WW3 ?

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: WW3 ?

Post by Member-Deleted » 05 May 2021, 12:41 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I for one would not like to be the person making the decision to send our boys to any war. Huge level of responsibility.
And if it was with China it would be war for Australia's survival. Because if we lose the CCP will be in Canberra.

The CCP is not so different to what we have already. I'd even figure a guess and say the Chinese have more freedom. Yes there are "re-education" camps where dissidents and certain religious and ethnic people are enslaved. But the Chinese are more free, and they have far better social cohesion.

If you think I'm being delusional, let me point out some similarities:

- Mass Surveillance: growing bigger and more powerful everyday.
- Facial recognition/voice recognition, even the recognition of your walking style.
- Dan Andrews tried to push to have all possible tracking devices in your phone and car be available for the Victorian Government to trace for "traffic management" purposes. As far as I know it was shut down, but all the articles I had found on it I haven't been able to find since it's rejection.
- Registrations for just about everything
- Terrabytes and terrabytes of data with personal profiles built up on all of us, accessible to certain agencies whenever they deem it necessary. Or whoever the highest bidder is.
- The push for automation allows more "cloud" control, records and surveillance.
- Transaction Records for just about everything. With the push to get rid of cash constantly.
- MyHealth. Period.

(You can take that "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" bulls**t and blow that out the back of your head.)

- HEAVY indoctrination, dogma and propaganda with serious consequences for those who don't tow the line.
- The education system from primary through to university is full of it. Even trades and further training include it.
- News and entertainment are constantly pushing it. Especially state/tax-payer sponsored companies.
- Failure to comply can result in imprisonment, fines, loss of work/income, losing your children to the state etc.

- Secret Police
- ASIO/AFP/State Police Technical Surveillance Units all have the ability to commit crimes without much in the way of punishment.
- ASIO has extraordinary powers granted to them, for example, if they believe you to be a terrorist threat, they can arrest and detain you indefinitely without a warrant. What they do with you while they hold you is anybody's guess.

If you can think of major differences, let me know. I'm not providing sources because this was already a long reply and I really can't be f***ed. Just know this is something regularly discussed by some of us in the security industry, both those who sell and install Surveillance products and those that guard. There are many ex-cops, ex-military, ex-special forces, ex-intelligence officers that work in the field. There are some that falsely claim to be, but they get spotted pretty quickly.

These aren't conspiracy theories, this is fact.
Here is a conspiracy theory. I think the legislation that allowed the government (state or federal) to track us has secretly been passed. Reason being, my phone's location is switched on every now and then without me turning it on. (I'm pretty paranoid about that stuff so I don't allow app permissions unless I absolutely have to).

Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 05 May 2021, 1:15 pm

I always take wombles posts as comedy central. I have been trying to refrain from posting as most of my points have been covered by Bill etc. But still I find it hilarious how many people have appreciation of reality.

Firstly from the early times since when firearms have been introduced. The total instances of a person who has been able to kill double digit number of enemy people in a firefight... excluding snipers and mass shooting would nearly be in very low double digits. So excluding Hollywood movies a militia member is likely to kill at most 2 or 3 people before they are themselves killed.

Now look at what happened in recent times, go have a look at how many American soldiers were shot by local militias in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan wars. Then compare it to the number of soldiers China has. A bit sobering reality.

So put away your chess board. The people designing war strategy are lot more intelligent than you or I, and even the Chinese ones would have trained at west point.

Lastly looking at how wars been fought recently, China will likely bring their war ships to Indonesia for a training excersise. Then fly a few bombers and take out the bigger bridges, critical infrastructure like dams, hospitals, power stations. Then the actual invasion is just a walk in the park.

Saying that it's more likely they can defeat Australia quickly and cheaply by economic means, if they place a trade embargo on us, it would bring the population to its knees within 6 months without costing the Chinese a single life.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 May 2021, 1:30 pm

womble wrote:Bring it on.
I’m so over their bulls**t threats and intimidation

I know what you mean, what I hated even more than the threats, bullying and intimidation was watching out government crawl up chinas a$$, while allowing them to put us out of business to become a nation of consumers rather than a nation of producers. They happily signed away long term agreement after agreement that only served one country... China. It was a disgrace. Finally governments all around the world have woken up to what China have been doing for decades and we've got a government with enough balls to do something about it before it'stoo late.
Chinas been taking over the world by stealth even to the point they've inserted CCP members into governments and big businesses, many have been discovered and sent home already.
They've been controlling trade and influencing governments for far too long.

