Death by a thousand cuts

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Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Die Judicii » 26 Jul 2022, 2:20 am

Mods,,,,, This has nothing to do with for or against vaccinations,, just simple current observations.

Are we as 100% human beings now looking down the barrel at the end of the line death certificates, being Covid related or direct causative of death ???

It seems that regardless of which strain/variant,,,,,,,, it leaves those survivors affected,, with permanent and ongoing health issues, and those numbers seem to be approaching in the foreseeable future to 100%

No longer a matter of "if",,,,,,,,,, but "when"
I believe it's now well past a matter of mass hysteria.

Your thoughts , :unknown:
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by womble » 26 Jul 2022, 5:14 am

Don’t stress.
I’m in Melbourne and covid is rampant here. It’s a c*** of a thing no doubt. Always down on staff.
It can knock you around a bit, having had it myself. Takes a while to get out of your system.
Pretty much everyone I know has had a bout of it. Some have developed subsequent infections even pneumonia, but most all are fine now.
I only know one person who’s suffering long term effects 6 months or so later, still not doing so great and really upset about it.
She chose not to have any vaccinations. The rest of us are grateful we did.
Unfortunately she will suffer lifelong effects. Scar tissue in her lungs or something.
And she’s quite young and not happy with herself. And that worries us.

My own experience with it. Not like any flu or cold I’ve ever had. I think you’ll know when you have it. It’s different. Just a weird taste to it always in your mouth and nose. You lose your sense of taste. I had no head cold of sneezing or fever. But for some reason your lungs get congested. It can be a bit frightening at times because you can get very short of breath and it can come on fast.
Now, feeling like you’re suffocating is scary. I don’t care how brave you are. But you make it worse if you panic. No need to. Stay calm , can go to hospital get put on oxygen. You will be fine.
Really it’s only the very elderly that don’t get through this.
And then another day you feel fine and think you’re getting better.
And then the next day it comes back. Like I say it’s a c*** of a thing. But you get through it. You feel tired and run down for a few weeks. It’s annoying because it feels like forever.
But anyway you do get better. Don’t panic.
Also, pretty much everyone I know under 30 hasn’t suffered at all from it.
Last edited by womble on 26 Jul 2022, 5:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by womble » 26 Jul 2022, 5:30 am

I might add I’m certain I’ve been exposed to it a dozen times before I succumbed to it.
And I believe my antibodies from the last booster just expired. So if you’re eligible for one get one. Because you want your body to recognise this thing sooner than later. Or it will creep up on you.
I don’t think the vaccines last very long in your system. But ideally you want to have your immune system prepped for this thing.
It’s just a c*** of a thing.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by NTSOG » 26 Jul 2022, 7:02 am

womble: "Really it’s only the very elderly that don’t get through this."

I don't know your definition of 'very elderly', but being over 70 with a dodgy immune system and though having had four vaccinations I'm still doing my best to stay away from groups of people. When I do have to go to town I seem to be about the only person wearing a mask, except at the local gun shop where there's another elderly bloke who, like me, has a form of cancer. The mechanic at the local garage copped a dose recently. He told me his week off work was just like a bad case of 'flu, but he's 23 years younger than I.

It seems to be like winning the lottery except in a negative way: when you 'win' the bug, you might win in a big and terminal way.

Posts: 575

Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by cz515 » 26 Jul 2022, 7:19 am

Where are the covid is not real brigade.

It is here to stay. The correct vaccines are better then nothing but not that crash hot. I am hoping the bring out the omicron specific one quick enough...but seems like drug companies are happy minting money and r&d gone to hell
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Jul 2022, 10:35 am

Nearly all of our family have had it. But Mrs and I are yet to get it. But everyone will.
Abt 30% of the population have had it but I'm fairly sure that is an under reported.

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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by wanneroo » 26 Jul 2022, 11:55 am

Like I said to everyone back in the great freak out of 2020 and 2021, once the Chicoms let 5 million people fly all over the world and spread this lab created/manipulated virus, it was out of the bag and there was no stopping it and you would get it, vaccine or no vaccine.

Not to do a victory lap, but I was right and I hope in the future people will ground themselves in more reality and data than fantasies about lockdowns and big government saving you. The lockdowns will go down in history as one of the biggest heists of all time, one of the biggest wealth transfers the world has ever seen and most have been left poorer, sicker and with many less freedoms and an empowered authoritarian government that is planning more excitement for you as we speak.

