Are we near the brink of WWIII?

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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 07 Apr 2024, 11:07 pm

Lazarus wrote:
Baronvonrort wrote:
Lazarus wrote:
You are aware, are you not, that Hamas is NOT the legitimate government of the remnant of Palestine?
The Palestinian Authority was elected by the Palestinian public, Hamas took power by force.

Finally, if 31,000 dead women, children, and other totally innocent parties is not enough for you as revenge for 1400, just how many more innocents have to be murdered to satisfy you?

Hamas won the election to govern Gaza they haven't had any elections since then.

Egypt controlled Gaza up to 1967 when they lost it to Israel in the 6 or 7 day war.

Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 they even removed Jewish graves and relocated them into Israel every Jew left in 2005. Israel left millions of dollars worth of Hydroponic greenhouses when they withdrew from Gaza.
Looters strip Gaza greenhouses

Sept. 14, 2005

Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.

American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash.

Palestinian police stood by helplessly Tuesday as looters carted off materials from greenhouses in several settlements, and commanders complained they did not have enough manpower to protect the prized assets. In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said.

The failure of the security forces to prevent scavenging and looting in the settlements after Israel’s troop pullout Monday raised new concerns about Gaza’s future.

The greenhouses are a centerpiece of Palestinian plans for rebuilding Gaza after 38 years of Israeli occupation. The Palestinian Authority hopes the high-tech greenhouses left by the Israelis will provide jobs and export income for Gaza’s shattered economy.

During a tour of Neve Dekalim, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia implored Palestinians to leave the structures intact. “These greenhouses are for the Palestinian people,” he said. “We don’t want anyone to touch or harm anything that can be useful for our people.”

The Palestinian leader is under intense pressure from his people and the international community to stop the growing lawlessness in Gaza, where rival militant groups are jockeying for power. As Abbas spoke, hundreds of masked Hamas gunmen wielding rifles and grenade launchers paraded through the streets of a nearby refugee camp.

This X account is good for updates on Ukraine/Russia along with Israel.


Hamas senior leader Hamad, while visiting Nigeria, meticulously lists every detail of civilian casualties in Gaza.

When asked about Hamas fighter casualty numbers, his response:

“I don’t know what the number of Hamas fighters were killed… the situation is an area of war… no one can count, no one can know, no one can make an investigation…”

Does anyone think it's strange Hamas can detail every woman child medical worker and journalist killed yet when it comes to numbers of Hamas fighters killed they have no idea.

Those who are older might recall the BS from Baghdad Bob in the first Iraq war nothing has changed in reporting from their side.

I stand corrected on the "legitimate" status of Hamas.

All obfuscatory digressions aside, though, no other nation could ever excuse or be excused for killing so many civilians, so indescrimately.

As for the "misidentification" claim.
Simply put, bullsh!t.

The Apache AH-64 has a targeting system that uses a blend of, flir, thermal and electro optical light intensifiers to successfully discriminate friend from foe.
Hell, I have a $700 Pard ir clipon yhat can give me enough resolution to read a paper in zero light, I think a warbird may just do better.
Totally regardless of that, the WCK organisation was given that route by the IDF, their movement was coordinated with the IDF, the IDF knew exactly what they're vehicles looked like.
According to survivors, the WCK vehicles were the only ones in the convoy that were targeted.
According to the IDF they were they only ones fired at.

Israel is using the Iranian inspired and armed attack as an excuse to eliminate the remaining Palestinians.

They didn't use Apache they used what is called a Remote Piloted Aircraft (drone) which uses thermal at night and even during the day. I know a former F16 pilot who flew RPA from base in Nevada. Thermal can't read stickers on roof.

The vehicles WCK used were Toyota utes the same type Hamas use. The IDF report says they contacted WCK yet those in the vehicles didn't answer WCK or the IDF.
DFAT did give a travel warning to Gaza and parts of Israel perhaps the Aussie lady should have taken advice from DFAT.

s**t happens how many drone strikes from the US have killed innocent people.

If Israel wanted to eliminate Palestinians the war would have been over months ago.

How should Israel respond to the thousands of rocket attacks from Gaza ,Lebanon and Yemen?

