loads for russian paradox slug with wad

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loads for russian paradox slug with wad

Post by perentie » 05 Jul 2023, 8:38 am

Anyone used the Russian Paradox slug with the attached wad with Aussie powders?
Not much info available and about all I have on hand is Unique.
Not sure on how powder supply is ATM.
Any load info appreciated.
Posts: 253

Re: loads for russian paradox slug with wad

Post by No1Mk3 » 05 Jul 2023, 5:54 pm

Those slugs cast between 1 1/8 and 1 1/4oz so any 1 1/4oz data will do. AP70 was the good powder for that weight so Unique will be perfect from 24 to 28g in a modern gun, cylinder bore.
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Re: loads for russian paradox slug with wad

Post by perentie » 06 Jul 2023, 7:16 am

Thanks. I loaded some yesterday at 20 so will work up and see how they go. My shottie is not cylinder bore though is an OU and seems to be a bit tighter.
I loaded some RB loads to compare as well.
Posts: 253

Re: loads for russian paradox slug with wad

Post by JohnV » 06 Jul 2023, 7:50 pm

You don't necessarily need a cylinder bore . Sacrifice one shell and remove the slug . Weigh it , then drop the slug down the bores . If the unexpanded slug goes through or lodges just at the very end of the bore it is ok to shoot in that bore . If it lodges several inches back in the muzzle then it's a bit tight when you consider it will also expand under pressure . It may still swage down ok but it's harder on the choke area and it may kick harder . A lot depends on how hard the material is in the slug and how it's constructed .
Some swage down easier than others . A Fosters type slug ( winchester ) swages down easy . A Breneke (FN) slug slightly harder to swage down . Most have fins to aid squishing down . Russian slug ???
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