Reloading press

Reloading equipment, methods, load data, powder and projectile information.

Reloading press

Post by Robin » 17 Dec 2024, 8:25 am

Hey Champs,

I'm finally getting off my arse and started to look at bits to start my reloading life, I have just seen the BREECH LOCK CHALLENGER KIT in Cleavers, is this kit any good or am I wasting my money, can it fit Hornady dies or is it only for Lee.

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Re: Reloading press

Post by Bello » 17 Dec 2024, 8:44 am

Hi Robin
As with anything, buy the best you can afford. Do a bit of research online.
My preference is for RCBS. They make some good quality equipment.
Is the reloading equipment for hunting and plinking?
If so, then you don't need to spend a fortune.
My preference is for a turret head re-loader, so I can have various dies for different calibers on the one head.
Also, if you don't shoot that much, it may not always be worth reloading ammo.
Reloading can give you that bit better accuracy in your firearm.
Hope I helped :thumbsup:
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 17 Dec 2024, 8:47 am

Bello wrote:Hi Robin
As with anything, buy the best you can afford. Do a bit of research online.
My preference is for RCBS. They make some good quality equipment.
Is the reloading equipment for hunting and plinking?
If so, then you don't need to spend a fortune.
My preference is for a turret head re-loader, so I can have various dies for different calibers on the one head.
Also, if you don't shoot that much, it may not always be worth reloading ammo.
Reloading can give you that bit better accuracy in your firearm.
Hope I helped :thumbsup:


Reloading it abit like me brewing my own beer, it wont save me alot, however it allows me to have my own time.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 8:59 am

Robin wrote:
Bello wrote:Hi Robin
As with anything, buy the best you can afford. Do a bit of research online.
My preference is for RCBS. They make some good quality equipment.
Is the reloading equipment for hunting and plinking?
If so, then you don't need to spend a fortune.
My preference is for a turret head re-loader, so I can have various dies for different calibers on the one head.
Also, if you don't shoot that much, it may not always be worth reloading ammo.
Reloading can give you that bit better accuracy in your firearm.
Hope I helped :thumbsup:


Reloading it abit like me brewing my own beer, it wont save me alot, however it allows me to have my own time.


Plenty say they are ok. But the scales never seem to get a good report.
All presses take normal 7/8" dies, except simplex, they are different.

Are you in a hurry, on a budget?

Consider buying used gear. Plenty of sites out there.

Ask here.

Don't need much to start.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 9:09 am

I did this sometime ago.

You don’t need heaps of stuff to start reloading. Some can be made or purchased second hand
* “O” (best) or a solid “C” Frame 7/8” press, some come with the priming tool.
* Priming tool. Although its possible to use a punch
* Shell holders to suit the cartridge
* Dies- MUST have for each calibre. Lee RGB are the cheapest to get you started. ~$50
* Loading block(s) Buy or easy to make. Some ammo boxes can be used.
* Sizing lube – Almost any oil will do. e.g. diff oil, grease, Lanox
* Powder funnel-Must have one of these.
* In the absence of scales powder scoops will do the job. But you will need to check them if you DIY
* Components, Powder, Primers Projectiles, Cases
* Access to ADI Powder manual-for loading data.
* Manual on how to do it or someone to show you. ... 20Manuals/

OPTIONAL or Can wait a while
Scales - A high priority. Beam or electronic. IMO beam are best. Some whinge about the lee scales? But at a pinch they do the job.
Trimmer- You need to buy one of these with each cartridge in the lee kit. But a generic one is preferred. It will do almost any cartridge, most companies sell them. Not cheap tho
Powder measure. (If you load lots) Lee Perfect powder measure is abt $55. These are great
Primer pocket cleaner, Easy to make, drill or screw driver
De-burrer, A sharp pocket knife and fine file will do this if you have nothing else. Plumbers pipe de-burrer or buy an RCBS style
Trickler. Or very tiny scoop. Or just use a 308 shell and dribble it in. Easy to make too.

Vernier caliper. To check case length & OAL. I got away with a plastic dial caliper for years. Dial type seem to be best. $50 should do it.
Tumbler- But I use the salt/vinegar/detergent solution in an ultra sonic jewelry cleaner. Cleaning is certainly optional.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 9:13 am

Perhaps this will help.

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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 17 Dec 2024, 10:55 am

Oldbloke wrote:Perhaps this will help.


Thanks so much, there's alot of useful information.

As far as time goes, im not in a hurry, I'm happy taking my time to build it up, as long as it doesn't take me 2 years, on the budget side, I do have a budget, however what I'm looking for is something that doesn't cost me $1m if it does the same job as something that will only cost me $1 if you know what I mean, I also rather buy once then needing to buy many times over.

