Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

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Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Die Judicii » 30 Aug 2024, 6:15 pm

When I first started driving my partners brand new 4 x 4 I didn't find it a pleasurable experience at all for two reasons.

1) The door mirrors are so large that they can block out pedestrians from view coming across a pedestrian crossing,, as well as concrete protuberances in car parks etc.
This to me,,,,,,, is a possibly dangerous design fault,,, but I see a lot of the differing brands all have similar mirrors. :crazy:

2) But,, by far the worst issue with the vehicle by my experiences,, and my partner is with the stupid Lane Assist.

It's like a dose of diarrhoea,,,,,, (You just never know when it's gonna hit you.)

I've purposely tested it (when safe to do so) and when you veer left,,,, sometimes it'll work,,, and try to correct you,, then the next time it wouldn't do anything.
And, what I find very disconcerting is,, when your on a narrow road or bridge and with oncoming traffic that is itself wide ie: trucks,,, most people I think, myself included tend to pull a bit more to the left for added safety. But then the bloody lane assist fights you.

As well,, if you veer to the right towards/over the centre line (and possibly into on coming traffic,,,,, it does nothing.

Now which is more dangerous,,,, veering left and maybe running off the road and or into a tree,,,, or veering right into on coming traffic and having a head on collision with a car with Mum, Dad, and the kids in it ?

My partner has turned this function off,,,, (which is possible when the vehicle is stationary),,,,, but then at some point 10 or 20 kilometers further down the road,,,, it turns itself back on again,,, with no prior warning.

I keep telling her that it must be faulty,,, but so far she hasn't taken it back to the dealers to find out for sure.

This function the way it is might be a good thing for long distances on a good freeway,,,,, but is about as useful as t!ts on a bull on narrow, rough bitumin roads, of which we have plenty in this neck of the woods.

If you could opt to turn it on or off as needed with it staying the way you want it,,,,,,, it may be a good thing.

What are other members thoughts or experiences concerning the above ?
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Aug 2024, 6:56 pm

I'm hearing you.
At times it can create a dangerous situation.

Some models can't be turned off at all.
What your experiencing is more or less typical.

I hate it.

Perhaps Google it for more info!
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by bigpete » 30 Aug 2024, 6:57 pm

Its a s**t idea
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by deye243 » 30 Aug 2024, 6:59 pm

It's there for retards that shouldn't be on the road
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by GQshayne » 30 Aug 2024, 7:38 pm

I find that it is very good actually. :crazy:

But in my car it is what you would call a "manual" version, where I steer it where it needs to go, rather than have a computer decide it for me. Benefits of having a 31 year old Patrol.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Aug 2024, 7:49 pm

GQshayne wrote:I find that it is very good actually. :crazy:

But in my car it is what you would call a "manual" version, where I steer it where it needs to go, rather than have a computer decide it for me. Benefits of having a 31 year old Patrol.

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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Die Judicii » 30 Aug 2024, 8:03 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I'm hearing you.
At times it can create a dangerous situation.

Some models can't be turned off at all.
What your experiencing is more or less typical.

I hate it.

Perhaps Google it for more info!

:lol: Nearly as subtle as a bull in a china shop and p!ss weak.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Aug 2024, 8:16 pm

Was just a suggestion.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by deye243 » 30 Aug 2024, 8:49 pm

This s**t on a Ford Territory made me hit a roo one night on a dirt road because it wouldn't let me drive around the bloody thing I tried to steer towards the back end of the roo but the brakes on the opposite side kept activating and kept the car straight and bang .
All this crap so called tech actually causes accidents for anybody who knows how to drive.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Die Judicii » 30 Aug 2024, 8:57 pm

deye243 wrote:This s**t on a Ford Territory made me hit a roo one night on a dirt road because it wouldn't let me drive around the bloody thing I tried to steer towards the back end of the roo but the brakes on the opposite side kept activating and kept the car straight and bang .
All this crap so called tech actually causes accidents for anybody who knows how to drive.

Exactly Mate,,,,, I had meant to mention that sort of scenario in my original post,,, involving trying to swerve away from a kid on the road, but forgot.
Thanks for you doing so in my forgetfullness.
Yes,, you can fight it to a certain extent in some vehicles,,,,, but it's that momentary inability to force it the way you need it to go,,, that will cost a life.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by deye243 » 30 Aug 2024, 10:04 pm

Die Judicii wrote:
deye243 wrote:This s**t on a Ford Territory made me hit a roo one night on a dirt road because it wouldn't let me drive around the bloody thing I tried to steer towards the back end of the roo but the brakes on the opposite side kept activating and kept the car straight and bang .
All this crap so called tech actually causes accidents for anybody who knows how to drive.

