I shot a big dog fox last night, and it would have to have been the dumbest fox I've ever come across in 55 years of hunting/shooting.
It was first seen 3 days ago when we had visitors, and as they were leaving they drove alongside of it 300 meters down the driveway from the house.
I got an sms saying that it just kept walking along, and wasn't the least bit frightened. That was mid afternoon.
Then at 4-30 pm I was having a cup of coffee when I heard the Guinea Fowl screeching and carrying on in the house paddock.
I walked outside to see what was going on,,, and there was the fox standing in the grass and surrounded by Guinea Fowl.
I ran back inside to get the shottie,,,,, but by the time I dealt with "John Howards" dilemma,,, of getting it from the safe, and getting outside again,,
the Guinea Fowl had chased it off in amongst the trees.
I tried whistling it back, but with no luck.
Then last night just on midnight I decided to go for a drive and maybe shoot a few pigs that have been making their presence known,, by rooting up an area a bit less that a football oval size in one of the front paddocks.
As I headed down the driveway,,,,, Lo and Behold,, there was Brer Fox in the same general area that the visitors first saw him.
But this time he was trotting/walking in amongst the cattle.
So I just parked and watched and waited,,,, till he headed out to my right along the front boundary fence and then disappeared into the knee high grass.
Fifteen minutes went by so I started driving along the front fence line, and sure enough there he was only 15 meters off from the ute in the drive lights.
I stopped, turned everything off and slid the rifle out, turned the scope on and had a look, half expecting him to have taken flight and be 200 meters away.
But no,,,, there he was less than 10 meters away walking straight toward the ute.
So I put his lights out with a .308 HP at point blank range.
Due to his strange behavior I was thinking he may have been blind, or near starved,,,,,,,,,, but no he was extremely healthy and not poor.
Certainly no hunting skill involved with putting that predator away.

I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.