Feeling a tad better today.
Removed the stock.
Checking I found the font take down screw had potential to enter the locking lug area just behind the chamber. (Difficult to see)
No chance of rear screw touching anything it shouldn't.
The locking lugs are floating, so if interfered with could add resistance to fireing pin movement.
Upon close inspection I found,
1. The lugs were showing signs (minor patches of wear/polished) they were a very close fit.
2. The take down screw had tiny "burs" on the end made during manufacturing.
Although far from conclusive, and im not convinced, that the screw was causing the issue I decided to remove the burs with a very fine file.
Rifle now reassembled.
Next I found 3 of the cartridges that misfired.
1. Pulled the bullets
2. Dumped the powder.
3. Replaced the dented primer with a new one. (Retained the old ones)
4. Dug out 10 recently FLS'd cases and primed them. (abt .008" h space)
Perhaps tomorrow, I will fire the cases.
If all 13 fire I'll deem problem fixed.
If any misfire I will prime 10 fired (fire formed) cases but not sized, and see what happens. A misfire will of course indicate 0.008" is the issue.
Wish me luck.

The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
SSAA, the powerful gun lobby.

Now I'm a member.
Hunt safe. A bit more bang is better.