Canada to ban sale of handguns

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by allthegearandnoidea » 31 May 2022, 12:13 pm

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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by womble » 31 May 2022, 12:48 pm

* Ban non applicable to criminals
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 31 May 2022, 12:52 pm

Seriously what do you expect. I mean license firearm owners in America can't control themselves. The more mass shootings via firearms... the more the rules will there be..... and eventually usa will get them
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 31 May 2022, 1:23 pm

All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Trudeau is just taking orders from the higher command at the WEF.

I think they got a big taste of power and control from Covid and now it's starting to slip and things are normalizing and they can't have that.

I am expecting they will throw everything they can out there until we are living in the pod and eating cockroach paste.

These tyrants know that to fulfill full despotism, they must have the guns and as we can see it's always a slippery slope.

CZ mentions school shootings, well that is small up against the tens of millions communism and other totalitarian regimes have killed in the past 100 years.

Interestingly this recent school shooting would have been a non event if the door was locked when the school went into lockdown after the first shots were fired outside and the 4 school resource officers on duty in the district were nowhere to be found. And then 19 police officers stacked up the hall and did nothing for 45 minutes.

People want more big government but big government in Uvalde failed.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 31 May 2022, 2:30 pm

Rotfl. Excuses excuses. Blame everyone but your culture.

And idd say America has killed plenty of people, directly or indirectly through its policies then all communist regimes combined
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by geoff » 31 May 2022, 3:52 pm

cz515 wrote:Rotfl. Excuses excuses. Blame everyone but your culture.

And idd say America has killed plenty of people, directly or indirectly through its policies then all communist regimes combined

Untold millions dead as a result of US led regime change in asia, central america and the middle east. Would some of these people died in civil conflicts that erupted without the USA intervening? Maybe, maybe not. You could never say. The only thing you can say for certain is that they did happen after the USA got involved and started running things. Merchants of death the world over in some hilariously ironic interventionist pursuit of democracy and freedom, apparently. Wholesale manslaughter over banana farms and sugar crops :( White supremacy by any other name. And how do we see our part to play as their allies? Quite favourably unfortunately.

And yes the excuses that come steaming out of USA every time a bunch of schoolchildren get mowed down are always an amazing exercise in cognitive dissonance. Its the doors, its the mental health, it's the police training, its the unarmed teachers. It's never the culture of power and violence that's existed for 250 years
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by womble » 31 May 2022, 4:31 pm

Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Bans dont work. Prohibition always fails. You just deregulated it for criminal enterprise.
If anything popularity soars.

A well regulated militia as the 2nd amendment states, possibly needs to be interpreted within it’s context.
A psychotic teenager is not a well regulated militia.
The NRA should not be defending his right to bear arms.
You need to get your s**t together, because a room full of children waiting their turn to be shot over the course of ninety minutes is unacceptable. I would gladly give up my hobby for them in a heartbeat.
You need to have rules and regulations. Guns are in fact dangerous. Safe handling in competent hands only.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by rc42 » 31 May 2022, 4:57 pm

Surprising that they're not going straight for the Oz style confiscation but I guess the justification is an event in a different country that didn't involve handguns anyway.
If the party sheep pass this ridiculous law the only way to sell a handgun in Canada will be to a criminal, perhaps they are hoping that those sales will lead to criminal use and lots or deaths that they can use to justify a complete ban, obviously that will be next, just a matter of time.

I'm hoping that the minimal federal government majority here will keep us safe from these loony left ideas for a few more years at least.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 31 May 2022, 5:01 pm

womble wrote:Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Yep we have, in essence bans... what gun crime do we have again. I would say per capita our rate of crime and crime where firearms have been used will be in order if magnitude lower than America. Maybe Wanda can tell us why
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by geoff » 31 May 2022, 5:18 pm

rc42 wrote:Surprising that they're not going straight for the Oz style confiscation but I guess the justification is an event in a different country that didn't involve handguns anyway.
If the party sheep pass this ridiculous law the only way to sell a handgun in Canada will be to a criminal, perhaps they are hoping that those sales will lead to criminal use and lots or deaths that they can use to justify a complete ban, obviously that will be next, just a matter of time.

