Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Questions about Queensland gun and ammunition laws. QLD Weapons Act 1990.

Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 11 Mar 2021, 6:45 pm

I've just shot off a few emails to various state members/the premier, in regards to Public Land Hunting here in Qld and what we need to do to make it happen. I figured there would be people here for sure who would have done the same before and have more information on the subject than I do. So I'm curious as to the reasons given as to why it can't/won't be introduced here. I'd also like to know if there are others who are actively communicating with those in power about this issue? Firearms ownership and hunting is becoming more and more popular and less demonised and I think it's time we all started to rock the boat a little.

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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Bugman » 11 Mar 2021, 7:55 pm

Probably because of your Labor government, siding with the Greens to get their preferences. Just a thought.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by on_one_wheel » 11 Mar 2021, 10:26 pm

Agreed, it needs to be sold to the state government as part of solution to the rising feral pest problem. Using other states as examples of how recreational hunting can be conducted safely on public lands by following their simple template.

Its hard do deny facts and figures

We have the same problem in SA, there's practically no public land available for recreational hunting, meanwhile feral deer, goats, rabbits, cats and foxes are having a field day.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 12 Mar 2021, 4:45 am

That's exactly the angle I took. I think everyone should let their feelings be known, regardless of which party is in power. There are 'green' reasons for allowing hunting on public land and it can potentially benefit many parts of the community. It's a little defeatist to just say that it won't happen because one party is in power. I know a lot of us wrote letters to our state members when the gun shops got closed at the beginning of Covid. You'll never know how much that did or didn't contribute to the reopening of the stores, but noise was made and results were seen.

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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by JimTom » 12 Mar 2021, 8:41 am

Mate there was a petition that circulated a year or so ago lobbying the Qld Gov to at least open up a trial period where public land could be hunted upon. Of course the Qld Gov being Labour, didn’t give it the time of day.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Oldbloke » 15 Mar 2021, 7:26 pm

Call the SSAA. They might help. :sarcasm:
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Oldbloke » 15 Mar 2021, 7:35 pm

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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 16 Mar 2021, 4:35 pm

I'm trying to set up a phone meeting with my state member of parliament, he's keen, just need a time that works. I think I'll stick with those channels over the SSAA.

I'm already a Qld shooters union member.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Robin » 16 Mar 2021, 10:14 pm

SSAA wont help , if public land opens up, then less people will shoot at there ranges, thats less money for them.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Farmerpete » 17 Mar 2021, 1:04 am

I'd support this anyway I can if you post a link to the petition I'll happily sign qnd tell anyone I know to sign aswell. but just to warn you, its already been tried recently.

There was a qld epetition on the subject with well over 10 000 petitioners introduced to the parliament, the government didn't even debate the topic, the response was the police minister standing up and saying "blah blah blah public safety blah blah blah I recommend there be no change to the current laws"
The petition was promptly dismissed.

The thing you are doing right is that you are talking to a minister to ensure someone higher than the parliamentary clerk introduces the petition, it might actually get talked over if you can get the signatures again.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Mar 2021, 8:07 am

Works really well in Vic. Heaps of land available. But working out what's what can be a bit tricky.

Helps to keep pests under control.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Farmerpete » 17 Mar 2021, 1:49 pm

I just had a thought for the op. To get more signatures it might be worth ringing/emailing all the gun shops you can find in qld to see if they will put the petition on their counter for customers to sign
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Robin » 17 Mar 2021, 2:12 pm

I think if we can get a case going as to why we should be allowed , with proof and get as many signatures as possible then they might listen, I would also mention that by opening up public land to shoot on , will inject funds into some of those towns that are struggling.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 18 Mar 2021, 6:18 pm

To be clear, I've never started any petition. I just want to talk to the people who are in power and discuss the possibility of public land hunting being introduced here. I think the more the idea is spoken of, the more "normalized" it becomes and the easier it will be to have it introduced. I am still trying to speak with my state member but wondering if I have been fobbed off now, which I really do not like.

I'll post a bit of an email transcript once I'm back on my laptop.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 20 Mar 2021, 6:30 am

Had a phone called booked with my state member at 12PM yesterday but I got stood up. So looks like I will be making an appointment to visit his office.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Quirinus » 20 Mar 2021, 1:17 pm

Instead of begging for permission, perhaps 'we' should be demanding to know why it isn't allowed, what was the reason it was banned and who made the decision? Labor are better at backing away from controversy than they are at being magnanimous.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 10 May 2021, 6:24 pm

It's pretty obvious that the current state government aren't interested at all. I do have a meeting booked for next month with my state member, who is an LNP member so "may" be more open to discus the subject. We will see I guess.

