Concussions - who has had a good one?

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Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 05 Aug 2019, 11:13 pm

So, first up - this is off topic, so cut me some slack. Second - I’m not up for sympathy, just some advice.

Couple weeks ago, I made an error of judgement on a mini excavator at home. Ended up being ejected from machine, hitting my head - really farken hard.

I lost about 30 secs I guess and wandered inside and promptly started throwing up...the missus didn’t know what was going on and I struggled to tell her.

Couple hours later, ice packs, etc - I was dazed but calm and decided against going to hospital. Appears this may have been a mistake.
4 days later - still confused, dizzy, headaches, getting lost going to shops, having to concentrate so darn hard to drive or do something normal and unable to...well think straight - A CT scan confirms a severe concussion.
So im put on drugs to slow / stop the swelling, etc and to be honest, I’m still struggling...

I’ve got a brand new rifle, shells ready to charge - and I’m too bloody worried about getting it wrong as silly things are becoming confusing. Ie I went to maccas to buy kids ice creams, argued they hadn’t given me enough, went back to car to count kids - they had given me enough...walking into rooms - wondering wtf am I in this room...I’ve forgotten passwords, lost my keys, getting names confused - that sort of stuff...and worse.

I did 10 years of muay Thailand boxing - and was probably regarded as not that great at it - meaning I’ve had my bell rung plenty of times by trainers and stars alike, I’ve fallen of bikes at 200kmh, been hit by cars, etc etc - but nothing like this...this was a steel cross bar on a 2t excavator, just whack in the 9.8m/s.

At this point - I cannot imagine pulling a trigger on any firearm, the pain in my head would just be too much - I’m not touching my safe keys...has anyone had a concussion of major severity? How long before it passes ? Does it in fact pass? I’ve now been referred to a concussive specialist tomorrow - but I’m starting to get pretty concerned about this...

Can Anyone share their experiences to settle or prepare me for how long this might take?

Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by bladeracer » 06 Aug 2019, 12:18 am

Doesn't sound good Tassie, make sure you get straight to hospital if you feel really unwell.

I've had three, one at work, two on the bike.

The first one my mate two-storeys up dropped an eave trimmer so I ducked under the scaffolding to get it to toss it back up to him, but I stood up under a cross brace and brained myself. Only out for a few seconds, no memory loss, major head- and neck-ache for a few hours, no big deal.

Second one I was coming up to a left turn feeder lane, on the brakes to stop, looked up to the right to see if the road was clear. While I wasn't looking at the road I hit some transmission fluid, washed the front, went down hard on the left frontal. I can remember my left elbow impacting the road, followed by my head. Was completely gaga for some hours, and still very odd for most of the following day. There are long periods of hours over a period of two days that I have no memory of. Spent that night in hospital, released after twelve hours I think. I was desperate to get out to attend the funeral of a rider that had died on a ride I was on the week before. Got a taxi from the hospital to the scene where a shop had pushed my bike around the back, rode to the funeral without a gear lever but was way too late, stopped at a mate's house on the way back, but don't remember doing these things. One odd thing was the sweat that absolutely poured out of me en-route to the hospital. Couldn't have been more than a twenty-minute trip but when I put my leathers on in the morning they must've weighed at least 5kg extra and were still dripping wet.

Third one I was cleaned up from behind on the racetrack into a left hander, bike went over the highside, planted me face down on the track splitting my lid from the peak right down the left side behind my ear. Bike then came down upsidedown on my back, flattening the fuel tank, shattering my left scapula, fracturing my left humerous, and breaking all of the ribs up the left side of my chest, resulting in collapsed lungs. Lost virtually everything for three months, no real memories at all, just strange fragments that may or may not have even been real. No longterm lasting effect other than losing those memories. I was in hospital for a week or two for that one, I'd have to ask Rose though as I have no memory of it.

I haven't experienced from a concussion what you're experiencing, or if I have, I don't remember it. But I've had similar episodes when I was dying of pneumonia in hospital in '15. I had a raging abscess putrifying my left lung, that enormous doses of antibiotics were having zero effect on. I went through a short stretch of paranoia and general nonsense that scared the hell out of me, even ringing Rose from the toilet in the middle of the night begging her to come and take me away before they killed me, I think driven by them having put me in a ward where it seemed people were dying every day. They had never told Rose or myself that they'd expected me to do likewise. After twelve days they finally got it under control, and three days later I came out weak as a kitten.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Stix » 06 Aug 2019, 12:46 am

Head injuries are all each to their own...

