The more things change, the more they stay the same

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The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 02 Sep 2022, 2:00 pm

The recent change in federal government seems to have been merely a change of players, not ideology.

I've been following the jobs summit.
Industry and business are supposedly screaming for employees, there is talk of increasing migration to help with the shortage.

I've applied for over 30 jobs this year and only one person had the decency to admit that nobody is likely to hire a person with a disability if they can avoid it and that Equal Opportunity Employer means nothing more than the equal opportunity to apply.

The same people who have locked in tax cuts for those earning up to $4,000 per week, who have touted the idea of increasing the childcare eligibility for those earning up to $10,000 per week, have slammed the door on allowing those of us who "live" on an age or disability pension of around $400 per week of being allowed to work a few extra hours without losing our pension.

The reason given is that the budget can only afford to fund a limited amount of change.

When those on a high income receive such unneeded largesse they put put it in the bank for their next overseas holiday or toward a new Merc and is of little use to the economy in general.

When those of us struggling to pay the rent get an extra dollar it goes straight back into the economy, as the economic bump generated by covid assistance to those on the bottom clearly demonstrated.

The hope of some realistic change coming with the "change" of government has been short lived.

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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 02 Sep 2022, 4:07 pm

Seems one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.

I wrote the above after the treasurer's statement that letting aged and disabled pensioners work was off the table.

I just heard Albo say the opposite, but only for aged pensioners.
The disabled cop it in the ring-piece once again.

Who knows WTF they intend.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by northdude » 02 Sep 2022, 5:18 pm

Probably a case of re inventing the same old wheel...
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Sep 2022, 5:55 pm

Lazarus wrote:The recent change in federal government seems to have been merely a change of players, not ideology.

I've been following the jobs summit.
Industry and business are supposedly screaming for employees, there is talk of increasing migration to help with the shortage.

I've applied for over 30 jobs this year and only one person had the decency to admit that nobody is likely to hire a person with a disability if they can avoid it and that Equal Opportunity Employer means nothing more than the equal opportunity to apply.

The same people who have locked in tax cuts for those earning up to $4,000 per week, who have touted the idea of increasing the childcare eligibility for those earning up to $10,000 per week, have slammed the door on allowing those of us who "live" on an age or disability pension of around $400 per week of being allowed to work a few extra hours without losing our pension.

The reason given is that the budget can only afford to fund a limited amount of change.

When those on a high income receive such unneeded largesse they put put it in the bank for their next overseas holiday or toward a new Merc and is of little use to the economy in general.

When those of us struggling to pay the rent get an extra dollar it goes straight back into the economy, as the economic bump generated by covid assistance to those on the bottom clearly demonstrated.

The hope of some realistic change coming with the "change" of government has been short lived.

Take off the red or blue shirt, there's still the same sort of lady's dick hiding underneath.

I feel for you.

1. who have locked in tax cuts for those earning up to $4,000 per week. I agree. But perhaps now voters will understand who drop kicks like Abbott always look after. I believe the ALP were against it from the start. The thing is, voters at the time got what they voted for.

2. idea of increasing the childcare eligibility for those earning up to $10,000 per week. Just stupid

3. have slammed the door on allowing those of us who "live" on an age or disability pension of around $400 per week of being allowed to work a few extra hours without losing our pension. Just stupid. Of course if 1, (tax cuts) were reduced it might help.

Vote for independent's, that's what I do.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Sep 2022, 6:15 pm

ABC Just reported that pensioners will be able to earn more.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 02 Sep 2022, 6:54 pm

Oldbloke wrote:ABC Just reported that pensioners will be able to earn more.

True OB, but only aged pensioners, I heard no mention of us gimps being included.

The NDIS was supposed to be a boon for the disabled looking for employment.

Employment services popped up like mushrooms in cow sh!t.
I found several opportunities that required certification I don't possess so I approached one.
"Can you help me get XYZ certification"
"Of course, just fill out this 17 tonnes of paperwork so we can get the funds to help you and we're away"

I did that and asked when can I start my training.
"Well, when you can show us the paperwork to prove you've got the job, we'll organise the courses as soon as possible".

