TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

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TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 14 Nov 2017, 4:54 pm

Alright. This will be rant-ish so bear with me.

So as a few of you know, I've been a younger shooter and been into the sport properly since I was 15. Now I'm an 18 year old and the bartender doesn't have to worry about serving me cider anymore, I can ditch the minor's permit and go for my full license.

And so I did. Application was bought, took it home, filled in the blanks + applied for Cat A, B, & H to tick all the boxes. Providing evidence for each section as well, signed and posted. So it seemed that this would be going along pretty smoothly. Besides, I've held those permits for 3 years beforehand, that's evidence enough of my ability and competence in firearms usage.

Now forward 3 months later. Upon seeing a letter from TASPOL (Yes, they will be named, but no names within their little gang spoken) I received word from firearms services. My face soon went from intrigument to disappointment faster than you could say 'We cannot grant you permission to continue". Reading onward, apparently their reasoning for this decision was based off of the most ridiculous of clauses.

I'd made a few posters back in college days when presented with other ones of the type. The most notable of these being one that I placed against this big, horrificly coloured Graphic Design example. It was a political poster that said "GENDER IS A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE". (Cringe.)

After me and my friend looked at it, we decided to pin a poster as a note to it saying "There are only two genders/ XY and XX decide, not you." These were made in various types as someone kept pulling them down. Eventually as more of 'their' posters kept getting put up, me and friends would make ones to combat them. Like Vets Before Ref's, self defense rights, freedom of speech, you name it. You can disagree with these if you may but that's not the important thing to discuss here. I got into trouble with campus authorities over it, managed to explain my way out and thinking it was all over, never thought back on it.

So according to TASPOL, who god knows how found out about our political poster fiascoes, since they had (quote) "Political and religious (wtf) connotations", they can not grant me permission to continue my license unless I under a full psychiatric evaluation. Until then I am considered a potential danger to society according to the desk jockies who wrote me this letter. Never mind being a proud member of multiple financial clubs and an upstanding member of society, and plenty of character references being available on my person.

Where they even told about the poster's content? I'd hardly stick up a poster citing to drive aboriginals off cliffs or install a Nazi regime within tassie, but according to TASPOL that's the level of content we were making. Absolutely ridiculous, what ever happened to freedom of expression in this country? You can parade yourself as a Demiqueer fryingpan-sexual non binary fruit loop and post anything you want, but as soon as an opposing viewpoint arrives, the person putting up horrible nasty posters (As if "There are two genders" is hateful mind you.) are automatically ultra-right wing full on Neo-Nazi bigots.

I'm sick to death of political correctness controlling our everyday lives, this is just an example of how far the authorities will take it.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by marksman » 14 Nov 2017, 5:11 pm

agreed, absolutely ridiculous

obviously a yes voter had it's feelings hurt and you were put on a prejudice person register because you are a non believing bigot homophobic gendaphobic nonbinarygendaphobic small minded person :allegedly: :sarcasm:

I hope it all turns out ok for you
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by bladeracer » 14 Nov 2017, 6:05 pm

I'd be getting onto your local member of parliament.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by juststarting » 14 Nov 2017, 6:14 pm

Sad, but, not surprising. Perhaps if you said that, as a black lesbian (that you identify as now) you feel deeply hurt and offended, things could look different. On a more progmmatic note, I know someone in a similar situation and for them it was purely through association, they were completely oblivious until they needed some paperwork.

Anyway, posters got reported, cops rocked up and had a witness statement... Someone gave you a bad character reference and thus no matter how much you huff and puff, primary reason will always be - witness blah told us X, posters are irrelevant now.

Go get evaluated if you want to shoot, make sure to wear pants and you'll be fine.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 14 Nov 2017, 6:22 pm

bentaz wrote:Lol!
Can't you just get your other head to apply, then share his / her guns?

I identify as a one-header unfortunately so he/she doesn't get to have a go at this nonsense.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by juststarting » 14 Nov 2017, 6:41 pm

On the flip side, you can accuse everyone of being crazy and have documented evidence that you're not. Assuming you are not crazy of course lol
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Tripod » 14 Nov 2017, 6:47 pm

Someone else here in Tas was recently declined a license due to what they had put up on FB
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Daddybang » 14 Nov 2017, 7:01 pm

bentaz wrote:Lol!
Can't you just get your other head to apply, then share his / her guns?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :drinks:

Just one more case of political correctness gone crazy. Hope ya get a positive result :drinks:
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by pomemax » 14 Nov 2017, 7:32 pm

Sorry for My ignorance
But I always thought a criminal conviction was all that could stop you licence OR DID THEY USE FIT AND PROPER PERSON for something you done AT School , as a minor that was not convicted by a court (I thought all minor records were sealed anyway ) can someone shed light on this please.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by simmo » 14 Nov 2017, 7:47 pm

This actually happened??
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Tripod » 14 Nov 2017, 7:49 pm

pomemax wrote:Sorry for My ignorance
But I always thought a criminal conviction was all that could stop you licence OR DID THEY USE FIT AND PROPER PERSON for something you done AT School , as a minor that was not convicted by a court (I thought all minor records were sealed anyway ) can someone shed light on this please.

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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by pomemax » 14 Nov 2017, 7:58 pm

Tripod wrote:
pomemax wrote:Sorry for My ignorance
But I always thought a criminal conviction was all that could stop you licence OR DID THEY USE FIT AND PROPER PERSON for something you done AT School , as a minor that was not convicted by a court (I thought all minor records were sealed anyway ) can someone shed light on this please.

