Would I lie to you?

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 21 Dec 2020, 4:23 pm

Couple of days ago I’m on a hunt in cent Qld .. it’s perhaps 1 pm and hot so I’m sitting in my chair under a silver tarp with a nice cold stubby of Hahn light. At this point if I told you that a wedgetail eagle walked into my camp .sat on my bed and looked at me you would suspect I’m not telling the truth ... the real surprise came when he lifted the lid of my fridge and Without asking helped himself to one of my beers
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by bladeracer » 21 Dec 2020, 4:44 pm

The wedgetail is a truly majestic creature.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by No1Mk3 » 21 Dec 2020, 5:13 pm

Did he leave the money on the fridge?
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Shootermick » 21 Dec 2020, 6:59 pm

You’re lying. No one drinks Hahn light.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Wm.Traynor » 21 Dec 2020, 7:10 pm

That is a truly incredible pic :clap:
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by bigrich » 21 Dec 2020, 7:36 pm

Shootermick wrote:You’re lying. No one drinks Hahn light.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i've had some similar experiences out bush , but none as remarkable as that :thumbsup:
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by on_one_wheel » 21 Dec 2020, 8:15 pm

Magic !

Did he hang around for long ?

Perhaps you should reconsider your profile pic?
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 21 Dec 2020, 8:51 pm

Normally,In a hunting camp I attract mosquitoes, flies, and if I’m trying to sleep on the ground , ants that bite me. I wake swearing and killing them .... sometimes the eagle stayed in the pump shed, sometimes he was utilising the shade under my Ute and sometimes he sat on my bed under the shade of the tarp beside me ... it’s very special gaining the trust of a wild animal in such a short space of time . I think he was with me maybe 4 hours. During that time he opened his mouth wide a couple of times. I don’t know if he was yawning or warning me not to mess with him ( In the same way that I dog will lift its gums to bare its teeth as a warning ). When attempting to get photos , or needing to get close to him To acces my camping equipment I was very cautious not to push the boundaries . I made sure not to make any sudden movements.... I could see him gradually becoming at ease and becoming comfortable with me being close He realised I had no intention of harming him. I asked the owners if anyone had a pet eagle in the area but it was news to them .... here’s another pic of his fluffed up plumage It’s like brush strokes of an oil painting. I wont easily forget these eyes drilling right through me
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 21 Dec 2020, 9:04 pm

A day before I was checking dams, 99 per cent of the surface was flat with no wind. But there was a little spot where the water surface was roiling, almost bubbling. It was as if there was the end of a poly pipe just under the surface and water was being pumped into the dam from afar ....I needed to get closer because my poly pipe theory just did not seem right. It was a tortoise half up ended with most of his body and head underwater and four feet paddling flat out but he was goin nowhere. It was if he was on a tread mill. I thought perhaps he was having a mad bang with a hot babe but I lifted him up slightly and there was no femal tortoise in sight. That’s when I realised a near vertical stick had hooked into a void in his shell and all the forward paddling in the world was of no use to him. I don’t know how long he was stuck for nor do I know how long they can remain submerged without oxygen. I unhooked him and gently released him into the water. The little bugger took off without even saying thank you Tomorrow when I’m less tired I’ll explain how I clean missed a stationary dingo at 40 metres ....bugger I can’t believe I stuffed it up
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Skinna » 22 Dec 2020, 12:21 am

Sounds like youre having a great time out in nature BLR...

I had a similar experience once, but was with a Kookaburra...i was camping along the Murray & over the period of 5 days it eventually came to trust me & would come to sit on the arm of my camp chair with me in it...was pretty cool...!!

