Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

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Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 26 Feb 2016, 10:52 am

These quoted figures are impressive.

Two paragraphs quoted from an email I received from the Shooters Union Queensland, in relation to coming enhancements to Weapons Licensing Branch..

" This enhancement was in relation to the ( then ) 30% of new licence applications received incomplete, requiring follow up and delaying processing times.

An initiative was undertaken in early 2014 to reduce the number of incomplete new licence applications whereupon applicants were encouraged to contact their local club or dealer for assistance to apply. Information sessions were conducted around the state and an information package was distributed to clubs and dealers for this purpose.

Since this initiative, the percentage of incomplete applications has only decreased to 25%. This figure represents a significant concern for Weapons Licensing as we are receiving approximately 350 applications a week, a 50% increase in the last 3 years and cannot continue to effectively process applications with this percentage or a similar high percentage."

WOW,,,, 350 new applicants per week.
This can only be seen as a good thing, proving that the sport is VERY popular, and growing rapidly.

At this rate, the shooting fraternity will / is a formidable voting force.

Look out you ANTIs,,,,,,,,,,,, We are here. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Can other members dig up the current applications per week for the other states ?? :unknown:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by brett1868 » 26 Feb 2016, 11:07 am

A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules. Bit of a double edged statistic this one but great to see the popularity growing in QLD, hopefully they can get traction in getting some of the stupid laws up there changed.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 26 Feb 2016, 11:15 am

brett1868 wrote:A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules. Bit of a double edged statistic this one but great to see the popularity growing in QLD, hopefully they can get traction in getting some of the stupid laws up there changed.

Could be improved on yes,,,, but could also have something to do with the myriad of questions, and devil in the details.
Not to mention that in Australia the numeracy and literacy skills are on a downward slide.
I'd go so far as to say its not just shooters that are affected.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by sandgroperbill » 26 Feb 2016, 11:35 am

No. It really does seem language and numeracy skills are on the decline, and it doesn't help when the standards of universities and other institutions are allowed to just slip away. I am noticing a lot more "adjunct" titles lately, especially writing pieces in the media. I started to read one this morning, and I couldn't bring myself to finish it, it was just written so poorly, the arguments contradictory and flawed, and written to a very obvious bias.
It seems intellect is a dwindling resource, and that we can't find enough properly trained and learned professors and such, that our so called educational institutions are handing out "adjunct" titles to people that then go and poison debates.
Now, I know this is more likely a case of universities, or people of position in universities, deciding that they like someone, or simply that they find someone with an ideology they wish to see furthered, and simply bestowing an unearned title on them, but I think you can see my point and how such things assist the decline of educational standards. Our students are exposed to such people in university environments, and this can't be helpful, only detrimental.
On a side note, I think I'm going to go and register myself as an educational institution and give myself the title adjunct master doctor of applied, theoretical and imagined physics.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by sandgroperbill » 26 Feb 2016, 11:40 am

And sorry, I didn't mean to hijack, DJ. It's good to seè numbers increasing. Hopefully the majority also become aware of the politics associated with firearms and support their responsible use into the future
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by happyhunter » 26 Feb 2016, 12:34 pm

I've noticed questions asked by new applicants on this forum in regard to license applications can easily be answered if they read the license application form and the documentation that comes with it. With respect to the Victorian forms, both licenses application and PTA, all information required to complete the formalities is included. I wonder if it reallis literacy decline or just laziness.

25% not being able to provide information is a concern because firearms are not toys and safe operation in some way depends on the operators attention to detail and intellect. I don't mean we need to be rocket scientiists, but you need to have some nouse. If a person can't read and fill out a form what does that say about there ability to read and understand an operating manual or regulations, or even a reloading manual?
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by brett1868 » 26 Feb 2016, 1:15 pm

Don't be too harsh on the Queenslander's aye...must be tough struggling for 3 years to get through kinder :lol:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 26 Feb 2016, 1:41 pm

happyhunter wrote: I wonder if it reallis literacy decline or just laziness.

You see,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
My point is, a simple slip up as quoted above can result in missing or incorrect information being provided.
Thus being construed as "incomplete" application/s

Try as we might, we all make typos and miss things from time to time, ie some minor detail in the application process.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by brett1868 » 26 Feb 2016, 2:26 pm

Try as we might, we all make typos and miss things from time to time, ie some minor detail in the application process.

Only fair that I own up and admit to sending off a couple PTA's and forgetting to tick the "Type" box. Funny enough, they rang to tell me and then sent the forms back as they couldn't just tick the boxes for me.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by on_one_wheel » 26 Feb 2016, 3:04 pm

I still can't get past the fact that they call firearms weapons.
What would happen if you used your firearm as a weapon?

As for kids not getting their paperwork in order and flunking their applications, perhaps the Qld government need to revamp the process and offer a Facebook app that allows them to use abbreviations and emoticons to get through the application process.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Gwion » 26 Feb 2016, 3:14 pm

brett1868 wrote:Don't be too harsh on the Queenslander's aye...must be tough struggling for 3 years to get through kinder :lol:

I was going to make a similar joke but then the thread got all serious. :D
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by brett1868 » 26 Feb 2016, 4:40 pm

2 heads are better then one, which gives them an unfair advantage in the intelligence stakes. Lucky they can't swim or we'd be in serious trouble in NSW if they cound survive the journey through Mexico...
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Gwion » 26 Feb 2016, 5:28 pm

Haha... I'm no Tasmanian.... i just married one!
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by RoginaJack » 26 Feb 2016, 9:25 pm

NO, literacy skills are not down here in Queensland, we just like to save time and biro ink by writing XXXX instead of BEER. :lol:

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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 26 Feb 2016, 10:39 pm

Gwion wrote:Haha... I'm no Tasmanian.... i just married one!

