I was wondering if any of you guys and gals might know what rifle this gentleman is holding?
Picture of a family member in relation to the Greek Civil War, taken in the late 1940's. Possibly some form of carbine? Doesn't quite look like a full sized rifle for the time.
Gotta say, don't see moustaches like that anymore!
I think Greeks converted bunch of hunting Mauser rifles to war rifles or something. Pretty sure it's a Mauser. Safety looks Mauser like to. Everything on it looks Mauserish.
I'll be posting a picture of my "new" SMLE Friday night, I have to say, it probably wasn't the best idea to purchase it, was one of those "I don't have one so I need to get the first one I see" kinda deal.. I know, d**khead move, and it has a lacquered stock! I can't work out if it makes it look kinda corny, or just plain s**t house. Regardless, I may need to remove it, though I've got no idea how to, I'll need to look into it.
N.B. acetone dries wood. Just make sure to do your research and go to the next step, be it washing or oiling after you're done with it. Don't let it sit idly after acetone.