I pointed out that the certification was a mandatory criteria for getting the job, but they just parroted the same response and said they "can't afford" to just give out training unless they know you actually have a job in which to use it.

You see the Catch-22 here?

They all work on the same principle so being that way inclined, I did some research into them.
The one I approached first, in the financial year 2020-21 received $19 million in income, 18 million of which was direct subsidies from the taxpayer.
$11.8 million was used for "employee expenses" a couple more for ancillary expenses and they recorded $3 million profit for the owners.

The amount paid out to client training grants?
$16,000 or 0.001% of the money paid to them by the government.

The only people who benefit from this cockshow are the ones running it, the "clients" are just the sheep they use as profit generators.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Sep 2022, 8:46 pm

"True OB, but only aged pensioners, I heard no mention of us gimps being included."

They didn't make that clear.

Yes it's a catch 22
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by MtnMan » 02 Sep 2022, 8:53 pm


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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Billo » 02 Sep 2022, 9:43 pm

Lazarus considering the current mob has been in power only 100 days I feel you have unrealistic expectations, as for employment I know of someone with DownS and she gets paid about $3 buck pharkk all for laundry work. the current system was administered by the Liberals for 10 yrs and will need years to fix. Good luck with your job search.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Sep 2022, 10:25 pm

:lol: :lol: LNP the John Howard club.

Tonight Peter Dutton said the ALP should have changed the rules and given pensioners the opportunity to earn more back in June. And that he was too slow acting.

Frankly, I find that offensive as he is assuming I have the IQ and memory of a blow fly.

That option was discussed and all over the media at least two years ago. And openly discussed on some forums, including faceache for 4 or 5 years.

Clearly he is a hypocrite and a ......

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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 03 Sep 2022, 8:59 am

Yeah, Voldemort is the perfect replacement for scotty from marketing.

Jumping up and down that Albo hasn't done in 5 minutes what his pack of c*nts refused to do for 10 years.

They say people get the government they deserve

What lottery in hell did we win to get this merry-go-round of arseholes?

On independents I agree totally.
The party system is the real problem.
If you want to get into any real position of power you have to be in a party, if you're in a party you have to bend over to party ideology.
By the time anyone reaches cabinet level they are so beholden to so many party power brokers the electorate only comes into the equation at election time.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by wanneroo » 03 Sep 2022, 12:19 pm

The cold hard truth of life is this:

1. No one is ever going to care about you as much as you.

2. The government doesn't care about you.

3. Bureaucrats don't care about you, they got their paycheck and will do just enough to justify. They ain't worried about you when they go home tonight.

4. What party is what or what doesn't matter, all government exists for the point of expanding and growing it's own power and control, nothing more.

Once you get past expecting these people to solve your problem you will start looking for answers elsewhere.

Due to a situation I saw when younger, it's got me to work on multiple solutions because I realize several inevitabilities with life, I will eventually one day get old or get sick or both and I better set myself up with investments, insurance, multiple income streams or businesses with cash flow or if I don't have much of that, some ability to "work from home".

I empathize with your situation, $400 AUS$ per week ain't jack to live on, even if one lives a streamlined lifestyle. Personally I'd say this... forget all that noise, government handouts, programs, etc.. Wouldn't go out of your way to mention your disability. Identify something you think you can do and go for it. I've gotten into situations when my resume probably was not the best but I had the heart and desire. Businesses want people who will work. As a business person I'd hire a disabled person with a strong work ethic and desire to succeed that I can work to accommodate their disability over some physically fit person with no work ethic or desire.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 03 Sep 2022, 1:19 pm

wanneroo wrote:The cold hard truth of life is this:

1. No one is ever going to care about you as much as you.

2. The government doesn't care about you.

3. Bureaucrats don't care about you, they got their paycheck and will do just enough to justify. They ain't worried about you when they go home tonight.

4. What party is what or what doesn't matter, all government exists for the point of expanding and growing it's own power and control, nothing more.

Once you get past expecting these people to solve your problem you will start looking for answers elsewhere.

