Illegal Hunter busted

Questions about Victorian gun and ammunition laws. Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Corn » 19 Oct 2017, 8:04 pm

Just posting this for interests sake.....

Hunter questioned on suspected illegal hunting.
Firearms ceased, licence taken off him for storage issues not illegal hunting issues. Further charges pending

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Update here from SSAA article:

22 October 2017
A Maffra man has been caught allegedly illegally hunting deer and trespassing in the Dargo area. The 61-year-old had his firearms seized and licence suspended. He is also expected to be charged on summons with failure to store firearms and failure to notify police with change of details.

The man was arrested as part of an ongoing investigation into trespassing on private property in the area and the use of spotlights from the road to hunt deer, which breaches the Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

Police have been working closely with landholders to ensure greater detection and reporting of offences. Community members have been encouraged to report illegal hunting, trespassing or any other illegal activities on or around their properties to their local police.

SSAA Victoria condemns any illegal activity in relation to firearms or hunting and acknowledges the damage it can cause to the reputation of the sector. It encourages members to look out for any illegal or irresponsible behaviour and report it to the authorities.

Report illegal behaviour to the Game Management Authority online or by calling 136 186. It can also be reported to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

When reporting illegal activity, gather as much information as possible, regarding location, take down the names of any nearby crossroads or the GPS co-ordinates for reporting. Be sure to also note the number of people involved, the vehicle description and the description of incident.

SSAA Victoria is a proud supporter of the Victorian Government’s Responsible Hunting campaign and does not tolerate illegal hunting.
Last edited by Blackened on 02 Nov 2017, 12:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Daddybang » 19 Oct 2017, 8:21 pm

If he's doing the wrong thing and making a s@#t sandwich for those that do the right thing(even when we don't agree with it) well he gets what he gets!! :drinks:
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by bullzeye » 20 Oct 2017, 6:40 am

If he is on someone else’s property - seems fair enough. Why trespass and take the risk?
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by No1Mk3 » 20 Oct 2017, 8:15 am

Hey Folks,
How about read the article before condemning this bloke? The man is NOT charged with trespass, NOR illegal hunting, NOR spotlighting from the road. That is what the focus of recent investigations is about, but in this case it is storage and change of address issues he is expected to be charged with. There is no allegation of any other matter so perhaps hold you tongue until all details are actually known.
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Corn » 20 Oct 2017, 1:14 pm

Al Capone
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Bigjobss » 20 Oct 2017, 7:09 pm

"Failure to store firearms" this could be at a residence or during transit/within a shooting location, either way the rules are very clear and easy to follow, no excuses for a 61 year old that has probably whinged about these restrictions to his mates since the '90s.
If he was suspected of illegal hunting and got busted on a storage technicality then #$@# him, no sympathy, and if he was stupid enough to not know the storage laws then also @#$# him, he gives us all a bad name.

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by marksman » 20 Oct 2017, 8:07 pm

this really is a lesson to be learned by all of us not to be complacent about how we store our firearms
I know for a fact the dfo in my area is cracking down hard on non compliance of storage rules,
he is at every firearm safety course and tells the new applicants about how many people are getting done for non compliance regarding storage
eg.. school lockers are not exceptable as a gun safe anymore, some of the story's he comes out with are people (not criminals) who just got complacent with there lockup and they pay the price
another one he goes on about is people shift house and don't get there licence renewal notice so there licence runs out,
so he gives them a visit and takes all there firearms
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Oldbloke » 20 Oct 2017, 8:43 pm

"he gives them a visit and takes all there firearms"
That's a bummer, better to givem to me. :thumbsup:
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Daddybang » 21 Oct 2017, 6:18 am

Bigjobss wrote:"Failure to store firearms" this could be at a residence or during transit/within a shooting location, either way the rules are very clear and easy to follow, no excuses for a 61 year old that has probably whinged about these restrictions to his mates since the '90s.
If he was suspected of illegal hunting and got busted on a storage technicality then #$@# him, no sympathy, and if he was stupid enough to not know the storage laws then also @#$# him, he gives us all a bad name.

