Another safe mounting question..

Questions about New South Wales gun and ammunition laws. NSW Firearms Act 1996.

Another safe mounting question..

Post by aimz » 12 Oct 2023, 2:24 pm

Hey guys,

Ive recently moved into a flat, my guns have always been stored at another address but i want them here.

space is an issue. the only reasonable location for mounting is in the "study" area. the problem is, is that its all built in. can i stand the safe on a built in shelf (approx 900mm off the ground) and bolt it to the concrete wall? i can put as many bolts in the wall as possible. under the safe is a timber shelf with drawers under.

it would be a complete nightmare to modify all that, the main bedroom is out due to the built in wardrobe. cant chuck it in the kids room, other than that theres the lounge and the gf is not going to allow that.
2023-10-12 15.20.25.jpg
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Posts: 30
New South Wales

Re: Another safe mounting question..

Post by No1Mk3 » 12 Oct 2023, 3:20 pm

Yes mate, no problem at all, your Act requires fixing to the structure if under 150kg through the base and/OR rear, in brick or concrete fixings must be 10mmx90mm, Cheers.
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Re: Another safe mounting question..

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Oct 2023, 4:17 pm

No1Mk3 wrote:Yes mate, no problem at all, your Act requires fixing to the structure if under 150kg through the base and/OR rear, in brick or concrete fixings must be 10mmx90mm, Cheers.

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Re: Another safe mounting question..

Post by aimz » 13 Oct 2023, 2:55 pm

Thanks, i assumed it was ok to mount there.

one other thing, does it have to be secured through the back or could it be a side. the wall at the back of the safe is metal stud/gyprock. the side is concrete. again, im assuming it would be ok to attach it through the side, just double checking.
Posts: 30
New South Wales

Re: Another safe mounting question..

Post by womble » 13 Oct 2023, 4:04 pm

Unfortunately it does specify rear or base
You have to take it literally and follow it to the letter. At least in what it mentions. Like the size of the anchor bolts for example. I think it says 10mm so don’t use 8mm.

But so long as you’ve covered what’s mandatory you can always go over and above. So why not both rear and side. I would because it makes leverage more difficult.

Ideally we don’t want more storage legislation mandated because a determined thief will find a way no matter what extremes you go to.
But from my own perspective i don’t like people stealing from me. Someone could get hurt. And it won’t be me.
So I do tend to make it more difficult to steal from me with extra security measures above what’s mandatory.
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Re: Another safe mounting question..

Post by ederlezi » 14 Oct 2023, 6:32 am

That is indeed what I have done at my previous place. It has been inspected and was all fine. I did mounted two strong brackets to hold the safe as it would have been a nightmare to install otherwise, and the shelf would have not supported the weight.
Posts: 41
New South Wales

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