Due to a situation I saw when younger, it's got me to work on multiple solutions because I realize several inevitabilities with life, I will eventually one day get old or get sick or both and I better set myself up with investments, insurance, multiple income streams or businesses with cash flow or if I don't have much of that, some ability to "work from home".

I empathize with your situation, $400 AUS$ per week ain't jack to live on, even if one lives a streamlined lifestyle. Personally I'd say this... forget all that noise, government handouts, programs, etc.. Wouldn't go out of your way to mention your disability. Identify something you think you can do and go for it. I've gotten into situations when my resume probably was not the best but I had the heart and desire. Businesses want people who will work. As a business person I'd hire a disabled person with a strong work ethic and desire to succeed that I can work to accommodate their disability over some physically fit person with no work ethic or desire.

All good in theory wanneroo, unfortunately what I do best, earthworks and mining are those that rejected me first and most. Fair call, they mostly involve 10-12hr shifts and I don't have current certification.
I've operated everything but blast drills, starting in the 70s, but you need to have tickets and certification of competency these days which are prohibitively expensive.
As to not mentioning physical status, when they ask what I've been doing for the last 13yrs, I can lie to them and get binned or tell them I've been on the pension.
And get binned.

I've tried starting 2 different business ventures that fell over and cost more than they earned.

I'd really like to get into disability service work but again, certification costs are prohibitive.

I temper my frustration at the situation with the knowledge that I'm one of the lucky ones, I can look after myself, have permanent housing at a reasonable rent and a large property to wander and shoot on as much as I like.
There are many, many people who are catastrophically worse off

It frustrates me to know that things are as they are, but I subscribe to the old adage to "never let the bastards get you down" but it does give me the sh!ts.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Sep 2022, 9:41 am

On Insiders Brenden O'Connor's minister for skills and training said that the $4000 deal will also be applied to people with disabilities.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 04 Sep 2022, 10:54 am

Hey Laz can you drive and get in and out of a van, or still have a truck license.

Currently all over Australia there is a huge shortage of courier drivers and truck drivers.

Used to be you get 25/hr on ABN driving a truck, now it's 30-39/hr on wage.

If you live closer to the city or have a car lots of companies are screaming for good workers even those that cannot heavy manual work. I was taking to a friend yesterday he works as a courier driver, and was telling me industrial estates in SE Melbourne where he drives there are probably 30 or 40 places with workers wanted signs out front.

I know you are near Canberra so some of my suggestions might be a bit harder to find.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 04 Sep 2022, 11:13 am

Now coming back to taxes and pension. Ahh fun topics usually result in grevious bodily harm when discussed. :lol:

Basically saying that many a so called rich people work hard, huge risks and at the end of the day see nearly half of their yearly salary taken by wages etc.

I know families who combined earn 200-230k (wife and husband) and at the end of the week their pay packets are not much higher then someone who works at Coles/Bunnings/Woolworth and earns 85k and their wife stays at home and looks after the kids.

Also saying ohh that person earns 100k she should not get any child care benefit. Have a think about it from their side. She stops working and looks street the kids and australua loses out on 35k in tax a year plus when she is older she will be wanting pension. Or the tax payer pays 10-20k of subsidy and still comes out ahead every year.

Saying all that, i personally think we do not look after our old and disabled people as well as we should... and NDIS is a rort. You need to talk to someone dodgy so they can tell you how to work the system
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 04 Sep 2022, 12:33 pm

Yes, saw that.
While it's encouraging, the hard part is convincing a prospective employer to give you a chance, but it's a good start.

Yes, I have my HC licence, forklift ticket, high risk work ticket, white card etc and plenty of experience.
When it became obvious that returning to mining was not an option I decided to try transport.
After 12 different applications for HC, HR, MR, I couldn't even get a gig in a little 5 tonne rigid flat bed delivering plumbing supplies.
I understand their point of view, mining and transport can be tough jobs on the body and someone like me who's broken cervical and thoracic spine is not an ideal candidate.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Sep 2022, 2:29 pm

Sounds like you have a lot of experience.

Don't know how debilitating your injury is.

But have you thought about training?.