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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by rc42 » 10 May 2021, 8:44 pm

Letter summary seems to be:

"Yes, there are pest species that need to be controlled but we think there are too many licensed shooters that are dangerous fcukwits so we'll pay professionals to it or leave it to the farmers on neighboring properties"

It doesn't seem likely that any government will change this no matter the logic put forward as the media will jump on them for "weakening gun laws"
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by bigrich » 11 May 2021, 9:18 am

Oldbloke wrote:Call the SSAA. They might help. :sarcasm:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by bigrich » 11 May 2021, 9:22 am

DaveZ wrote:It's pretty obvious that the current state government aren't interested at all. I do have a meeting booked for next month with my state member, who is an LNP member so "may" be more open to discus the subject. We will see I guess.


Good on you for having a go mate. I went and met with local politicians with other parties over the hoon laws and a fairer attitude from police and politicians was the result. If enough people stand up you can make a difference
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 11 May 2021, 7:26 pm

bigrich wrote:Good on you for having a go mate. I went and met with local politicians with other parties over the hoon laws and a fairer attitude from police and politicians was the result. If enough people stand up you can make a difference

That's the thing hey, you've got to at least get out there and have your viewpoint heard. It may or may not lead to anything, but I'll have my voice heard at least.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Bilko » 12 Jun 2021, 9:42 am

DaveZ good on you for contacting your local member. I hope your face to face meeting went/goes well. I met with my LNP member earlier this year and he was very receptive to the idea. He was very aware of the issues raised in the petition last year, and while not a shooter himself, very supportive. I adopted the “hip pocket” approach and took all the NSW DPI figures from the latest reports (on their website) showing that even with COVID and a drop in revenue from hunting the $100+ Million (I forget the figure now)hunting is worth to the NSW economy. I suggested that with the hit the State economy has taken from COVID this is a way to increase revenue without raising taxes. He liked that approach and has taken it to the LNP “money people“ to include in their budget considerations.

Might be something to add to your discussions.


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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by trekin » 12 Jun 2021, 10:42 am

Next time you are talking to your member, ask him/her why is SSAA QLD the only shooters allowed to conduct pest management on Gov't own land? ... -gladstone ... t-calliope ... ds-project
Would seem to suggest the line you have been spun is made from pure BS.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 13 Jun 2021, 4:53 pm

Bilko wrote:DaveZ good on you for contacting your local member. I hope your face to face meeting went/goes well. I met with my LNP member earlier this year and he was very receptive to the idea. He was very aware of the issues raised in the petition last year, and while not a shooter himself, very supportive. I adopted the “hip pocket” approach and took all the NSW DPI figures from the latest reports (on their website) showing that even with COVID and a drop in revenue from hunting the $100+ Million (I forget the figure now)hunting is worth to the NSW economy. I suggested that with the hit the State economy has taken from COVID this is a way to increase revenue without raising taxes. He liked that approach and has taken it to the LNP “money people“ to include in their budget considerations.

Might be something to add to your discussions.



Went about as well as you'd expect :roll:

Long and short of it is, he feels it'll never get up in the current political climate. Most representatives, especially those in the major centres, are firmly against us having firearms at all, let alone being let loose in precious conservation parks. He reckons the best we can do is to join up with the organisations that support us, Shooters Union, NSC etc, and support them so that we have a unified voice at least. Continue to make noise, seems to be about all we can do.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by DaveZ » 13 Jun 2021, 4:55 pm

trekin wrote:Next time you are talking to your member, ask him/her why is SSAA QLD the only shooters allowed to conduct pest management on Gov't own land? ... -gladstone ... t-calliope ... ds-project
Would seem to suggest the line you have been spun is made from pure BS.