UAE muslim on this
Amjad Taha أمجد طه

Imagine #Israel without the Iron Dome: millions of innocent children and women lying dead in the streets, #Hamas, Iran's proxy, rockets falling indiscriminately on Arabs, Jews, Muslims, and Druze alike, striking mosques, churches, and synagogues—a scene of utter genocide. The Middle East stands united against the terror of Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood in #Gaza or anywhere else.

Did you read the Hamas covenant i linked in a previous post? Anything in there you agree with?

Did you watch the video of Hamas leader saying they don't know how many Hamas fighters have been killed? Do you think it's strange they can give you numbers of killed for everyone except hamas fighters?
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 08 Apr 2024, 12:25 am

Baronvonrort, I don't CARE what excuses you, or far-right Israel, use for killing tens of thousands women and children, any more than I care what excuses their far-right nazi forebears used for murdering their innocent victims.

The unimpeachable FACT remains, ISRAEL IS KILLING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENTS, to avenge what a minuscule number of their prisoner population committed.

You can use all manner of semantics to attempt to justify the atrocities of Israel, they only make you a "fellow traveller" in their crimes.

How does the murder, I reiterate MURDER, of tens of thousands of people who had NOTHING whatsoever to do with the October 7 attack, change the deaths of the 1400 innocent Israelis murdered by Iranian proxies?

How does it advance the release of the Israeli hostages?

If you have killed my children, for throwing stones at you, why should I care about your "hostages"?

Why should I not kill your children in retaliation?

It's well past time we stop "valuing" people on their religion or ethnicity.

Israel is a war criminal nation, Israel will commit ANY atrocity, any war crime, any bastardry to eliminate the Palestinians.

We hate most, those who make us feel the most guilty.

That is Israel
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 08 Apr 2024, 10:02 pm

Lazarus wrote:Baronvonrort, I don't CARE what excuses you, or far-right Israel, use for killing tens of thousands women and children, any more than I care what excuses their far-right nazi forebears used for murdering their innocent victims.
Innocent people get killed in wars there has never been a war without innocent people being killed. I look at this rationally instead of being emotional like you.

The unimpeachable FACT remains, ISRAEL IS KILLING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENTS, to avenge what a minuscule number of their prisoner population committed.
The Gaza ministry of health supplying these numbers is Hamas. I have previously linked a video from hamas leaders who cannot say how many Hamas fighters have been killed yet by a miracle they can give exact numbers for anyone else. Hamas would have killed more on Oct 7th if they could the impotence of Hamas should never be mistaken for lack of intent. Per capita the death toll was far greater for Israel than it was for US on 9/11. Egypt has a border with Gaza which is far stronger than the Israel border

You can use all manner of semantics to attempt to justify the atrocities of Israel, they only make you a "fellow traveller" in their crimes.
More emotional BS from you. If you support Hamas who fellow muslims have branded as terrorists it's you who is on the wrong side of history

How does the murder, I reiterate MURDER, of tens of thousands of people who had NOTHING whatsoever to do with the October 7 attack, change the deaths of the 1400 innocent Israelis murdered by Iranian proxies?
I saw the videos Hamas livestreamed on Oct 7th before they were taken down including where dead bodies and hostages were taken into Gaza with crowds of civilians cheering them on. Over 75% of Gazans support Hamas this is a fact from numerous surveys. War is terrible innocent people die in every war many innocent Israelis old young male and female were killed on Oct 7th. Hamas are supported by Iran they were not created by Iran the roots of Hamas are in the Muslim Brotherhood which came from Egypt and is outlawed in Egypt,Saudi UAE,Oman etc.

How does it advance the release of the Israeli hostages?
News in today one hostage was found he was killed a while ago. I doubt many hostages are still alive do you remember Shani Louk in the back of the truck if you looked closely you could see hole in head from where she was shot. It never ends well when hostages are taken by islamic terrorists

It's well past time we stop "valuing" people on their religion or ethnicity.
This is a religious war that has been going on for 1400 years it didn't start in 1936 like you claimed. The Hamas covenant which i linked showed Hamas is driven 100% by religion

Israel is a war criminal nation, Israel will commit ANY atrocity, any war crime, any bastardry to eliminate the Palestinians.
Israel gets accused of war crimes every time they respons to being attacked they understand the laws of combat they haven't done any war crimes. Hamas admitted to fughting the IDF from inside Al Shifa that is a war crime from Hamas under the law the hospital lost its protection fro that.
The Palestinian population has grown from 2 million to over 5 million in the last 30 years the numbers show they aren't eliminating them despite the lies from people like you

Bolded parts are mine i couldn't figure out multiple quotes on this device

Hamas has support from Shia in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, some militias in Iraq, Houthi rebels in Yemen all of them are funded by Iran.