I'm hoping that the minimal federal government majority here will keep us safe from these loony left ideas for a few more years at least.

Many of them do though. The data suggests that the handgun is, by and large, a far bigger problem than the semiauto rifle.

That said, i agree that it seems strange there's no talk of a buyback and the like. The announcement in the article lacked substance as to how the ban is going to be rolled out - are current handgun shooters grandfathered in? What happens to those firearms when they retire etc. Would be very interested to know, because our government(s) will be watching very closely.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bladeracer » 31 May 2022, 6:33 pm

womble wrote:You need to get your s**t together, because a room full of children waiting their turn to be shot over the course of ninety minutes is unacceptable. I would gladly give up my hobby for them in a heartbeat.

Have you heard of Chicago, where the firearm laws are similar to ours, where they had 3500+ shootings and 800 homicides last year - that's in a city, not a state or a country, a city less than half the size of Melbourne.

And you believe that your club shooting, hunting and recreational plinking contributes to all of this violence that has absolutely nothing to do with you?
You believe that giving up your hobby would make any difference at all in criminals getting and using firearms?

You don't believe that if the authorities had not stood around for 45-minutes that perhaps some of those children might've been saved?
You don't wonder if the shooting might not still be going on if it weren't for an off-duty officer racing to the scene and ending it, despite the authorities on scene threatening anybody that attempted to go in there?
You don't believe that if this kid's parent, teachers, peers and members of the community hadn't taken some interest in his increasingly odd behaviour that perhaps he might never have even made the news?

You prefer to believe this stuff happens because you enjoy owning and using firearms in your own way without ever bothering anybody?
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by MtnMan » 31 May 2022, 7:04 pm

cz515 wrote:
womble wrote:Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Yep we have, in essence bans... what gun crime do we have again. I would say per capita our rate of crime and crime where firearms have been used will be in order if magnitude lower than America. Maybe Wanda can tell us why

You assume that the amount of guns directly relates to rates of gun crime.
Our rate of gun crime might be lower per capita because we are a healthier society in general and lack the racial tension and other unhealthy social traits that America has.

If gun numbers meant more gun crime then why isn't Switzerland a hell hole riddled with hatred and gun crime? Might be something to do with a healthy society where citizens respect each other and are trained in the use of firearms.
Posts: 330

Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by dnedative » 31 May 2022, 8:15 pm

MtnMan wrote:Might be something to do with a healthy society where citizens respect each other

This is the crux of the issue that Americans really need to sort out; Perhaps raising the firearm ownership age to 21 might not be such a terrible idea either.

Feel sorry for the Canadians, its feel good legislation, pure vote and popularity grabbing legislation that f***s over a bunch of people who are not at fault or contributing to the criminal behavior issues they have.
Posts: 258
New South Wales

Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 31 May 2022, 11:53 pm

cz515 wrote:Rotfl. Excuses excuses. Blame everyone but your culture.

And idd say America has killed plenty of people, directly or indirectly through its policies then all communist regimes combined

You need to check your math.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 01 Jun 2022, 12:08 am

geoff wrote:
Untold millions dead as a result of US led regime change in asia, central america and the middle east. Would some of these people died in civil conflicts that erupted without the USA intervening? Maybe, maybe not. You could never say. The only thing you can say for certain is that they did happen after the USA got involved and started running things. Merchants of death the world over in some hilariously ironic interventionist pursuit of democracy and freedom, apparently. Wholesale manslaughter over banana farms and sugar crops :( White supremacy by any other name. And how do we see our part to play as their allies? Quite favourably unfortunately.

And yes the excuses that come steaming out of USA every time a bunch of schoolchildren get mowed down are always an amazing exercise in cognitive dissonance. Its the doors, its the mental health, it's the police training, its the unarmed teachers. It's never the culture of power and violence that's existed for 250 years

Join up with China then and see how that works out for you. Just don't come crying when China is squeezing Australia like a grape. With no US presence, Japan would have had it's way with Australia in 1942.

What you are looking at is the failure of big government. We are always told we need more government power and control over us and more bureaucracy, but the more we have, it certainly didn't help at the school, over 100 law enforcement on the scene and people didn't do their job.

