: Cats

Post by Gaznazdiak » 09 Aug 2018, 7:50 pm

Tiger650 wrote:

I kill any that come onto my property, the last one was apparently "Pussums" and was hunting the Rainbow Lorrikeet at my backyard bird service station.

Sad thing, lots of "Have you seen Pussums" signs posted on light poles around the area and such, I do not relish killing anyone's pet but the native wildlife are my free range pets.

Them and a cattle dog bitch who does not predate.

If you own a predator and don't control it, it's eventually going to meet a more efficient predator.

Such is life.
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Re: Cats

Post by Rod_outbak » 09 Aug 2018, 8:41 pm

Many, MANY years ago, I used to attend a boarding school in Rockhampton (Central QLD).
Many weekends, we used to go spend our 2 days freedom with my Uncle Jim, who had a property about 15kms out of town.

Uncle Jim had a small mob of sheep, which he kept to supply himself with meat(in addition to the cattle they ran)
Uncle Jim had a strict SOS (Shoot On Sight) policy when it came to any incursions from the town dogs, as there was a small town bordering the property to the South.
Most times, the first we knew there were dogs on the place, would be when you'd see them hassling the sheep.

So, I recall ONE afternoon; Uncle had nailed a dog that he found attacking the sheep, and was burning the carcass on a very big fire.
Just as the fire was dying down, a car drives up, with a very teary family; searching for their dear pet dog called 'Wuffy' or something suchlike.
Have we seen our dearest, sweetest, bestest pet 'Wuffy'?? He's the loveliest dog ever, and wouldnt hurt a fly!
No; no 'Wuffy's sighted around here, as Uncle stokes the remains of the fire up, and throws some more logs onto it....
As the dejected (and crying) family drives off, we were handed a blood-stained collar with a badge inscribed with 'Wuffy', and told to hurl it out into the deepest part of the lagoon that runs around the edge of the homestead garden...

Complete co-incidence...

I see there is a lady in Gippsland who is cracking the sads about the authorities confiscating and euthanasing her 3 pet foxes.
She wants the govt to drop the declaration of foxes as feral pests, so people can keep them as pets; She claims they are no worse than keeping cats!

I dunno, but the last time a fox got into my chookhouse, he killed the 6 chooks he could reach, and dragged 4 of them away to bury them for later.
I have never seen a cat do that...
[I wonder if she realizes that many people would love to have cats declared as feral pests as well??]

Take a look at this article: ... e/10093038

My neighbor has borrowed one of my cat-traps, to catch a few of the moggies that seem to be frequenting his place.
First night netted a cute little Tabby furball.
The next morning, he comes outside to find the cage trap (with furball still inside) being given a touch-up by the 2 wild brolgas they feed daily. The brolgas are trying to spear the furball through the cage, but finding the 1" square mesh just slightly too small to get the big speary beak in to nab Puddin.
Not for lack of trying, though!
Cat is making itself as small as possible; down under the one piece of tin plate near the front of the trap...
Poor old Puddin; he seems to have had a really crap last day, by all accounts...


Sharing the extreme love with cats in Outback QLD
Posts: 494

Re: Cats

Post by tom604 » 10 Aug 2018, 4:55 pm

I see there is a lady in Gippsland who is cracking the sads about the authorities confiscating and euthanasing her 3 pet foxes.
She wants the govt to drop the declaration of foxes as feral pests, so people can keep them as pets; She claims they are no worse than keeping cats!

i have a pet fox,,when i say pet i mean dead and its skin is in the freezer waiting to get tanned,,,hope i get a nice looking cat to join my pet fox :lol:
i have seen a cat with its guts shot out,, still wanted to have a go,,glad its legs didn't work,,cute as :twisted: :thumbsup:
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Re: Cats

Post by Stix » 10 Aug 2018, 6:35 pm

tom604 wrote:I see there is a lady in Gippsland who is cracking the sads about the authorities confiscating and euthanasing her 3 pet foxes.
She wants the govt to drop the declaration of foxes as feral pests, so people can keep them as pets; She claims they are no worse than keeping cats!

i have a pet fox,,when i say pet i mean dead and its skin is in the freezer waiting to get tanned,,,hope i get a nice looking cat to join my pet fox :lol:
i have seen a cat with its guts shot out,, still wanted to have a go,,glad its legs didn't work,,cute as :twisted: :thumbsup:

