NSW Election. 25th of March 23

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 23 Mar 2023, 7:16 pm

womble wrote:As a nation we can’t really give concessions for one suburb to have a right to discriminate.
Even if as you suggest the local majority hold a particular bias to one group
You have to look past your own bias and view it objectively. We can’t deny a gay child an education because the Arab children just don’t like him or her or it.
What happens when the arabs decide they don’t want girls going to school, or Jews.
What may be a local majority consensus is still a fringe minority relative to mainstream.
Even if you did somehow get a majority vote for it the government can’t mandate it because it goes against our constitution. We are a secular state.
Besides that it’s an affront to equal opportunity, And the freedom to define one’s own destiny. Freedom of choice. From a religious perspective we also have constitutional protections in that. Nobody can be forced to subscribe to any particular set of beliefs.
This isn’t Iran or Afghanistan. This country was founded on the rule of law.
Human rights are recognised and protected nationwide through a range of laws at the federal and state and territory levels, the Australian Constitution, and the common law.
ON are selling a pipe dream to bigots that they can’t deliver. And only to keep themselves in lifestyles of privilege with all the perks.
It’s not possible within the framework of our democracy.
You’re being conned.

I don't have any problems with gays or lesbians. I don't believe men should be able to compete against women in sport by claiming to be a woman.

We imported a heap of Arabs with multiculturalism we are told by leftists to respect their culture all cultures are equal these same leftists call us Islamophobes for pointing out things like death penalty for gays under Islamic law. The Saudis use beheading to cure gays Iran hangs them the Islamic state threw them from tall buildings and the Taliban are going to stone them to death. All muslims agree gays must be killed they only differ on the method this is not an extreme view it's mainstream beliefs. A lot of these people live in south west and western Sydney.

Results from same sex marriage vote with usual BS from ABC
While I can't speak for all western Sydney people, I was surprised to learn 12 of only 17 electorates that voted no are in western Sydney.

The suburbs of western Sydney have pulled down NSW's overall Yes count.

Sure, NSW has the highest proportion of people born in non-English speaking countries.


These people were told it's only gay marriage nothing else they were lied to now we have LGBTQ pushing their agendas in schools and Trannys who think they're women wanting to compete in womens sport and use womens bathrooms which they find disgusting. The Arabs don't have a word for gays they call it Zina which is unlawful sex. It appears they don't have as big a problem with lesbians as there must be a cock involved for unlawful sex.

We do have freedom of religion in this country yet when Israel Folou quoted the bible he was fired and cancelled these migrants noticed this.The belief these people have in Allah/God is stronger than the lefty pipe dream of everyone singing kumbayah and holding hands in peace.

The left are going to lose the muslim and Arab vote over these LGBTQ issues it's going to be a brutal divorce.

This church event wasn't organised by Latham he was invited to speak there which outraged the butthurt LGBTQ these Arabs who many come from war torn countries weren't going to take their crap.

I have no religion i could see this coming for a long time.I don't believe someone with a dick should be allowed into womens toilets i knew a tranny about 20 years ago he got into a verbal fight with some ladies then reminded them he is still a biological man and fights like a man. Milo Yiannopolous is a gay right winger in the US he called a tranny a man in a dress which outraged everyone they claimed he misgendered him.

Don't give me this human rights BS Islam has the death penalty for muslims who leave Islam which is a clear violation of article 18 UDHR. The Saudis chop your head off Iran hangs you and i have been called an Islamophobe by ignorant leftists for pointing out this fact.

I predict ON will increase from 2 elected members to possibly 5 or more. I don't know who will win it could go either way.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by geoff » 23 Mar 2023, 7:16 pm

I am yet to see any evidence that the incidents being discussed here will yield any electoral benefit for ON, and if they do, well that just proves that a sucker is born every minute.

The entire ON platform since 9/11 has been hating Muslims viciously. One street brawl does not change that for anyone thinking critically about the situation - ON and their leadership would feed the average arab through a woodchipper if they were allowed to.