I've had Covid 4 times now. Each time has been less severe. The first time I had a hard 2-3 weeks and was still coughing up crap out of my lungs for almost 3 months. The 2nd was more like a heavy cold and lung attack for 2 weeks. The 3rd was mostly heavy congestion in the lungs. The 4th time I got it from my brother in law on family vacation. He ended up in the hospital with clots in his lungs and is still gradually recovering. He is vaxxed of course. This time I had the attack on my lungs but it was very minor, just congestion a bit and was over it fairly quickly.

Personally I don't think my lungs are the same as before but I still seem to be able to ride my bike for 30 kms and swim for a few hours with no ill effects. Am I mad, well, I know who the culprits are, the people playing with gain of function and bat coronaviruses and the people that funded it. They all need to be brought to justice but I doubt that will ever happen. Plus all the government bozos with all their restrictions and lockdowns that triggered a cascade of problems we are still dealing with.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by NTSOG » 26 Jul 2022, 11:58 am

Oldbloke is there a percentage quoted of those 8, 750, 746 'recovered' who have the long form of the virus? It seems that for those 'recovered' folks the long form is nearly as bad as the 'terminal' form.

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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by No1Mk3 » 26 Jul 2022, 12:05 pm

SARS-CoV2 variant B.1.1.529, given the PANGO name Omicron, is becoming endemic in the population, within Omicron are a large number of rapid evolving sub-variants thet, like Influenza, will remain in the world forever. We will evolve to live with it and the number of deaths and illnesses it will bring annually just as we have with the flu and annual vaccines that attempt to predict the variant of concern for that year will be offered to those who want to try to avoid dying just as we do with flu. The assessment by those ignorant of the facs that only the elderly and infirm are at risk of death or serious injury is as laughable as those who say the flu won't kill you, people from toddlers to elderly dir from Influenza Virus Infection, just as they can from all forms of SARS, MERS etc.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Jul 2022, 4:56 pm

NTSOG wrote:Oldbloke is there a percentage quoted of those 8, 750, 746 'recovered' who have the long form of the virus? It seems that for those 'recovered' folks the long form is nearly as bad as the 'terminal' form.


Sorry don't know.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by on_one_wheel » 26 Jul 2022, 7:10 pm

The commentary has been fun at times.
World, state and medical leaders saying "Get the jab, you won't catch it" followed by the news "I've got it"
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by wanneroo » 27 Jul 2022, 12:45 am

on_one_wheel wrote:The commentary has been fun at times.
World, state and medical leaders saying "Get the jab, you won't catch it" followed by the news "I've got it"

Seems to be a pandemic of the vaccinated. Following the data from NSW Health the past couple of months, it's the vaccinated and multiple boosted people that are dying, almost no one who is unvaccinated is dying.

I'm no anti vaxxer but in this case they rushed vaccines to the market before they were ready for prime time. And if there is one thing I have learned from big government and media from all their lies and bad decisions is that then they demand and urge something on you, you should do the opposite to be safe.

Last I looked Australia will not let unvaccinated people across the border so I guess I will have to wait until all the nonsense is over until I can visit again. Could be 10-20 years from now, who knows.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by womble » 27 Jul 2022, 4:56 am

wanneroo wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:The commentary has been fun at times.
World, state and medical leaders saying "Get the jab, you won't catch it" followed by the news "I've got it"

Seems to be a pandemic of the vaccinated. Following the data from NSW Health the past couple of months, it's the vaccinated and multiple boosted people that are dying, almost no one who is unvaccinated is dying.

I'm no anti vaxxer but in this case they rushed vaccines to the market before they were ready for prime time. And if there is one thing I have learned from big government and media from all their lies and bad decisions is that then they demand and urge something on you, you should do the opposite to be safe.

Last I looked Australia will not let unvaccinated people across the border so I guess I will have to wait until all the nonsense is over until I can visit again. Could be 10-20 years from now, who knows.