My monster lion cat is not far off completing the home tanning getting so excited--i really am...!!
Must be something wrong with me i think- :crazy: -getting so excited about the fur of a cat whoms vital organs i vapourised...i just know its gonna sit on my lap while on the couch & im going to stroke it for the first few nights... :lol:
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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South Australia

Re: Cats

Post by RoginaJack » 10 Aug 2018, 6:41 pm

There is NOWAY I'm going to touch that STIX or say anything......
Boom, Boom! Tikka, Tikka, Boom! Shoot first, video later.
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Re: Cats

Post by tom604 » 10 Aug 2018, 8:34 pm

RoginaJack wrote:There is NOWAY I'm going to touch that STIX or say anything......

not after the first night anyway :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cats

Post by Stix » 11 Aug 2018, 1:47 pm

:lol: :lol: :clap:
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
Posts: 3675
South Australia

Re: Cats

Post by wanneroo » 12 Aug 2018, 2:22 am

Good to see Australians doing something about this problem, here in the USA we are infested with feral cats and can't do a thing about it. They spread disease, ticks, fleas and kill tons of birds, the birds of which eat the ticks, so the tick populations and Lyme disease have exploded.

Laws vary by state, but where I live all you can do is trap them and turn them into the local pet pound, which of course is always full.
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Re: Cats

Post by Rod_outbak » 12 Aug 2018, 8:09 am

Sadly, the US seems to be gripped by the claws of the International Rabid Cat-Lovers Guild (IRCLG).
[Rabid as in the owners, and not the Moggies, though many of them likely are as well...]

It's rather ironic; the US refuse to use Sodium Fluroacetate poison (1080) on ferals like coyotes, and (apparently) instead release mange as a more humane control method.
It's considered more humane to freeze to death while itching like crazy, than die from 1080..
And yet 1080 has been used for rodent control in the US for over 60 years.
I think the US does allow the use of the Canid Injectors, but not sure if the US version doesnt allow 1080 as the poison or not.
Canid injectors have a captive bait, and when the animal pulls the bait, a poison is injected into their face, using a spring-loaded device.

1080 was first identified in native plants in Australia; the first settlers on this property lost 6,000 sheep overnight to poison bush(Heartleaf) when bringing the first livestock overland from Bowen in 1863. There are about 30 native plants in Australia which produced Sodium Fluroacetete, and as a result, much of our native wildlife has a very high tolerance to it, which makes it a great poison to use on introduced ferals. You can even nail rabbits by treating carrots with the stuff!
It also breaks down in water, and so decontamination is mostly giving everything a good scrub.
It's not perfect (no poison is), and some animals can take hours to die from it. However, research has suggested that the animal first loses their awareness as the poison takes hold, and so doesnt actually experience the effects. It seems the higher functions of the brain shut down first.
The thing is; it's a LOT better than many of the alternatives.
Even the supposed replacement for 1080 (PAPP) that was hyped up 10 years back, has now been proven to be much less effective than when they first told us it would replace 1080.
But that doesnt stop the Rabid cat-Lovers Guild from trying to get rid of 1080 here in Australia.

Cats are notoriously fickle when it comes to baits, so there arent any cat-specific baits manufactured.
There ARE specific baits manufactured for dogs, foxes, and pigs, though I'm still not sure how well they work.
I use a cat-trap and tins of 'Dine Gourmet' single serves.
Then; a .45 ACP shotshell does a great job at de-meowing the cage, without tearing too many holes in it...
Currently; 'Virgin Tuna' (???) seems to be a very popular flavour with my neighbours(~25kms distant) dwindling cat population.
How the heck to you ask a tuna if it's a virgin before you lop it's head off??

I think Australia has resisted the tentacles of the IRCLG this long, because we have a lot of really cute small, furry animals that are even cuter than your average flea-bitten moggy. BUT, if the moggies end up EATING all of those really cute little furry animals, then you can bet the IRCLG will get their way...
[But NOT at MY place; EVER...]

Sorry; started rabbitting on a bit.
I could REALLY go a cat right about now, but sadly, my guns are all locked away, and I'm hopping on a plane in about 4 hours, so I expect getting gunpowder residue all over might be a mistake...


