The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

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The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 19 Oct 2018, 6:45 pm

G'Day Fella's,

FYI, ... ture=share

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 19 Oct 2018, 8:13 pm

yeah, wow. how sad. glad i don't live in california.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Stoney » 19 Oct 2018, 10:17 pm

I would like to comment Homer, but I know what is coming, so yeah I love big brother, I LOVE big brother.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 20 Oct 2018, 6:56 am

Stoney wrote:I would like to comment Homer, but I know what is coming, so yeah I love big brother, I LOVE big brother.

Yes Stoney, seeing that they havent yet made a comment, I assume the Looney Left supporters/Trolls here, are still trying to get their responces/stories together.

Funny how the same Looney Left in the US, say that a High Fence between the US and Mexico, won't stop illegals.......... but so many of these same Looney Left in Caifornia, have High Fences around their Mansions, to keep people out?

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 21 Oct 2018, 7:32 am

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Australian Capital Territory

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 21 Oct 2018, 7:23 pm

G'Day Fella's,

Here is a link to yet another example of a Socialist State experiment............ that also went belly up. ... -of-a-nazi

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Australian Capital Territory

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Bill » 27 Oct 2018, 5:32 pm

Homer I'm not even going to watch ya link but I will say the tea bagging states have higher unemployment rate, receive more food stamps and are propped up by the power house left leaning state like California and NY. Fire away sunshine lol
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 28 Oct 2018, 6:19 am

G'Day Fella's,

Thanks for that info Bill.

What I can't work out is, if the leftard states in the US are so flush with money, how come places like Calafornia, have a Typhus epidemic, and sewage running down the streets?
This just brings into question, or posibly confirms, that having a heap of other peoples money, won't help you if your infrastructure and the people charged with running and managing it, are based on Socialist foundations and thinking.
What I'm saying is, you can have all the money in the world but if the management of your systems and infrastructure, is based on a failed system (Socialism, etc), your going backwards and will fail, as soon as you start.

How was that Bill?

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Australian Capital Territory

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Bill » 28 Oct 2018, 6:30 am

the Socialism you speak of homer is more prevalent in the Red states but Id hazzard a guess that your not interested in posting real facts.

Whats the US got to do with your backyard ? and why do you feel the need to post propaganda that has nothing to do with our way of life, have you even been to Cali ?

And do yourself a favour and atleast look at the current State and Fed tax collections before you sink your foot any deeper
When a guy is digging his own grave, you don’t fight him for the shovel.

Success leaves clues, Fools follow failure !

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by wrenchman » 28 Oct 2018, 9:40 am

california has to many problims to even talk about in a forum its why 60% of its population want to leave.
houseing costs are unreal they are priceing most out.
the state is broke gas cost more then any were in the country they over burden there water services and have rolling black outs in the summer.
if you guys come here every place would wecome you with open arms but i could think there are other places to go and visit were you would not have your kids see junkys shooting up or craping on the street
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Bill » 28 Oct 2018, 11:56 am

Wrenchman no doubt the US has plenty of problems but the socialism Homer refers to is actually strongest in the Red states but that don't fit his narrative.

Fact is the USA is hocked to the eyeballs in debt and Democratic states help the poorer Red states.
When a guy is digging his own grave, you don’t fight him for the shovel.

Success leaves clues, Fools follow failure !

20 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222 Rem, 256 WM, 6mm ARC, 6.5 Grendel, 6.5x55 Scan, 270 Win, 357 Mag, 358 Win, 9.3x62, 500 A Square
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gwion » 28 Oct 2018, 2:25 pm

Homer wrote:G'Day Fella's,

Here is a link to yet another example of a Socialist State experiment............ that also went belly up. ... -of-a-nazi

Homer ... 900001?amp
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 28 Oct 2018, 3:48 pm

Rotfl..... that's the problem with internet experts, they are good at cutting and pasting stuff written by others but lack the IQ necessary to do basic critical thinking, so at times they themselves get confused.

Hey all I know is I don't live in USA, and honestly don't know enough and don't profess to give other lectures on how life is bad in USA and how it could be improved.... and how what happens there can be made relevant to Australia.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 28 Oct 2018, 4:05 pm

And while we call the left loony a few recent events give evidence that maybe the right has its fair share (if not more ) of loonies.

Maybe some of you remember the guy who drove his car through a busy street and ran down a few protesters during the black lives matter... and no he was not a muslim/ISIS follower but a right wing guy.

Two days ago we heard that the person making the bombs to Democrat politicians and newspapers was not a leftard democratic voter, but was a Republican voter... yes he might even use his right hands to make those bombs.

And finally ... 50ci5.html

Today I read another right leaning mentally unstable person went and shot 11 people in a synagogue.

