Pence is the one to watch.

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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by stihl88 » 19 Oct 2023, 4:32 pm

womble wrote:
stihl88 wrote:What are you TDS?

I've just named a handful of things mishandled under the Obama/Biden admins and you don't even blink yet Trump talks about something (Why should US be in NATO) and you froth at the mouth,,,Trump...Trump...Trump (Russia...Russia...Russia...) TDS at it's finest. Where's you criticism on Obama/Biden?

Just to name some of the latest of Bidens "stuff ups"
His botched withdrawal of Afghanistan handing terrorists over $7+ Billion is cutting edge US military hardware, weapons and Tech. Probably worse than this was that some of the cutting edge tech was sold straight to the "Big Guys" favorite's China and Russia for de-engineering...

FF to a couple of weeks back and we see Biden release 6 billion to Iran, then of course the attack on Israel occurs a week later but no coincidence hey!
Looking at some of the photos last week, I notice Hamas is running around in shiny AR's/M4's with Trijcon sights that look awfully familiar to the ones Joe left behind in Afghanistan.

If we're going to have a pissing match over who's the dumbest prick of the two Biden wind hands own mate, quit while you're ahead as i've only just gotten started!

Afghanistan was Trumps stuff up entirely. Trump’s team negotiated the surrender an all terms regarding it. During his one term as president.
While we were kept in the dark mind you, with active personal in country.

Bidens administration inherited that mess and had to comply with the negotiated terms. It was hilarious to see the magatards blaming Biden for it.

I’ve not once made any mention of support for Biden and I strongly don’t . He’s clearly demented. So theres no pissing contest here on one vs the other. But bear in mind if Biden could beat trump in an election a cactus plant could.

And I reiterate Donald dumbasfuck Tump called to terminate the constitution . Why , pure selfishness. Because that was the only way left he could overturn the election.
The greatest single piece of literature in human history. That draws from Magna Carta 1215 and the bill of rights 1688.
Free speech. The right to defend yourself, your home, your family, your liberty. The right to bear arms.
And Trump wanted it gone.
The constitution is America. The last free country on the face of the earth.

But do you honestly think Trump if elected 2nd term would have carried it out the withdrawal this way? He was well on his way to carrying it out just fine until the biggest flog in US history came along and stuffed it all up... It was the Biden admin who "stuffed" up the withdrawal to creating the kind of vacuum of that only ISIS could fill, intentional instability of the region...

I can see the Democrats opening to page 5, term 10.1 of the Afghan withdrawal handbook now :sarcasm:
Term 10.1 of the US Afghanistan Withdrawal
1. Leave all Afghan national allies, interpreters etc and there family members in place for ISIS to torture, rape and kill; CHECK!
2. Leave all equipment (especially our latest cutting edge) behind for ISIS and our number one threat China to get a hold of; CHECK!
3. Leave our troops stranded at the Kabul airport leading to ISIS blowing up and killing 13 of our own including 170 Afghans; CHECK!
4. Leave a huge vacuum in Afghan for terrorists to fill; CHECK!
5. Fake news, blame Trump; CHECK!
6. Mission complete; CHECK!

womble wrote:I’ve not once made any mention of support for Biden and I strongly don’t

One only has to scroll up the page to find the following comment; "Biden has done a lot and brought the country back from the brink. He’s the strong leadership they needed but he’s also way past his prime. He has been a strong reminder of American values that the world missed."

Couldn't agree with you more on the Constitution, one of my direct descendants was a founding father and significant contributor (heavy lifter) in ratifying the document and became one of the 1st Senators of one of the founding states. I carry his family name and am proud as such and any undermining of the constitution is not ok with me.

Did Trump call to "terminate the constitution"? No, not exactly... certainly not like how the Democrats call for ending or re-writing the constitution.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 19 Oct 2023, 5:51 pm

I think everyone expected the withdrawal to go exactly that way, no different than Saigon. The military has no politics and they did the best they could under the agreed terms for surrender.

I don’t take back what I said of Biden coming into power because it’s the truth. Americas reputation on the world stage was in tatters because trump openly praised dictators and insulted allies, ourselves included. America had suffered weak leadership and its enemies took full advantage of that period. That’s just a fact. The countries honour desperately needed to be restored.
I’m not a fan of war mongering democrats or liberals.
But the state of the world deteriorated rapidly with trump at the reigns and now we reap what was sown. Fact is Americas enemies took full advantage and played him because he’s not very smart.
As much as I’d prefer a true republican to be fit for the task , which is why I support Pence as in the thread title. Because I’d much prefer a peaceful world.
Trump has destroyed the party from within and strong leadership is paramount in current times.
And the world well knows exactly what they will get with the democrats in power should they test America. Dose’nt even matter who’s leading the democrats, they will rain hell if put to the test and the world knows it.