Actually statistically the USA is one of the safest places in the world and the only parts of the USA with violent crime you have to worry about is in gun control cities like Chicago. The violent crime rate in my area is 0.0 and we all have guns and lots of them. I would advise checking out of the media hysteria and hollywood nonsense you have been fed. Hollywood even projects the "Wild West" in the 1800s as a very violent place, when in reality it was mostly peaceful and historical events like the OK Corral were not the norm but statistical outlyers.

Back when I worked with Australians here in the USA that came over to work for ski season, they often commented how much more peaceful the USA was than Australia and how warped all the hollywood and media was projecting the USA as some violent place. I said yes, in most of the USA where we have actual gun ownership there isn't violent crime because a criminals career doesn't last long before he or she succumbs to lead poisoning.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 01 Jun 2022, 12:22 am

womble wrote:Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Bans dont work. Prohibition always fails. You just deregulated it for criminal enterprise.
If anything popularity soars.

A well regulated militia as the 2nd amendment states, possibly needs to be interpreted within it’s context.
A psychotic teenager is not a well regulated militia.
The NRA should not be defending his right to bear arms.
You need to get your s**t together, because a room full of children waiting their turn to be shot over the course of ninety minutes is unacceptable. I would gladly give up my hobby for them in a heartbeat.
You need to have rules and regulations. Guns are in fact dangerous. Safe handling in competent hands only.

The more rules and regulations you have the worse it is, big government rules don't solve anything. Don't you have enough rules already? How many more do you need regulating every little bit on the gun, everywhere you go, how you use it, what you do with it, etc. Do you think the criminal gangs in Sydney and Melbourne give a crap about any of the rules? Places like Chicago and Washington DC have endless laws and regulations for guns here in the USA and they make it virtually impossible to own a gun legally but they are some of the worst places in the USA. If endless laws and rules work why are not those places the safest places in the USA? Why are the places with the highest gun ownership and less rules have much less gun crime?

Give your hobby up now. It's like the greens and climate change, live the way you want others to live. Don't live a decadent lifestyle and then expect others to eat cockroach paste to save the planet. If just one gun will save a live give yours up. No virtue signaling.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by deye243 » 01 Jun 2022, 2:50 am

MtnMan wrote:
cz515 wrote:
womble wrote:Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Yep we have, in essence bans... what gun crime do we have again. I would say per capita our rate of crime and crime where firearms have been used will be in order if magnitude lower than America. Maybe Wanda can tell us why

You assume that the amount of guns directly relates to rates of gun crime.
Our rate of gun crime might be lower per capita because we are a healthier society in general and lack the racial tension and other unhealthy social traits that America has.

If gun numbers meant more gun crime then why isn't Switzerland a hell hole riddled with hatred and gun crime? Might be something to do with a healthy society where citizens respect each other and are trained in the use of firearms.

+1 ...... finally someone that gets it ......
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by womble » 01 Jun 2022, 3:46 am

wanneroo wrote:
womble wrote:Well yes yes..but like wannaroot says, ‘ All it's going to do is increase gun crime and create a massive lucrative black market for criminals.

Bans dont work. Prohibition always fails. You just deregulated it for criminal enterprise.
If anything popularity soars.

A well regulated militia as the 2nd amendment states, possibly needs to be interpreted within it’s context.
A psychotic teenager is not a well regulated militia.
The NRA should not be defending his right to bear arms.
You need to get your s**t together, because a room full of children waiting their turn to be shot over the course of ninety minutes is unacceptable. I would gladly give up my hobby for them in a heartbeat.
You need to have rules and regulations. Guns are in fact dangerous. Safe handling in competent hands only.

The more rules and regulations you have the worse it is, big government rules don't solve anything. Don't you have enough rules already? How many more do you need regulating every little bit on the gun, everywhere you go, how you use it, what you do with it, etc. Do you think the criminal gangs in Sydney and Melbourne give a crap about any of the rules? Places like Chicago and Washington DC have endless laws and regulations for guns here in the USA and they make it virtually impossible to own a gun legally but they are some of the worst places in the USA. If endless laws and rules work why are not those places the safest places in the USA? Why are the places with the highest gun ownership and less rules have much less gun crime?

