by dagedsta » 07 Jan 2025, 1:59 pm
Well. I applied. For AB lic. I like cool things and I would like to shoot feral pigs. Not sure if I will like that but I want to give it a go. You will probably think I am an idiot .. I probably am!
Ok, I did the course through SSAA, paid my $120 and that night submitted. I had to watch the YT videos to aid me through it, .. I didn't want to screw it up!
My application submitted, what could go wrong, right? HAH!
I was clocked by an overly cautious person who flagged me as a miscreant!
I was DENIED! "Discretionary Grounds". ffs
Thoroughly deflated, nobody want this, I searched for a lawyer .. the one in all the prints we see, from Queenbeyan (still NSW, but .. is it really? REALLY? No. It's not. Only by number plate!).
And he, although lovely and ever so forthcoming for lawyers in this field (that I soon found are extraordinarily expensive - it would be $10,000 + and I mean that was just the beginning of the costs). Hard no, forget it, right? Who needs it that badly? Not me. I am not an experienced shooter. I have never shot a gun, ever. It was not that important to me. And the other lawyer he pointed me to just came out and told me they will be giving 10% to the one that directed me to them. That's right. They charge SO MUCH they can afford to just give 10% and have a good chuckle!
But I got my nose out of joint and frankly, I looked a bit harder at the situation.
They denied me on 'discretionary grounds'. WHAT DISCRETIONARY GROUNDS, I asked myself?
Well. Tenuous, at best, given I am a good little boy and my past is well and truly (not that bad at all!) pretty checquered free. Dumbfounded. I was. I absolutely was.
I used AI to write a letter, told it to include my past and how I would be exemplary. Now. It was clearly a bs letter. So, I went through and literally changed everything. But it gave me a basis from which to proceed. That was the impetuous I needed.
I did well. I rearranged my rearrangement and then did so again. But, I did not include any third party letters or anything like that. Not at all. I stated my case, explained well my position and asked for a sensible decision.
And I got it. In three days. In a five page document that could only be described as being written by a judge and written in a 'judgement format' (I can only surmise), it was done: SET ASIDE.
No $10k + .. no. Not a cent. NOT A CENT. Just my time. (so do this, if you find yourself in the same, before you shell out 10k or more on "discretionary grounds").
That is the outcome I wanted. But I didn't expect it. I really didn't. The orders didn't read well to me, I do not speak 'legalese' but I do comprehend a win. And I WON!!!!!!!! And that is something.
I expected the internal review to almost automatically go against me. But it didn't. I laid out my case and my reasons and my willingness to abide and how seriously I take that responsibility. And they listened.
And between you and I? Rightly so too. I will be a responsible firearms owner and I will do the right things and I do seek the knowledge to continue to be that guy .. I am a noob! But I am cognoscente of that fact. I have a lot to learn.
And it's ok to have a lot to learn, right?
Except. Here's this. Anyway, today, (after now 40 ish days from course to picture taken at Service NSW) I called up knowing I need to have a safe at home that fits the bill. I talk to the Firearms NSW registry and they are lovely. They are. Nice people. Nice to talk to. But they give me my local Police Station, who do the inspections re safes etc, and the constable could not be more rude. Maybe he wasn't rude, per se but considering everyone else in this process he was absolutely short and couldn't give a damn.
There is something wrong with these people when at the end of the day, they work to keep us safe and frankly .. I expect service for my tax dollars. And I do pay my damned taxes and I do not expect to be treated like that, a second class citizen. I am not second class. I am like you and everyone you know, deserving of a modicum of respect. This is problematic and I will, as I think everyone who faces this issue should, make a formal complaint with your local member.
It is only through complaints to your local member of parliament will change come about. They trickle through to the relevant minister and they are then forced to a 'please explain'. Every time. EVERY TIME. So, do this. Every time you too have a bad experience. My situation was not that bad but, nip it in the bud. That's my motto. Take names, take notes and write. EVERY TIME. WITHOUT FAIL. They. Work. For. Us. And they need reminding of this.
We are not here to break laws. Not at all. We don't do that. I didn't call in an effort to break rules. Not at all. I called to make sure I was well within the rules, within legislation.
I wanted my greater than 150kg safe in my living room or dining room and wanted to make sure this complied with legislation. I was told by Firearms NSW to call them and ask for the licensing sergeant. And I got "why?". And "oh, that doesn't seem normal" and "we'll see about it".. "call you back". They aren't calling. And I know it. I will just put my safe where I please now, to hell with their 'feelz'.
It is true that I may be used to a different caliber of person on the other end of a phone call. I get it. I suppose, my circles are a little more upper middle class and posh, fair enough. I am not used to speaking with the type that becomes a policeman. Maybe it's me. Yes, it's all my fault. Police would never take an attitude with anyone, right? hmm. My advice? Don't call. Just don't engage unless you have to. Lesson learned.
I will look to the law, the legislation, act within it to it's fullest, without effect to the licensing sergeants feelings (likely not the one I have to worry about!) and do as I please (responsibly), as the law does not stipulate where exactly so long as the legislation is upheld.
What are your thoughts? I am truly interested to know. I welcome critique.
4/11/24 firearms course
5/11/24 online application nsw license
21/11/24 notice of refusal (discretionary)
26/11/24 Request for internal review (discretionary)
26/11/24 acknowledgement of receipt email (discretionary - and case detail numbers)
18/12/24 Decision SET ASIDE (along with 5 page page decision, clearly by a registrar/judge)
*** Dated 30/12/24 Photograph advice (to go to service NSW for permit)
Received 6/1/25 - attended registry 7/1/25
So. If anyone else goes through this. This happened. And in a few weeks (lady at service nsw said 14 days) or less, I will get my photocard.
Just saying.
Be good people. Do the right thing. Don't let the rest of us down. I promise I will do my best not to.
Happy 2025