Yes but I believe they are organised pest control outings. The park gets shut down for the period of time required. Not really the same as the hunting option we are after and most of the risks associated are removed by closing the park.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by duncan61 » 13 Jun 2021, 4:59 pm

Pest animal control - involving hunting and shooting groups
fox european1babs and bert wellsc
Fox - Photo © Parks and Wildlife
Parks and Wildlife undertakes a range of introduced and native pest animal control programs across department-managed lands, unallocated Crown Land and unmanaged reserves in Western Australia. Target species may include feral goats, deer, cats and pigs and foxes. The programs can involve baiting, trapping, or shooting, and may be carried out in collaboration with other agencies and groups, such as the Department of Agriculture and Food WA , recognised biosecurity groups, catchment councils, declared species groups, and recreational hunting and shooting groups.

Biodiversity or priority land management outcomes are the primary aims for pest animal control on department-managed lands. Recreational hunting and shooting groups have the opportunity to support Parks and Wildlife in achieving these aims.

Parks and Wildlife will engage the services of recognised recreational hunting and shooting groups to undertake pest animal control where the involvement is safe, cost effective and will lead to improved biodiversity outcomes. Groups may assist through:

the provision of complementary support or parallel control effort to current or planned strategic pest animal control;
where the department does not have the capacity or resources to undertake such control; and/or
where a group can adopt an asset or defined area of land to remove pest animals to assist with effective biodiversity outcomes.
Wild pigs
Pigs - Photo © Parks and Wildlife
Eligibility for involvement in Parks and Wildlife pest animal control work
Parks and Wildlife recognises eligible recreational hunting and shooting groups for inclusion in pest animal control programs through a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU will be between Parks and Wildlife and the Western Australian peak body of each participating group. To become involved the group will need to meet established criteria to enter into an MoU. The criteria is outlined in the information sheet, or can be requested by contacting the Pest Program Coordinator.

Individuals are only eligible to participate if they are a member of a recreational hunting or shooting group formally recognised by way of an MoU. Individuals who are NOT members of such a group WILL NOT be eligible for participation.

Where there is an opportunity to engage a recognised recreational hunting or shooting group, a works agreement and appropriate authorisations will be negotiated between Parks and Wildlife and that group. The work agreement will outline in more detail specific objectives and operational requirements, as well as the time and place of the pest animal control work to be included in the approved program.

A list of animal pest control opportunities will be included on this page as and when they are identified through regional works programs.

pdfPest animal control program fact sheet207.8 KB

For further information please contact:

Invasive Animals Program Leader
Ecosystem Health Branch
Phone 0400 693 807
From this I gather that an club can apply to do pest management in state forests.I am interested and know enough shooters to undertake this and will be contacting D-Paw this week to go through the hoops
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Oldbloke » 13 Jun 2021, 5:12 pm

Yet these people are desperate to reduce foxes and cats. NP in WA so no shooters allowed. Sounds like they pay professionals instead. ... /100208848

Watched it on landline today.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by Robin » 13 Jun 2021, 5:58 pm

I hope eventually we can hunt on public land.

We need a good case study for this, we need farmers to help , I have a few reasons, but I'm not sure what to do.
Hunting on public land will reduce the pest animals before it gets onto there land,
Hunting on public land will reduce the number of people going to the range, therefor reducing noise complaints
Get a case study from the NSW program and use that for the reason.
The more we can chuck at this the better, get the minor MPs involved , get them to come to different events so they can see what most of us shooters are like, at moment the public things that shooters are a bunch of gun ho guys, so getting the MP's to come along to different events should show what we are about.
The reason why I say minor MP's is because at this stage its not always about the votes, its about seeing what they can do, they guys up the top only care about the votes.
Get Bob Katter involved, ok I don't like him to be honest, however I like his gun stance.
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by duncan61 » 13 Jun 2021, 6:07 pm

Because of this thread I have checked out pest management and an organisation called Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group do pest management South of where I live and I have private land to shoot on in that area so will be going to their open day 26 june to introduce myself and then go hunting anyway
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Re: Public Land Hunting in Qld.

Post by str8shutr » 21 Jul 2021, 11:43 am

Warning: Sarcasm alert ...

Gee I don't know what everyone's worried about. It's not as if feral pigs have an impact on important stuff like climate change:

By uprooting carbon trapped in soil, the research estimates that they're emitting the equivalent of more than a million cars globally each year.

"Undoubtedly, when you disturb soil, there's going to be emission, but we didn't realise that it would be at that magnitude - 1.1 million," lead author Dr Christopher O'Bryan said.

He says it's a conservative estimate and emissions could be three or four times higher.

I know the article above is primarily focussed on agricultural land but my intuition tells me that spreading the net as wide as possible would be an improvement.
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