Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by rc42 » 10 Jun 2021, 7:55 pm ... riam-vale/

"Unloaded police firearm and Taser stolen during break-in, Miriam Vale
myPolice on Jun 10, 2021 @ 3:05pm
Detectives from Gladstone CIB are investigating after an unloaded police-issued firearm and Taser (similar to pictured) were stolen during an overnight break-in at the Miriam Vale Hotel.

Preliminary investigations indicate that sometime between 6.15pm yesterday (June 9) and 8.30am today (June 10) a locked hotel room was broken into and the unloaded Glock and unloaded Taser were stolen, as well as other personal items.

The ammunition and Taser cartridge, stored separately in the room, were not stolen.

Detectives are appealing for members of the public who may have witnessed anyone acting suspiciously in the vicinity of Blomfield Street overnight to contact them.

Anyone who locates the firearm or Taser is advised not to touch them and immediately call Triple Zero (000).

A concurrent internal investigation by the Operations Support Command is underway, with oversight by the Ethical Standards Command."

So, consequences for the police officer involved, prosecution? loss of access to firearms? or just colleagues laugh at them for a while and in this case probably replacement firearms issued the next day?

The last one seems to be the standard police response to one of their own whether it's failure to secure or negligent discharge or any other offence that would bring significant consequences for a licensed civilian.
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Posts: 799

Re: Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by Pudlux » 10 Jun 2021, 8:27 pm

Yes mate. Pretty sure he won't need any help from NSC.
Posts: 54

Re: Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by Devilcv8 » 10 Jun 2021, 10:39 pm

The cop wont have to wait until the next day, theyll have a new weapon issued same day
Posts: 56
New South Wales

Re: Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 11 Jun 2021, 6:15 am

Remember the cop at the ekka showgrounds who was playing with her gun and it went off?

Remember the cop who left his gun at McDonalds?

General duties police receive bugger all training and yet they are entrusted to open carry. Lawful firearm owners who train and compete regularly can not even conceal carry.
Posts: 681

Re: Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by ZaineB » 11 Jun 2021, 12:51 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:Remember the cop at the ekka showgrounds who was playing with her gun and it went off?

Remember the cop who left his gun at McDonalds?

General duties police receive bugger all training and yet they are entrusted to open carry. Lawful firearm owners who train and compete regularly can not even conceal carry.

agree its pretty scary knowing these useless sods are out there and have permission to use said firearms as a deterrent (as a threat to threaten), and will potentially be shooting at people (most that I have ever clapped eyes on cant shoot for sh!t), and when they do screw up some paperwork is pushed around and they go on their merry way, all the while treating everyone else like subjects instead of serving that public that pays their salary.

I dont think the police ought to have firearms as a standard bit of kit, if the average law abiding person cant, neither should they. They would immediately make the statement that they need them against criminals, but criminals dont target police, criminals target vulnerable citizenry, the same citizenry that is vulnerable only due to the hypocrisy and morally unjust of a government that hides behind men with guns having a monopoly on violence over each and every one of you.
Posts: 463

Re: Firearms stolen - from the QLD Police

Post by boingk » 11 Jun 2021, 9:45 pm

Take this for what its worth fellas, I hate useless cops (or incompetant people in any profession) more than most, but this just ticked me off a bit.

ZaineB wrote:agree its pretty scary knowing these useless sods are out there and have permission to use said firearms as a deterrent

Not from my knowledge. Look it up. Pretty sure they can only unholster when "there is a real liklihood of discharge" and are only able to discharge when someone is "in immediate danger of death or serious injury and there is no other practical way of reducing that risk"

I certainly have mates in the job that have had firearms pointed or discharged at them by crooks - you're suggesting they can't fire back, or even take the first shot if the crook is raising to fire?

ZaineB wrote:when they do screw up some paperwork is pushed around and they go on their merry way, all the while treating everyone else like subjects instead of serving that public that pays their salary.

Again, relayed stories that didn't happen to me, but from what I gather there is a decision made in many cases of incompetance called a "loss of confidence" which means the officer loses their job, and only have very limited avenues of appeal. I would suggest that this would apply to the officer in this situation, as I don't know of any state or terrritory here that lets an officer simply slap their duty weapons down in an otherwise unsecured hotel room and go grab a counter lunch.

ZaineB wrote:I dont think the police ought to have firearms as a standard bit of kit, if the average law abiding person cant, neither should they.

Couldn't agree less. Wait until sh!t hits the fan and who do you call then? The specialist units on stadby? Great if you live in Sydney or another capital city. What about, well, anywhere else? What happens if an urgent response is required by officers at the scene? Again, couldn't agree less.

One question: What would they do if someone pulled a gun on them? Only a month or two ago officers on the North Coast NSW were shot at by some bloody maniac with a shotgun.

ZaineB wrote:They would immediately make the statement that they need them against criminals, but criminals dont target police, criminals target vulnerable citizenry

Actually, criminals mainly target criminals from what data I can find. Police are a secondary target, usually if they show up to observe it or catch up with them fleeing - check the Stocko's for a few good cases of that. Again, they need firearms.

ZaineB wrote:...the same citizenry that is vulnerable only due to the hypocrisy and morally unjust of a government that hides behind men with guns having a monopoly on violence over each and every one of you.

Sorry to tell you but thats exactly what society is - trading certain freedoms and rights in exchange for security. If you want to open carry to make your wang feel hard then thats great, but most people won't agree with you being able to do so... at least not in this country.

So... what did I miss?

- boingk
Posts: 682

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