Enough is enough. The CCP party needs to be put in it's place one way or another.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 May 2021, 2:48 pm

BangWhizzClack wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:I for one would not like to be the person making the decision to send our boys to any war. Huge level of responsibility.
And if it was with China it would be war for Australia's survival. Because if we lose the CCP will be in Canberra.

The CCP is not so different to what we have already. I'd even figure a guess and say the Chinese have more freedom. Yes there are "re-education" camps where dissidents and certain religious and ethnic people are enslaved. But the Chinese are more free, and they have far better social cohesion.

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I want what your smoking bangwhizzcrap.

FWIW, our gov doesn't give you a bullet in the back of the head if you say the wrong thing in public.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 05 May 2021, 11:28 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
FWIW, our gov doesn't give you a bullet in the back of the head if you say the wrong thing in public.

The Kartoffelfuhrer would though, if he could.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Member-Deleted » 05 May 2021, 11:38 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
BangWhizzClack wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:I for one would not like to be the person making the decision to send our boys to any war. Huge level of responsibility.
And if it was with China it would be war for Australia's survival. Because if we lose the CCP will be in Canberra.

The CCP is not so different to what we have already. I'd even figure a guess and say the Chinese have more freedom. Yes there are "re-education" camps where dissidents and certain religious and ethnic people are enslaved. But the Chinese are more free, and they have far better social cohesion.


I want what your smoking bangwhizzcrap.

FWIW, our gov doesn't give you a bullet in the back of the head if you say the wrong thing in public.

No, this is true, but depending on what you say, your life can be severely affected for the worse with criminal charges, "hate crime", disturbing the peace, and whatever else they wish to throw at you. If you made threats of rebellion or whatever, and ASIO decides to take you seriously, that's a one way ticket to Neverneverland friendo.

Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 06 May 2021, 4:44 am

To compare life in China to life in Australia is a truly bizarre statement.
Life there would be little different than a single ant in a colony. Entirely expendable with no human rights whatsoever. There is no individual. Any expression of individuality or free thinking is swiftly and brutally contained.
If you wish to study or learn try freedomhouse.org or amnesty international.
If not, just keep talking crap. All good.

Technology can be used for good or evil, since we discovered fire.
Yes we have modern surveillance technology here, though not as prevalent of most developed countries.
The perception from those on the receiving end of threats of violence and hate, is a very different perception than those dishing them out.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by straightshooter » 06 May 2021, 8:07 am

I suppose in a war of words the only weapon that has any chance of working against crap ends up being different crap.
To quote Churchill
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 May 2021, 8:12 am

The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 8:22 am

Oldbloke wrote:Kartoffelfuhrer???

Dutton, Australia's very own stasi wannabe
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 8:26 am

womble wrote:If you wish to study or learn try freedomhouse.org or amnesty international.
If not, just keep talking crap. All good.


Over half of their campaigns apply to injustices that are happening in Australia?
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 May 2021, 9:40 am

bah! wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:
FWIW, our gov doesn't give you a bullet in the back of the head if you say the wrong thing in public.

The Kartoffelfuhrer would though, if he could.

So your saying Dutton would have us shot if he could.

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 May 2021, 9:42 am

bah! wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:Kartoffelfuhrer???

Dutton, Australia's very own stasi wannabe

Well, i don't like him, but I think thats over the top
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 10:17 am

Oldbloke wrote:So your saying Dutton would have us shot if he could

Certainly, he has never been preoccupied with lawful rule, a crook cop on his way to being a crook politician, and generally happy to disregard international law, and even the supreme court on occasions.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 06 May 2021, 2:57 pm

We need Samantha Ratnam as PM, she will fix everything, no more dictatorship
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 3:48 pm

womble wrote:BangCrackHead,
To compare life in China to life in Australia is a truly bizarre statement.
Life there would be little different than a single ant in a colony. Entirely expendable with no human rights whatsoever. There is no individual. Any expression of individuality or free thinking is swiftly and brutally contained.
If you wish to study or learn try freedomhouse.org or amnesty international.
If not, just keep talking crap. All good.