The Arab gulf states aren't going to join in the Saudis and UAE were fighting against Houthis in Yemen they would like to see Iran get bitch slapped by Israel and the US.

Iran threatened to retaliate to Israel blowing up building next door to Iran embassy in Syria within 48 hours nothing happened. How many days ago was that?

I have Iranian friends who would be happy to see the Mullahs being removed the numerous protests in Iran over the years including recent anti hijab protests would see Iran fighting externally and internally.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 08 Apr 2024, 10:18 pm

Son of Hamas founder Mosab Yusef interview with Dr Phil and 2 female muslim uni activists/students.

We give UNRWA over $30 million a year for Palestine we have given them over $50 million since this war started.
The video will show what UNRWA teach with our foreign aid.

The muslim ladies could not condemn Hamas attack on Oct 7th as Dr Phil said not answering in an answer.
They condemned the question this verse might explain why-

She looks so outraged when Mosab says he doesn't differentiate between the civilians and hamas.Even though elsewhere in the same interview she completely justifies what hamas is doing, Which therefore means there isn't much dfference between what she is saying and what hamas says showing how much support hamas really has.

Interesting comment from Mosab on Palestine being tribal who would kill each other if they didn't have a common enemy in Israel.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Oldbloke » 08 Apr 2024, 11:05 pm

What did Hamas think would happen after Oct 7th that Isreal would just bend over? FMD.

If they are not happy about the civilians being killed, stop hiding behind them like cowards FFS.

First thing, if they are still alive, release all the hostages.

And that dude Mosab was right, the girls didnt condemn it so effectively said it was fine and dandy to kill 1400 people. So, I guess it's OK to kill Palestine civilians. Not that I agree.

And the 75% or so of Palestinians that support Hamas, not sure about that. I suspect if they don't support them, then lead poisoning could be an issue.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 09 Apr 2024, 11:42 am

Oldbloke wrote:What did Hamas think would happen after Oct 7th that Isreal would just bend over? FMD.

If they are not happy about the civilians being killed, stop hiding behind them like cowards FFS.

First thing, if they are still alive, release all the hostages.

And that dude Mosab was right, the girls didnt condemn it so effectively said it was fine and dandy to kill 1400 people. So, I guess it's OK to kill Palestine civilians. Not that I agree.

And the 75% or so of Palestinians that support Hamas, not sure about that. I suspect if they don't support them, then lead poisoning could be an issue.

Not trying to put words in your mouth OB, but that sounds like you're suggesting that the women and children are fair game if Israel believes there's a terrorist using them as a shield?

Would it perhaps become egregious if the women and children were Australian?

Israel recently chose to kill everyone in a residential apartment complex on the suspician that a Hamas leader was hiding there

106 totally innocent civilians, 18 men, 34 women and 54 children.
And NO Hamas. ... 5a593823d0

Israel is NOT a sacred cow, Israel is a war criminal.
Israel should be treated like one.

How is it not glaringly obvious that genocide is not a justified response to terrorism.
Israeli crimes have done nothing but supercharge the cause of the terrorists, every orphaned child that the Israeli food blockade doesn't starve to death will have a lifelong drive for revenge.
And why would they not?
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 09 Apr 2024, 11:47 am

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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Oldbloke » 09 Apr 2024, 4:23 pm

Lazarus wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:What did Hamas think would happen after Oct 7th that Isreal would just bend over? FMD.

If they are not happy about the civilians being killed, stop hiding behind them like cowards FFS.

First thing, if they are still alive, release all the hostages.

And that dude Mosab was right, the girls didnt condemn it so effectively said it was fine and dandy to kill 1400 people. So, I guess it's OK to kill Palestine civilians. Not that I agree.

And the 75% or so of Palestinians that support Hamas, not sure about that. I suspect if they don't support them, then lead poisoning could be an issue.