His words not mine. Original post on truth social. He even forgot to delete it when he was busy denying posting it.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by stihl88 » 19 Oct 2023, 8:01 pm

Yep the Donald sure did ruffle many a feather, particularly those that couldn't control or contain him but give me mean tweets and world peace any day over the current and past administrations, if a few feathers have to be ruffled to keep the world peace and keep me and my fellow Americans alive then so be it.
Last edited by stihl88 on 19 Oct 2023, 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by mchughcb » 19 Oct 2023, 8:05 pm

The fact that this thread went from Pence to Trump, to Biden back to Trump tells me Trump made an impact on the world.

I was working in the USA during Trump and the mood was positive, people were working, economy was moving. The minute he left office everything started to grind to a halt.

Now without a strong leader the place is going to the dogs.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wanneroo » 20 Oct 2023, 12:15 am

mchughcb wrote:The fact that this thread went from Pence to Trump, to Biden back to Trump tells me Trump made an impact on the world.

I was working in the USA during Trump and the mood was positive, people were working, economy was moving. The minute he left office everything started to grind to a halt.

Now without a strong leader the place is going to the dogs.

During my nearly half century alive, I have never seen this country in such bad shape. The United States is under attack from various parties seeking to undermine it so they can gain control. The big issues we have is illegal aliens flooding the country, democrat district attorneys not prosecuting crimes in big cities and inflation and a stagnant economy.

Back during the Trump years after obama, the floodgates on the economy opened as companies were willing to invest and hire after Trump got the bureaucratic jack boot off of their necks. I never had to worry about work in the Trump admin except for Covid.

It's going to be a wild 2024. We have a president with alzheimers who is totally out of it and the deep state is going to do everything possible to derail Trump.

The fact these people are terrified of Trump tells me they are bad boys doing bad things.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by straightshooter » 20 Oct 2023, 6:39 am

It's not just in the US, many thoughtful people in so called Capitalist Democracies are recognising the various symptoms of the gradual and now accelerating transition that is taking place, but are somewhat clueless as to what is the underlying malaise.
Just as China has been described as a Communist state emerging with Capitalist features, around the world Capitalist countries are now acquiring Communist features. The inference being that all are headed in much the same direction of Corporatism.
In the US the biggest single event that has facilitated this development was the legalisation of personhood of corporations, that is the acceptance of the fiction that a corporation can have the same legal rights as a natural person.
Now only a mug would believe that a complex problem can be solved by a quick fix but in this case there is something that can be done that will go a long way to restore a semblance of real democracy.
That is to allow political donations only from natural persons and to limit that donation to (say) $1000 (or the equivalent in kind) to any individual natural person.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by mchughcb » 20 Oct 2023, 7:53 am

Milto Friedman SA you can't have a welfare state and free movement. Pretty obvious why but he wasn't running for office looking for new voters.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wrenchman » 23 Oct 2023, 11:02 pm

dont worry guys we never vote in the best guy for the job we tend to vote the one least hated its screwed up and i dont see it getting much better here soon
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 24 Oct 2023, 6:32 am

Who ever it is I think it is going to be a Bradbury type win. Sooner or later Trump is going to be excluded from the race then quickly there will be a rush of Republican Hopeful's trying to fill the gap. Thankful that they dont have to be beholden to Trump any longer.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wrenchman » 24 Oct 2023, 9:45 am

trump wont be excluded you have to remember he has not done anything that the rest has not done they are all crooks and liars
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wanneroo » 24 Oct 2023, 10:11 am

The more they harass Trump with nonsense political oppression, the more he rises in the polls. The left and the 4th branch of government is terrified and they should be. The country right now has too much rot and it's time to flush it down the toilet.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 24 Oct 2023, 10:18 am

The rest of the world will treat the US like Russia if Trump is not held accountable. And good bye to your democracy.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 24 Oct 2023, 11:36 am

Yes but if Biden carks it ( officially ) guess what
Hello Kamala Harris
And nobody wants that. On either side
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 24 Oct 2023, 2:58 pm

True Biden really should choose someone more popular to take the pressure off him.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 24 Oct 2023, 3:14 pm

I’m sure he wants to. She’s a basket case
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wanneroo » 25 Oct 2023, 12:07 am

Larry wrote:The rest of the world will treat the US like Russia if Trump is not held accountable. And good bye to your democracy.

