When is,,, "enough is enough"

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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 23 Jul 2022, 9:18 pm

mchughcb wrote:They didn't do it in Crimea or Georgia.

They weren't out thought, out fought and militarily humiliated in either of those the way they have been in Ukraine.

They're primitive, not stupid, they'd rather walk in with infrastructure intact but aren't fussy about total destruction either if it serves the purpose.

They're the military equivalent of a talentless heavyweight boxer who's only skill is absorbing punishment while he clubs his opponent into submission with random haymakers.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 23 Jul 2022, 11:04 pm

What do you call Trudeau sending the Nordstream 1 compressor back from Canada after it was repaired even though there is EU and NATO sanctions on it? Somebody had to swallow their virtual signalling.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by womble » 24 Jul 2022, 2:25 am

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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 24 Jul 2022, 6:55 am

Doesn't matter squat if you are freezing to death in Europe.

$400M is nothing compared to the billion per day Russia is making off the gas and oil.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 24 Jul 2022, 7:59 am

mchughcb wrote:What do you call Trudeau sending the Nordstream 1 compressor back from Canada after it was repaired even though there is EU and NATO sanctions on it? Somebody had to swallow their virtual signalling.

If you read the details, it's more about being pragmatic about keeping the EU focused on providing Ukrainians the materiel they need.

Germany has been waivering, worried about the damage to their own economy by such a hole in their energy budget if Nordstream stopped.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by cz515 » 24 Jul 2022, 9:28 am

Come on, read the actual news, facts and commentary about the gas situation.

Russia is supplying about 2/3rds of the gas it normally does, but making 3x the normal money. Russia gdp is only effected by 2% with all the supposed sanctions. While Europe is starting to s**t bricks. Their gas reserves are low, normally the reserves help them pull through when supplies are normal.......which means once winter starts, electricity and heating will have priority for gas usage. So while consumers are protected business will be sheding jobs as they cannot afford electricity and gas prices.... that's if they actually even get supply

So yes it's a bigger thing then just what's happening in Ukraine. As i said no one really cares how many ppl Ukraine or Russia lost... the game is bigger, lot bigger and putin is no dumb mofo. And whatever happens here is going to write the playbook for China vs Taiwan.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 24 Jul 2022, 11:22 am

cz515 wrote:Come on, read the actual news, facts and commentary about the gas situation.

As opposed to what?

What I stated is actual facts from actual sources.

Your comment is rather self contradictory CZ, your opening sentence suggests you think I'm wrong, then your following comments provide the details I considered too obvious to have to include that actually prove my point.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 24 Jul 2022, 12:31 pm

Lazarus wrote:
mchughcb wrote:What do you call Trudeau sending the Nordstream 1 compressor back from Canada after it was repaired even though there is EU and NATO sanctions on it? Somebody had to swallow their virtual signalling.

If you read the details, it's more about being pragmatic about keeping the EU focused on providing Ukrainians the materiel they need.

Germany has been waivering, worried about the damage to their own economy by such a hole in their energy budget if Nordstream stopped.

I read the details and they are just rewriting the sanctions as required. Now rusdia and Ukraine can ship grain for the next 120 days under the new agreement and russia will not bomb the Odessa port.

They are rolling everything back. Trudeau, should have said no, Lithuania should have said mo, Norway should have said no but they all reneged.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 24 Jul 2022, 1:30 pm


I agree with you to an extent, in an ideal situation I'd agree totally.

But it's not ideal, the start of a world war never is.

The old saying, that no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy has always been true, ask Putin.

The sanctions have to be malleable or we end up hurting everyone as well as the invaders.

On the grain, why should people who live perpetually on the edge of famine have to starve because of a war somewhere that has no connection to them other than the grain on which they rely?
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 24 Jul 2022, 8:14 pm

Lazarus wrote:@Mchughcb

I agree with you to an extent, in an ideal situation I'd agree totally.

But it's not ideal, the start of a world war never is.

The old saying, that no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy has always been true, ask Putin.

The sanctions have to be malleable or we end up hurting everyone as well as the invaders.

On the grain, why should people who live perpetually on the edge of famine have to starve because of a war somewhere that has no connection to them other than the grain on which they rely?

Do sanctions have to be malleable? The first stupid thing the governments have done is start seizing assets of russians abroad. WTF is that? Is that like Cuba seizing american assets and then the American's put sanctions of Cuba for the next 60 years?

I thought we were all going to tighten our belts to teach them ruskies a lesson, but it seems they are teaching everybody a lesson about who holds the real power. With regards to the grains, as it has been said from Putin from the start. Russia has not put sanctions on the grain or fertilizer or oil or gas. They will sell to anybody who wants it. Currently Iran wants it, China wants it, India wants it. If the EU is so sanctimonious about it, well its frankly their problem. They even signed an agreement yesterday between Ukraine and Turkey to allow export for the next 120 days from Odessa and will not shell the port. The media is already beating this up saying they are shelling Odessa but fail to mention its military targets except for the port.