How many years into this are we and yet still people don’t understand what a vaccine is and how it works.
There’s videos on YouTube that will explain it to 5year olds.
And even still you push the old line of rushed to the market before approval when we know that’s garbage.
Never before have any vaccines currently in use faced more rigorous testing and enormous trials before released to the public.
Even though the demand was so desperate. It just wasn’t done.
Right from the start it was laid out so simply for everyone to understand. Nouveau Coronavirus, new cold virus. Never been seen before in a human agent. Your immune system cannot recognise it.
And yet given the option to introduce it to your immune system to it safely, some people refused.
There’s no nice way to put it. Some people are just complete idiots.
Also your other fallacy. It was not intentionally exported in mass. We were warned. It arrived in half a dozen people in New York. We didn’t listen. We didn’t contain it.
It’s tragic how so many bought into the lies and misinformation. A great tragedy that has cost far too many lives unnecessarily.
And I mean after the fact that we had preventative treatment released and available.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by womble » 27 Jul 2022, 5:15 am

NTSOG wrote:womble: "Really it’s only the very elderly that don’t get through this."

I don't know your definition of 'very elderly', but being over 70 with a dodgy immune system and though having had four vaccinations I'm still doing my best to stay away from groups of people. When I do have to go to town I seem to be about the only person wearing a mask, except at the local gun shop where there's another elderly bloke who, like me, has a form of cancer. The mechanic at the local garage copped a dose recently. He told me his week off work was just like a bad case of 'flu, but he's 23 years younger than I.

It seems to be like winning the lottery except in a negative way: when you 'win' the bug, you might win in a big and terminal way.


Mate if you’ve done everything you can to prepare your immune system to instantly recognise and attack the virus.
Then you’ve done everything you can to mitigate damage.
We have the best vaccines, treatments post and prior, in the world available here in our hospitals. The best drugs currently available to fight it in the world. We have the lot.
Beyond all that you are worrying about things beyond your control. You’ve done everything within your control.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by on_one_wheel » 27 Jul 2022, 5:19 am

"Never before have any vaccines currently in use faced more rigorous testing and enormous trials before released to the public"
Sorry, but where did you come up with that rubbish? It was so rushed onto the market that the first batch was causing serious harm, how could anyone forget that?

My understanding of vaccination is that it stops you from getting illness because it gives you immunity.

Much like polio shots, I've never heard anyone say "thank christ I had my polio shots as a child, I caught it but it only affected one leg"

When did vaccines turn from something that stopped an illness into something that didn't work?
Since when did having immunity mean you'll still catch it ?
Take a look at the case numbers and hospitalisation rates in our highly vaccinated country and tell me again our vacancies are effective.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by CRF » 27 Jul 2022, 7:26 am

After two years thos horse has been reduced to bones, why keep flogging it?
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Jul 2022, 7:28 am

My understanding is that vaccines only work on the specific version they are made for. There must be 6 or 7 versions of covid now.

Same as the annual flu shot. The vaccine you get is for the version they think is going to hit us the hardest. Good system but not perfect.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Jul 2022, 7:34 am

Oldbloke wrote:
NTSOG wrote:Oldbloke is there a percentage quoted of those 8, 750, 746 'recovered' who have the long form of the virus? It seems that for those 'recovered' folks the long form is nearly as bad as the 'terminal' form.


Sorry don't know.

I just googled this. Bottom of the page. ... index.html

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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mickb » 27 Jul 2022, 8:04 am

In the military you get jabbed and medicated for about everything. Once a contractor in the 3rd world there is a laundry list of further jabs and meds recommended but just due to the volume of stuff going into the system you get a bit choosy. Reason as some of it does have side effects and after 27 years I can tell you not every drug or vaccine works out. Several I have taken in the day have even been pulled from the market now.

Vioxx, anti-imflammatory was rushed onto the market , best and most rigorous testing etc. Unfortunately negative effects took a few years to show up and it killed 60,000 people in the 2000's with stroke and heart attack. Thats not a conspiracy, Merck lost the class action suits, admitted to dodgy trials, paid a few billion and pulled the drug. Google it for a fun read..

Another was Meflqaquine the anti malarial given to soldiers now believed to cause severe psychiatric side effects. Several defence forces in the world have that company in court now too.

I took both these drugs in the day in good faith, I slipped the noose and survived( for now, vioxx patients still occasionally fall off the perch years later...)Anyone says to me do you have any solid reason not to take early release meds I say yup, two reasons right there.

Im not anti-vac, still get the normal stuff as needed but like a lot of contractors Im a bit choosey. There is a range of stuff I dont bother with. generally if its not a disease that has a good chance of killing or maiming me, 5-7 year trials, and a good chance of stopping the disease you can jam it.