Anyway...enjoy it out there...& post more pics of the Wedgie... :thumbsup:
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Bello » 22 Dec 2020, 5:03 am

Mate that is truly a once in a life time event.
Lucky you had your phone handy. Amazing pics. :thumbsup:

My luck isn't so good.
I remember once I was out hunting, didn't see a thing, it was a hot day. I decided to go back to camp, unloaded my rifles and locked them away.
After a cold drink, I went for a walk. I was about 50 meters from camp standing under a tree enjoying the view of the property when a fox just pops up out of nowhere and walked past me about 10 meters away. He looked at me as to say "hi" and just kept walking. I slowly picked up a rock, but he was off like a flash.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Grandadbushy » 22 Dec 2020, 12:28 pm

Good on ya BLR that's exceptional to get a wedge-tail in that close it proves your drinking the right beer, :thumbsup: i'm fond of eagles i have a tattoo of one as well but just be careful he might be sizing you up figuring out if he can carry you , you might wake up one morning and find yourself wedged up in the fork of a tree :lol: nah mate thanks for sharing with us it's magic :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by GQshayne » 23 Dec 2020, 9:19 pm

Great stuff. Really good.

Dunno about you, but after more than 30 years of hunting many of my memories are of the places, the people, and the environment, rather than the actual hunting. You never forget stuff like this.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 23 Dec 2020, 9:52 pm

Dead right shayne Shooting a pig is just shooting a pig , But it’s all the amazing , unusual, Getting bogged accidents and a bit of danger, climbing trees to get away from pigs anything different is what I remember the most , submerged with a bow and being surrounded by freshwater crocs ..nearly dying of thirst in summer. Stepping on a snake. Getting hit by electric fences.....getting body parts caught on barbed wire fences. Pigs running up into the footwell of my quadbike to bite my legs. Catching a dingo pup with my hands , Shooting a scrub bull with my bow. Listening to dingoes howl ...Finding a sow in her grass nest and dragging her out By her feet. with my hands......Climbing mountains so steep in New Zealand that next day you can barely walk. Crashing a motorbike into the rocks in a New Zealand river bed so many times, at night tired , that eventually you no longer feel the pain of the crash ...rescuing my hunting dog from certain death because he’s too dumb to care for his own life.... .arguing with someone about who should get the dog off the pig when they are in a dam at night in the middle of winter. in the paddocks flying over the handlebars of my motorbike a couple of times is better now only as memories because my body is now not up for it , and Other stuff I dare not print. These are things that you can’t do in the city.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by JimTom » 24 Dec 2020, 10:32 am

A great experience mate no doubt. These special wildlife encounters are awesome. I have a had the odd one over the years too and they are always the most memorable part of the trip, as you are eluding to in your above post. Nice one mate. :drinks:
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Elmer » 26 Dec 2020, 12:09 pm

Mate, how cool is that? ....a very special moment indeed congrats.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 26 Dec 2020, 1:26 pm

I might get bac to same property mid February. If we catch up again I want to teach him to help me find pigs. And that he must not poo in my kitchen again
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Dec 2020, 4:38 pm

Yes, great experience mate.

Reminds me of when I picked up a wild platypus years a go. And spotted an ecidna having a swim.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 26 Dec 2020, 6:07 pm

Was the echidna crossing a creek or swimming because he had to ? Or was it hot and he’s just having a splash around? I have seen them walk up to the edge of a creek and have a drink
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by JimTom » 26 Dec 2020, 6:22 pm

Hey Oldbloke, you sure you didn’t pick up the echidna and spot the platypus having a swim. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just taking the Mickey mate. I have seen very few platypus in the wild, but when I do I always take the time to watch them. Awesome little animal.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 26 Dec 2020, 7:07 pm

I seen vids on YouTube of echidna s swimming at th Beach .....and while all the tourists are spinning out ovR the swimming echidna , another echidna is goin though people’s stuff looking for phone s and wallets
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by GQshayne » 26 Dec 2020, 11:00 pm