Homer maybe this is all fake news... maybe its maybelline.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 29 Oct 2018, 8:05 am

To quote a famous American, (Charlie brown) Good grief ! While events in the US concern me, I think the focus of all Australians should be on fixing all the stuffed up stuff going on here. Got me stumped as to why we give lots of foreign aid to some countries when regional Australia could do with help. We’ve hardly had any major national building projects in god knows how long cause politicians are only worried about opinion polls for their term in office. Queenslanders will know how Dangerous the Bruce highway is. What about diverting flood water inland for irrigation in northern Queensland ? They’ve Only been talking about that for 50 years . I wish fish would bite as well as some of you guys do on the lefty/righty thing. Okay, rant over. Going to the range to test some reloading
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 29 Oct 2018, 9:49 am

bigrich wrote:To quote a famous American, (Charlie brown) Good grief ! While events in the US concern me, I think the focus of all Australians should be on fixing all the stuffed up stuff going on here. Got me stumped as to why we give lots of foreign aid to some countries when regional Australia could do with help. We’ve hardly had any major national building projects in god knows how long cause politicians are only worried about opinion polls for their term in office. Queenslanders will know how Dangerous the Bruce highway is. What about diverting flood water inland for irrigation in northern Queensland ? They’ve Only been talking about that for 50 years . I wish fish would bite as well as some of you guys do on the lefty/righty thing. Okay, rant over. Going to the range to test some reloading

Well said Bigrich!! :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 29 Oct 2018, 11:14 am

Hmm, I have had this conversation before. I love how auntie Pauline makes it so simple. Not that I am an expert. But let's explain.

Thre are two issues here, australia giving foreign aid, and lack of spending on local issues or poor ppl.

Well I can't answer the local issues, I would say the media and the population is more worried about how big Kardashian bum is or at worst how they waste money on paying drivers to ferry their puppies from their city homes to their country houses. Plus I suppose most of the voting ppl are in the cities and they don't understand the issues experienced by country folk.... like the recent thought bubble whe vicroads were thinking of reducing spend on country roads from 100kph to 80kph cuz they didn't have decent shoulders.

Foreign aid, imho is good, actually we don't do enough. Think about it, in australia we expect the high income earners to pay taxes and part of their taxes is used by the state on looking after the poor and needy. Imagine the world is a country where there are rich countries and poor countries. Similarly there is an argument that the richer countries have a moral obligation to help the needy.

The second part of the aid is basically bribery, yes australia as a country spends money to bribe rulers of other countries. Wait now please don't get on your high horse and say how dare we do that. But reality is, pol are corrupt and if you close your eyes doesn't make em honest.

Why do we need to bribe them, we'll 5minutes like putting a detention center to house boat ppl on naru. Well you don't want ppl in your backyard why would ppl of naru wan't a detention centre. Or getting countries like Indonesia to stop the boat smugglers. Hey if I was Indonesia I would go let's keep our eyes shut this ppl smugglers give our ppl employment ants the asylum seekers bring money into our economy. So we bribe Indonesia and other countries to do our work. Other times we might have a strategic or military need of a country and we bribe them. Then maybe we want extra votes in the UN assembly. And many more reasons.

Recently someone said the ahole country XYZ letting china build a sea port on their island within striking distance of australia. Rest assured if australia doesn't bribe them other countries like china will.

So yes love it or hate it, it's an arms race. And call it bribe or foreign aid its is needed.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gaznazdiak » 29 Oct 2018, 11:46 am

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 29 Oct 2018, 12:06 pm

Ziad wrote:The second part of the aid is basically bribery, yes australia as a country spends money to bribe rulers of other countries. Wait now please don't get on your high horse and say how dare we do that. But reality is, pol are corrupt and if you close your eyes doesn't make em honest.
And call it bribe or foreign aid its is needed.

So we should pour more money into a (as you've correctly stated) corrupt system instead of saying enough and putting that money into things such as the manufacturing industry that we used to have or into the people of this country.
And yes I read the link but how many of the exporters that are profitting are actually Australian companies and how much of that $7 odd actually go in our coffers ??
I understand that under the current system we have little choice but I reckon the system needs to change. :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gaznazdiak » 29 Oct 2018, 1:52 pm

You're right about the need for our system to change DB.
Think of the savings if we weren't paying retired politicians a massive pension to fund them while they make a fortune in the private sector working for vested interests. The same vested interests they screwed us over to help while in power.

Every former PM sucks up around $1 million each per year,.
We have politicians who have been in both state and federal politics collecting 2 fecking pensions.
We have a disgraced former governor general found guilty of aiding paedophiles who not only costs the taxpayer $357,000 per year for his pension, but spent over $250,000 last year alone for "office and travel expenses".

