Scope ring INSERTS

Rifle scopes, iron sights and optics. Spotting scopes and target acquisition devices.

Scope ring INSERTS

Post by ToyotaBoy » 07 Oct 2018, 2:17 pm

Heya brains trust :evil:
I have 3 Zeiss Conquest DL 3-12×50 scopes mounted on Remington CDL SF 30/06, Winchester Featherweight 308 and Browning X-Bolt 22-250. Im using Burris Signature Zee Rings in 30mm.
The rings come with 3 sets of inserts marked +10, -10 & 0.
Can someone please explain to me what the markings are on the inserts and whats the best combination to set up on my rifles
Cheers guys and gals
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Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by bladeracer » 07 Oct 2018, 3:02 pm

I don't own them, but I did look at trying them.
My understanding is that the number indicates the elevation offset.
If you use the +10 in the rear and the -10 at the front you will have 20MoA of forward cant.
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Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by pomemax » 07 Oct 2018, 3:58 pm

The Burris 30mm Signature ZEE Rings in Medium height is designed to Suit any Weaver or Burris XTB Styled Bases. Burris signature rings set the standard by which all other scope rings are measured. THey are the choice of most gunsmiths and serious marksmen who want the utmost in accuracy and precision. These sold steel rings not only provide tremendous gripping power and durability, they guarantee proper alignment and maximum scope-to-ring contact through the use of Burris' patented Pos-Align Inserts system.

Only Signature Rings will accept Pos-Align Inserts, a synthetic self-aligning insert that provides 100% scope-to-ring contact. This compensates for any misalignment in the receiver or bases and also eliminates the need for canted bases or shimming. Pos-Align Offset Inserts can virtually sight-in your gun without moving the scope adjustments. Long-range marksmen rely on the inserts to provide more elevation or windage adjustment.

The offset inserts also correct for any misalignment caused by receiver holes drilled off centre, or the bases or rings being slightly off perfect centre. They keep the internal optics centred to provide all the clarity, sharpness and brightness that the optics designer intended for you to see.
clear as mud eh
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Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by ToyotaBoy » 07 Oct 2018, 5:27 pm

Stupid follow up question.........what do you call the front and rear of yr scope?
Posts: 43

Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by ToyotaBoy » 07 Oct 2018, 6:19 pm

So i should bore site it and use the inserts to move the adjustments instead of using the windage/elevation scope turets?
Posts: 43

Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by pomemax » 07 Oct 2018, 10:36 pm

ToyotaBoy wrote:Stupid follow up question.........what do you call the front and rear of yr scope?

ocular and objective lenses
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New South Wales

Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 07 Oct 2018, 11:11 pm

Thanks...I would have just called it front and back glass
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by bladeracer » 08 Oct 2018, 9:54 am

ToyotaBoy wrote:So i should bore site it and use the inserts to move the adjustments instead of using the windage/elevation scope turets?

I wouldn't say "should", but if you don't mind the messing about you could do it that way.
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Re: Scope ring INSERTS

Post by Bigjobss » 08 Oct 2018, 5:20 pm

I use the same rings and scope on my Featherweight.
I started with the "O" inserts and boresighted, close enough and got zero after very few shots.
The point of the inserts is to correct gross misalignment without using the scope adjustments. This is benefical if you are concerned with over adjustment affecting scope peformance and/or available range of in-field point of impact adjustment (with the turrets).

Probably more benefical to serious long range applications, seeing as these scopes are not really designed for that (no AO or ballistic turret) you are probably like me and using them for a quality no fuss point and shoot system.
Start with the zero inserts and unless you have major issues I wouldnt bother with the others.

Burris video.

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