Exactly Mate,,,,, I had meant to mention that sort of scenario in my original post,,, involving trying to swerve away from a kid on the road, but forgot.
Thanks for you doing so in my forgetfullness.
Yes,, you can fight it to a certain extent in some vehicles,,,,, but it's that momentary inability to force it the way you need it to go,,, that will cost a life.

Yeah man it was like the pulsing you feel with that other s**t thing called ABS the squints don't realise that sometimes you actually need to lockem up to set things right .
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Jorlcrin » 31 Aug 2024, 5:48 am

In my mind, anything that takes decision-making away from the driver, is a bad move.
I get some people like that sort of help in their busy life, but in my mind, thats a reflection of how poor their situational awareness is.
Stuff like Lane Assist shouldnt be forced upon everyone, and there SHOULD be a bloody big 'OFF' switch for all of these types of 'Aids'.
Same thing with the data the modern cars are sending to the manufacturer by default; SHOULD be 'Opt-In', rather than a default Opt-Out 'feature'..

At the end of the day, the driver is who will face court for poor decisions, so the driver SHOULD have ultimate decision-making.
My 2 cents..
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Wapiti » 31 Aug 2024, 7:04 am

If you don't like it, you can turn it off...

My wife's Ranger has it, it refuses to let you run off the road accidentally, and if you close your eyes it shakes the steering wheel and alarms. I had fun trying to trick it for 100's of kms. When it happened to me and it warned me, it was because I WAS in the wrong and sleepy.

Humans screw up all the time, think they are perfect when they aren't, and I don't see anything wrong with anything that helps us.

There's a "Darwin's Law" option to turn it off if you are superhuman. I'm not.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Blr243 » 31 Aug 2024, 9:36 am

I hate it for the exact reason dj mentioned. Originally I had to manually turn it off every time I got in the Ute. It wasn’t simple. It was time consuming I had to scroll thru a big menu. Then if I parked my car temporarily as soon as I got back in the car agsin I had to go thru the whole procedure to turn it off agsin .. eventually Mazdas customer s were so annoyed that they developed new software so now you can turn it off by touching just one button. But I still have to tolerate the stupid auto braking. I hate that too. It jams me up uabrubtly when I don’t need it. And on semi overgrown bush tracks it kicks in when it’s just small saplings that I would norodrive straight over. I hate this rubbish. I’m angry at mazda for doing this to me
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Bugman » 31 Aug 2024, 9:47 am

Never had it in any of the vehicles I have owned. I thought it was invented to assist all those "foreign" drivers who comes here, with sweet FA of driving experience.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Jorlcrin » 31 Aug 2024, 12:44 pm

Wapiti wrote:If you don't like it, you can turn it off...

My wife's Ranger has it, it refuses to let you run off the road accidentally, and if you close your eyes it shakes the steering wheel and alarms. I had fun trying to trick it for 100's of kms. When it happened to me and it warned me, it was because I WAS in the wrong and sleepy.

Humans screw up all the time, think they are perfect when they aren't, and I don't see anything wrong with anything that helps us.

There's a "Darwin's Law" option to turn it off if you are superhuman. I'm not.

If it floats your boat; all good.

But I'm thinking of situations where I choose to depart the road, because I can see it as the lesser of 2 evils.
And the car will try to fight my decision, and I dont have the time to turn it off.
Like driving along a single-lane bitumen road at night, I suddenly discover the road in front is wall-to-wall with black cattle, and there is a gap off the road, and I have to waste time fighting the car..
Or I'm driving along a suburban street, and a young kid dashes out through a gap between cars into my path; If I cant possibly stop, I prefer to plough into the parked cars, rather than hit the child.

Not perfect scenariois, but both have happened to me, and it was being aware of the surroundings and acting accordingly that saved my arse each time.

Again; if Lane-Assist works for you, then all good.
But it should be an option that you kill once if you dont want it and not have it keep resurrecting.
Again; It aint the car who will be fronting court to explain my decisions/actions, so I prefer to keep the decision-making to myself.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by YoungBuck » 31 Aug 2024, 2:17 pm

In my Ranger I leave it off for normal day to day driving as it's more a hindrance than helpful however I do sometimes turn it on if I am doing a fair chunk of freeway driving (it is especially helpful when trying to eat a maccas burger from your lap :mrgreen: )
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by GQshayne » 31 Aug 2024, 7:15 pm

As I mentioned above I do not have it fortunately.

But I have two good examples of why I would hate it. First one was driving in remote areas where the road is bad so you drive down the middle of it to avoid the bad stuff. I have driven with one wheel across the centre line for hour after hour in some instances for this reason. One fella said the lane keep assist basically wanted him to drive through all the stuff he was trying to miss.