Give your hobby up now. It's like the greens and climate change, live the way you want others to live. Don't live a decadent lifestyle and then expect others to eat cockroach paste to save the planet. If just one gun will save a live give yours up. No virtue signaling.

And Texas is 2nd or 3rd worst state for gun violence with the most liberal ownership.
Texas is not Switzerland and either are we.
Agreed you cant stop violent criminals killing each other in gang violence but who cares if they do.
When shooting up classrooms is trending among your young people with mental health issues you have a specific and unique problem.
Comparisons to anywhere else are irrelevant.
Move heaven and earth. Whatever it takes.
You dont need to carry guns to costco. Just lock them up at the kids dont take them to school.
It’s just common sense verses the blunt refusal to apply it because of your rights.
And thats why the government will step in. And really, you have the NRA and your ridiculous attitudes to blame.

Texas man has to have assault rifles lying around the house and a glock in his centre console because why ?
Because of his rights or to enhance his manliness. His fear of emasculation is literally overriding his real ability to protect his children. And indeed other peoples children.

The burden of responsibility has been left to the child. Sometimes children get upset or angry. And in Texas sometimes they end up killing their families, friends and themselves as a result.
We dont suffer the lethal child tantrums here because we set rules, boundaries and limitations.
When mature adults, like ted Cruze for example, refuse to do that. There’s your problem.

You either step up as a mature society of adults, gun owners, parents, and regulate yourselves, unto yourselves.
Or your federal government will do it for you.
Don’t make the mistake we did, of giving that oversight to the police, or you will lose all input
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bullzeye » 01 Jun 2022, 11:48 am

Texas allows open/constitutional carry of handguns and longarms :?

Is this too lax? I'm 50/50 on this.

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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by Boundry Rider » 01 Jun 2022, 8:56 pm

I have firearms ‘coz I like guns. If I could have handguns and auto long guns I would. None of my firearms have broken out and gone off killing anybody. I’m not going to assume blame for another’s actions.

Weak plick in Melbourne used his VS commodore in Bourke St killing innocents. In WA we had another same with an 80 series Landcrab drive at anyone up the wrong side of highway against traffic until killing 2 innocent women. Just different tools to justify the same end result for those perpetrators. The grandfather in SW WA a few years ago did in for his whole family and himself with a .22, grandkids and all. Wasn’t his .22 that was guilty of murder.

The gutless, the drug fueled, the criminals, the hard done by, the wife beaters, the bullies, the simply evil bastards and the mentally unstable are all out there all the time, and all the sheeple too busy with their bustling social media commitments to notice it going on all around them. I’ve seen it over last 29 years through the windscreen on the highway in trucks.

Nothing to do with the tool, the problem is society’s sickness.The government is half a decade behind managing all these social problems. Ban culture is quicker and easier.

My guns do as they’re told, they’re just cold heartless tools with no conscience. I am in charge of my tools, I am the one with the heart and the conscience.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bladeracer » 01 Jun 2022, 9:26 pm

womble wrote:You either step up as a mature society of adults, gun owners, parents, and regulate yourselves, unto yourselves.
Or your federal government will do it for you.
Don’t make the mistake we did, of giving that oversight to the police, or you will lose all input

Except that nothing the government does will have any effect on this, never has, never will. Make it illegal for every civilian to own firearms and there will still be all the violence and mass murder. Government regulation does not change the behaviour or criminals.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by deye243 » 01 Jun 2022, 10:58 pm

bullzeye wrote:Texas allows open/constitutional carry of handguns and longarms :?

Is this too lax? I'm 50/50 on this.


I don't see anything more lethal than an 18-year-old who has only been taught to drive a car by a driving school .
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 02 Jun 2022, 12:25 am

You don't have to ban firearms, or make it illegal.

I think a couple simple steps will be enough.
Background checks which are already in many states, to include linkages with psychiatric services.
Safe storage of firearms so only the adult is responsible. Children under 21 can't drive so if they want to shoot they need to be supervised by an adult license holder.

NRA can help vet and ensure the police don't go crazy like they sometimes do in Australia
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 02 Jun 2022, 12:27 am

wanneroo wrote:
cz515 wrote:Rotfl. Excuses excuses. Blame everyone but your culture.