For me, I don't think I will be reloading 1000s of rounds every year although anything is possible, this will be more of a hobby for me, something that will keep me out of my wife's hair.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Jorlcrin » 17 Dec 2024, 11:35 am


There is some useful advice posted above.
My advice(for what it's worth):-
- Stick to a single-stage press, and dont let anyone talk you into a progressive press(not all that intuitive for a novice).
- Source multiple reloading bibles; Nick Harveys' book is a handy one, but doesnt hurt to have another one like a Hornady, Sierra, Nosler, or Speer reloading guide.
- Any recipes you see online, check them against your reloading guides before using them, and ALWAYS start a new load at the reccommended starting load, before tweaking it.
- Document your steps, and start a reloading log, where you also document each batch you load.
[I make up a tick-box card that stays with each batch - if I have to halt mid-session, it's easy to see where I have progressed on this batch.]
- Never forget you are handling explosives; get a safe procedure established, and let your inner obsessive-compulsive take over.
- Never forget you are handling stuff with a lot of lead-dust around - washing your hands thoroughly before and after is a good habit.

It is a satisfying sight to look at a number of completed boxes of ammo sitting in front of you..
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Re: Reloading press

Post by bladeracer » 17 Dec 2024, 12:28 pm

Robin wrote:Hey Champs,

I'm finally getting off my arse and started to look at bits to start my reloading life, I have just seen the BREECH LOCK CHALLENGER KIT in Cleavers, is this kit any good or am I wasting my money, can it fit Hornady dies or is it only for Lee.


I'm a Lee fan, I have two of the kits, plus the C-frame press, plus the Handpress. You can use any 7/8"-14tpi dies, which is the vast majority, don't buy Simplex dies as most of theirs are 5/8", and don't buy unthreaded dies as those are for a different press design.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 12:40 pm

Robin wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:Perhaps this will help.


Thanks so much, there's alot of useful information.

As far as time goes, im not in a hurry, I'm happy taking my time to build it up, as long as it doesn't take me 2 years, on the budget side, I do have a budget, however what I'm looking for is something that doesn't cost me $1m if it does the same job as something that will only cost me $1 if you know what I mean, I also rather buy once then needing to buy many times over.

For me, I don't think I will be reloading 1000s of rounds every year although anything is possible, this will be more of a hobby for me, something that will keep me out of my wife's hair.

Lol. I understand.
It isn't hard. It can be very complex, or as simple as you like.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 10:52 pm

Put up a "WANTED" post on here, whilst looking elsewhere.

Initially concentrate on:
7/8" Dies and case holder
Loading block
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Dec 2024, 10:56 pm

These might help.

LABLES Case Prep.pdf
(185.68 KiB) Downloaded 41 times

LABELS Completed Reloads.pdf
(86.32 KiB) Downloaded 46 times
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Jorlcrin » 18 Dec 2024, 6:28 am

I keep a label with each of my batches, to keep track of number of times loaded etc.

Once I've finished loading a batch, the details are recorded in my reloading logbook, and the label goes into a 'Completed' folder.

Most of the times, I print up business cards on with these details spread across both sides, but lately, I've been printing on a brother PC label printer to get the same.
I'd load an example, but it seems that the computing gods have decided I've committed a crime somewhere, and the upload keeps crashing!

Ahhh well; time to go do the morning water-run, and perhaps shoot something..
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 18 Dec 2024, 7:02 am

Thanks guys, this has been very helpful
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Re: Reloading press

Post by bladeracer » 18 Dec 2024, 10:02 am

Jorlcrin wrote:I keep a label with each of my batches, to keep track of number of times loaded etc.

Once I've finished loading a batch, the details are recorded in my reloading logbook, and the label goes into a 'Completed' folder.

Most of the times, I print up business cards on with these details spread across both sides, but lately, I've been printing on a brother PC label printer to get the same.
I'd load an example, but it seems that the computing gods have decided I've committed a crime somewhere, and the upload keeps crashing!

Ahhh well; time to go do the morning water-run, and perhaps shoot something..

I gave up trying to track case life very early on. If I want to know how long they're likely to last I set aside ten and shoot those as warmers every time I go out until they start to fail. It still isn't very helpful though unless you have some way of keeping your brass all separated. If I were only reloading for one firearm I could probably keep a bunch of tubs with brass that's been loaded once, twice, three times, and so on up to 50+ tubs in some chamberings, and a pile of ammo boxes with loaded ammo that's been fired once, twice, etc. But it really isn't viable as it would fill a wardrobe for each chambering. Now, if I were shooting competition and fired the same amount of ammo every time I went (like a 65rd Centrefire handgun match every week) it is viable that I could load a little more than I need (to allow for failures and losses), and fire any left overs at the end, then just load the same complete batch every week. But even then it starts to fall apart eventually. Say I'm loading 70rds every week, and I'm up to my tenth load, but at this point I've lost six cases (lost in the grass, somebody else picked mine up, I crushed one during loading, etc) and only have 64 left. Do I put them in a tub and start another batch and when they're up to ten firings then I combine both batches into a 134rd batch? Do I add six new pieces to the tenth-fired batch? Or do I simply load 2000rds, toss the fired brass into a bucket and reload them when I have enough to warrant a reloading session without worrying about how many times they've been fired?