Blr243 wrote:Dead right shayne Shooting a pig is just shooting a pig , But it’s all the amazing , unusual, Getting bogged accidents and a bit of danger, climbing trees to get away from pigs anything different is what I remember the most , submerged with a bow and being surrounded by freshwater crocs ..nearly dying of thirst in summer. Stepping on a snake. Getting hit by electric fences.....getting body parts caught on barbed wire fences. Pigs running up into the footwell of my quadbike to bite my legs. Catching a dingo pup with my hands , Shooting a scrub bull with my bow. Listening to dingoes howl ...Finding a sow in her grass nest and dragging her out By her feet. with my hands......Climbing mountains so steep in New Zealand that next day you can barely walk. Crashing a motorbike into the rocks in a New Zealand river bed so many times, at night tired , that eventually you no longer feel the pain of the crash ...rescuing my hunting dog from certain death because he’s too dumb to care for his own life.... .arguing with someone about who should get the dog off the pig when they are in a dam at night in the middle of winter. in the paddocks flying over the handlebars of my motorbike a couple of times is better now only as memories because my body is now not up for it , and Other stuff I dare not print. These are things that you can’t do in the city.

A random memory of mine - We had a Suzuki Stockman as our pig chaser, and it lived on the property we hunted on. Dad was very wary of any wet blacksoil, and would stop for anything. "Not sure we should go through that" he would always say. As a dirt bike rider, I had no fear of the mud, and enough experience with it to know when to proceed or not. "We'll be right dad" I would often say. We had never been bogged.

We were out on the property after a good season, so lots of grass about. I was driving, and dad was standing up in the back, where we had a great view from. "Not sure bout this next bit" says dad, but it looked ok to me so I kept going. We were soon stopped, bogged to the axles at both ends. On the boundary fence too. :roll:

So I climb up into the back for a better view - 150m of straight water!!!!!!! So I said to dad "How can you look at that and say you are not sure!!! You can't see anything but water". :unknown:

So we had to walk back to the homestead, a long way, and ask for help. Being on the boundary fence, we did not want to leave our rifles there, so we grabbed them, walked around the water, and headed off for a long walk. Not far along, I stopped to take a leak, so leaned my rifle against the fence, and as you do, had a good look around. Spotted two pigs digging up the wet soil not far off, so we stalked into them and got both of them.

So we got back without our Suzi, but at least we weren't pigless.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Dec 2020, 11:56 am

Blr243 wrote:Was the echidna crossing a creek or swimming because he had to ? Or was it hot and he’s just having a splash around? I have seen them walk up to the edge of a creek and have a drink

It was paddling around in a dam on a hot evening.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Blr243 » 27 Dec 2020, 12:14 pm

Ob. Good to hear. Although most of an animals activities are based on Just staying alive it’s nice to see now and then thy have time to just enjoy life.....once I saw a black an white boar dancing and h was all by himself I don’t kno what started him off. ......shayne, we know about how black dirt when a certain amount of wetness it becomes sticky and accumulate s on out tyres and it just keeps building up. I learned the hard way and burned out the clutch on my motorcycle trying to get out of there. Then a long walk with no pigs nearby
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by GQshayne » 28 Dec 2020, 9:35 pm

Blr243 wrote:Ob. Good to hear. Although most of an animals activities are based on Just staying alive it’s nice to see now and then thy have time to just enjoy life.....once I saw a black an white boar dancing and h was all by himself I don’t kno what started him off. ......shayne, we know about how black dirt when a certain amount of wetness it becomes sticky and accumulate s on out tyres and it just keeps building up. I learned the hard way and burned out the clutch on my motorcycle trying to get out of there. Then a long walk with no pigs nearby

Property owner used to call that "pick up". It would just build up in the mudguards until the wheels could not turn any more. So a little bit of rain could be worse than 10mm sometimes.
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Re: Would I lie to you?

Post by Oldbloke » 29 Dec 2020, 8:48 am

Blr243 wrote:Ob. Good to hear. Although most of an animals activities are based on Just staying alive it’s nice to see now and then thy have time to just enjoy life.....once I saw a black an white boar dancing and h was all by himself I don’t kno what started him off. ......shayne, we know about how black dirt when a certain amount of wetness it becomes sticky and accumulate s on out tyres and it just keeps building up. I learned the hard way and burned out the clutch on my motorcycle trying to get out of there. Then a long walk with no pigs nearby

Yep, if you walk on it you are soon on "stilts". Lol
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