TAE40116 – Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Train the trainer) isn't all that onerous. NFI what the cost is these days.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 04 Sep 2022, 3:53 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Sounds like you have a lot of experience.

Don't know how debilitating your injury is.

But have you thought about training?.

TAE40116 – Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Train the trainer) isn't all that onerous. NFI what the cost is these days.

I started in mining in the 70s and can operate everything but blast drills and diggers OB, but got all my experience before the current ticketing and certification of competency came in.
You need them both now, even for a watercart and the competency chits alone are $695 each.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 04 Sep 2022, 5:08 pm

If you are on the dole, and register yourself with one of those employment agencies they might be able to help... but your case sounds too much work for them.

Generally of you haven't done a cert 3 or 4 you can already do one of the ticket courses for free from an RTO. But remember to get a cert 3 before a cert 4.

In vic... under the banner of big build the vic govt was subsidising quite a few courses.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 04 Sep 2022, 5:42 pm

Been there done that, got the outrage to prove it.
It's Catch-22 CZ, the disability employment services won't provide training unless you can prove you've got the job you can't get without the training.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 04 Sep 2022, 8:16 pm

No i mean normal job seeker, no disability s**t
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by wanneroo » 05 Sep 2022, 8:13 am

Lazarus wrote:
All good in theory wanneroo, unfortunately what I do best, earthworks and mining are those that rejected me first and most. Fair call, they mostly involve 10-12hr shifts and I don't have current certification.
I've operated everything but blast drills, starting in the 70s, but you need to have tickets and certification of competency these days which are prohibitively expensive.
As to not mentioning physical status, when they ask what I've been doing for the last 13yrs, I can lie to them and get binned or tell them I've been on the pension.
And get binned.

I've tried starting 2 different business ventures that fell over and cost more than they earned.

I'd really like to get into disability service work but again, certification costs are prohibitive.

I temper my frustration at the situation with the knowledge that I'm one of the lucky ones, I can look after myself, have permanent housing at a reasonable rent and a large property to wander and shoot on as much as I like.
There are many, many people who are catastrophically worse off

It frustrates me to know that things are as they are, but I subscribe to the old adage to "never let the bastards get you down" but it does give me the sh!ts.

I can understand your situation, I have seen others there and life can often work against you. I've been there, zeroed out, but I fought my way back each time.

However, you gotta think outside the box now and find your own solution if not happy with where you are. Waiting on government bureaucrats to do so, you'll be in the ground before they ever do.

Use your frustration as an opportunity for new pastures and pursuits.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 05 Sep 2022, 11:18 am


Yeah I hear you mate.

They'll have to beat me to death with a rock before I'll give up, but it does get frustrating when you see the 1%ers telling the peasants to harden up then jump in their $70 million private jet for a 10 minute trip.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 05 Sep 2022, 11:50 am

Mate i know it's hard but don't let it effect you. Be happy with what you have and always look at those who are worse off then you

As money is just fleeting and doesn't bring you happiness, only the want for more money.

I been looking at credit cards for the business with reward points and as they do Facebook started serving me american express card Ads. Anyway i read a point in a forum. Where someone asked about the coolness factor of their platinum card. This card has annual fees around 1500-$2000/year. One guy said it was metallic, another said as all cards are digital he almost never pulls out the card anymore. But the best one was, its all cool and good until someone pulls out an American express centurion card (this card annual fee is $6500)....(some people jane too much money)

So the point is be happy and content with whatever you have. Most of us be more happier sleeping under the stars out hunting then James packer sleeping in his $260 million yacht.
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by Lazarus » 05 Sep 2022, 1:00 pm

cz515 is just fleeting and doesn't bring you happiness....

It does bring you a better standard of misery though :allegedly:
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Re: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Post by cz515 » 05 Sep 2022, 1:45 pm

Lazarus wrote:
cz515 is just fleeting and doesn't bring you happiness....

It does bring you a better standard of misery though :allegedly:

Well i did read a funny tale on that.

Money might not bring you happiness, but it sure as hell buys a lot of alcohol, dugs and hoes :sarcasm:
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