Sooner of later people are going to wake up that the black hole of corruption that has already swallowed $60B in military aid for almost zero value and had the POTUS and his son involved is worse to deal with than the russians.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 24 Jul 2022, 8:25 pm

Fair enough mchubhcb,

We both have our own viewpoints for our own reasons.
They don't have to coincide.

The world would be mind numbing if everyone agreed all the time.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 24 Jul 2022, 9:00 pm

Russia is dealing with the Africans, its the Turks that control the Bosphros. They've managed to cut a deal for cheap grain so out it goes to African countries. Quite frankly I find it hilarious that Turkey is part of NATO. The Ottomans have laid seige to Europe for centauries. Hell it took the Polish to bail out the Austrians as the siege of Vienna. I'd trust the Russians before I trust the Turks.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by wanneroo » 25 Jul 2022, 2:18 am

cz515 wrote:Come on, read the actual news, facts and commentary about the gas situation.

Russia is supplying about 2/3rds of the gas it normally does, but making 3x the normal money. Russia gdp is only effected by 2% with all the supposed sanctions. While Europe is starting to s**t bricks. Their gas reserves are low, normally the reserves help them pull through when supplies are normal.......which means once winter starts, electricity and heating will have priority for gas usage. So while consumers are protected business will be sheding jobs as they cannot afford electricity and gas prices.... that's if they actually even get supply

So yes it's a bigger thing then just what's happening in Ukraine. As i said no one really cares how many ppl Ukraine or Russia lost... the game is bigger, lot bigger and putin is no dumb mofo. And whatever happens here is going to write the playbook for China vs Taiwan.

And the German delegation laughed out loud at Trump when he gave that speech in 2018 in the UN and mentioned the fallacy of Germany being overly dependent on Russian energy.

Where are they now?

The Germans have also gone down this foolhardy path of shutting down nuke and coal plants to satisfy the autistic 18 year old girl from Sweden.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 25 Jul 2022, 4:37 pm

This is all wrong - cabbage patch kid
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by straightshooter » 25 Jul 2022, 5:30 pm

Newish video from Gonzalo Lira.
Some may find it interesting.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 25 Jul 2022, 6:16 pm



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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 25 Jul 2022, 6:24 pm

Gonzo is on the front line, god bless his cotton socks if he survives this. He's been silenced by the ukrainian intelligence but my guess is they are getting ready to vamoose as the kraken just pulled out of Kharkiv.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 25 Jul 2022, 6:31 pm

straightshooter wrote:Newish video from Gonzalo Lira.
Some may find it interesting.

He is right about the russians wanting Zelensky alive. They need him as the recognised leader in the west of ukraine to sign any surrender documents that will be accepted by the majority. If he dies before then it will be more difficult to negotiate peace.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 25 Jul 2022, 7:25 pm

But mchugchb, mate, we're talking about a self proclaimed member of the "manosphere".

He's orbiting out there with the incels.
I had to look them up.

Apparently it's like a new club for ugly fecktards who couldn't get their pipes cleaned in a whorehouse, who hate women.
Sort of like man-hating lesbians, but because they're straight, all they've got is Mrs Palmer. They should call themselves the Canio club, they sound like sad clowns to me.

Like all click baiters he knows how to tap into the modern thirst for outrage, every second person out there's just gagging for something new to put a burr in their undies.

Personally, I'm over confected outrage, 5 min on google is enough to fact check what they spout.

Here's another thought to put old Gonzo into perspective.
There's a guy on the Gold Coast who gets $50K/month from tik tok subscriptions from people who watch a live stream of him sleeping and pay extra to activate alarms to wake him.

My point, if that's the sort of money floating about for that sort of nonsense, do you really think Gonzo doesn't get a fecktonne more for letting his sponsors put words in his mouth? Or that that sort of money doesn't come with strings?

Another interesting point, if you were to take transcripts from Gonzo et al's utterances and swap the bylines, nobody in their collective audience would notice, same song book, "The Book of Alternate Fact"

Having said all that, it occurred to me that perhaps you just find it entertainingly amusing, sometimes irony goes over my head. :drinks:
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 25 Jul 2022, 7:54 pm

In every rant there is a nugget and keeping zelensky alive to surrender is one of them.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by womble » 26 Jul 2022, 6:14 am

The second most powerful civilisation in the history of the world
is suffering the biggest military defeat in the history of the world.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jul 2022, 9:04 am

womble wrote:The second most powerful civilisation in the history of the world
is suffering the biggest military defeat in the history of the world.

I detest Tzar Vladimir and his far right fantasies of a new Russian empire Womble, but I do hope you're last is incorrect mate.

Vlad has all the wrong traits for that, malignantly narcissistic, megalomaniacal, convinced of his own infallibility, human lives are irrelevant to him and most importantly, he's convinced that it's his destiny to rule.
Just like Adolf.

Also just like Adolf, he's exactly the sort to burn the house down if he's denied or humiliated, he still has the largest nuclear arsenal with 5977 "declared" weapons as of this year.
They have the largest biological warfare program in the world and despite signing the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1996 still have 40,000 tonnes of chemical agents.
He's already put that set of balls outside his trousers by threatening the west right at the go.

