NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Questions about New South Wales gun and ammunition laws. NSW Firearms Act 1996.

NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 21 Jun 2020, 9:46 pm

Hello everyone.
Hope you're all staying safe and sound in these trialing times.

I'm a new licensed Cat AB shooter and I'm going through my first PTA for a centrefire rifle (243WIN).
I'm still in the mandatory waiting period of 28 days min (3 more LONG weeks to go) and have already purchased (layby) my first rifle.

I'd like to know if I can already apply for a second PTA (for a rimfire this time) while my first is still going through it's "cooling off" period or if I have to wait until that one is out and "spent" before I can apply for my second PTA.

I've reviewed the legislation and either I'm not experienced enough or couldn't quite make it if that's properly defined anywhere.

Further, if I apply for a Rimfire license (Cat A), will I have to serve the 28 days min period again due to the fact that it's recognized as a different category?
Similarly, if I decide to apply for a PTA to buy a shotgun, will I, again, have to serve those 28 min days?


Thank you all.
Posts: 25
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 24 Jun 2020, 5:36 pm

Hi all. I understand that this being my first post, I may have done something wrong, but if so, please let me know.

If you have any questions or would like me to format or explain in a different manner, just say the word and I'll correct it.

Thank you all.
I appreciate you taking the time to read and assist, if possible.
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New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by bladeracer » 24 Jun 2020, 6:00 pm

I didn't see the post three days ago, maybe it got stuck in approval for a new member perhaps?
I don't see any problem with putting in as many PtA's as you want to. How it would affect your first waiting period though I don't know. I would _guess_ they would be ignored until the first one is processed, and then they'd get looked at.
I _think_ you are correct about the 28 day wait being for each category, but somebody from NSW should be able to chime in..
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Bugman » 24 Jun 2020, 6:29 pm

Always check with FAR NSW. In answer to your question: You have applied for a Cat B PTA (your first one), then there is a 28 day waiting period. If you are applying for a CAT A and you don't already have a firearm in the same category,, again you will have to wait for 28 days .
Hope this helps
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Lcpllee » 24 Jun 2020, 9:29 pm

Hey mate, I was doing same thing as well
I would assume this would be only 1 28 days wait according to service NSW below:

If this is your first PTA application, or you don't currently have a firearm in the category you're applying for, you will be subject to a legislated mandatory 28-day waiting period.
Note that Category A or Category B firearm are taken to be the same licence category.
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New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 24 Jun 2020, 10:37 pm

Very useful information, thank you!
interesting that cats a and b both count as the same, so that's amazing news!

Has anyone from NSW applied for more than 1 PTA at a time?

Thanks again!
Posts: 25
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Bugman » 25 Jun 2020, 8:24 am

Yep. I stand corrected. Both A & B are classed as one when doing PTA's. That said, I had once queried that part of the firearms legislation as I had, as a newbie,
put in a PTA for a center fire and also a rim fire. Got the center fire PTA back in just over 28 days, then 28 days after that, the PTA for rim fire arrived. Go figure.
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Gamerancher » 25 Jun 2020, 8:50 am

In N.S.W, there is a mandatory 28 day "cooling off" period for your first firearm in each category.
After that first one per category, the 28 days no longer applies, however, there is no guarantee that PTA's will come any quicker. Shotgun is category "A", same category as rimfire, so once you have one in that category, the 28 days no longer applies.
I've had them come back in under 7 days and then others have taken up to 6 weeks. Yes, you can lodge multiple PTA requests, just don't expect to get them all approved at once and return in the same envelope.
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Bugman » 25 Jun 2020, 8:58 am

That is what I had originally thought. However, on the FAR website under the heading of "More Information" the second paragraph states " If this is your first PTA application, or you don't currently have a firearm in the category you're applying for, you will be subject to a legislated mandatory 28-day waiting period"

That said, directly under this paragraph are the following:
" Note that Category A or Category B firearm are taken to be the same licence category" A tad confusing for my poor old tired brain.
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 25 Jun 2020, 10:17 am

Gamerancher wrote:In N.S.W, there is a mandatory 28 day "cooling off" period for your first firearm in each category.
After that first one per category, the 28 days no longer applies, however, there is no guarantee that PTA's will come any quicker. Shotgun is category "A", same category as rimfire, so once you have one in that category, the 28 days no longer applies.
I've had them come back in under 7 days and then others have taken up to 6 weeks. Yes, you can lodge multiple PTA requests, just don't expect to get them all approved at once and return in the same envelope.

Thank you, that was my understanding from reading the legislation as well, but as some here stated, it seems like A and B both count as the same category, which is great news to me!
My main worry was about applying for 2 PTAs at the same time and getting them cancelled because that's not allowed or whatever.

While I wait for my centerfire, I'll go ahead and apply for a 22 or a shotgun (not sure which to buy next) and see what happens.

Posts: 25
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Lcpllee » 25 Jun 2020, 3:01 pm

DigaumSpider wrote:Very useful information, thank you!
interesting that cats a and b both count as the same, so that's amazing news!