And idd say America has killed plenty of people, directly or indirectly through its policies then all communist regimes combined

You need to check your math.

Maths is checked and verified. Why else is that a large part of the world population hates America. For each person that is killed by America creates 10 those who hate her.
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bullzeye » 02 Jun 2022, 8:04 am

deye243 wrote:
bullzeye wrote:Texas allows open/constitutional carry of handguns and longarms :?

Is this too lax? I'm 50/50 on this.


I don't see anything more lethal than an 18-year-old who has only been taught to drive a car by a driving school .

How about an 18 year old with an assault rifle and an undiagnosed mental illness?
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by Larry » 02 Jun 2022, 8:04 am

The argument can be made that readily available firearms present themselves as an easy option in the array of tools available to kill people. Heck they were even designed and made to do the job as easily, quickly and cheaply for the purpose. For someone with the urge to kill having a gun in their hand is like a kid in a candy shop with a dollar burning a hole in his hand.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 02 Jun 2022, 10:13 am

Kids... young adults are not allowed to smoke or drink or drive cars...but it's fine for them to own carry and shoot firearms without any checks and balances (supervision).

And its ironic and sad while we having this discussion another mass shooting, this time 4 dead in Oklahoma medical centre. Which granted was not a kid shooter. Which just proves the problem is bigger

This time did someone leave the door open
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by geoff » 02 Jun 2022, 11:22 am

wanneroo wrote:
geoff wrote:
Untold millions dead as a result of US led regime change in asia, central america and the middle east. Would some of these people died in civil conflicts that erupted without the USA intervening? Maybe, maybe not. You could never say. The only thing you can say for certain is that they did happen after the USA got involved and started running things. Merchants of death the world over in some hilariously ironic interventionist pursuit of democracy and freedom, apparently. Wholesale manslaughter over banana farms and sugar crops :( White supremacy by any other name. And how do we see our part to play as their allies? Quite favourably unfortunately.

And yes the excuses that come steaming out of USA every time a bunch of schoolchildren get mowed down are always an amazing exercise in cognitive dissonance. Its the doors, its the mental health, it's the police training, its the unarmed teachers. It's never the culture of power and violence that's existed for 250 years

Join up with China then and see how that works out for you. Just don't come crying when China is squeezing Australia like a grape. With no US presence, Japan would have had it's way with Australia in 1942.

What you are looking at is the failure of big government. We are always told we need more government power and control over us and more bureaucracy, but the more we have, it certainly didn't help at the school, over 100 law enforcement on the scene and people didn't do their job.

Actually statistically the USA is one of the safest places in the world and the only parts of the USA with violent crime you have to worry about is in gun control cities like Chicago. The violent crime rate in my area is 0.0 and we all have guns and lots of them. I would advise checking out of the media hysteria and hollywood nonsense you have been fed. Hollywood even projects the "Wild West" in the 1800s as a very violent place, when in reality it was mostly peaceful and historical events like the OK Corral were not the norm but statistical outlyers.

Back when I worked with Australians here in the USA that came over to work for ski season, they often commented how much more peaceful the USA was than Australia and how warped all the hollywood and media was projecting the USA as some violent place. I said yes, in most of the USA where we have actual gun ownership there isn't violent crime because a criminals career doesn't last long before he or she succumbs to lead poisoning.

Firstly, your statement about Japan is completely ignorant of history. I didn't see too many memorials to US Marines when I hiked the Kokoda Track but maybe I missed them? Australia ahs always had to look after itself. The USA wasn't much help when Darwin and Broome were bombed, neither were the Brits. We've always been your cannon fodder and you leave us out to dry when it comes down tot he crunch. Don't whatabout your way into bringing China into this discussion. Youre busy frothing on how great the USA gun culture is, if only the government would get out of the way. I'm making a very pointed observation about how wrong I think that is, because the celebration of violence and exercising it upon each other is intrinsic to American life, whether you like it or not.