Another was a fella that said if a truck comes the opposite way on a narrow road, and you naturally tried to move to the left to give more clearance, the lane keep assist would pull the wheel in your hands trying to steer back into the path of the truck.

No thanks!!
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Faedy » 01 Sep 2024, 11:23 pm

Ive got a 300 series Cruiser, and its down right effing dangerous on them. It is far too aggressive.
Even simple road works confuses it, and in WA, the entire state is in a constant state of never ending road works..
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by wanneroo » 02 Sep 2024, 2:04 am

I was working for the car manufacturers when a lot of this tech was being developed and I was having to demonstrate it.

When it's not obtrusive and just gives you warning that is one thing. But having it steer you in the other direction when you don't want to, yeah no. I'm the driver, I can decide that.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Lorgar » 03 Sep 2024, 1:10 pm

I've just ordered a new LC76 GXL now that manual is available in the new 2.8L.

It has 'lane departure alert' which I believe is just an alert tone, and it doesn't actually intervene.

But then also has Active Cruise Control, and "Pre-Collision Safety system", which I assume will do a hard brake in the event it detects something.

First car I've ever had with any of that level of stuff, so we'll see.

If there are too many alert tones constantly harping at me for detecting debris in the road or poorly painted lines, I can envisage a fuse or two getting pulled :lol:
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by YoungBuck » 04 Sep 2024, 4:51 pm

Lorgar wrote:But then also has Active Cruise Control, and "Pre-Collision Safety system", which I assume will do a hard brake in the event it detects something.

The Pre-collision system won't brake for you but if it detects 'what it thinks' is an imminent collision it will beep loudly at you and apply maximum force to the brake booster, for in the event it really is an imminent collision you will have maximum braking force as soon as you plant the brakes.
It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at five hundred yards, Tannen, and it's pointed straight at your head!
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by wanneroo » 10 Sep 2024, 2:50 am

Some pre collision systems will brake for you but only so much and that is the thing, all of these systems do not work the same from manufacturer to manufacturer so never assume, always try to look up the specs.

The other thing is whether these systems use radar, laser, video cameras, etc. for pre collision braking is to understand these systems do not "see" like human eyes or have the capacity to think like humans. There have been catastrophic accidents at car dealerships in the USA where car salesman have been demonstrating these systems and have fired the car at trash dumpsters and mechanics bay doors thinking the system will "see" such things only for the car to crash and be totaled. Not to mention nearly running people over.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Lorgar » 10 Sep 2024, 1:51 pm

YoungBuck wrote:The Pre-collision system won't brake for you but if it detects 'what it thinks' is an imminent collision it will beep loudly at you and apply maximum force to the brake booster, for in the event it really is an imminent collision you will have maximum braking force as soon as you plant the brakes.

Thanks for the explanation, Buck. Good to know.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Sean » 03 Mar 2025, 2:34 am

Have a 2021 Ranger, no issue. Just has a dash light as a reminder.
The sons BT50 though actually nudges the steering, s**ts me senseless
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Gamerancher » 04 Mar 2025, 7:13 am

I just fitted a new ARB bullbar to my young blokes almost new Ranger. He opted not to get one from new, thought it looked better without it.
In trying to avoid a collision with a 'roo, the lane departure steered him into it and took out most of the plastic front-end. I told him to ask the insurance about getting a bullbar instead of repairing the plastic, cost was the $1000 excess on his policy. The bullbar is a bumper-cut fitment so all of the broken plastics were cut off anyway.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Billo » 04 Mar 2025, 8:51 am

I drive rentals a few times a month so I get to sample the latest lane assist crap, Chinese cars like Havals and MGs are over intrusive and the vibration from just changing lanes is too annoying.

Hyundai has a better set but they alarm too much with the speed warning.

All of the above make me want to keep driving and older model car without all the annoying crap
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Mar 2025, 12:42 pm

Billo wrote:I drive rentals a few times a month so I get to sample the latest lane assist crap, Chinese cars like Havals and MGs are over intrusive and the vibration from just changing lanes is too annoying.

Hyundai has a better set but they alarm too much with the speed warning.

All of the above make me want to keep driving and older model car without all the annoying crap

Same here. I'm in no hurry to up grade.
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by Wapiti » 04 Mar 2025, 5:25 pm

Lane assist is but a drop in the bucket of all the things becoming unavoidable lately. It's all because of the attempts to keep safe the results of the turn back in evolution the human race has been experiencing lately
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Re: Lane assist, Good or Bad thing ?

Post by mchughcb » 04 Mar 2025, 7:52 pm

Drive a Toyota corolla hybrid in SA last month. Literally spent the whole time driving without my hands on the wheel however after 30 seconds the alarm goes off and it will cut power so I'd nudge it with my knee. Almost 2 hours driving never had a hand on the wheel. Pretty impressive technology.
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