These human ticks do nothing but drain tax dollars into their already inflated bank accounts and produce nothing.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 29 Oct 2018, 3:25 pm

Yep and if we sorted some of these types of issues first then we'd be in a financial/economic position to help more. :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 29 Oct 2018, 3:44 pm

Lol.... sorry if only things were as simple.

Firstly it appears we spend 4b on foreign aid.... which is a big number but if you consider its actually 22cents for every 100 dollars we earn (GDP) so not much tbh, RSPB construction the benefits.

But then consider its actually a different bucket it doesn't matter. As I cann categorically say if that money is not don't still see any benefit.

By that I mean I have a very low opinion of politicians and beaurocrats and expect the money to be wasted. What do i mean you say.

Victoria's current premier cancelled a contract to build a road in Melbourne he paid a small amount, I mean 1billion is only chump change he says. How many schools, hospitals, police, infrastructure it could be spent on.

So infrastructure spending, we are spending 5billion to build another tunnel... that actually goes no where, the council's don't want it, the residents don't want it, business doesn't really need it....but hey he can make videos saying he built a road. I wonder if the 5billion could build a few roads.

I am not over what happens in other states, but i reckon you guys would know of some examples of colossal waste of money.

I can think of two federal wastes. The 500m given to a company with less than 10 pol for the great barrier reef.

NBN, one of the best ideas politicians every had.... first fkd by labour, than completely destroyed by abbot (only cuz he was anti anything labor idea) we get a hotchpoch of a internet that is obsolete before it was even thought off. The govt paid about 450 million to potus to buy their cable tv system and one they did tests it was chucked as it that stuffed that it would be cheaper to rebuild from scratch than repair this... and unlike private companies no one actually did due diligence.

Actually I give up... all I say is australia is a lucky country...lucky it's still standing inspite of all attempts by the politicians to destroy it. Who needs ISIS when we have politicians like ours
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 29 Oct 2018, 5:13 pm

And that's alot of examples that the whole system allows to happen :thumbsup:
In this country right now there are men and women who have served in the ADF that are not getting the support they require and are living on the streets because our system allows the absolute disgusting waste that both you and gaz have listed and I reckon we need to fix those issues before we look at putting more money into another corrupt and wasteful foreign aid/bribes :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Oct 2018, 5:55 pm

Sub contract the government of Australia out to Trump looks like he's sorting out all the hanger :drinks: ons :thumbsup: :D

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 29 Oct 2018, 7:35 pm

Lol, daddy, what I means is there two different pots of honey. The bribes help australian long term interests.... and not generally set by politicians but by professionals that hopefully know what they are doing.

And yes, its sad that we have a lot of waste in the system and many parts of the system are neglected. I have worked in university and govt dept
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 29 Oct 2018, 8:38 pm

Daddybang wrote:
Ziad wrote:The second part of the aid is basically bribery, yes australia as a country spends money to bribe rulers of other countries. Wait now please don't get on your high horse and say how dare we do that. But reality is, pol are corrupt and if you close your eyes doesn't make em honest.
And call it bribe or foreign aid its is needed.

So we should pour more money into a (as you've correctly stated) corrupt system instead of saying enough and putting that money into things such as the manufacturing industry that we used to have or into the people of this country.
And yes I read the link but how many of the exporters that are profitting are actually Australian companies and how much of that $7 odd actually go in our coffers ??
I understand that under the current system we have little choice but I reckon the system needs to change. :thumbsup: :drinks:

+1 , this is what i'm talking about :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 29 Oct 2018, 8:40 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:You're right about the need for our system to change DB.
Think of the savings if we weren't paying retired politicians a massive pension to fund them while they make a fortune in the private sector working for vested interests. The same vested interests they screwed us over to help while in power.

Every former PM sucks up around $1 million each per year,.
We have politicians who have been in both state and federal politics collecting 2 fecking pensions.
We have a disgraced former governor general found guilty of aiding paedophiles who not only costs the taxpayer $357,000 per year for his pension, but spent over $250,000 last year alone for "office and travel expenses".

These human ticks do nothing but drain tax dollars into their already inflated bank accounts and produce nothing.

and this too +1 :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 29 Oct 2018, 8:45 pm

i've been telling people for the last five or so years, vote for the independant or minor party of your choice (shooters and fishers ?) and send a message to the majors that people have had enough. we need change and accountability :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Oct 2018, 10:45 pm

Amen bigrich exactly right

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gwion » 30 Oct 2018, 5:59 am

Daddybang wrote:I understand that under the current system we have little choice but I reckon the system needs to change. :thumbsup: :drinks:

Careful... that is an extreme left wing statement you just made! :lol:
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