Antique rifle ownership NSW

Questions about New South Wales gun and ammunition laws. NSW Firearms Act 1996.

Antique rifle ownership NSW

Post by Jb7734 » 09 Feb 2021, 2:11 pm

I've been trying to find information on purchasing a pre 1900 muzzle loaded rifle and I can't seem to get a straight answer out of anyone. What I want to know is am I required to hold a firearms licence and obtain a permit to purchase and own one? I've looked at the nsw police force fact sheet and everything on there says I don't need either but I'm still confused. I don't intend shoot it and the only reason I'm not applying for my license just yet is because I'm going to buy a large property some time in the near future to hunt on which will make the application process much easier. If anyone has any any information to help me I would appreciate it.
Posts: 6
New South Wales

Re: Antique rifle ownership NSW

Post by No1Mk3 » 11 Feb 2021, 4:13 pm

G'day Jb7734,
What on the Fact Sheet confuses you? Pre-1900 manufacture & not breech loading you are good to go, but just can't use it and must store it in a safe (we here in Vic are at least spared that requirement). You should download and copy Section 6A of your Firearms Act and keep it near the safe to educate any copper who may not be aware of this part, Cheers.
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Posts: 2127

Re: Antique rifle ownership NSW

Post by Jb7734 » 11 Feb 2021, 10:58 pm

I'm confused by the fact that you're allowed to own a gun that's not registered but you still have to keep it in a safe. I'm not against keeping it in a safe and not firing it but it just doesn't make much sense to me that they let you own one. I've also spoken to a few gun shops and they've all said that they wouldn't sell one to someone without a licence. I'm getting mixed responses from everyone else that I've asked and it's all confusing me especially when it's something that could get me in a lot of trouble if I don't do it properly.
Posts: 6
New South Wales

Re: Antique rifle ownership NSW

Post by No1_49er » 12 Feb 2021, 6:27 am

Jb7734 wrote:I'm confused by the fact that you're allowed to own a gun that's not registered but you still have to keep it in a safe. I'm not against keeping it in a safe and not firing it but it just doesn't make much sense to me that they let you own one. I've also spoken to a few gun shops and they've all said that they wouldn't sell one to someone without a licence. I'm getting mixed responses from everyone else that I've asked and it's all confusing me especially when it's something that could get me in a lot of trouble if I don't do it properly.

WRT safe keeping, that requirement exists to prevent it being easily stolen (by somebody who may, or may not, have a licence) and uses it for unlawful purpose. The fact that it is considered to be an antique does not prevent it from being used.
WRT to the gun shops who have said they wouldn't sell to anybody without a licence, that is entirely up to their business model but the law does not prevent them selling to an unlicensed person.
Proud member of "the powerful gun lobby" of Australia :)
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Posts: 838

Re: Antique rifle ownership NSW

Post by Jb7734 » 12 Feb 2021, 9:09 am

I completely understand why you need to keep it in a safe and I understand that it's up to the digression of the gun store owner who they sell a gun to but it almost feels like a trap. Does anyone own or know someone who owns antique guns without a licence and where they were purchased?
Posts: 6
New South Wales

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