Copied from Beaton firearms newsletter today:
April Shutdown Update
Shutdown Update
But we're still trading ...
Mark McGowan shut down the firearms industry on the 27th of March so unfortunately we've been running with only minimal staff for the last couple of weeks. We've been trying to keep everyone updated with social media, which is the most convenient format for us at the moment. If you're wanting to stay updated, please follow us on facebook (link at the bottom of the email).
Ammo and Firearm Bans
There are only select people who may purchase ammunition or a firearm at the moment, including primary producers, professional shooters and those hunting under a native title claim. If you are one of these people please read more below on the process you need to follow to make a purchase.
Current bans extend to associated items
Ammunition components, including projectiles and empty brass, are included in the bans. As are some firearm parts but, interestingly enough, stocks are not included in the bans.
Other items that you don't need a license for you can still purchase. Items like safes, scopes or gunsafes (read below for specials) can still be bought from us.
If you are wanting to purchase ammunition from Beaton Firearms you will need to either provide evidence of your occupation or sign a Statutory Declaration confirming your primary income is derived from either primary production or professional shooting.
If you have these documents you then need to ring and make an appointment to make a purchase. This can easily be done by ringing the store on (08) 9452 1411.
Please ensure you bring photo ID and your paper license when purchasing ammunition.
You can also order any unrestricted item from our website and have it delivered to your door!
If we don't have it in stock we may even be able to offer flat-rate shipping direct from our wholesalers to you anywhere in Australia.
What can we do?
Many people are already asking what the shooting community can do to help.
Firearm Dealerships, like ours, have effectively had our livelihoods taken from us. As a result, we are desperately trying to reduce our expenses so we can survive on what little income we have.
If you currently have a firearm purchased from Beaton Firearms, please don't cancel your purchase. While Firearms Licensing Services are not processing licenses now, once they commence again we are happy to help you process your license.
Shane from Ella Vella Station has already stated that there is no expiry on his property letters and that, if need be, we can re-issue a letter at no cost.
Unfortunately we cannot sell firearm specific parts, like triggers and magazines. However, we can still sell rifle stocks, scopes and safes. If you're needing anything that's not firearm specific please get in contact with us.
Primary Producers and Professional Shooters can still purchase ammo and firearms from us. We still have stock from before the Australian dollar went into a precipitous downward spiral, so we can offer competitive pricing.
Become a social member of the WAFTA. The Firearms industry body in Western Australia is investing a lot of money into legal action against the Police and the Government for this malicious and malevolent attack on the sport of shooting. By becoming a member of the WAFTA you will be investing in the future of the industry. You can apply to become a social member from the Contact Us / Membership form on the front page of the website - HERE
Hopefully this shutdown doesn't drag on too much longer.
What has caused this?
You only need to scratch at the surface to reveal the festering wound underneath
It's difficult to know exactly where to place a bulk of the blame. I've spoken to dozens of industry members, each with their own ideas. What is consistent across all opinions is that the shutdown of the firearm industry has nothing to do with Covid-19.
Excuses for the shutdown vary depending on who the authorities are trying to sell the idea to - McGowan first claimed firearms were a public safety issue in his address to the media. The Police Commissioner wrote to Firearm Dealerships and claimed its to slow the spread of Covid-19, but then claimed in an interview it was because shooters were buying 4 months worth of ammo. Just prior to this Police Licensing Services were phoning gun dealers inquiring about ammo sales - they even came into Beaton Firearms and photographed the pages from our ammo sales book going back a few months. "Preppers" is a term being thrown around to describe Americans buying up firearms and ammo, but is that happening here?
The idea of Western Australian shooters being "preppers" is quite easy to disprove. Ammunition sales were up in early March, but there were many reasons for that;
School closures meant farmers were picking up their kids from the city. While they're there, they bought ammo.
School kids spending the next few months on the farm were getting their parents to buy up ammo so they had something to do.
People were buying up ammo for the Red Card fox shoots.
Lambs were dropping or about to drop, so people were going out fox shooting.
People were being sent home from work and wanted to entertain themselves during isolation.
Ammo prices were scheduled to increase late March.
Applications for Adler shotguns that arrived in Australia in January were being approved. Shooters were buying ammo when they were picking up their new shotguns.
As a result, ammo sales went up. But this was a result of having more clients through the doors, not from the same number of clients buying a lot of ammo.
Throughout March the most common quantity of ammunition purchased at Beaton Firearms was 100 rounds. That's only 2 packets of .22lr ammo or 4 packets of shotgun rounds - not very much at all. The average number of rounds purchased was 231 rounds (not even one carton of 12g). This average was pushed up by 7 sales of more than 800 rounds each - most of these people being Pest eradication professionals who need ammo for their profession, or representatives from gun clubs buying up for their membership.
Shooters never presented an increased risk to the public - either through 'prepping' or through the spread of disease. The shut down of the firearms industry was purely a political move. I don't think the idea of shutting down firearm dealerships was done at the highest levels, but I do think they went along with it for their own political gain.
Mark McGowan is the member for Rockingham. If you're in Rockingham you need to email him and let him know that you are not happy with the Shutdown of firearm dealerships. [email protected]
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Beaton Firearms
3/8 Sampson Street
Perth, WA 6109