Sharing the extreme love with cats in Outback QLD
Posts: 494

Re: Cats

Post by tom604 » 12 Aug 2018, 9:54 am

you can fit a cat trap in a wheelie/rubbish bin, :idea: ,,,rain may fill it up,,,, just saying :thumbsup:
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Re: Cats

Post by Rod_outbak » 12 Aug 2018, 10:18 am

Sharing the extreme love with cats in Outback QLD
Posts: 494

Re: Cats

Post by pomemax » 12 Aug 2018, 11:57 am

wanneroo wrote:Good to see Australians doing something about this problem, here in the USA we are infested with feral cats and can't do a thing about it. They spread disease, ticks, fleas and kill tons of birds, the birds of which eat the ticks, so the tick populations and Lyme disease have exploded.

Laws vary by state, but where I live all you can do is trap them and turn them into the local pet pound, which of course is always full.

you could just wash the fur out of the trap in a large barrel of water if the cats still holding on to the fur its the cats problem and leave a fur ball at the side of a road classed as road kill then just a thought
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Re: Cats

Post by No1_49er » 12 Aug 2018, 12:24 pm

pomemax wrote:
wanneroo wrote:Good to see Australians doing something about this problem, here in the USA we are infested with feral cats and can't do a thing about it. They spread disease, ticks, fleas and kill tons of birds, the birds of which eat the ticks, so the tick populations and Lyme disease have exploded.

Laws vary by state, but where I live all you can do is trap them and turn them into the local pet pound, which of course is always full.

you could just wash the fur out of the trap in a large barrel of water if the cats still holding on to the fur its the cats problem and leave a fur ball at the side of a road classed as road kill then just a thought

Bait - crab pot :D
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Re: Cats

Post by Tiger650 » 22 Aug 2018, 10:44 pm

Cat in a cage trap fits inside a garbage bag and hose off the exhaust of a petrol engine, CO sends them to sleep without any cruelty.

Years back I shot a feral that decided to live under my house, quite a restricted space and 2 rnds of low speed .22 pretty sure did the job but no way was I crawling into that restricted space to drag out a possibly wounded cat.

Left it a couple of hours then retrieved it and placed in a plastic garbage bag, when I squeezed the air out of the bag I was straight away on my knees dry retching, the stink was hideous.

I once had my right hand ripped up by a cat whilst saving another of the bloody things.

Visiting with an elderly Woman I knew, she had a nasty old bitch cat and decided to get a kitten, whilst sitting talking to her the kitten fell off the window seat and the old bitch cat came at it like a streak of lightning.

I was quick back then and reached down and without thinking and grabbed the bastard by the back of the neck whereupon it rolled on its back and lit into me.

The teeth wounds were much worse than the claw scratches, lots of chevron [vee] shaped tears that took a week to look like healing, despite immediate Dettol they all got infected and only Hibitane worked.

I never did get to kill that mongrel thing.

Good info on 1080 Rod, I like learning stuff [preferably without getting mauled LOL].
Posts: 451

Re: Cats

Post by Stix » 23 Aug 2018, 11:32 pm

RoginaJack wrote:There is NOWAY I'm going to touch that STIX or say anything......

Here it is on my lap RJ...
2018-08-23 22.49.22.jpg
2018-08-23 22.49.22.jpg (1.19 MiB) Viewed 4706 times

2018-08-23 22.52.34.jpg
2018-08-23 22.52.34.jpg (946.88 KiB) Viewed 4706 times

You said you not going to touch it...
2018-08-23 22.52.52.jpg
2018-08-23 22.52.52.jpg (868.05 KiB) Viewed 4706 times

But i know you want to... :lol: :lol: :lol:
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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South Australia

Re: Cats

Post by Gaznazdiak » 24 Aug 2018, 3:57 pm

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Re: Cats

Post by No1_49er » 24 Aug 2018, 4:49 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:

As quoted, Mr Burgess, who lures the cats to his traps with rotten cheese, said: "If it's got into my trap and it's a domestic cat, it should not be there. Any cat that gets into my trap will be dealt with. I take the rifle and shoot it in the head."

Give that man a round of applause. :clap: :clap:
A good cat is a dead cat, especially feral ones. A bit like the possums and wallabies in New Zealand.
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Re: Cats

Post by RoginaJack » 24 Aug 2018, 9:08 pm

:lol: :lol: Now that's what i call a good looking ginger pussy, Stix and it's got no teeth, better still... :roll:
Boom, Boom! Tikka, Tikka, Boom! Shoot first, video later.
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