Fester wrote:Well the std .264" cals generally like about a 140gr pill and I wouldn't really consider 160s, they would be going pretty slow.
Looking at a .270 case, wouldn't the 130gr pills be flying around or topping 3,000fps.
Shooting 150s they prob still beat the Swede and Creed by a fair clip and make a good Samba stopper.
.270s also shoot flatter but I won't shoot one now with the modern non-belted 7mm magnums that can shoot a lot further.
A 7mm going fast should kill pretty well.
They made the min cal not me, and they made a fair call IMO.
I like the 160gn RN in the 6.5x55mm, it's a great bullet.
I said "at similar velocities". They didn't make such a call though. They do not require a .270Win cartridge, though what metric you use to determine what "minimum" that might be I have no idea. They merely require a .270" bullet diameter of 130gn weight, in any cartridge. By their metric of bullet weight and diameter the .38 Special is _a lot_ more "potent" than the .270Win, which is ridiculous.