A close friend/mate of mine had his head beaten to a pulp by a kunt with a cricket bat...he wasnt expected to last the night...
No one would let me see him he was so bad...i was told to be prepared for his funeral...

Well he survived...
Many months later after stepping up to living without life support & out of a coma things still werent looking too good for the poor fella...head to one side, constsnt drool, no motor function or vocal communication--only form.of communication was sonetimes a thumbs up (barely), but most of the time he was just a zoned out vegetable...
Brain specialists said he's likrly to not get much better given its been months, & this would be his life...but ultimately they admitted to not knowing what would happen...

His old man (one of those seriously hard core bisalloy chested never to be fukd with blokes) asked me to come visit in hospital to see if it would spark any reaction from him--this fella & i were neighbours & grew up together from very young toddlers to little sh1ts of boys & teens--we were each the brother we both didnt have, so i was warned what i would see is going to be confronting...

I managed to hold things together for a good while...pushed him around the hospital & talked about our history & got a few grunts & thumbs up...that was the most they'd seen & all involved were amazed...but still, not an existance any of us would want...

Then we all sat in his room before i left & it all started to hit me...i experienced a horrible feeling of overehelming distress & lost myself into an uncontrollable choking bag of snot while i embarassingly collapsed my head into my hands...

At that point, like some stupid "fairy" tale movie, he--this breathing drooling vegative lump of human flesh, got up out of the wheelchair, walked. ..he fukn walked actoss the room to me, leaned over & hugged me because i was upset...

He went from not being expected to survive any night for the first couple of recovering well over 90 percent...

His brain shut down in order to repair itself, & it slowly came back, & he had re-learn a few things...along with drink from plastic cups because he dropped everything for the following year after incident.

Take care of yourself...stay vigilant...the fact you are aware of whats hsppening is a good sign that damage may well be none to minimal...

Fact is, your brain naturally shuts off areas to repair itself...swelling is all part of it too...thats my take...

As for loading rifle cant double charge a case, so you shouldnt blow yourself up...
If you load, get your missus to weigh each cartridge & pull any that are bryond the extremes of that batch...

Tell your missus the neurologist & occupational therapist have insisted on relaxed shoulder neck & foot massage right before sleep--they claim scientific studies show it eases blood pressure & promotes brain healing by way of flushing out toxins in the repairing brain...

Take care of yourself boy...!! :drinks: drinks for you...!! :D
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Aug 2019, 4:37 am

Thank you for the replies. Some bloody harrowing and remarkable encounters.

BR, sounds like your lucky to be with us at all...I love bikes, they are a part of me, I’ve been licensed for 30 years and had a decent crack at most things bike related...but stories like yours, witnessing fatalities, other little things like Wayne Rainey’s bingle / paralysis...makes you think more as you get older...especially if you ride track.

I’ve always been a believer that the body can do a lot of healing of its own accord (just look what emotion did in you encounter Stix!!!) but these steroids they have me on, simply will not allow me to sleep...the sleep tracker shows 9 hours for the last 5 days...think that’s a good part of the problem in my case.

Appreciate the responses, it’s easy to not be able too see too far ahead when blinkered by your own troubles....
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Kelsey Cooter » 06 Aug 2019, 6:45 am

I had a petechial contusion in the right side frontal lobe in 2012 after being kicked by a horse. I was unconscious for a couple of minutes and I spent 2 weeks in hospital. I don't remember about 1 week at all and my memory of the 2nd week is hazy. I was off work and not allowed to drive for 6 weeks. I reckon I wasnt totally myself for about 3 months. I was 21 at the time and since then I know I'm a bit different, I know it has changed me a bit even though it was fairly minor as far as brain injuries go.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 Aug 2019, 8:23 am

Tassie. Go to hosital ASAP.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by JSS » 06 Aug 2019, 8:39 am

I'm with Oldbloke, go back to the hospital or your doctor, if you're still a bit farked and it was 2 weeks ago i'd be keeping right on top of it and getting more scans.
Even get your doc to get you to a specialist to get checked out, they won't be under the same kind of pressure most hospitals are so can take more time with you.
You've only got one brain mate so look after it.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Member-Deleted » 06 Aug 2019, 9:40 am