Baronvonrort - you are being whipped up into an unhinged frenzy about gender diversity and the rights of people who identify as LGBT. They are the victim du jour of the right wing culture war machine - it was Asians in the 90s, Muslims in the 00s and now apparently we all have to pivot to hating queers. Any group of supporters constantly looking for someone to wave their torches and pitchforks at is being led up a garden path by people serving their own needs.

womble wrote:As a nation we can’t really give concessions for one suburb to have a right to discriminate.
Even if as you suggest the local majority hold a particular bias to one group
You have to look past your own bias and view it objectively. We can’t deny a gay child an education because the Arab children just don’t like him or her or it.
What happens when the arabs decide they don’t want girls going to school, or Jews.
What may be a local majority consensus is still a fringe minority relative to mainstream.
Even if you did somehow get a majority vote for it the government can’t mandate it because it goes against our constitution. We are a secular state.
Besides that it’s an affront to equal opportunity, And the freedom to define one’s own destiny. Freedom of choice. From a religious perspective we also have constitutional protections in that. Nobody can be forced to subscribe to any particular set of beliefs.
This isn’t Iran or Afghanistan. This country was founded on the rule of law.
Human rights are recognised and protected nationwide through a range of laws at the federal and state and territory levels, the Australian Constitution, and the common law.
ON are selling a pipe dream to bigots that they can’t deliver. And only to keep themselves in lifestyles of privilege with all the perks.
It’s not possible within the framework of our democracy.
You’re being conned.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 23 Mar 2023, 7:34 pm

geoff wrote:

Baronvonrort - you are being whipped up into an unhinged frenzy about gender diversity and the rights of people who identify as LGBT. They are the victim du jour of the right wing culture war machine


I live in that part of Sydney i talk to these people every day i am telling you how i see it. 12 of the 17 areas that voted no for same sex marriage were in this part of Sydney.

The right wingers aren't persecuting the LGBTQ the only people being persecuted are those who speak out on this. This incident in Sydney was caused by LGBTQ pushing their beliefs on people outside their place of worship in an area they don't live in

I didn't think ON would get 2 elected last election. On the topic of religious freedom Latham will win even more votes this time. The belief these people have in God/Allah is far stronger than lefty pipe dreams of everyone singing Kumbayah while holding hands in peace.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by geoff » 23 Mar 2023, 8:45 pm

Baronvonrort wrote:
geoff wrote:

Baronvonrort - you are being whipped up into an unhinged frenzy about gender diversity and the rights of people who identify as LGBT. They are the victim du jour of the right wing culture war machine


I live in that part of Sydney i talk to these people every day i am telling you how i see it. 12 of the 17 areas that voted no for same sex marriage were in this part of Sydney.

The right wingers aren't persecuting the LGBTQ the only people being persecuted are those who speak out on this. This incident in Sydney was caused by LGBTQ pushing their beliefs on people outside their place of worship in an area they don't live in

I didn't think ON would get 2 elected last election. On the topic of religious freedom Latham will win even more votes this time. The belief these people have in God/Allah is far stronger than lefty pipe dreams of everyone singing Kumbayah while holding hands in peace.

Ever been doorknocked by the Jehovah's?

That aside if you seriously believe that anyone else looks at ON and thinks "Yep. That's the real protector of Islam in Australia" then I think we just live in parallel realities and there's really no point debating.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Mar 2023, 3:09 am

This is Australia Baron.
Couldn’t give 2 s**ts about left and right or any yank bulls**t.
Really couldn’t give a s**t if some bloke wants to kick a footy in a frock.
I just don’t. I don’t give a s**t :unknown: I have nothing but apathy and am not going to worry myself about it because i don’t need the stress. I don’t have the time or energy to care. Like the song says https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0
I’d rather invest my time and energy in positive rewarding pursuits, live my life and let others live theirs however the f*** they want.
People can believe whatever they want but it doesn’t necessarily make them right.
It’s just cultural thing. We don’t like bullies. Everyone gets a fair go kinda includes everyone.
People migrate here to escape bulls**t. If they want to bring it with them they don’t get to enact or materialise it. Feel free to protest but at the end of the day your arabs are just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. You want a public stoning you can always visit another country to view it.
Ok so your Israel whathisface, knobjockey. He can say whatever he wants, all good.
But the football club is a business. It has a brand, an image. It has to sell tickets, make money. You can’t sell wanker as your brand and make money. Does that make sense. Kinda had to let him go.
We’ve got f*** knows how many cultures here so we have cater to all equally. No exceptions because that’s fair.
Pretty simple really. How you treat people different than yourself is a reflection of character. Or alternatively a reflection of wanker.
Not so hard is it. :drinks:
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by straightshooter » 24 Mar 2023, 6:45 am

