Bello wrote:Hi Robin
As with anything, buy the best you can afford. Do a bit of research online.
My preference is for RCBS. They make some good quality equipment.
Is the reloading equipment for hunting and plinking?
If so, then you don't need to spend a fortune.
My preference is for a turret head re-loader, so I can have various dies for different calibers on the one head.
Also, if you don't shoot that much, it may not always be worth reloading ammo.
Reloading can give you that bit better accuracy in your firearm.
Hope I helped
Robin wrote:Bello wrote:Hi Robin
As with anything, buy the best you can afford. Do a bit of research online.
My preference is for RCBS. They make some good quality equipment.
Is the reloading equipment for hunting and plinking?
If so, then you don't need to spend a fortune.
My preference is for a turret head re-loader, so I can have various dies for different calibers on the one head.
Also, if you don't shoot that much, it may not always be worth reloading ammo.
Reloading can give you that bit better accuracy in your firearm.
Hope I helped
Reloading it abit like me brewing my own beer, it wont save me alot, however it allows me to have my own time.
Robin wrote:Hey Champs,
I'm finally getting off my arse and started to look at bits to start my reloading life, I have just seen the BREECH LOCK CHALLENGER KIT in Cleavers, is this kit any good or am I wasting my money, can it fit Hornady dies or is it only for Lee.
Robin wrote:
Thanks so much, there's alot of useful information.
As far as time goes, im not in a hurry, I'm happy taking my time to build it up, as long as it doesn't take me 2 years, on the budget side, I do have a budget, however what I'm looking for is something that doesn't cost me $1m if it does the same job as something that will only cost me $1 if you know what I mean, I also rather buy once then needing to buy many times over.
For me, I don't think I will be reloading 1000s of rounds every year although anything is possible, this will be more of a hobby for me, something that will keep me out of my wife's hair.
Jorlcrin wrote:I keep a label with each of my batches, to keep track of number of times loaded etc.
Once I've finished loading a batch, the details are recorded in my reloading logbook, and the label goes into a 'Completed' folder.
Most of the times, I print up business cards on with these details spread across both sides, but lately, I've been printing on a brother PC label printer to get the same.
I'd load an example, but it seems that the computing gods have decided I've committed a crime somewhere, and the upload keeps crashing!
Ahhh well; time to go do the morning water-run, and perhaps shoot something..
Oldbloke wrote:Robin wrote:
Thanks so much, there's alot of useful information.
As far as time goes, im not in a hurry, I'm happy taking my time to build it up, as long as it doesn't take me 2 years, on the budget side, I do have a budget, however what I'm looking for is something that doesn't cost me $1m if it does the same job as something that will only cost me $1 if you know what I mean, I also rather buy once then needing to buy many times over.
For me, I don't think I will be reloading 1000s of rounds every year although anything is possible, this will be more of a hobby for me, something that will keep me out of my wife's hair.
Lol. I understand.
It isn't hard. It can be very complex, or as simple as you like.
Wm.Traynor wrote:Oldbloke,
I didn't see that bloke lube the case before resizing.
Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.
I think RRP is about $230
Robin wrote:Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.
I think RRP is about $230
Too be honest, I didn't even think of Amazon, will have a look.
Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.
I think RRP is about $230
Oldbloke wrote:This looks a good buy. ... let-scale/
What dies are you after?