Accountable for.... having an opinion, having a successful business, opposing dirtbags in the government...

I've read some of the indictments for some of the "crimes" he's accused of and it's all political persecution by rogue prosecutors and judges looking to obtain a political outcome with the judicial system.

I'm happy to hear about what crime he has committed that deserves locking him up forever.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Billo » 25 Oct 2023, 6:26 am

I think the word Racketeering and Fraud come to mind wanneroo, being loose with the truth comes with consequences.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 25 Oct 2023, 7:02 am

I dont know how you defend the guy? Put aside your political viewpoint for a second and just have a look at the ethics of the man. It was just this week his defense from his own mouth was. I never took an oath to uphold the constitution. Then trying to deny that Powell was ever even his lawyer surprised he didnt go as far as saying he never even knew the person like E Carrol. The guy is a pig with no morals or ethics and you want him to be the supreme leader. He is not good enough for North Korea.

His other defense which you seem to be buying into is There all out to get me and it is election interference. What a load of crap.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Oldbloke » 25 Oct 2023, 7:43 am

Larry wrote:I dont know how you defend the guy? Put aside your political viewpoint for a second and just have a look at the ethics of the man. It was just this week his defense from his own mouth was. I never took an oath to uphold the constitution. Then trying to deny that Powell was ever even his lawyer surprised he didnt go as far as saying he never even knew the person like E Carrol. The guy is a pig with no morals or ethics and you want him to be the supreme leader. He is not good enough for North Korea.

His other defense which you seem to be buying into is There all out to get me and it is election interference. What a load of crap.

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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 25 Oct 2023, 8:20 am

Covid is a Chinese hoax. Just after his first briefing on it too.
And then one in 400 Americans die from it. Killed more than the Spanish flu.
Didn't need to be that bad. Wasn't that bad anywhere else. Because he lies.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wrenchman » 25 Oct 2023, 10:03 am

look you guys would think you live with the 24 hour s**t show we deal with the inflation and many of the issues we are having are direct results of the senile president we have i dont care how you vote in our election but i will be voting for some one that is not biden.
i would like some one that knows what year it is and and his wife.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 25 Oct 2023, 11:53 am

That's fair. Ideally the president of the most powerful nation on earth should know what year it is.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 25 Oct 2023, 12:55 pm

Its an huge scheme if it is just a conspiracy to get Trump. What about all his employees that are pleading guilty (just doing it to get off more lightly I hear you say) Cohen spent a year in Jail and two more in home detention. There are lots of others who are spending time in Jail as well. If it was all a elaborate Hoax would these bystanders be willing to go to jail. would the courts really prosecute these other people if there were no crimes committed.
The US economy is better and doing better than it was under Trump the data shows it. Statements and feeling to the contrary are either Fake news or just lies to support a position.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wrenchman » 25 Oct 2023, 8:48 pm

Larry it is not the numbers you get are cherry picking
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wanneroo » 25 Oct 2023, 11:46 pm

Larry wrote:I dont know how you defend the guy? Put aside your political viewpoint for a second and just have a look at the ethics of the man. It was just this week his defense from his own mouth was. I never took an oath to uphold the constitution. Then trying to deny that Powell was ever even his lawyer surprised he didnt go as far as saying he never even knew the person like E Carrol. The guy is a pig with no morals or ethics and you want him to be the supreme leader. He is not good enough for North Korea.

His other defense which you seem to be buying into is There all out to get me and it is election interference. What a load of crap.

So what crimes is he guilty of again? I know it's easy to recycle all the media talking points but I want to hear about these crimes he's guilty of.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by wanneroo » 26 Oct 2023, 12:01 am

Larry wrote:Its an huge scheme if it is just a conspiracy to get Trump. What about all his employees that are pleading guilty (just doing it to get off more lightly I hear you say) Cohen spent a year in Jail and two more in home detention. There are lots of others who are spending time in Jail as well. If it was all a elaborate Hoax would these bystanders be willing to go to jail. would the courts really prosecute these other people if there were no crimes committed.
The US economy is better and doing better than it was under Trump the data shows it. Statements and feeling to the contrary are either Fake news or just lies to support a position.

The US economy is better :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude you have no idea, the economy sucks. Things were way better under Trump, it was one of the few times in the past 30 years where real wages went up.