I note you state that you don't give 2 s**ts but you obviously do give at least one, judging by the length of your loquacious commentary.
As for the event.
We are to believe it was a coincidence but isn't it obvious that this was a staged event, the media were tipped off and the police were tipped off.
A setup if you like, designed to get as much media attention as possible just before an election and then in the media afterflow, for all the internet opinionators to prattle on with all their highly developed opinions.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Mar 2023, 8:32 am

Ok fine have one s**t.
And yes it all seems a bit too convenient.
To engineer an emotive response.
Perhaps ON is an inside job.
Worldly people who've been exposed to a lot
Hard to believe they are genuine
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 24 Mar 2023, 12:17 pm

womble wrote:This is Australia Baron.
Couldn’t give 2 s**ts about left and right or any yank bulls**t.
Really couldn’t give a s**t if some bloke wants to kick a footy in a frock.

Yes i know it's Australia as for the US politics it's the leftists who whinged about Trump.

There are many people who think men with a fetish for wearing frocks shouldn't be doing that in womens sport.

My kids have grown up left school yet this issue of pushing trans agenda in schools concerns a lot of parents. My kids have a gay uncle on their mothers side so no problems with that in my family.

Mark Latham to push for nuclear plants and ‘parental rights’ if made NSW kingmaker

Mark Latham will seek to overturn a longstanding ban on nuclear power technologies, strengthen “parental rights” and protect Christians from vilification if One Nation picks up enough seats to make him a kingmaker after the New South Wales election.

The former federal Labor leader is attempting to grow his party’s upper house presence from two to four at the 25 March poll,

Pollsters and the major parties believe One Nation is in with a shot of picking up at least one extra seat – after securing two in 2019 – which means whoever forms government could have to work with, or around, One Nation to govern.

Labor has preferenced the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party in key marginal seats in the hopes of stopping One Nation from gaining more power, while the Greens remain nervous they could miss out on a seat to the party.

Latham also said he wants parents to be given more rights over what their children are taught in schools, which he claimed were full of “semi-illiterate” students.

“Parents are being treated as second-class citizens in the education system,” Latham said.

“We would ban gender fluidity teaching in NSW schools … [as] the system seems to be obsessed with questions of gender, which has got nothing to do with education. It’s a matter for parents and families.”

His third priority was increasing protection for religious groups to deal with the “rise of vilification of Christians, in particular”.

“There’s a real possibility that Mark Latham and One Nation could be the kingmaker of NSW politics – on everything from climate change, renewables, education and anti-discrimination,” said an opposition spokesperson, Penny Sharpe.

A pollster, Simon Welsh of RedBridge, said the Liberal party risked losing votes at each end of their support spectrum to teals and Labor, as well as more rightwing options.

“That dynamic that was there in the federal election is definitely there again … [and] One Nation is very well-positioned – picking up folks that are angry with the government about vaccines and Covid restrictions,” he said.


I see the usual BS with labor preferencing SFFP people should realise they control their own preferences.

This issue of keeping LGBQT nonsense out of our schools is huge with migrants and christians it has united muslims and christians in SW and W Sydney. Latham is the only one talking about this our Catholic Premier is silent he allows it which is pushing LNP voters to ON.

There will be a swing against ruling Liberals those votes aren't going to Labor or the Greens.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Oldbloke » 24 Mar 2023, 4:45 pm

A few suggestion regarding who is pro firearms.

https://sportingshooter.com.au/news/com ... -election/
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Mar 2023, 6:07 pm

Baron yours is still a pro gun vote plus your child won’t get smote by lightning bolt :thumbsup:
So it’s a win win.
I just couldn’t care less if they taught the little s**ts to identify as sentient flying rainbow pigs.
My own concerns are more related to what I can kill and eat.
Granted I would have a problem if i wanted to be a rainbow pig, but this is not my problem. I don’t even like kids :unknown:
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Mar 2023, 6:09 pm

Oldbloke wrote:A few suggestion regarding who is pro firearms.

https://sportingshooter.com.au/news/com ... -election/

Great stuff.
One size doesn’t fit all but still pro gun options for everyone
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by geoff » 25 Mar 2023, 10:25 pm

Hows that big One Nation landslide working out? RUOK Baron :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 25 Mar 2023, 11:24 pm

geoff wrote:Hows that big One Nation landslide working out? RUOK Baron :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In my electorate we had Labor Liberal and Green with Sustainability party and 1 independent. I put sustainability party at 1 in lower house with Greens last. In upper house it was LDP then SFFP then ON. If the LDP don't get one in then my vote is likely to help SFFP or ON get a senator elected.