I'm with the boys on this one Tassie go get seen to and get a couple of opinions mate life is too short as it is you don't need patches of it missing or the rest of your life paying for it for not acting on it you sound very aware of the seriousness of it so go get it checked and do yourself and your family a favour you won't be sorry

Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by mickb » 06 Aug 2019, 11:58 am

Concussion symptoms can last weeks mate, its why they recommend athletes who have had a severe one like boxers, do no fighting or sparring for 3 months. Another is, some steroids for inflammation can knock you for six. I was put on a short heavy course of Prednisalone for an ear injury. Some people love it, makes them feel high. I hated the stuff, was away with the fairies, weird text messages to mates, anxious, paranoid. They took me off it. It is worth letting your doctor know about anything you are feeling as it might be side effects, the condition or something secondary. Anything new, changing or getting worse needs to be checked out pronto.

. When I had dramas of another type, knowing North QLD is in the dark ages for wait times, I rung around brisbane and found the specialists I needed within a couple of days, got the all clear to fly, and made the 1000 mile trip pronto to sort it out. Turned out the northern docs were on the ball anyway, but at least when you have seen the best you are a bit more relaxed regardless what unfolds.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Aug 2019, 3:08 pm

Cheers all. Ive been in and out of hospital last 3 days now (when I called my current missus, my ex misses name - that was that lol, she took me straight in...) for tests and scans - and I’ve been referred to a injury specialist. Ultimately, it’s a nasty concussion (no brain bleed) but having never endured one to this level - I was wondering how the symptoms might settle / I’ve never experienced anything like’s like a bloody hang over without the good bits
Appreciate the replies.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Bent Arrow » 06 Aug 2019, 3:32 pm

Hope you mend well mate, take care of yourself hey
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by JSS » 06 Aug 2019, 4:09 pm

TassieTiger wrote: when I called my current missus, my ex misses name.

That is the most serious symptom right there, it means a painful death could happen any second :lol: :lol:
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Stix » 06 Aug 2019, 4:38 pm

Ah the good ol' bedroom rodeo...!!

A good handful of hair from behind, & slap them cheeks while calling out the ex's name & see how long you can hang on for... :clap:
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by JSS » 06 Aug 2019, 4:42 pm

Stix wrote:Ah the good ol' bedroom rodeo...!!

A good handful of hair from behind, & slap them cheeks while calling out the ex's name & see how long you can hang on for... :clap:

And if you survive that try her sisters name, round two ding ding........ :lol:
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 06 Aug 2019, 5:14 pm

Get well soon mate... and don't listen to these guys.... just tell her it was the effects from the concussion (if you ever do it again)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by mickb » 06 Aug 2019, 5:42 pm

Yes you could get away with a bit of s**t now mate. Sleeping a lot: concussion. Watching football all weekend: concussion. Bought new rifle with scope and ammo package: concussion
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Aug 2019, 6:16 pm

You blokes might laugh - s**t is turning up here daily and we are having to go through the PayPal account to see wtf I have done...
2.30am - can’t sleep, reach across grab phone, but ANOTHER set of dies or xxx, feeling the retail therapy benefits, roll back across, fall asleep - 3 days later...ya know, I dreamt that I bought a new die set...
I’m hating this ongoing fog tho - is it normal? ...hating it.
Have another test tomorrow - perhaps MRI to confirm a brain was there before.

2 weeks off work and I’m going stir crazy...and I can’t really do anything because I’m so bloody vague.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by bladeracer » 06 Aug 2019, 6:38 pm

TassieTiger wrote:...and I can’t really do anything because I’m so bloody vague.

Considered going into politics?
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Stix » 06 Aug 2019, 7:02 pm

TassieTiger wrote:2 weeks off work and I’m going stir crazy...and I can’t really do anything because I’m so bloody vague.

House work in a strange location is real good for that...!!!...& being a single bloke, i can help you out...!!