I loaded 100rds for my mate last night. On the boxes I just record the bullet, the charge and powder, and COAL, that's really all I need to know when I'm getting ammo out to shoot. With this batch I did 50rds with the FCD and 50rds using the seating die to crimp so I can compare the finished results, so I noted "FCD" on the box. For what it's worth, it does save some time crimping with the seating die and the ammo looks just fine, we'll leave a couple of the seating-die-crimped rounds in the magazine tube and see if the bullets stay in place after being in there for forty shots.
20241218_102116b.jpg (227.23 KiB) Viewed 2274 times

In the logbook for the firearm I record the brass, primer, bullet details, powder and charge, COAL, and for precision loads the jump and ogive length. When I test them I add further details: the range I'm zeroed, the range I'm shooting, how many in the group, group size, group position (how far high/low, left/right of the zeroed load), velocity, ES, SD, and notes about what I was actually doing and anything unusual that happened - scoped or irons, shooting position, environment, etc.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Dec 2024, 10:09 am

"I gave up trying to track case life very early on."

Same here. Just too hard.

Just box them up in lots of 20-25.

I sort brands and have weighed a small sample of each brand. If a box is short 1 or 2 I'll use cases that are close in weight.

Not trying to head shoot rabbits at 300 yard tho.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Wm.Traynor » 18 Dec 2024, 7:15 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Robin wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:Perhaps this will help.


Thanks so much, there's alot of useful information.

As far as time goes, im not in a hurry, I'm happy taking my time to build it up, as long as it doesn't take me 2 years, on the budget side, I do have a budget, however what I'm looking for is something that doesn't cost me $1m if it does the same job as something that will only cost me $1 if you know what I mean, I also rather buy once then needing to buy many times over.

For me, I don't think I will be reloading 1000s of rounds every year although anything is possible, this will be more of a hobby for me, something that will keep me out of my wife's hair.

Lol. I understand.
It isn't hard. It can be very complex, or as simple as you like.

I didn't see that bloke lube the case before resizing. :o
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Re: Reloading press

Post by bladeracer » 18 Dec 2024, 7:34 pm

Wm.Traynor wrote:Oldbloke,
I didn't see that bloke lube the case before resizing. :o

The Lee Loader only neck-sizes. I used a vice die to full length size, and used graphite powder to lube it, filthy stuff to work with.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 19 Dec 2024, 1:25 pm

This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.

IMG_20241219_142115.jpg (141.28 KiB) Viewed 2092 times

I think RRP is about $230
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 19 Dec 2024, 8:21 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.


I think RRP is about $230

Too be honest, I didn't even think of Amazon, will have a look.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 19 Dec 2024, 8:27 pm

Robin wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.


I think RRP is about $230

Too be honest, I didn't even think of Amazon, will have a look.

:thumbsup: bloody bargain
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 19 Dec 2024, 8:38 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Robin,
This looks like an exceptional deal on Amazon. AUD too I think as I was logged in.


I think RRP is about $230

Too be honest, I didn't even think of Amazon, will have a look.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 19 Dec 2024, 9:57 pm

This looks a good buy. ... let-scale/

What dies are you after?
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Robin » 20 Dec 2024, 9:09 am

Oldbloke wrote:This looks a good buy. ... let-scale/

What dies are you after?

Not a bad price, is that a good scale.

Dies , Im just after .223 Dies as I already have .308 Dies

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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 20 Dec 2024, 9:21 am

Same scale I have. Pretty happy with them. Been reliable to 0.1gr. There are some "tweaks" to improve scales.

Apear in good condition. Assume $15 postage I guess.

Most half decent scales, new, seem to be $200-$250. Then the price goes north.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Oldbloke » 20 Dec 2024, 10:03 am

You shouldnt pay more than $60 for Lee RGB dies
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Re: Reloading press

Post by wanneroo » 20 Dec 2024, 11:01 am

Lee is hit and miss. Some of their stuff is great, some is a great idea but lacking a bit and some I find troublesome.

RCBS is pretty middle of the road, as well as Hornady and Lyman. Generally with those three brands pretty solid but at a higher price point than Lee.

Redding is top drawer but more expensive.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Bugman » 20 Dec 2024, 3:53 pm

I have always stuck by Dillon, followed by RCBS.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Jorlcrin » 21 Dec 2024, 7:43 am

Bought a Dillon RL550 in the mid-1990's.

Moved to a Forster Co-Axial(development of the Pacific press?) , and loved it so much, I bought a second one.
Added a few of the 'Inline Fabrication' upgrades to both presses.
Likely going to be the last reloading presses I ever buy.

I like the Forster dies, but also have quite a few Redding, RCBS and Hornady dies.
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Re: Reloading press

Post by Bugman » 21 Dec 2024, 3:38 pm

Forster stuff sems well made. Might have to take a closer look, for reloading my 243.
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