Understand something in regards to the "justice system". It can be used to destroy anyone and is being used that way for political purposes. Basically what they do if they don't like you is they charge you with "process crimes". These are not crimes in the traditional sense of a crime and a victim. There is no victim, just that someone's papers were not in order with the bureaucrats and someone in the bureaucracy doesn't like them or their opinions or having the gall to challenge them.

They go after people and put them through the wringer and suck them dry. These folks reach a point where they can no longer afford their lawyers and accept a "plea deal", where they are "guilty" and pay a penalty or with jail time. If they chose instead to fight for their innocence the government will drag it out endlessly and threaten them if they go to trial they will lose and get even more jail time. Eventually most people fold and submit.

That is the way it works when you have an out of control big government that will squash you like a bug if you don't submit. I figure you would have learned this during covid when people were getting beat by cops for going outside at night or going to the beach or shopping, all in the name of stopping an unstoppable cold virus. That should be a wake up sign things are not all right in western countries. I wouldn't be so naive, but you do you.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Larry » 26 Oct 2023, 6:38 am

Personally I believe he is guilty of Treason. Yes I truly believe he incited the riot on Jan 6. Again IMHO thats so close to a Treason'ous act as well. Sexual assault is another that I would add to the list. The list of victims of that one I bet is quite long.
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by womble » 26 Oct 2023, 8:19 am

That's fair. The bloke is a pervert and a serial sex offender
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by Oldbloke » 26 Oct 2023, 8:29 am

wanneroo wrote:
Larry wrote:Its an huge scheme if it is just a conspiracy to get Trump. What about all his employees that are pleading guilty (just doing it to get off more lightly I hear you say) Cohen spent a year in Jail and two more in home detention. There are lots of others who are spending time in Jail as well. If it was all a elaborate Hoax would these bystanders be willing to go to jail. would the courts really prosecute these other people if there were no crimes committed.
The US economy is better and doing better than it was under Trump the data shows it. Statements and feeling to the contrary are either Fake news or just lies to support a position.

The US economy is better :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude you have no idea, the economy sucks. Things were way better under Trump, it was one of the few times in the past 30 years where real wages went up.

Understand something in regards to the "justice system". It can be used to destroy anyone and is being used that way for political purposes. Basically what they do if they don't like you is they charge you with "process crimes". These are not crimes in the traditional sense of a crime and a victim. There is no victim, just that someone's papers were not in order with the bureaucrats and someone in the bureaucracy doesn't like them or their opinions or having the gall to challenge them.

They go after people and put them through the wringer and suck them dry. These folks reach a point where they can no longer afford their lawyers and accept a "plea deal", where they are "guilty" and pay a penalty or with jail time. If they chose instead to fight for their innocence the government will drag it out endlessly and threaten them if they go to trial they will lose and get even more jail time. Eventually most people fold and submit.

That is the way it works when you have an out of control big government that will squash you like a bug if you don't submit. I figure you would have learned this during covid when people were dieing in their thousands getting beat by cops for going outside at night or going to the beach or shopping, all in the name of stopping an unstoppable cold virus. That should be a wake up sign things are not all right in western countries. I wouldn't be so naive, but you do you.

I corrected it for you. :)
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Re: Pence is the one to watch.

Post by stihl88 » 26 Oct 2023, 3:02 pm

Yeah it must all be true, just like them guilty Witches of the Salem Witch trials hey :lol:

One only has to open their eyes and look at the plethora of failed conspiracy theories, impeachments, accusations and double standards they've thrown at Trump... It's the oldest banana republic trick in the book throw enough s**t at him, only a little bit needs to stick to make him stink!

I've noticed when confronted on the plethora of failed conspiracy theories and failed attempts to destroy him via the courts, impeachments and enquiries there's practically zero accountability from those who have propagated and fertilized them, instead they simply turns to the page in the old playbook of raising his "integrity" in rants of whataboiutism which amount to nothing more than misdemeanors pretty much every politician is guilty of.

What they're doing to Trump at the moment is unheard of in US history, he's facing an extremely corrupt intelligence community, judicial system and the ultra-corrupt Commycrats who are absolutely s**t scared of his mere presence and current front runner and poll leading status. If it weren't for this there's no way they'd be coming after him with these banana republic tactics.

No point in debating with your type though, you've swallowed the MSM never Trumper narrative hook, line and sinker! It ain't coming out...

I'm glad you don't represent all of our (Aussie) views.

MAGA...Trump 2024!
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