Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

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Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by Billy Hughes » 30 Oct 2024, 10:40 pm

My Dad who no longer shoots gave me his Super Simplex turret press, which we used to make 38s with when I was. Kid. I've managed to track down a 270Win 3 piece die set, but I'm also wanting to get a 223Rem die set. Then I can reload the rifle I have now and the 223 I plan to buy in the future.
I guess this is a looking for Ad.
Looking for Super Simplex 223Rem die set.
By the way I'm a complete novice to reloading, it's just something I liked doing with Dad, that I'd like to take up now.
Billy Hughes
Posts: 6

Re: Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by bladeracer » 05 Nov 2024, 9:50 am

Personally, especially for a novice, I would skip the Simplex system. But if you're determined I don't know where you'll find the dies. I found a set of Simplex .303-25 dies and they were so awful I ordered a set of Lee dies direct from the US instead.
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Re: Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by Pendous » 05 Nov 2024, 4:03 pm

For bottle neck type cartridges the Super Simplex system is neck size only.
This is not an issue generally if you are reloading cartridges for the same firearm they were shot from.
Finding dies in 223 Remington may be an issue. I believe the Simplex manufacturing is not currently operating.
Used gun websites will be your best bet, eBay, maybe Gumtree?.
As these are neck only dies 222 Remington and 222 Remington Magnum (Super Simplex) have the same case holder and will also work.
There are other die combinations that would work, meaning interchanging dies and shellholders from other cartridges.
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New South Wales

Re: Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by Marlin44 » 05 Nov 2024, 4:33 pm

Try Rebel Gunworks in Brisbane.
Posts: 33

Re: Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Nov 2024, 5:18 pm

bladeracer wrote:Personally, especially for a novice, I would skip the Simplex system. But if you're determined I don't know where you'll find the dies. I found a set of Simplex .303-25 dies and they were so awful I ordered a set of Lee dies direct from the US instead.

No direct experience. But I'm inclined to agree with Blade.

Pistol ammo is probably different tho.
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Re: Looking for Super Simplex 223Win reloading dies

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Nov 2024, 5:19 pm

bladeracer wrote:Personally, especially for a novice, I would skip the Simplex system. But if you're determined I don't know where you'll find the dies. I found a set of Simplex .303-25 dies and they were so awful I ordered a set of Lee dies direct from the US instead.

No direct experience. But I'm inclined to agree with Blade.

Pistol ammo is probably different tho.
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