Send me your card details & ill book your flight over...we'll zip past bunnings & aldi for cleaning gear when i collect you from the airport... :thumbsup:

Make another shelf for the loading bench...
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Member-Deleted » 06 Aug 2019, 7:24 pm

Get well soon mate rest is best and if you get bored ask the mrs to read you a story from a loading manual and now is a good time to buy a new gun and blame it on the concussion ,nah mate seriously rest is the only way to clear up the head from a concussion any doctor will tell you that hope all goes well for ya mate

Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Aug 2019, 9:11 pm

Cheers for the laughs fellas.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by AZZA'S HJ47 » 06 Aug 2019, 9:36 pm

TassieTiger wrote:Cheers all. Ive been in and out of hospital last 3 days now (when I called my current missus, my ex misses name - that was that lol, she took me straight in...) for tests and scans - and I’ve been referred to a injury specialist. Ultimately, it’s a nasty concussion (no brain bleed) but having never endured one to this level - I was wondering how the symptoms might settle / I’ve never experienced anything like’s like a bloody hang over without the good bits
Appreciate the replies.

Good to see you went to the hospital mate better safe than sorry.

I had a scare a while ago that kind of drummed some sense into me. Being told your lucky not to be in a box is a bit of a wake up call and warning to get yourself checked out when these things happen. Best to be sent home than the other option.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Faedy » 07 Aug 2019, 12:24 am

TassieTiger - look after yourself - head injuries are shocking things . Especially as we get older.
I had a horror motorbike accident when young and got serious concussion amoungst other injuries there - 2 weeks later, I was all good.
Flash forward 40 yrs and bugger me but another motorbike accident - quad bike this time, and 80kph sideways roll with 570 Polaris coming down on back of head,neck. I was wearing a non approved thin harley helmet and boy did my head/ brain take a beating. My son was in front of me and heard the crash, instantly turned and came to my aid - I had stopped breathing etc so he got me into coma position, cut helmet off and I started to breath again. I came to several minutes later, my wife was near hysterical, had called chopper into lift me out. I made her ring and cancel thinking I was ok. Dragged myself to hospital the next day, 4 broken ribs, collar bone etc. No s**t, my brain has never recovered. Memory is not a patch on what it was prior.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 07 Aug 2019, 12:43 am

Faedy wrote:TassieTiger - look after yourself - head injuries are shocking things . Especially as we get older.
I had a horror motorbike accident when young and got serious concussion amoungst other injuries there - 2 weeks later, I was all good.
Flash forward 40 yrs and bugger me but another motorbike accident - quad bike this time, and 80kph sideways roll with 570 Polaris coming down on back of head,neck. I was wearing a non approved thin harley helmet and boy did my head/ brain take a beating. My son was in front of me and heard the crash, instantly turned and came to my aid - I had stopped breathing etc so he got me into coma position, cut helmet off and I started to breath again. I came to several minutes later, my wife was near hysterical, had called chopper into lift me out. I made her ring and cancel thinking I was ok. Dragged myself to hospital the next day, 4 broken ribs, collar bone etc. No s**t, my brain has never recovered. Memory is not a patch on what it was prior.

That’s a bit s**t mate. It’s eye opening as to how easily s**t can go south with head injuries. I’m hearing more and more stories re ppl with big concussions just not returning 100% to what they were - with either memory, or just thinking differently. Dr was telling me that some ppl get very aggressive after head injuries and some get really passive - that any combination is possible - so I said, why would you just keep hitting the patient in the head until you get the correct recipe you want...he didn’t laugh.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by trekin » 07 Aug 2019, 4:01 am

TassieTiger wrote:
Faedy wrote:TassieTiger - look after yourself - head injuries are shocking things . Especially as we get older.
I had a horror motorbike accident when young and got serious concussion amoungst other injuries there - 2 weeks later, I was all good.
Flash forward 40 yrs and bugger me but another motorbike accident - quad bike this time, and 80kph sideways roll with 570 Polaris coming down on back of head,neck. I was wearing a non approved thin harley helmet and boy did my head/ brain take a beating. My son was in front of me and heard the crash, instantly turned and came to my aid - I had stopped breathing etc so he got me into coma position, cut helmet off and I started to breath again. I came to several minutes later, my wife was near hysterical, had called chopper into lift me out. I made her ring and cancel thinking I was ok. Dragged myself to hospital the next day, 4 broken ribs, collar bone etc. No s**t, my brain has never recovered. Memory is not a patch on what it was prior.