Not trying to put words in your mouth OB, but that sounds like you're suggesting that the women and children are fair game if Israel believes there's a terrorist [b]using them as a shield?[/b]

Would it perhaps become egregious if the women and children were Australian?

Israel recently chose to kill everyone in a residential apartment complex on the suspician that a Hamas leader was hiding there

106 totally innocent civilians, 18 men, 34 women and 54 children.
And NO Hamas. ... 5a593823d0

Israel is NOT a sacred cow, Israel is a war criminal.
Israel should be treated like one.

How is it not glaringly obvious that genocide is not a justified response to terrorism.
Israeli crimes have done nothing but supercharge the cause of the terrorists, every orphaned child that the Israeli food blockade doesn't starve to death will have a lifelong drive for revenge.
And why would they not?

No I'm not. What im saying is hamas seems to think it's OK to use them as bullet proof vests.

I think its terrible. But let's be honest, if hamas didn't attack Israeli civilian population in the first place I wouldn't be typing this right now would I?

Hamas asked Israel to attack them, that's what happened. Now they try to blame Israel for civilians deaths, come on, get real.

1. Step out from behind women and children.
2. Hand over the hostages.

They are dieing because of hamas continues to use them in that way.

You say Israel is a war criminal. What are Hamas? Angels? No, scum, murdering cowards.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Bugman » 09 Apr 2024, 4:40 pm

You say Israel is a war criminal. What are Hamas? Angels? No, scum, murdering cowards.

Yes, under the circumstances, I would totally agree.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by mchughcb » 09 Apr 2024, 6:02 pm

War crimes can occur on any side regardless of who is defeated
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Bugman » 09 Apr 2024, 6:13 pm

OR...who wins, maybe?
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by on_one_wheel » 09 Apr 2024, 6:29 pm

I think the biggest crime is that modern governments are barbaric enough to even consider war, what a massive waste of life, resources and money, collectively we're no more humane than chimpanzees.

Global military spending in 2023 was 3.4 TRILLION dollars and 2024 is looking to eclipse that by a large margin.
Their big numbers that are hard to comprehend so keep in mind that one Trillion = 1000 billion and 1000 million = one billion
World humanitarian aid was around a measly 24 USD billion.

If I have a disagreement with my neighbour and decide to punch his face in because negotiations failed, I'm a criminal, however if government A B and C think that Government D has obtained weapons of mass destruction ( the same ones B and C have ) apparently its fine and dandy to go in and level the place....and when they find nothing, we'll all just move on and forget about it.

Fruit loops are running the world, in a perfect world we'd all put our tools down, stop working and watch their precious system of management fall to pieces.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Oldbloke » 09 Apr 2024, 8:07 pm

mchughcb wrote:War crimes can occur on any side regardless of who is defeated

Gee, we agree. That's twice in a week I think.

Ww1 & 2. Millions of civilians died on both sides.
Last edited by Oldbloke on 09 Apr 2024, 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 09 Apr 2024, 8:07 pm

Mosab Yusef son of Hamas founder talks about life as a kid in Palestine when there were no walls checkpoints and Palestinians could drive to the beach for the day.

He explains why all that changed.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 09 Apr 2024, 8:21 pm

Egypt controlled Gaza up to the 1967 6 day war when they lost it to Israel.
Egypt aren't going to help Gazans as they have outlawed the Muslim brotherhood as a terrorist group the Hamas covenant says Hamas are muslim brotherhood.
A couple of years ago Egypt discovered Hamas tunnels used for smuggling stuff into Gaza they filled these tunnels with sewerage.
Try google for Egypt-Gaza border that's a solid wall. The wealthy have paid large bribes to leave Gaza the poor can't do that.
Egypt will say things to pacify the mad mob in Egypt i can't see anything changing.

Jordan controlled the West Bank up to 1967 when they lost it in the 6 day war with Israel.
Jordan took in Palestinian refugees who tried to overthrow the monarchy which resulted in Jordan shelling the refugee camps and expelling the Palestinians to Lebanon where they started the civil war there.
Jordan isn't going to take in Palestinian refugees again after what happened last time.

The Sunni gulf states aren't going to take in people from Gaza they have also outlawed the muslim brotherhood and remember what happened in Jordan.

