Land line dog fence

Varminting and vertebrate pest control. Small game, hunting feral goats, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits etc.

Land line dog fence

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Jul 2020, 8:02 pm

This Sunday on landline
About the dog fence and replacing it.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by RoginaJack » 17 Jul 2020, 8:12 pm

Yep, been a lot of "cluster fences" put in... should be interesting..
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Grandadbushy » 18 Jul 2020, 3:28 am

It makes you wonder why they keep the fence going as it seems there are just as many wild dogs and dingoes on either side now but i suppose if they ever get on top of the wild dog problem things will change.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by RoginaJack » 18 Jul 2020, 1:56 pm

I think the original fence was built around the 1880's and was designed to keep rabbits out of Queensland. The material used was mainly chicken wire (I think) and over the years through lack of maintenance and old age into neglect.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 18 Jul 2020, 3:06 pm

Bugger ... I wanted to watch that but I went to work and forgot about it. I think in bris landline is repeated on a Monday so maybe tomorrow...I have seen and heard more dingoes north of the fence but lately I not hunt dogs much so I’m not surprised about numbers south of the fence now. South of the fence is way to big of an area to control rapid breeding ...I think clusters will be more effective as long as the neighbours keep cooperating
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 19 Jul 2020, 11:26 am

I got all confused thinking I had missed it but it’s on today
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 19 Jul 2020, 2:01 pm

I watched it and d I learned a couple of things. Years ago I heard a few graziers having a yarn about the possibility of dogs climbing over fences. So one day I googled YouTube dog climbing fence and sure enough there’s a vid of a dog doing it successfully.....awkward , but successful. And I think if they are hungry enough they will do it
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by marksman » 19 Jul 2020, 2:40 pm

it is an interesting episode
shows some different conflicting perspectives that l had a laugh about, apparently the only wild dogs are in the vic high country,
what do you reckon Grandad :lol:
l would like a slab of the old fence up on the wall of the shed for a keepsake, l dont mind hanging on to some history ... e/12470066
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 19 Jul 2020, 5:46 pm

I seriously questioned the statement from the lab technician who suggested that graziers should be implementing non lethal control methods for dogs eg electric fenceing. ...she was very out of touch and looked like her boots had never seen a speck of red dust
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Die Judicii » 19 Jul 2020, 6:28 pm

WOW,,,,,, that brought back memories from the 1970s

I used to shoot on Quinyambie ,,,,,,, back then it was abandoned,, but has since been reopened and running cattle.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by NTSOG » 20 Jul 2020, 10:27 am

Blr243: "... non lethal control methods for dogs eg electric fencing."

Electric fencing is great - as long as it is maintained and checked daily to see if something, e.g. a fallen branch, a 'roo, or something has shorted it out. There is also the issue of providing electrical power to the line and ensuring a good, reliable earth. Summer time and fire danger days create another issue - I always turn off my fences on hot days of high fire danger just in case. The use of such fencing still doesn't deal with ferals remaining alive and breeding more ferals.

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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by RoginaJack » 20 Jul 2020, 11:12 am

Yes, BLR243, re comments from Lab. Tcch. some have just never left school.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 20 Jul 2020, 1:01 pm

I have the same trouble with engineers in the construction industry ...they know very well how to over engineer everything , and they know how to spend too much of the customers money ....and they are telling me what to do without ever having lifted a hammer in their life
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Grandadbushy » 21 Jul 2020, 7:08 am

G'day marksman been busy mate and just got onto the laptop but yeah wild dogs only in the Vic high country , i never saw the program but that statement says it all , these fools just aren't up to the job, it's no wonder we've got a problem with wild dogs , until these idiots get their heads out of their ''proverbial '' the dog problem won't go away, i just can't believe that statement was made on there. Electric fencing ''HAH'' all that will do is train them to what the fence does and keep them in someone else's area bit like locking the fox out of the chook pen and locking it in with the ducks, where do they find these people, is it just to get the unemployed numbers down. I have heard of a whisper from another program years back to catch and de-sex wild dogs, i nearly shat myself laughing , if you ask anybody who has had experience with wild dogs they will tell you '' any wild dog will adapt to any changes in a short time ,it will eat anything when hungry ie plants, all types of meat, fish, even saddles and leather left laying around, calf poo yep calf poo they chase the goodness left of the milk that is not digested by the calf , we had one come up to the calf pens and eat any poo that fell through the pen wire for months on end until i decided enough was enough and before a calf was taken, The wild dog is not a breed as such it is a mixture of an old breed of dog dating back yonks these wild dogs are only a modern day version of something that has beaten the odds and survived so how do these fools think they can control them by using electric fences or any other stupid idea other than disposing of them humanely in a number of ways like baits, shooting, trapping, all lead to killing the dogs, if you want something kept in some sort of control then put a bounty on it, we've had our bounty removed about 5yrs ago by the council and i can tell you the numbers of dogs have trebled around here because nobody shoots them unless it directly concerns them so another idiotic plan by someone who personally have never or will never have a need to control wild dogs but this Vic high country BS is exactly why things are not been taken seriously
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Blr243 » 21 Jul 2020, 6:16 pm

