Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

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Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Die Judicii » 01 Dec 2016, 3:44 pm

I'm after more views and opinions again,,,,

Having reached the mid 60s I've NEVER used an electric shaver.
Those that have or regularly do, what are the opinions, and recommendations ??

There are so many varieties and prices, its almost like the choices of yogurt.

And while your at it, what is the general consensus on Driving Lights,,,

Traditional or LED ?

And if choosing between LED lamps Vs Light Bars,,,,

We generally have had traditional driving lights in Spot or Pencil Beams, (not spread beams)
Generally each one aimed off set to highlight the verges.

So we are willing to change if enough argument one way or another dictates.

:thumbsdown: or :thumbsup: or :silent: or :unknown:
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Lorgar » 01 Dec 2016, 4:01 pm

Shavers... I've tried an electric Wahl and Braun shaver and wasn't particularly impressed by either. Just meh.

These were $80 - $100 ones, you would hope the $500 Phillips with the rotating heads and all the rest do a spectacular job, but I'm not taking a punt with $500 to find out.

Simple old Mach 3 razor does it equally well or better than whatever I have tried.

Lights... There's so many kinds of bloody light bulbs and this and that technological improvement, that I've honestly lost track :unknown:

In my personal observations only though I've found LED lamps to be better. A mate has just fitted a pair of the smaller ARB Intensity lamps to his 4x4. 1 spot and 1 flood. To be fair though I couldn't tell you specifically what type of bar lights I've seen so we could be talking old vs new technology here.

The LED's though, they go for miles and I tell you, no one is ever going to see that pair come on and think "Hmm, you know what... They could do to be a bit brighter."
Last edited by Lorgar on 02 Dec 2016, 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 01 Dec 2016, 5:38 pm

I've alway wanted an LED light bar.... ever since Knight Industries brought out their Two Thousand model....

But if you go light bar... please wire it up properly; recently mate installs his super 100Billion candle power light bar on the nose of the cruiser...it WAS bright.... we head into deep bush... bumpy steep crash boom woo hoo....

Nek Minut..

Pitch black - ALL circuits dead....

Thankfully it was rectified - in the dark with phone screen illumination....

Used a letric one years ago. Prefer blades. just a personal pref.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Supaduke » 01 Dec 2016, 8:40 pm

Electric shavers will never be as good as a blade simply because of the way they work. There is always some sort of mesh or safety screen to protect you, it will never get as close as a blade can. They are however very quick and convenient. The better quality ones do a very good job. It depends what you will accept as a close shave.

And LED tech has come a long way in the last few years. In my opinion it has far surpassed bulb technology. My mate has a good quality light bar and it fair dinkum turns night into day. First time anyone sees one in action it's always an utterance of expletives.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Browning » 01 Dec 2016, 10:28 pm

Yup. I had a small light bar and 2 hid spotties.
A mate of mine put a Baja (copy/knock off) roof mounted lightbar (across the windscreen) and as metioned above; nothing but expletives.
Within a week I bought one. Basically makes your spotties irrelevant and I've since got rid of them.....
The light bar turns night into day and the only problem with it is when heading west on those long straight stretches; you've gotta turn it off for oncoming cars who are kms away.
Seems to be one of those things that once u try it, you're converted for life.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Die Judicii » 02 Dec 2016, 10:10 am

Lorgar wrote:
These were $80 - $100 ones, you would hope the $500 Phillips with the rotating heads and all the rest do a spectacular job, but I'm not taking a punt with $500 to find out.

Hee Hee, I guess they aren't like cars,,,,, and take one for a test drive.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Die Judicii » 02 Dec 2016, 10:13 am

Lots of comments leading toward LEDs,

? Brands / Prices

I'm guessing there is a lot of sh!t stuff out there that needs to be avoided.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Supaduke » 02 Dec 2016, 10:25 am

Not really. Cree make arguably the best diodes. The majority of them are all made in china so it's hard to say which is really better. As long as it's got a reasonable heat sink and decent wiring should be good to go. As mentioned though, make sure it is wired correctly. Some places sell looms that plug directly into your wiring harness, so they work with your high beams etc.
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Tripod » 02 Dec 2016, 5:19 pm

Grow a beard, Not like your still trying to pull chicks in your mid 60's :lol:
Spend the time you save reloading or shooting :thumbsup:
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Dec 2016, 9:28 pm

Philips rechargable. About $75 from memory, typically last about 2 yrs. Had 3 philips now. Does a lot of work as it saves on hair cuts too. :thumbsup: :D
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Sender » 05 Dec 2016, 2:44 pm

Tripod wrote:Grow a beard, Not like your still trying to pull chicks in your mid 60's :lol:

Says you :P
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Re: Elect Shavers and Driving lights, (what a mix)

Post by Die Judicii » 05 Dec 2016, 11:34 pm

Tripod wrote:Grow a beard, Not like your still trying to pull chicks in your mid 60's :lol:
Spend the time you save reloading or shooting :thumbsup:
Thank me later :drinks:

:shock: :shock: Oh,,,,, is that what that thing is on my face.

I've been shaving around it for years. :thumbsup:
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I've come to realize that,,,,, the two most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were both canines.
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