Birds of a feather ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ???
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by pajamatime » 26 Feb 2016, 11:08 pm

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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Title_II » 27 Feb 2016, 1:55 am

brett1868 wrote:A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules.

I would say, "So what?" But I know that might not fly as well over there.

Somebody not "following the rules" does not equate with a death nor an armed felon. Most of the rules over there accomplish very little to nothing IMO. I know others see it differently.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Gwion » 27 Feb 2016, 3:09 am

I get the impression it was more about the rules of safe handling, etc.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Title_II » 27 Feb 2016, 3:37 am

That makes more sense. I don't think it's true, but I can understand why an anti would spout that.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 27 Feb 2016, 12:01 pm

YEAH MATE,,,,,,,,,,, that's it. :thumbsup:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by trekin » 28 Feb 2016, 7:04 am

brett1868 wrote:A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules. Bit of a double edged statistic this one but great to see the popularity growing in QLD, hopefully they can get traction in getting some of the stupid laws up there changed.

This article has nothing to do with the education levels of QLDers, but is about the application process itself. Here in QLD, you can make your application online, but you still need to send your supporting documentation (copies of safety cert, club membership, property owners permission etc) by snail mail to WLB in Brisbane. Then someone at WLB has to collate that with your online application, and human error being what it is, some of the paperwork goes missing in the process, leaving some applications incomplete.
WLB is trying to get more funding to upgrade software to allow applicants to upload digital copies of the supporting documents as attachments to their application as a way of getting around this human error factor shown by some of its employees.
Although 350 new applicants per week seems a bit of stretch, that's 18,200 new LAFO per year, (maybe 350 total new and renewals combined), they (WLB) need a figure to help in justifying the funding. I would be happy to use this number, and cite its source, when speaking with non shooting folk, particularly politicians.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 28 Feb 2016, 4:23 pm

Well said there Trekin,,,,
I loved the way you so delicately turned it around and put the blame squarely on WLB. (I'm sure they don't deserve 100% blame tho :lol: )

However, in the email it does state 350 NEW applications per week. :thumbsup:

Yep,,,,,,,,, Shove those figures right up the likes of PETA. :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by trekin » 29 Feb 2016, 7:57 am

Die Judicii wrote:Well said there Trekin,,,,
I loved the way you so delicately turned it around and put the blame squarely on WLB. (I'm sure they don't deserve 100% blame tho :lol: )

However, in the email it does state 350 NEW applications per week. :thumbsup:

Yep,,,,,,,,, Shove those figures right up the likes of PETA. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thanks mate, I tried to do it as subtly as I could hoping no one would notice :D
And yeah, I'm quiet happy to quote those numbers, and their source, when speaking to others from the outside.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by brett1868 » 29 Feb 2016, 8:09 am

Title_II wrote:
brett1868 wrote:A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules.

I would say, "So what?" But I know that might not fly as well over there.

Somebody not "following the rules" does not equate with a death nor an armed felon. Most of the rules over there accomplish very little to nothing IMO. I know others see it differently.

Was more taking the piss outta the banana benders, a little bit of interstate rivalry :D
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Title_II » 29 Feb 2016, 9:39 am

brett1868 wrote:
Title_II wrote:
brett1868 wrote:A rough figuring...25% of 350 incomplete applications equates to 87 prospective license holders who are incapable of completing a form. The anti's could jump on this statistic and make the argument that if they can't fil in he form that how can they be trusted to follow the rules.

I would say, "So what?" But I know that might not fly as well over there.

Somebody not "following the rules" does not equate with a death nor an armed felon. Most of the rules over there accomplish very little to nothing IMO. I know others see it differently.

Was more taking the piss outta the banana benders, a little bit of interstate rivalry :D

Banana benders.

This time, I'm not going to ask.
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by sandgroperbill » 29 Feb 2016, 10:55 am

Title, do you prefer your bananas straight?
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 29 Feb 2016, 3:45 pm

sandgroperbill wrote:Title, do you prefer your bananas straight?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock: :shock:

"Straight Bananas" :lol: :lol: :lol:

The mind boggles,,,,,,,,,, or did you mean "straight" from the supermarket just for Title ???


I guess somebody's gotta do the hard yakka and put the bend in em.
Might as well be the Queenslanders. :thumbsup:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 29 Feb 2016, 3:51 pm

Here's hoping Title doesn't get a bunch of Lady Fingers,,,,,, :shock: :shock:
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Title_II » 01 Mar 2016, 7:44 am

I'm not asking what any of this means this time. And if I ever meet any of you mates, I'm only drinking out of sealed containers I bought at the store myself :)
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Re: Soon we will rule the world (at least Qld)

Post by Die Judicii » 01 Mar 2016, 11:59 am

Title_II wrote:I'm not asking what any of this means this time. And if I ever meet any of you mates, I'm only drinking out of sealed containers I bought at the store myself :)

You'll be right Mate,,,,,, We'll look after you, :D

If you ever get down under,, I'd love to meet up and help educate you to our way of life.
I'm sure a lot of the other members would feel/do the same.

Cheers Mate. :thumbsup:
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