Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Questions about Victorian gun and ammunition laws. Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by d4n73n » 04 Oct 2023, 6:51 pm

Hi all, I'm considering applying for a Cat A&B license as I meet all the criteria, however the one thing that bothers me with the license application process is the 'fit and proper person' bulls**t as it's very vague. During the lockdowns a couple years back I got some help from a shrink and the health system, yada yada, however I have not been diagnosed with any mental illness, years have passed and I'm in a much better place, I'm not depressed and don't have any other issues. However I do suffer from Autism, will this count as me being unfit to get a license? I'm high functioning so I don't see how it would impact my ability to own a firearm but for good measure should I get a written note from my GP explaining my condition and attaching it to my application? Thank you!
Posts: 17

Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Oct 2023, 8:08 pm

Hi d4,
As it happens i have a little experience in this area. I have a close relitive that has high-functioning autism and recently was issued a firearms licence. There were no issues.

First i can assure you autism is not considered a "mental illness" when it comes to your firearm licence application. Just tick the NO box. The question is more about depression, and illness that could result in agressive activities.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Fionn » 04 Oct 2023, 9:08 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Hi d4,
As it happens i have a little experience in this area. I have a close relitive that has high-functioning autism and recently was issued a firearms licence. There were no issues.

First i can assure you autism is not considered a "mental illness" when it comes to your firearm licence application. Just tick the NO box. The question is more about depression, and illness that could result in agressive activities.

Spot on here Oldbloke, ASD is not considered a Mental health condition in Victoria for a firearms application, although may be considered a physical disability depending on the person.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Fionn » 04 Oct 2023, 9:09 pm

d4n73n wrote:Hi all, I'm considering applying for a Cat A&B license as I meet all the criteria, however the one thing that bothers me with the license application process is the 'fit and proper person' bulls**t as it's very vague. During the lockdowns a couple years back I got some help from a shrink and the health system, yada yada, however I have not been diagnosed with any mental illness, years have passed and I'm in a much better place, I'm not depressed and don't have any other issues. However I do suffer from Autism, will this count as me being unfit to get a license? I'm high functioning so I don't see how it would impact my ability to own a firearm but for good measure should I get a written note from my GP explaining my condition and attaching it to my application? Thank you!

ASD wouldn't normally be a concern in its self, but you may face issues with " During the lockdowns a couple years back I got some help from a shrink" as you are required to declare this.

Don't get anything until its requested.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by stihl88 » 05 Oct 2023, 7:45 am

No mate, Asperger's is not a mental illness... Hope you embrace it, everyone i know with it are outstanding people, they light up a room and get along with just about anybody and usually have an IQ of at least 120!!! They can be a little annoying at times, just like everyone!
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Tassiebloke » 05 Oct 2023, 9:55 am

mate, you should be all fine as long as you're physically able to safely operate the weapon. i know two people with ADHD and one with autism and all three of them have firearms licences.
anyway, welcome to the sport!
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by NTSOG » 06 Oct 2023, 4:45 pm

G'day d4n73n,

As discussed, some time ago under Tasmanian laws in relation to ADHD and obtaining a firearms licence, Autism is not a mental illness, but a developmental disorder. Disorder refers to the development from birth of autistics being out of normal order or occurring in a different order in comparison to so-called normal people. I am autistic as is my younger brother. Autism comes down our father's line; it runs in our family. Both of us legally own and use firearms. The authorities don't need to know we are autistic as we are (1) just developmentally different, (2) not mentally ill, (3) not under the care of a psychologist or psychiatrist and never have been, and (4) have a clean criminal record. As has been explained by other contributors, e.g., Fionn, being under the care of a mental health specialist within a certain time frame would likely have to be declared. Autistics can develop mental health issues as can the rest of the contributors to this Forum! Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about autistics. Some of it is via Hollywood, e.g., Rainman, and some of it is because in the past autistics were often misdiagnosed as [Childhood] Schizophrenics up to about 1980. The majority of autistics - about 70% - are intellectually impaired to greater or lesser extent. The rest operate in the normal range of intelligence from about Full-Scale IQ 70 + up to as high as can be tested - for a select few. I know many adults who are autistic. They include a school Principal and many teachers as well as a therapist and a psychologist. All are skilled and function well in society in part because they are very 'ordered' people.

I worked professionally with autistic clients, children and adults beginning in 1976 until I retired in 2016. I probably came to know about 2000 autistic clients, most presenting complex developmental and/or behaviour problems, especially severe to extreme during my career in the USA and Australia.

By the way I do not consider I 'suffer' from autism. I am autistic and happy to be who I am. However, I did suffer severe and violent bullying when I was at school and further bullying when working in government/public service [Disability Services] at the hands of members of the social work trades who found my blunt and logical manner confronting and made life difficult for me. Being autistic I am asocial and call a spade an F****** spade. The ever-loving social justice types don't like that.

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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Larry » 07 Oct 2023, 12:54 pm

Hi d4 as you say the criteria are very vague and done that way intentionally. To make it worse they put the onus on you to self evaluate and self identify yourself. Have a conversation with a few people you can trust such as your doctor. Others will have a more objective view of your abilities or limitations/flaws.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by womble » 07 Oct 2023, 1:33 pm

Yep it’s not the autism that’s of concern. That’s a super power. My doctor is autistic and he’s brutally honest.
I usually don’t listen to doctors but this bloke doesn’t pull his punches.
It’s the recent depression and treatment via shrink ie psychologist or psychiatrist. That’s worrying and it’s not personal.

And as Larry just mentioned “onus on you to self evaluate and self identify yourself.”
In my opinion that’s an honesty test. Not only honest with them but honest with yourself..
The black dog is always in there lurking around a corner and he’s not always easy to contain.
So if it’s something you still wish to pursue go for it. It’s your life. Not for us to say.
But I wouldn’t feel comfortable if a friend had depression and a firearms license is what I am saying.
Take your time to think it through.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by d4n73n » 14 Oct 2023, 6:57 pm

Thanks for the help lads, I think it'll be best if I get a note from my GP regardless just because on the license application I have to disclose any treatment in the past 5 years. Just trying to play it safe rather than lie on my application. Hopefully everything should be all good even if it takes a little longer.
Posts: 17

Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by Fionn » 14 Oct 2023, 7:46 pm

d4n73n wrote:Thanks for the help lads, I think it'll be best if I get a note from my GP regardless just because on the license application I have to disclose any treatment in the past 5 years. Just trying to play it safe rather than lie on my application. Hopefully everything should be all good even if it takes a little longer.

As I said before, don't get anything until its requested, so stop trying to circumvent the process as prior letters from your medical practitioner can be problematic.

Just follow the process.
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Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by d4n73n » 16 Oct 2023, 10:47 pm

Fionn wrote:
d4n73n wrote:Thanks for the help lads, I think it'll be best if I get a note from my GP regardless just because on the license application I have to disclose any treatment in the past 5 years. Just trying to play it safe rather than lie on my application. Hopefully everything should be all good even if it takes a little longer.

As I said before, don't get anything until its requested, so stop trying to circumvent the process as prior letters from your medical practitioner can be problematic.

Just follow the process.

Just trying to take precaution mate. Last thing I need is the LRD on my ass because I didn't disclose my prior condition on the forms.
Posts: 17

Re: Will being diagnosed with Autism disqualify my license?

Post by big matt » 23 Nov 2023, 2:06 pm

Well Dan Andrews got voted in and he's VERY special...so you should have no problem, good luck!
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