Not just the covid jab, the others I dont bother with are the Cholera med because its shown to not be overly effective either, rabies vaccines because its a long and expensive course and doesnt prevent rabies after a bite, it just gives you more time to get to the hospital after a bite to get the post rabies shot and in Africa you arent going to find anywhere in time anyway. :D Also doxycycline the anti-malarial, doesnt work on some strains of malaria, side effects like photo-sensitivity and disturbed sleep ( ""doxy dreams'' they call them) etc etc.

Peoiple have to realise drugs fail all the time. For every drug on the shelf in a pharmacy there are several that didnt make the grade. Not all are deadly, a lot may just have side effects that make them unsaleable. Some they figure that out later rather than sooner..

Unfortunately in todays Australia there is no middle ground or reasonable choice. The public has been trained that you must be either pro-vac 100% or you are an evil anti-vac whacko who believes the aliens and Bill Gates are releasing 5g nanobots.

One thing thats funny is at work I got accused of being anti-vac for not wanting the covid jab until I explained I have been vaccinated and medicated for more things than everyone there combined( typh, yellow fever, JEV , cholera, etc etc) meanwhile half of them now wont get the 3rd and 4th jab.

So I joke with them they no longer follow the science either and will have to join me on Bill gates mothership when it lands :lol:
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by cz515 » 27 Jul 2022, 12:27 pm

Sh1t blaming the Chinese. When trump had ample notice of a few cases so for the next few weeks he said it's not real. It's fake, its blah blah blah. He still says that and many people believe that.

Can't win with idiots as they bring you down to their level.

I know quite a few people who have had covid. Most vaccinated some not. Of that apart from the basic side effects like fever, pain in arm which lasts for a couple of days. I personally know 3 people with major laying side effects.

One had asthma and it gets pretty bad esp if she gets any other illness. Young person under 18. Vaccinated.
One other who has lost sense of taste and smell now after 8 months some senses have returned. Under 18 and vaccinated.
One guy over 50, anti vaxxer. Dead. Yeah he was overweight. Wife was vaccinated but he refused.

Now wannaroo you are fit and healthy not everyone is. But even you had a pretty rough run of covid, i winner how it would be if you were vaccinated.

I know a guy, his daughter got it early in the year and now he got it and seems like she is positive again. I spoke to him today he told me hes feeling fine as a fiddle, nothing wrong just a bit bored as he rather be at work. Both of them are vaccinated

I think anyone with some intelligence will it. Others won't.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Jul 2022, 1:57 pm

Seems some have changed their tune a little. Or perhaps remaining silent.

I was supportive of lock downs and got howled down by a few here. Imagine how many would have had long covid or died if lock downs and restrictions were eased/stopped before a heap were vaccinated.

When it comes to health or safety, it's best to be a little conservative IMO. Often there are a few "unknowns".
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by CRF » 27 Jul 2022, 2:09 pm

cz515 wrote:Sh1t blaming the Chinese. When trump had ample notice of a few cases so for the next few weeks he said it's not real. It's fake, its blah blah blah. He still says that and many people believe that.

If you recall Trump was also slammed when he suspended flights from China and Europe. I also remember Nancy Pelosi in early 2020 talking about how racist it was and that they shouldn't prevent people coming into the states. To quote her, the ban was "an overreaction". Joe Biden said of it adding to Trumps "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering".

Initially Trump acted too early until it became that he acted too late.

You are certainly correct, one cannot win an argument with an idiot.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by cz515 » 27 Jul 2022, 2:52 pm

CRFI think you have selective amnesia mate. But even if we accept you that Trump was all for lockdowns and shut borders why do we have proof of tweets from El Presedentè saing to the contrary all of 2020/2021

OB, you kept saying lockdowns are good and best even though vaccines were available since April last year. And even though in the last two/three far as NOV) and as early as AUG it was evident lockdowns were no longer effective and case numbers were rising.
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mchughcb » 27 Jul 2022, 3:55 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Seems some have changed their tune a little. Or perhaps remaining silent.

I was supportive of lock downs and got howled down by a few here. Imagine how many would have had long covid or died if lock downs and restrictions were eased/stopped before a heap were vaccinated.

When it comes to health or safety, it's best to be a little conservative IMO. Often there are a few "unknowns".