Has anyone from NSW applied for more than 1 PTA at a time?

Thanks again!

I have applied 2, 1 CAT A and CAT B
Very excited for the first shoot
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New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Lcpllee » 25 Jun 2020, 3:02 pm

Bugman wrote:That is what I had originally thought. However, on the FAR website under the heading of "More Information" the second paragraph states " If this is your first PTA application, or you don't currently have a firearm in the category you're applying for, you will be subject to a legislated mandatory 28-day waiting period"

That said, directly under this paragraph are the following:
" Note that Category A or Category B firearm are taken to be the same licence category" A tad confusing for my poor old tired brain.

So confusing lol
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New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Gamerancher » 25 Jun 2020, 5:12 pm

"Note that Category A or Category B firearm are taken to be the same licence category"
Yes, that line is confusing and doesn't make sense. Perhaps it is referring to the fact that it doesn't matter what class you are applying for, they are treated the same. Some folks feel that if they already have a centrefire, ( CAT B ), that they shouldn't have to wait for a rimfire or shotgun, ( Cat A ).

Regardless, this is the bit that applies;
If this is your first PTA application, or you don't currently have a firearm in the category you're applying for, you will be subject to a legislated mandatory 28-day waiting period.
Last edited by Gamerancher on 25 Jun 2020, 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by moudzj » 25 Jun 2020, 5:15 pm

I applied for a cateogry A and B (first for both) on the same day.

Both are coming up as "PTA ISSUED" on the NSWPOL tracker website thingamabob. Hope this means ill be getting both at the same time in a week or so :p
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New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by Bugman » 26 Jun 2020, 4:05 pm

Ya lucky so and so.....but I is still confused. :?
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by duddley75 » 29 Jun 2020, 7:55 am

I was hoping my PTA would be active today (28 days was yesterday), but I guess the weekend has slowed it down. Hopefully it ticks over tonight.

30/06 - updated to issued today. Hopefully in the mail soon.
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by moudzj » 30 Jun 2020, 8:09 pm

duddley75 wrote:I was hoping my PTA would be active today (28 days was yesterday), but I guess the weekend has slowed it down. Hopefully it ticks over tonight.

30/06 - updated to issued today. Hopefully in the mail soon.

Im going on a hunting trip with afew mates from Fri-Sun. Bloody hope my PTA comes in on or before Thursday.... big gut punch if it doesnt. Approved last week lol :p
Posts: 62
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 01 Jul 2020, 9:28 am

13-06-2020 PTA Application being processed by Firearms Registry

A couple of weeks still to go for me, at least, for my first PTA to be approved and mailed :(
Posts: 25
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by boingk » 01 Jul 2020, 2:42 pm

DigaumSpider wrote:A couple of weeks still to go for me, at least, for my first PTA to be approved and mailed :(

Yep, standard stuff from the registry. 28 day waiting for first of category. Honestly I've heard 28 days for cat A & B, and heard both coming at once. There's nothing wrong with putting two PTA's in together but for the first rifle you're best off having just the single PTA to avoid any complications.

For any additional in NSW I generally use the online sender, its brilliant and usually quick. Select a reason as whatever you want really, I've not heard one getting knocked back unless theres an offence or inspection issue involved. They range from 'Financial Value', 'Collection', 'Historical Value', 'More appropriate calibre for hunting', and my personal favourite...

...'Additional Firearm' :D

Hope you enjoy the sport mate, keep us updated!
Posts: 682

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by DigaumSpider » 01 Jul 2020, 3:20 pm

boingk wrote:
DigaumSpider wrote:A couple of weeks still to go for me, at least, for my first PTA to be approved and mailed :(

Yep, standard stuff from the registry. 28 day waiting for first of category. Honestly I've heard 28 days for cat A & B, and heard both coming at once. There's nothing wrong with putting two PTA's in together but for the first rifle you're best off having just the single PTA to avoid any complications.

For any additional in NSW I generally use the online sender, its brilliant and usually quick. Select a reason as whatever you want really, I've not heard one getting knocked back unless theres an offence or inspection issue involved. They range from 'Financial Value', 'Collection', 'Historical Value', 'More appropriate calibre for hunting', and my personal favourite...

...'Additional Firearm' :D

Hope you enjoy the sport mate, keep us updated!

Too late, I've applied for 2 PTAs, based on previous feedback. Hopefully that doesn't affect the approval :oops:

I appreciate the welcome and thank you and everyone else who's taken the time to reply to my questions. This is a really welcoming bunch and I'm happy to be here!

Posts: 25
New South Wales

Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by boingk » 01 Jul 2020, 5:30 pm

DigaumSpider wrote:Too late, I've applied for 2 PTAs, based on previous feedback. Hopefully that doesn't affect the approval :oops:

Worst they can do is say 'no', probably get them both back on the dot at 28 days with any luck!
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Re: NSW - Recently acquired License and PTAs

Post by moudzj » 01 Jul 2020, 5:53 pm

I successfuly applied for two, with both approved on the same day. Hope to recieve in the mail tomorrow.
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