The Hamas leaders are billionaires who live in luxury in Qatar. Ismail Haniyeh just took another wife a 28 yo while people suffer under his rule.

The latest i hear is Hamas cannot locate 40 live hostages so ceasefire deal is off.

Penny Wong gave over 2000 visas to Gazans it was not possible to do any security checks what could go wrong.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 09 Apr 2024, 8:38 pm

Bill Clinton in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza... between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it."

“Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart. They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.”

It's a war crime to fire at enemy from hospitals,schools and residential areas. Hamas have been doing this for a long time.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Baronvonrort » 09 Apr 2024, 10:34 pm

Baronvonrort wrote:Mosab Yusef son of Hamas founder talks about life as a kid in Palestine when there were no walls checkpoints and Palestinians could drive to the beach for the day.

He explains why all that changed.

The full interview at Columbia university here 80 minutes.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Billo » 10 Apr 2024, 8:17 am

Bugman wrote:You say Israel is a war criminal. What are Hamas? Angels? No, scum, murdering cowards.

Yes, under the circumstances, I would totally agree.

Only a handful of countries consider Hamas a terrorist organisation, they are the by product of Israel and there land theiving murderous ways. 90 odd years of pressure have them fighting back.

Netanyahu doesn't want a 2 state and yet here we are.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Bugman » 10 Apr 2024, 9:12 am

Billo wrote:
Bugman wrote:You say Israel is a war criminal. What are Hamas? Angels? No, scum, murdering cowards.

Yes, under the circumstances, I would totally agree.

Only a handful of countries consider Hamas a terrorist organisation, they are the by product of Israel and there land theiving murderous ways. 90 odd years of pressure have them fighting back.

Netanyahu doesn't want a 2 state and yet here we are.

Interesting that you say only a handful of countries consider Hamas a terrorist organisation. Yet there are 9 high profile countries and 27 European Union countries denouncing Hamas. Somehow I wouldn't call that a "handful".
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 10 Apr 2024, 10:09 am

Oldbloke wrote:

No I'm not. What im saying is hamas seems to think it's OK to use them as bullet proof vests.

I think its terrible. But let's be honest, if hamas didn't attack Israeli civilian population in the first place I wouldn't be typing this right now would I?

Hamas asked Israel to attack them, that's what happened. Now they try to blame Israel for civilians deaths, come on, get real.

1. Step out from behind women and children.
2. Hand over the hostages.

They are dieing because of hamas continues to use them in that way.

You say Israel is a war criminal. What are Hamas? Angels? No, scum, murdering cowards.

I get your point OB, I just don't think you get mine mate.
Or, perhaps you simply don't agree, that's fair enough.

I have not tried to downplay the Hamas atrocities, they set fire to a group of children FFS, I'm trying to point out, that murdering tens of thousands of women and children, who played no part in the attack, in revenge WILL NOT CHANGE THAT
It will be terrorist recruiting material for decades.
Why do so many people insist on falsely conflating criticism of A as implied support for B.

As I posted above, they destroyed an occpied apartment block, killing over 100 civilians including 54 children on the suspicion that there was a Hamas operative there.
There was not.
How is that anything but criminal?

Let's make it a little more relevant, say that attack happened in Victoria, say the perpetrators take you and yours hostage in your house.
By your logic presented above, it would be just fine to blow you all away to get the bad guys.
I think not.

On the murder of the WCK volunteers, ABC interviewed the IDF spokesman:

""When the ABC asked if there was any evidence, at any point, to support assumptions that there were Hamas gunmnen inside any of those vehicles, he responded: "Not that I'm aware of."

When asked to provide examples of the vigorous checks the IDF had done as to who was in the cars, Lieutenant Colonel Lerner couldn't point to any."" ... tent=other
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Apr 2024, 11:46 am


We agree on most points I think.

Both hamas and Israel are wrong, and have done the wrong thing resulting in the innocent being killed.

Hamas did poke the lion though.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 10 Apr 2024, 1:25 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Laz,

We agree on most points I think.

Both hamas and Israel are wrong, and have done the wrong thing resulting in the innocent being killed.

Hamas did poke the lion though.

Totally mate.
This conflict is absolutely on the shoulders of Hamas.

How it has been conducted, the horrendous, and deliberate, targeting of civilians, however, is totally Israel's choice.