Best you wear a mask all the time and stay home and save lives. SFA have the 3rd or 4th shot, efficacy is SFA after a few months and people aren't wearing masks outside :lol:

God man you eat a lot of prunes.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mchughcb » 27 Jul 2022, 4:08 pm

cz515 wrote:
Now wannaroo you are fit and healthy not everyone is. But even you had a pretty rough run of covid, i winner how it would be if you were vaccinated.

Check the graphs, then click on the age ranges. Particularly the USA 18-49.
Last few months shows there is a difference but so small between no vaccination and vacc with booster. We are talking about 0.02 or 0.06 per 100,000 cases.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by on_one_wheel » 27 Jul 2022, 4:15 pm

Just read something about Germany releasing updated Adverse effects data that show vaccine adverse effects are 10x more frequent than previously reported.

In some countries (other than Australia) doctors are allowed to discuss adverse reactions ... imagine medical experts being allowed to freely discuss that sort of stuff without loosing their medical licenses.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mchughcb » 27 Jul 2022, 4:18 pm

Die Judicii wrote:Mods,,,,, This has nothing to do with for or against vaccinations,, just simple current observations.

Are we as 100% human beings now looking down the barrel at the end of the line death certificates, being Covid related or direct causative of death ???

It seems that regardless of which strain/variant,,,,,,,, it leaves those survivors affected,, with permanent and ongoing health issues, and those numbers seem to be approaching in the foreseeable future to 100%

No longer a matter of "if",,,,,,,,,, but "when"
I believe it's now well past a matter of mass hysteria.

Your thoughts , :unknown:

Last time I had bad pnuemonia I lost half a lung. Last time I broke my wrist I can't bend it like before. Last time I had kidney stone they shoved stent down the eye of my knob. Last time I had steel in my eye they had to drill it out. Last time I ate icecream my tooth overlay fell out. Last time I had chicken curry I had a campypolactor pylori and was on a gatorade for 4 days before get to A&E

But the one thing I can't stand is some snivelling person with covid saying its the sickest they've ever been, but then you find they sickest they've ever been was an ingrown toenail and excessive flatulence after eating beans.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mchughcb » 27 Jul 2022, 4:19 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Just read something about Germany releasing updated Adverse effects data that show vaccine adverse effects are 10x more frequent than previously reported.

In some countries (other than Australia) doctors are allowed to discuss adverse reactions ... imagine medical experts being allowed to freely discuss that sort of stuff without loosing their medical licenses.

Heart attack at 50 or threat of losing job if not vaccinated. Not much of a choice was it.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mickb » 27 Jul 2022, 4:52 pm

NTSOG wrote:womble: "Really it’s only the very elderly that don’t get through this."

I don't know your definition of 'very elderly', but being over 70 with a dodgy immune system and though having had four vaccinations I'm still doing my best to stay away from groups of people. When I do have to go to town I seem to be about the only person wearing a mask, except at the local gun shop where there's another elderly bloke who, like me, has a form of cancer. The mechanic at the local garage copped a dose recently. He told me his week off work was just like a bad case of 'flu, but he's 23 years younger than I.

It seems to be like winning the lottery except in a negative way: when you 'win' the bug, you might win in a big and terminal way.


Mate I advised people who were worried every outbreak to get right to the busiest supermarket or department store they could because they operated at the highest capacities during all lockdowns of any business type and somehow all the staff survived.

We had to close 100 types of small business, gyms, speciality shops, hairdressers etc and we had to wash doorknobs and pens in our offices but I didnt once see any staff at coles jumping out to wash the peaches after someone squeezed one to test for freshness and put in back in the rack :lol:

So remember, to survive covid.

1. Get to larger busy stores and stay there all day, because the virus doesnt operate where the net worth of the retail chain is high enough. Or it could be the height of the isles, it may not be able to jump over tall grocery shelves laterally.

2. Make sure to touch everything in sight, including squeezing the fruit and other direct to mouth items, because its okay for food which goes in your mouth but not handshakes, doorknobs or pencils at the post office.

3. Even safer if covid gets worse GET a JOB at coles and ask if you can sleep in the isles where the virus transmits at far lower rates than say some local gym or craft shop that went bankrupt.

4. In fact being covid is so dangerous and older retail staff must have died like flies after repeated daily contact 50x more than even ER doctors, Id guess the danger money must be at least $300 an hour for their staff by now :lol:
Last edited by mickb on 27 Jul 2022, 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Death by a thousand cuts

Post by mchughcb » 27 Jul 2022, 5:05 pm

Spot on MickB
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