When city people have pests eg flys and cockroaches and ants they buy ten bucks worth of poison and kill them all. But when graziers have to spend tens of thousands controlling Roos and dogs the city people interfere and try to tell them not to do it. dare they. It’s rude and disgraceful that even for one minute they interfere and offer an opinion. It’s none of their business
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by on_one_wheel » 21 Jul 2020, 7:27 pm

It's LONG overdue
I've seen sections of fence that can be stepped over due to sand drift, rusted out foot netting, termite eaten posts, sections laying flat on the ground and gates left open for so long they can't be closed without shoveling, It's a shambles.

Some property owners who run cattle only along the fence don't spend their funding on maintaining the fence because they don't give a single f#€k and the Dog fence board just ignore the problem.

Next step is to introduce a bounty that's makes it worth hunting dogs.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Die Judicii » 21 Jul 2020, 8:03 pm

Grandadbushy wrote: I have heard of a whisper from another program years back to catch and de-sex wild dogs, i nearly shat myself laughing , if you ask anybody who has had experience with wild dogs they will tell you '' any wild dog will adapt to any changes in a short time ,

I hear ya and agree wholeheartedly Grandad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but,,,,,,,,,,,, I wouldn't be hanging around too long waiting for a dog to adapt to having its nuts cut out.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Would you adapt to that ????? Its a wonder the GREENIES haven't jumped on the band wagon and labelled such treatment as cruel and barbaric.

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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Grandadbushy » 21 Jul 2020, 8:34 pm

Yes Blr that is probably the biggest reason wild dogs aren't taken seriously with city people and bleeding hearts not having to deal directly with the problem, they or most of them think of the wild dog as a cuddly domestic puppy which is far from being correct, yes and they don't think twice about killing flies, roaches, grubs on the lawn and many other things as was said above, they aren't kept awake all night for months protecting stock only to have them killed later thus they watch their lively hood slipping away, also having to destroy wounded animals all hours of the night and day, you see stock trying to get as close to the homestead because they know they're reasonably safe there at night.
And yes on_one_wheel a bounty is good and in some areas there is one but the problem is it's not Australia wide, i know of quiet a few councils that don't have a bounty on wild dogs, it seems that when things get a little in hand with wild dogs they drop the bounty and within one year their numbers can treble as a bitch can have up to 7 pups although i've seen a bitch with 9 pups following her whether they were all hers i don't know but they were all of the same age and colours.
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Re: Land line dog fence

Post by Grandadbushy » 21 Jul 2020, 9:06 pm

Yeah DJ they adapt there was an old timer that used to get them as pups from hollow logs for keeping wild dogs from the chook pens and cut them because he wouldn't use females ,because they became too savage when on heat also you couldn't trust them not to bite no matter how long you had them, anyway the de-sexed males turned into the biggest killers of anything that was eatable including his cats and his wife's little hairy dogs so she put paid to his bringing home wild pups no matter what :o so you see they adapted :lol: :lol: Ya know mate with some of the stupid things these people come up with about controlling wild dogs, putting up a ''No wild dogs past this point '' sign doesn't sound too silly or no sillier than what they come up with :thumbsup: :lol: .
Wild dogs are here to stay and we have to control them for the farmers sake and lets not forget the Australian Fauna and one way i see of controlling them is to constantly put pressure on them and a bounty across the board is one way i see will work. An example which opened my eyes of late is we never had a refund for bottles around here for years and to drive to the town was terrible, in the 80klm drive you could pick up a tilly load of bottles per week from tourists and some locals, but now since 2yrs ago when we got a refund on bottles you may find 2 bottles in 6mths if you were lucky so to me bounties do work but they have to be consistent. And would i adapt to that ? Well no, but i've never been caught in the spot light laying beside a sheep and chewing it's back leg off :lol: :lol: :lol: even the thought of adapting brings tears to my eyes and i do think there some people out that do need an adaption process :thumbsup: :lol: Actually DJ i have shot 3 wild dogs over the years that were nutless and 2 were huge , 1 was poor, caught in a drought and old maybe wouldn't have lasted the year out :thumbsup:
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