I predicted 5 ON to be elected. ON have increased their vote by a large amount in some areas.

It will take another week or 2 for upper house votes to be finalised after preferences. It took a couple of weeks after last election.

The former SFFP lower house senators are likely to hold since those independents don't belong to a party in upper house those who voted for them are likely to vote ON,SFFP or LDP in upper house
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Oldbloke » 25 Mar 2023, 11:34 pm

Looks like ALP won
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 26 Mar 2023, 12:37 am

Oldbloke wrote:Looks like ALP won

It could only go labor or liberals/nationals or labor and the greens in lower house for the fact not all parties contest every seat.

Labor liberals Nationals and the greens field far more candidtaes than anyone else. This is why the issue of electoral funding is critical for smaller parties.

In the Legislative council (upper house) it's not going to be decided for a couple of weeks to see how much legislation labor can pass

Just looked at results for all electorates
The Greens and Animal Justice party vegans have gone backwards both anti hunting
Liberal Democrats have done much better than last time they might get one in upper house
One Nation have gone forward nearly double the green votes in some places.
Shooters Fisher Farmers have gone backwards, the 3 former SFFP members all held seats as independents Helen Dalton whacked them.

Legalise cannabis run by ex green senator Jeremy Buckingham might get upper house seat
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 26 Mar 2023, 1:41 am

Red tidal wave

ON can f*ck all the way of :thumbsup: :drinks: with their big fat zero
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Mar 2023, 7:35 am

Am I correct in saying every state is now ALP?
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 26 Mar 2023, 7:51 am

Libs still have Tas
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Billo » 26 Mar 2023, 10:20 am

The Liberals got a pretty good result last nite considering the bad actors and corruption that has gone on over the last 12 years.

NSW ICAC will have a busy few years ahead.

Good to see Donato, Dalton and Butler do well, Borsak its time you retired.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Mar 2023, 6:04 pm

Lazarus wrote:Libs still have Tas

I have a low opinion of all of them. But that's not good for democracy .
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Baronvonrort » 21 Apr 2023, 3:40 pm

Borsak back in

One Nation have increased to 3 in LC

Liberal Democrats have John Ruddick elected i think it's their first in NSW.

Labor have a minority government in the lower house

Shooters may wield influence in NSW parliament as preferences deliver Robert Borsak a seat

Despite being wiped out in the New South Wales lower house, preference distribution in the upper house has delivered the Shooters Fishers and Farmers party a second and highly-influential seat in the parliament.

Robert Borsak was returned to Legislative Council in the 20th position after the NSW Electoral Commission computer churned through the final preferences to fill the 21 vacancies on Wednesday.

The anxiety may now be born by the Minns Labor government, with an even split in numbers between his party and the Coalition in the upper house meaning it will need to do deals with both left and right to pass laws.

Latham vow increases Shooters' influence
At the beginning of the April, Mr Minns vowed not to work with NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham, after he posted a graphic and homophobic reply on Twitter to independent MP Alex Greenwich.
Mr Borsak shares a strong working relationship with Mr Latham and said the Premier's decision was "foolish".

When parliament resumes, Mr Borsak will join Mark Banasiak — the only other Shooters member left in government — in the upper house, after the party's three lower house MPs quit to run as independents.


Does anyone remember Alex Greenwich introducing a bill for trap neuter and release with feral cats? The comments for that were good people were telling him the problem with feral cats is they eat native species they don't have sex with them. :mrgreen:
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by JohnV » 23 Apr 2023, 7:13 pm

There are Nazi rallies held in isolated places in rural NSW . Only Small gangs of people but still Nazis .
Everything to do with Nazi's and fascists should be banned . A guy down the road from me is a flag enthusiast and one day I looked down the street and he was flying a swastika . I left a note in his letter box of an incendiary tone if he ever flew it again .
Germans have taken a free speech and soft approach to Neo Nazi's and now it's out of control and they have 35 000 of them and that's just the known ones . Fascists are raising their ugly heads again in Germany . We don't want that here . I worked with a guy and he seemed ok , wee were friends and then one day he said would you like to see my medal collection . I said ok was thinking Aussie medals etc. and out came all this Nazi stuff illegal SS stuff the whole lot . Man I got so angry and told him to get that s**t out of my face or I will make you eat it . He ran . That was the end of a working relationship and I never spoke to him again not long after that he left the job . It shocked me that a guy I had trusted and even been in my home was a real Hitler lover . You just can't tell with people . People who admire Hitler and think being a Nazi is exciting stuff are sick in the head .
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Apr 2023, 8:23 am

Banning it doesn't magically make it disappear.
Let them embarrass themselves.
Let everyone see them for who they really are.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 24 Apr 2023, 10:42 am

I totally understand your angst John V, but Womble is right.