That’s a bit s**t mate. It’s eye opening as to how easily s**t can go south with head injuries. I’m hearing more and more stories re ppl with big concussions just not returning 100% to what they were - with either memory, or just thinking differently. Dr was telling me that some ppl get very aggressive after head injuries and some get really passive - that any combination is possible - so I said, why would you just keep hitting the patient in the head until you get the correct recipe you want...he didn’t laugh.

Yeah, your doc probably thought you was having a dig at him and his trade. Changing a persons personality by jolting the brain was the long held theroy behind electroshock therapy.
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by mickb » 07 Aug 2019, 3:47 pm

This is why online forums are not always the best to air difficult symptoms or seek advice. You will get some home grown advice, some real life advice, but also the more extreme incidents which may not apply to you, or may sound worrying as hell. Sort of like asking about cancer and getting every persons/relatives/best friends cancer horror story. Its all well meaning of course and may even help. But just keep in mind your particular problem relates to you alone, with your specialists advising you, and following those orders and not worrying too much are the best idea :)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 07 Aug 2019, 4:40 pm

I think most ppl - when confronted with something akin to a disease they don’t understand - assume the worst to at least some degree, because lack of understanding.(or I do anyway).
When I googled “severe concussion” - it was apparently much worse than I had any idea of - one site said I had brain damage, would never be fixed, require years of rehabilitation and....ugh.
Some of the stories on the forum actually help me put some context around what it is, what might be expected from a hit like this, etc - to me, hearing other stories is a tiny step forward in better understanding what it is and how it impacts...but yeah - need to keep the individual application in check...
I spoke to the specialist today and told him I was getting worried - he asked me to explain exactly what I was experiencing...he then said I described exactly what he would expect - that he’s 99% sure it will just take some time, but returning to “wanker” me won’t be too far away...

It’s interesting talking to someone who can put the proper description on an issue...I was trying to describe a vertigo like symptom and he said - is it like a pair of cheap safety glasses, where the lenses are curved just so, that your vision is just off by enough to be disoriented? - yep...100% spot on.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Stix » 07 Aug 2019, 5:31 pm

Well hope my tale didnt give you unnecessary worry Tassie... :)

I guess i didnt take into account how morbidly some would/or could take it.

My point to the story was that every case is different, & given how bad the "concussion" was for my friend, that id be confident that you'll settle down in a few weeks...

The exsmple of my friend getting up & walking, wasnt meant to mean i believe in some miracle cure or that pure emotion allowed him to suddenly walk--rather i was trying to portray how (i think) the brain slowly opens up its neural pathways again--my mates old man was right in getting me to come see him when i did--his brain was ready to fire up the bit that my visit prompted.

My saying stay vigilant meant for you to remain observant as you have been...
Im obviously no doc...& havnt meant to give you excessive worry, nor was i being flippant...but im sure you'll recover with no brain damage mate...positive thinking was my motto in my reply...:drinks:
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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South Australia

Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by TassieTiger » 07 Aug 2019, 6:11 pm

All good mate - no worry at all. I think your tale was cool as and proves s lot about the power of the mind.
I appreciate all the replies - I really do, helps me research, helps me understand, helps me comprehend...
For even the darkest stories offered up on here - the end results in the author still shooting guns, as a LAFO, so there’s light in the tunnel regardless... but shhheeesh I wanna shoot my new 300 now...3 weeks it’s been teasing me! Argh,
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
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Re: Concussions - who has had a good one?

Post by Mark » 17 Aug 2019, 6:11 am

Head knocks are nothing to sneeze at, thats for sure. To many time do you hear about a young fella being killed from a punch to the head.
We all have different tolerances, so im glad you went to the doctors. :thumbsup: None of this take a teaspoon of cement s**t !!!!
About 30years ago , i was involved in a street brawl. The suburb i grew up in was one of the worst in Brisbane. It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time & my recollection of the events aren't the best . I was struck in the back of the head with a softball bat & woke up somewhere between annerley & the PA hospital. The only reason im alive today is because my shoulder took 80% of the blow. After that i had impaired hearing & slight vision impairment, but after a while the vision was normal. I still get a bit of ringing in the left ear & i can't bear the sound TING from a aluminium Bat ! :crazy:
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