Technology can be used for good or evil, since we discovered fire.
Yes we have modern surveillance technology here, though not as prevalent of most developed countries.
The perception from those on the receiving end of threats of violence and hate, is a very different perception than those dishing them out.

Here is an email I received today from one of those downtrodden ants in China.

Glad to receive your email.

Due to the International Workers' Day. We have five days holiday.
Today we resume work, I will carefully read your email, and give an accurate reply and modification.

Kind regards

Must be terrible there, they sound like they're really copping it and a 5 day holiday too, oh noes!
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 06 May 2021, 4:22 pm

Woopee we celebrate glorious leader for 5 days. I’ll bring the rice and you bring the wine made from more rice.
Your turn to be the female. I could’nt manage the march up and down the square after the last holiday.
Let’s get this party started. :clap:
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 06 May 2021, 4:24 pm

cz515 wrote:We need Samantha Ratnam as PM, she will fix everything, no more dictatorship

Suddenly people who masturbate on their desks hold more appeal.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Bugman » 06 May 2021, 4:39 pm

bah! wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:So your saying Dutton would have us shot if he could

Certainly, he has never been preoccupied with lawful rule, a crook cop on his way to being a crook politician, and generally happy to disregard international law, and even the supreme court on occasions.

Put your money where you mouth is, lad and send this to Peter Dutton, listing your name, address and contact number. Your all piss and wind, absolutely no substance.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Member-Deleted » 06 May 2021, 5:20 pm

womble wrote:Woopee we celebrate glorious leader for 5 days. I’ll bring the rice and you bring the wine made from more rice.
Your turn to be the female. I could’nt manage the march up and down the square after the last holiday.
Let’s get this party started. :clap:

https://youtube.com/c/serpentza I suggest watching at least a couple hours of his videos (overtime). He's a South African that moved to China a while ago. He gives a pretty good insight of life in China.

Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 5:23 pm

Bugman wrote:Put your money where you mouth is, lad and send this to Peter Dutton, listing your name, address and contact number. Your all piss and wind, absolutely no substance.

I've done one better kiddo. Said as much on is social media page last week and just waiting to see if his lawyers have run out of other targets.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 May 2021, 5:34 pm

The kartoffelfuhrer is apparently quite upset with people calling him names and suing everyone and anyone. I heard he had a go for someone calling him a rape apologist. Pretty think skinned if you ask me
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 May 2021, 5:53 pm

And to sum up.

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Some forums are full of them.


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Re: WW3 ?

Post by No1Mk3 » 07 May 2021, 3:15 am

I have read this thread from the start with a mixture of amusement, concern, outright laughter and deep horror. During this I have had the words of Albert Einstein running around my head, "I don't know with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones!"
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by straightshooter » 07 May 2021, 7:35 am

The only thing I can add to your comment is a quote from George Carlin.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 07 May 2021, 8:17 am

No1Mk3 wrote:I have read this thread from the start with a mixture of amusement, concern, outright laughter and deep horror. During this I have had the words of Albert Einstein running around my head, "I don't know with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones!"

Yes, that is the real worry. As I've mentioned, a few here treat the idea of war in a flippant manner. And they are also a concern.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Larry » 07 May 2021, 8:39 am

I am surprised that a few posters still have a license. There are posters here that have gone way to far in comments against women, family violence and gun violence. I would not be surprised if LRD were to consider these posters as not Fit and Proper persons.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 07 May 2021, 9:14 am

Larry wrote:I am surprised that a few posters still have a license. There are posters here that have gone way to far in comments against women, family violence and gun violence. I would not be surprised if LRD were to consider these posters as not Fit and Proper persons.

Pretty much, I'm happier that Dutton has my details than a few of the people here and I think he is a f***ing ghoul.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 07 May 2021, 10:04 am

Larry wrote:I am surprised that a few posters still have a license. There are posters here that have gone way to far in comments against women, family violence and gun violence. I would not be surprised if LRD were to consider these posters as not Fit and Proper persons.

Tend to agree. They watch and importantly believe way too much B grade US movies/TV.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 07 May 2021, 12:58 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Tend to agree. They watch and importantly believe way too much B grade US movies/TV.

Sky or Fox most likely
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