Banning a political movement, however repugnant, is problematic, it sets dangerous precedents that can be misused in the future, just look at the laws used to chip away at legal gun owners.

I'm nowhere near bright enough to have a ready made solution, but banning parties or movements is a slippery slope to one party rule.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by No1Mk3 » 24 Apr 2023, 1:07 pm

JohnV wrote:There are Nazi rallies held in isolated places in rural NSW . Only Small gangs of people but still Nazis .
Everything to do with Nazi's and fascists should be banned . A guy down the road from me is a flag enthusiast and one day I looked down the street and he was flying a swastika . I left a note in his letter box of an incendiary tone if he ever flew it again .
Germans have taken a free speech and soft approach to Neo Nazi's and now it's out of control and they have 35 000 of them and that's just the known ones . Fascists are raising their ugly heads again in Germany . We don't want that here . I worked with a guy and he seemed ok , wee were friends and then one day he said would you like to see my medal collection . I said ok was thinking Aussie medals etc. and out came all this Nazi stuff illegal SS stuff the whole lot . Man I got so angry and told him to get that s**t out of my face or I will make you eat it . He ran . That was the end of a working relationship and I never spoke to him again not long after that he left the job . It shocked me that a guy I had trusted and even been in my home was a real Hitler lover . You just can't tell with people . People who admire Hitler and think being a Nazi is exciting stuff are sick in the head .

I had a friend who collected Nazi memorabilia such as medals, badges, daggers etc. His Father had fought in WW1 and received the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Would this make him a "Hitler lover" in your eyes John? Just for your consideration his proudly German Father, Mother, little Sister and innumerable Aunts and Uncles were gassed in Treblinka, he himself was sent to Buchenwald for work details and managed to survive the war then fled Europe coming to Australia.I had asked him why those things and he said, "why? I like to play with the symbols of my defeated enemy, to show my Grand-Children the reality that true evil exists in the world and must be watched constantly"
By the way, SS memorabilia isn't illegal at all, I have some and so do many friends I have whose collections include that period of history.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by womble » 24 Apr 2023, 2:55 pm

Lazarus wrote:I totally understand your angst John V, but Womble is right.

Banning a political movement, however repugnant, is problematic, it sets dangerous precedents that can be misused in the future, just look at the laws used to chip away at legal gun owners.

I'm nowhere near bright enough to have a ready made solution, but banning parties or movements is a slippery slope to one party rule.

Yep agreed, I too completely understand John's sentiments.
These blokes want to associate themselves with some of the most abhorrent depraved people in history.
They seek out disgust and loathing from others.
But it's ignorance driven. And education and knowledge is the solution in my opinion.
If they knew the pride we have in Australia for the men we sent to fight them. Particularly in rural areas.
If they new the details of what the Nazis did when they went through Poland. What they did to pregnant women and babies. To whole villages.
The cruelty and the cowardice they embodied
The shame they brought on their families for generations
Let these blokes have a taste of that shame. Let people think they are weak and pathetic.
Let them announce who they are.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by Lazarus » 24 Apr 2023, 4:59 pm

We're on the same page Womble.

However, from my point of view, the knuckle dragging mouth breathers we see at the noisy end aren't the ones we need to be worried about. They are the political equivalent of the mindless internet trolls who take genuine pleasure in causing the suffering of others, and without organisation will go no further than crass nonsense like holocaust denial and flag waving.

I'm loath to say it, it smacks of numptyism, but it's the smart bastards behind the scenes who capitalise on the division and upset the brownshirt types are potentially capable of causing, if we let them, that are the true danger.

We only need look to America to see where that can go.
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Re: NSW Election. 25th of March 23

Post by bullzeye » 18 May 2023, 7:24 am

IMO it's as simple as this.


Don't pick the left.
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