We have to defeat him in a way that leaves him a bolt hole, better they end up a shuttered hermit nation than take everyone with them.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mickb » 26 Jul 2022, 11:08 am

Vlads in bed with his billionaires and they are in bed with our billionaires. They all still do still business in the trillions, sit on the same investment boards, attend the same summits, visit the same exclusive resorts with their fat kids and hit on each others wives at cocktail parties. The idea they are taking a financial hit from any of this is fantasy. Vlad gets territory, Russias billionaires get rich, western billionaires do the right thing and dont pass the cost of these sanctions onto us......cough cough we wish :lol:

Sorry I got distracted for a second from the Msn.com narrative. Where were we again? Ah yes the evil Vlad the impaler locked in a life or death struggle against the Uraniums or germaniums (who cares) with us footing the bill and losing our kids financial futures by the minute.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by wanneroo » 26 Jul 2022, 11:36 am

Lazarus wrote:But mchugchb, mate, we're talking about a self proclaimed member of the "manosphere".

He's orbiting out there with the incels.
I had to look them up.

Apparently it's like a new club for ugly fecktards who couldn't get their pipes cleaned in a whorehouse, who hate women.
Sort of like man-hating lesbians, but because they're straight, all they've got is Mrs Palmer. They should call themselves the Canio club, they sound like sad clowns to me.

Like all click baiters he knows how to tap into the modern thirst for outrage, every second person out there's just gagging for something new to put a burr in their undies.

Personally, I'm over confected outrage, 5 min on google is enough to fact check what they spout.

You only spent 5 minutes and now you are the expert on the "manosphere" for lack of a better term? Right. :lol:

Sure there are a bunch of spergs, black pillers, incels and other whiners out there, but that isn't the manosphere.

The real manosphere is about objective truth, solutions and making things happen. Not whining and complaining, anyone can do that. Truth requires hard work which is why people don't like it.

I could point you in the right direction but I think in this case you will only find it if you really want to and are ready for it.

Gonzalo by the way, well, I have not agreed in recent times with much of what he has to say, but back in the day he used to do videos and blogs on financial and life solutions. I learned some solid stuff about investing from him which was a major help to me and I thank him for it.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jul 2022, 1:00 pm

G'day wanneroo

I don't recall mentioning how long I spent looking into Gonzo and and his can't get a root brigade in the "manosphere", nor can I recall claiming to be the expert on the sad people who inhabit it.

To me "The Manosphere" sounds more like some sort of name for a red light gay bar and having had that thought can't think the name without laughing.

But that's just me, mate.
I appreciate your sentiments about "pointing me the right direction" but I just don't have the sort of vacuum in my life that needs that sort of filling.

If you do, and find some sort of connection or meaning in it that resonates with you, it's not my place to tell you not to.

I will however point out things like that or the red pill blue pill silliness or deity worship, as just three examples of what strikes me as bizarre in the world.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jul 2022, 1:04 pm

When was it ever different mickb?

The one percenters start the wars, they fund the wars, they send the peasantry off to fight and die in the wars and they are the only ones who profit from the wars.

The rest of us are just gravel on their road mate.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 26 Jul 2022, 4:36 pm

Lazarus wrote:
womble wrote:The second most powerful civilisation in the history of the world
is suffering the biggest military defeat in the history of the world.

I detest Tzar Vladimir and his far right fantasies of a new Russian empire Womble, but I do hope you're last is incorrect mate.

Vlad has all the wrong traits for that, malignantly narcissistic, megalomaniacal, convinced of his own infallibility, human lives are irrelevant to him and most importantly, he's convinced that it's his destiny to rule.
Just like Adolf.

Also just like Adolf, he's exactly the sort to burn the house down if he's denied or humiliated, he still has the largest nuclear arsenal with 5977 "declared" weapons as of this year.
They have the largest biological warfare program in the world and despite signing the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1996 still have 40,000 tonnes of chemical agents.
He's already put that set of balls outside his trousers by threatening the west right at the go.

We have to defeat him in a way that leaves him a bolt hole, better they end up a shuttered hermit nation than take everyone with them.

I'm not sure how a product of the Soviet system now can be described as far right fantasies?

Russia has been very careful not to overextend its ambitions or capabilities since Putin took charge.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jul 2022, 5:18 pm

mchughcb wrote:
I'm not sure how a product of the Soviet system now can be described as far right fantasies?

Russia has been very careful not to overextend its ambitions or capabilities since Putin took charge.

https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/p ... start-home

https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/d ... o-russians

https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/p ... -rcna23043

https://warontherocks.com/2022/03/how-a ... o-his-war/
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by mchughcb » 26 Jul 2022, 5:51 pm

I already know about the neo nazis in Russia but doesn't mean putin is.
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Re: When is,,, "enough is enough"

Post by Lazarus » 26 Jul 2022, 6:36 pm

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, chances are it's not a typewriter.

Putin has said that he mourns the total authoritarianism of the Soviet era, not communism.
He also ticks all the fascist boxes, psychologically and behaviourally.
Even if he had no leaning left or right, he happily used the neo-nazis to gain and keep power and behaves straight out of Adolf's playbook.
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