I don't fall foul to hollywood nonsense or media hysteria - I am not a movie buff, nor do i consume much mainstream media from the USA. What I am is a history buff, and history shows that time and time again America will choose violence, opression and the apathetic ignorance of whoever they are "othering" at this point in time. Wedge politics was perfected there. It's amazing to me that your pundits will bang on about wanting security cameras in classrooms to make sure teachers aren't teaching that pesky CRT, but won't take meaningful action to make sure those same very teachers aren't forced into being human shields for deranged lunatics with ready access to quality weaponry.

You can choose to be a diversionary mungbean and bang on about China or you can address the criticism directly. Being who you are, I dont expect you to actually grapple with the philosophy of the matter at all.

Amazing how you can say that the Wild West was a peaceful time - the entire premise of the era was fighting colonial wars of expansionism and murdering natives who got in their way. What a freezing cold take. Tell me - what was the status of the area currently known as Texas, Arizona, New Mexico etc prior to Manifest destiny and the Westward expansion? Was it's transition to being under the control of the United States peaceful or a "statistical outlier"?

USA is a garbage third world hole
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 02 Jun 2022, 12:12 pm

geoff wrote:
USA is a garbage third world hole

In the end not much point in talking with you here online because you've already made your mind up from external sources(media) with no first hand knowledge of the USA. If would be one thing if you lived in the USA for X years in so and so place and you were like yeah that didn't work for me and this and that but calling it a garbage third world hole just comes from a place of ignorance and lack of first hand knowledge. I'm guessing if I didn't have any in person knowledge of Australia(I do) and I called Australia a garbage third world hole here on this forum, I'm guessing most of you all would be who is this ignoramus?

I will tell you this that on my next visit to Australia after Covidsyteria ends, I will be making myself available to meet up with any long standing members from the forum, even if you want to recite talking points from Australian media on how bad the USA is and how great China is. You'll get to meet a real American, rather than watching it on TV. I'll even generously shout you a meal on my dime at whatever your favorite place is to eat and drink:drinks:
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 02 Jun 2022, 12:36 pm

Boundry Rider wrote:I have firearms ‘coz I like guns. If I could have handguns and auto long guns I would. None of my firearms have broken out and gone off killing anybody. I’m not going to assume blame for another’s actions.

Weak plick in Melbourne used his VS commodore in Bourke St killing innocents. In WA we had another same with an 80 series Landcrab drive at anyone up the wrong side of highway against traffic until killing 2 innocent women. Just different tools to justify the same end result for those perpetrators. The grandfather in SW WA a few years ago did in for his whole family and himself with a .22, grandkids and all. Wasn’t his .22 that was guilty of murder.

The gutless, the drug fueled, the criminals, the hard done by, the wife beaters, the bullies, the simply evil bastards and the mentally unstable are all out there all the time, and all the sheeple too busy with their bustling social media commitments to notice it going on all around them. I’ve seen it over last 29 years through the windscreen on the highway in trucks.

Nothing to do with the tool, the problem is society’s sickness.The government is half a decade behind managing all these social problems. Ban culture is quicker and easier.

My guns do as they’re told, they’re just cold heartless tools with no conscience. I am in charge of my tools, I am the one with the heart and the conscience.

Yes I think what happens is emotionalism takes over where people blame the gun rather than the person, but when a mass murder is committed like those recently in China with a Boeing 737 or a knife or a bus, no one blames the 737 or the knife or the bus. Same with the islamic world where there is a suicide bombing somewhere in that region every day with bombs. Or in Europe with mass killings with trucks or knives. You never hear about universal background checks for trucks or knives or planes or matches or people getting all emotional about the tool used, unless it's guns.

In the end it's the person and people can debate long and hard what to do about the crazy people everywhere in the world but even with certain measures it will never really go away. Hence because the world is unpredictable I think the average person likes to be ruled and told what to do. Government loves power and control and to get bigger and so it presents the illusion of safety, we'll ban this and that, make 30000 rules and regulations, have some big bureaucracy. It's security theater played out for the public. We just saw all this during Covid, people desperate for the government to imprison them and lock them down, some people love it, even though they traded their freedom for it and have done long term damage to society. Texas also with the shooting at the school, all sorts of law enforcement agencies, school resource officers, what were supposed to be locked doors and all sorts of rules and if anything it was paralysis through analysis from big government.
Warrant Officer C1
Warrant Officer C1
Posts: 1433
United States of America


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