They could have engaged in costly street fighting, or they could engage in WW2 style carpet bombing of one of the most densely populated ares on the planet, knowing they would be slaughtering the uninvolved civilians.

They chose massive civilian death toll to reduce their own military casualties.
That might have been "acceptable" 90yrs ago, it's an abomination now

The endemic Israeli persecution of the Palestinians is the root cause of the attack.
It in no way justifies the attack, but it IS what ultimately caused it.
If you treat me like sh!t my entire life, is it my fault if I slot you for it?

On my assertion that Israel's criminal behaviour will only hurt them, seems I'm not the only one to connect those dots. ... ar-in-gaza
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by alexjones » 16 Apr 2024, 7:22 am

We came so close to WW3 Saturday night when Iran launched them 300 rockets into Israel. Two American destroyers in the Gulf helped to shoot a lot of them down.

Was very interesting to see that first Iran launched its cheap drones to soak up some of the air defenses before it launched its more expensive missiles.

Really hope you lads have enough provisions for at least 6 months on hand as anything could happen. I sold a large portion of my gold in January for $3100 an ounce and now it is $3700 an ounce. The instability has really made gold explode. We might see $5000 an ounce gold by the end of the year if things do not settle down.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 16 Apr 2024, 8:20 am

Interesting observation alexjones, however I believe it started, in earnest, on 24/2/22.

As a realist, I accept that what I believe means bugger all to anyone but me. As the saying goes, opinions are like arseholes.

I think we saw another step in Xi's grand game of Go.
He's the spider at the middle of this web of events.

Probably another move in the Philippines next.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by straightshooter » 16 Apr 2024, 8:56 am

alexjones wrote:We came so close to WW3 Saturday night when Iran launched them 300 rockets into Israel. Two American destroyers in the Gulf helped to shoot a lot of them down.

Was very interesting to see that first Iran launched its cheap drones to soak up some of the air defenses before it launched its more expensive missiles.

Really hope you lads have enough provisions for at least 6 months on hand as anything could happen. I sold a large portion of my gold in January for $3100 an ounce and now it is $3700 an ounce. The instability has really made gold explode. We might see $5000 an ounce gold by the end of the year if things do not settle down.

I don't think so.
As appalling as what is happening in the middle east it is not the main game.
The MSM is now slowly engaging in a softening up process of preparing the general public for the inevitable coming collapse of Ukraine.
Does this mean that the US has backed a loser?
Certainly not.
Ukraine was always the expendable and disposable pretext for primarily weakening Russia, which appears to have failed, and secondarily preventing Europe from becoming too friendly and interdependent with Russia/China which has been a spectacular success.
The US cannot afford for a trading block as big as the EU to start drifting away from US treasury bonds and the US dollar in favour of some other currency.

Alexjones you are wrong about gold exploding. It can't be printed or coded so something else must be rapidly diminishing in value.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 16 Apr 2024, 9:43 am

straightshooter wrote:
alexjones wrote:We came so close to WW3 Saturday night when Iran launched them 300 rockets into Israel. Two American destroyers in the Gulf helped to shoot a lot of them down.

Was very interesting to see that first Iran launched its cheap drones to soak up some of the air defenses before it launched its more expensive missiles.

Really hope you lads have enough provisions for at least 6 months on hand as anything could happen. I sold a large portion of my gold in January for $3100 an ounce and now it is $3700 an ounce. The instability has really made gold explode. We might see $5000 an ounce gold by the end of the year if things do not settle down.

I don't think so.
As appalling as what is happening in the middle east it is not the main game.
The MSM is now slowly engaging in a softening up process of preparing the general public for the inevitable coming collapse of Ukraine.
Does this mean that the US has backed a loser?
Certainly not.
Ukraine was always the expendable and disposable pretext for primarily weakening Russia, which appears to have failed, and secondarily preventing Europe from becoming too friendly and interdependent with Russia/China which has been a spectacular success.
The US cannot afford for a trading block as big as the EU to start drifting away from US treasury bonds and the US dollar in favour of some other currency.

Alexjones you are wrong about gold exploding. It can't be printed or coded so something else must be rapidly diminishing in value.

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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by alexjones » 16 Apr 2024, 10:20 am

straightshooter wrote:
alexjones wrote:We came so close to WW3 Saturday night when Iran launched them 300 rockets into Israel. Two American destroyers in the Gulf helped to shoot a lot of them down.

