To be specific,,, Howa Mod 1500 .223 VT action dropped into Oryx Chassis appears to fit well,,,,,,, but,,,,, the bolt does not come rearward enough
to clear/pick up or feed rounds from the magazine.
When measured, the bolt needs to come back 12mm further than it does,,,, to enable it to pickup and feed the rounds.
When speaking to two different firearms/accessories stores about this, they both say that to rectify,,,, it's necessary to remove between 10 to 12mm
of material from the rear end of the bolt retaining lug.
After measuring,,,, if I were to do that I would only have barely 2mm of bolt retaining lug left.
Seems to me to be a real "butchers" fix,,,,,, and one that I'm simply not prepared to do on a relatively new rifle.
How can the manufacturers of the Oryx Chassis dare to say that they are made to fit the Howa action,,,,, when that supposed "remedy" applies ?
Does anyone know of some other trick/modification/fitment,,, that does NOT involve such drastic butchery to make the pairing work ?