Well said this is the type of sh@t that gives the anti crowd fuel when they start to crap on about police blitzes on storage etc. :thumbsup:
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Member-Deleted » 21 Oct 2017, 7:57 am

There must have been some reason for the police to look into him and then remove his rifles :thumbsdown:
By the sounds of it the area must have a problem with deer hunting by spotlight which could be illegal I don't
know and it sounds as though he may have reported as they were firstly looking to the matter :problem:
In either way if any allocation are proven true and he is charged then he will have to face the music :unknown:
Then no doubt all shooters will be put on trial by media doesn't really help our sport :thumbsdown:

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by marksman » 21 Oct 2017, 8:38 am

more than likely the guy did not have his guns stored correctly while travelling through deer habitat according to DSE law,
the last I saw it was the "firearms must be stored not easily accessible while going through deer habitat after sunset and before sunrise" or something like that
the DEWLP (or whoever they are today) and the police do a crackdown on areas where there has been a lot of poaching and spotlighting deer,
they get you for unsecured firearms in deer habitat after pulling you over in the area,
they can also get you for having deer meat in your possession in restricted hunting areas
it also used to say that it was against DSE law to have your ammo locked away in your glove box as it makes the ammo easily accessible, this may have changed
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by RoginaJack » 21 Oct 2017, 10:33 am

marksman wrote:.......another one he goes on about is people shift house and don't get there licence renewal notice so there licence runs out,
so he gives them a visit and takes all there firearms

Imagine the outcry if this rule re failure to notify change of address was applied to motor vehicle driver licences. Like your motor vehicle is not seized; you are simply required to update address or you are just not permitted to drive.
The seizures and loss of property, without compensation and with no option to rectify, on these trivial grounds is just not warranted. It's Orson Welles stuff.
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by sungazer » 21 Oct 2017, 11:28 am

I'm on the same page I believe in safe storage and keeping guns away from kids. But there are times I don't put the gun back in the safe every night. It might be getting worked on, I may pack the car the night before an early morning start. There are heaps of reasons. If the gun can be with you when your camping out why cant it be with you at home out of the safe for a night if you have a genuine reason.
As long as you keep safety at the very front of your mind like having the bolt and any magazine removed ammo well away and locked up ect.
I have had poachers on my place at night before and that is just downright dangerous I put the laser a office laser pointer on them it soon makes them pack up and leave.
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Wombat » 21 Oct 2017, 11:42 am

I put the laser a office laser pointer on them it soon makes them pack up and leave. ? Do you mean you shine a laser pointer at them to simulate a laser sight?
Pretending to take aim at people you know to be both armed and involved in illegal activity's is not exactly the brightest thing to do.
Posts: 564

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Wombat » 21 Oct 2017, 12:07 pm

Fair enough. I've read of poachers mistakenly shooting cattle and cutting fences. Might be an idea to set up a game camera or two to get plate details.
Posts: 564

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by marksman » 21 Oct 2017, 12:29 pm

Wombat wrote:Fair enough. I've read of poachers mistakenly shooting cattle and cutting fences. Might be an idea to set up a game camera or two to get plate details.

yes the cameras are the go and hand the evidence over to the police who will book the bastards,
IMO it is not good to confront poachers as they know where you live and there has been threats against farmers from poachers saying this
if you have photographic proof the police's work is done and they will act on it
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Bigjobss » 26 Oct 2017, 12:46 pm


Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Daddybang » 26 Oct 2017, 1:58 pm

So now he's been charged with illegal hunting as well as improper storage. :thumbsdown: no sympathy he gets what he gets IF he's guilty!! :drinks:
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by bullzeye » 26 Oct 2017, 3:55 pm

This guy deserved everything he got.

If i had people with firarms on my property - uninvited, I'd want them busted too.
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Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Member-Deleted » 26 Oct 2017, 7:56 pm

It's not really straight forward and simple sometimes if they're on your property uninvited maybe they got lost and entered your property
unintentionally although they should try to learn about the area before hunting it but some people don't and that's their first mistake
But those that go on properties intentionally without permission and keep doing it need to be taught a lesson otherwise they won't stop
and that in itself could cause an accident of some kind
If he is a repeat offender then up him for the rent but if it's 1off then throw a little his way but put him on notice and if caught again ''EVER'' poaching
then the double the penalty and remove his guns Poachers will then start to sit up and take notice

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Wombat » 26 Oct 2017, 8:57 pm

People doing the wrong thing reflect badly on the rest of us by association. Giving them the tacit approval of leaving them be will lead to worse things, lost stock,cut fences etc. Just report them, no need to confront.
Posts: 564

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Member-Deleted » 26 Oct 2017, 9:47 pm

Very sound advice Wombat we had an instance a couple years ago not far from me a farmer beat up on two poachers
So when they left they apparently threw a chain around his double gates and tore them clean off their hinges
so he actually lost that one took weeks to get his stock back

Re: Illegal Hunter busted

Post by Gwion » 27 Oct 2017, 1:37 pm

Poachers and tresspassers often cover multiple properties so anonymously reporting incidents gives them no clear idea who 'dobbed them in'. Confonting them and then reporting them is probably givingthe game away.
Any other course of action (other than cowering under the bed and hoping thedy go away) is getting into legally dodgy ground.
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