Was very interesting to see that first Iran launched its cheap drones to soak up some of the air defenses before it launched its more expensive missiles.

Really hope you lads have enough provisions for at least 6 months on hand as anything could happen. I sold a large portion of my gold in January for $3100 an ounce and now it is $3700 an ounce. The instability has really made gold explode. We might see $5000 an ounce gold by the end of the year if things do not settle down.

I don't think so.
As appalling as what is happening in the middle east it is not the main game.
The MSM is now slowly engaging in a softening up process of preparing the general public for the inevitable coming collapse of Ukraine.
Does this mean that the US has backed a loser?
Certainly not.
Ukraine was always the expendable and disposable pretext for primarily weakening Russia, which appears to have failed, and secondarily preventing Europe from becoming too friendly and interdependent with Russia/China which has been a spectacular success.
The US cannot afford for a trading block as big as the EU to start drifting away from US treasury bonds and the US dollar in favour of some other currency.

Alexjones you are wrong about gold exploding. It can't be printed or coded so something else must be rapidly diminishing in value.

Yes it is funny to see how the media is starting to admit Ukraine will lose. We have known this since the start.

When ever there is instability gold always soars as it is a trustworthy finite asset and a means to protect against inflation. People are liquidating other assets and buying gold.

Anybody who keeps large amount of fiat currency on hand is an idiot. A few thousand dollars of fiat so people can navigate society is all people should really keep on hand if they want to maintain their wealth. I work with a fella who brags about having hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings and it just makes me laugh because inflation is higher than the intrest the bank gives him. So he is actually losing money but he is to dumb to understand how finances work.
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 19 Apr 2024, 7:35 am

This is Israel

This treatment of Palestinians is nothing new, and one of the prime reasons for the October 7th atrocities, and why they are insuring the hatred continues ... tent=other
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Officer Cadet
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Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by alexjones » 19 Apr 2024, 8:27 am

Lazarus wrote:This is Israel

This treatment of Palestinians is nothing new, and one of the prime reasons for the October 7th atrocities, and why they are insuring the hatred continues ... tent=other

That is not Israel. That is basically every country, nation, state, city state, tribe, mob, clan etc etc to have ever existed. So called "mistreatment" of people has always and will always exist. Israel perceives them as their enemy so they treat them accordingly. The same as everyone does during wartime. This is standard human behaviour where the "ends justifies the means".

I don't condone the behaviour I just understand it and to be honest don't really care.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 193

Re: Are we near the brink of WWIII?

Post by Lazarus » 19 Apr 2024, 10:21 am

alexjones wrote:
Lazarus wrote:This is Israel

This treatment of Palestinians is nothing new, and one of the prime reasons for the October 7th atrocities, and why they are insuring the hatred continues ... tent=other

That is not Israel. That is basically every country, nation, state, city state, tribe, mob, clan etc etc to have ever existed. So called "mistreatment" of people has always and will always exist. Israel perceives them as their enemy so they treat them accordingly. The same as everyone does during wartime. This is standard human behaviour where the "ends justifies the means".

I don't condone the behaviour I just understand it and to be honest don't really care.

Come on alexjones, this is not done by every country, and you know it.

We don't, the Kiwis, British, Europeans, don't, the Scandinavians don't

Why do so many people treat Israel as some sort of untouchable sacred cow?

They have been murdering Palestinian civilians since the first Europeans of Hebrew descent arived after WW2.

"The Jews deserve a homeland" is the catch cry.
Well, what about the Palestinians, who've lived there since dirt was invented?

Why should they lose their homeland?

What have they done to deserve being treated worse than animals in their own land?

It's the apologists, like yourself, who have enabled this.

Tell me how this is any different from the behaviour of the Nazis?

Tell me why you don't care that tens of thousands of Palestinian children are being murdered by this terrorist state?
Are they worth less than the innocent israeli children murdered on October 7?

How would you feel if a child of yours was shot dead for throwing rocks?

Even the Americans, FFS, are getting leery of what's going on.

There is no justification for what Hamas did, but Israel has proven, over and over, that they are no better than Russia or Syria, and should be given the same international pariah status..
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hurt, and doing it anyway.
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