1) The door mirrors are so large that they can block out pedestrians from view coming across a pedestrian crossing,, as well as concrete protuberances in car parks etc.
This to me,,,,,,, is a possibly dangerous design fault,,, but I see a lot of the differing brands all have similar mirrors.

2) But,, by far the worst issue with the vehicle by my experiences,, and my partner is with the stupid Lane Assist.
It's like a dose of diarrhoea,,,,,, (You just never know when it's gonna hit you.)
I've purposely tested it (when safe to do so) and when you veer left,,,, sometimes it'll work,,, and try to correct you,, then the next time it wouldn't do anything.
And, what I find very disconcerting is,, when your on a narrow road or bridge and with oncoming traffic that is itself wide ie: trucks,,, most people I think, myself included tend to pull a bit more to the left for added safety. But then the bloody lane assist fights you.
As well,, if you veer to the right towards/over the centre line (and possibly into on coming traffic,,,,, it does nothing.
Now which is more dangerous,,,, veering left and maybe running off the road and or into a tree,,,, or veering right into on coming traffic and having a head on collision with a car with Mum, Dad, and the kids in it ?
My partner has turned this function off,,,, (which is possible when the vehicle is stationary),,,,, but then at some point 10 or 20 kilometers further down the road,,,, it turns itself back on again,,, with no prior warning.
I keep telling her that it must be faulty,,, but so far she hasn't taken it back to the dealers to find out for sure.
This function the way it is might be a good thing for long distances on a good freeway,,,,, but is about as useful as t!ts on a bull on narrow, rough bitumin roads, of which we have plenty in this neck of the woods.
If you could opt to turn it on or off as needed with it staying the way you want it,,,,,,, it may be a good thing.
What are other members thoughts or experiences concerning the above ?