You've been watching too much American TV.

Sorry I do not watch tv at all just reading the disqualification in Tasmania do not see school records as one must be more to it ???
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by darwindingo » 14 Nov 2017, 8:00 pm

"I thought all minor records were sealed anyway"

I wouldn't necessarily believe that one if I was you, I've seen several examples that would indicate otherwise...
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by darwindingo » 14 Nov 2017, 8:06 pm

Go get the test done and they wont be able to use that pathetic excuse against you.. Interesting this was never an issue when you applied for a junior permit.. :?

Good luck mate..

Btw.... welcome to the world of :drinks:
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by pomemax » 14 Nov 2017, 8:09 pm

darwindingo wrote:"I thought all minor records were sealed anyway"

I wouldn't necessarily believe that one if I was you, I've seen several examples that would indicate otherwise...

May be but surly if it was just a school disciplinary thing why would Taspol get involved at all make you wonder where its all going .
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by darwindingo » 14 Nov 2017, 8:27 pm

I believe the op has touched on this poster issue in the past in a different topic, from memory the school principal or other staff member was strongly against the view.. Perhaps someone with an alternate belief involved the police as they felt discriminated against, offended or something :roll: :unknown: ..

Perhaps the op can clarify this ?

Either way I would still consider it a pathetic reason to refuse the application...

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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Tripod » 14 Nov 2017, 8:54 pm

darwindingo wrote:"I thought all minor records were sealed anyway"

I wouldn't necessarily believe that one if I was you, I've seen several examples that would indicate otherwise...

From an Australian legal website

Will I get a criminal record?
A criminal record may affect your ability to get a job or travel overseas.

Whether you get a criminal record or not depends on whether a conviction is recorded against you. A Court may give you a penalty without recording a conviction. It is up to the Court to decide whether you will get a criminal record or not. The Court will take into account the seriousness of the offence, your age and maturity, your health and other factors when it decides whether to record a conviction against you or not. A criminal record will not be removed from your record when you turn 18.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by pomemax » 14 Nov 2017, 9:32 pm

AS the op said "I got into trouble with campus authorities over it, managed to explain my way out and thinking it was all over, never thought back on it." I failed to see why or how Taspol got involved
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by darwindingo » 14 Nov 2017, 9:40 pm

I'm not aware of or suggesting the op has any convictions/ criminal records etc... I doubt it to be honest..

I do however have cause to suspect that when you have any kind of report made about you to the police it remains linked to your file permanently (acted upon or not) . Could such untested information be used when determining suitability of an applicant with regard to fit and proper person even without any conviction recorded or otherwise ?

Just wondering as I know someone that was asked about some reports made about him when he was younger, when he applied for a job that required some serious background checking (was the first he had herd about it)..

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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Tripod » 15 Nov 2017, 6:19 am

darwindingo wrote:I'm not aware of or suggesting the op has any convictions/ criminal records etc... I doubt it to be honest..


My response was to pomemax's comment about juvenile criminal records being sealed.
As for the OP I have no idea, but I will say that in the other case I know of I think the police got it right, The guy had put up pictures and comments on social media that were concerning to any responsible person and when his license came up for renewal it was declined for not being a fit and proper person.
I am not saying the OP isn't a fit and proper person as I don't know him.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by doc » 15 Nov 2017, 9:14 am

Heckler303 wrote:Upon seeing a letter from TASPOL (Yes, they will be named, but no names within their little gang spoken) I received word from firearms services. My face soon went from intrigument to disappointment faster than you could say 'We cannot grant you permission to continue". Reading onward, apparently their reasoning for this decision was based off of the most ridiculous of clauses.

I'd made a few posters back in college days when presented with other ones of the type. The most notable of these being one that I placed against this big, horrificly coloured Graphic Design example. It was a political poster that said "GENDER IS A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE". (Cringe.)

After me and my friend looked at it, we decided to pin a poster as a note to it saying "There are only two genders/ XY and XX decide, not you."

Heckler - I am really feeling for you here - this is more than pathetic. People died to fight for our freedom - which includes expressing your viewpoint regardless of which 'side' it's on. Firearms aren't the issue here. You being discriminated against by authorities for simply sharing an opinion is the real issue! This is the sort of stuff I expect in communist countries - not in a 'free democracy'.

Please tell me you still have a copy of that letter. I would love to see a redacted copy of this letter get out and circulated wide and far. Would you consider making a copy - redacting the personal and other parts of it and releasing it? (I'd suggest talking to someone with legal knowledge first so you don't get in deeper trouble). Most people have no idea just how extreme measures are being taken to silence opposition for social re-engineering.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 17 Nov 2017, 9:37 am

OP here again. I did make a full story on how the 'interrogation' with the principal went on campus in another thread, I'll dig it up and C+P it here for the viewing pleasure of the other guys.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 17 Nov 2017, 9:42 am

pomemax wrote:Sorry for My ignorance
But I always thought a criminal conviction was all that could stop you licence OR DID THEY USE FIT AND PROPER PERSON for something you done AT School , as a minor that was not convicted by a court (I thought all minor records were sealed anyway ) can someone shed light on this please.

There was no criminal conviction and frankly, you can't condemn someone over viewpoints you don't agree with but for TASPOL? "Mmm nup. Let's make his life hell and ignore everything depicting him as a sound character. What? He's a member of SSAA, TRA and NRA? Obviously a coverup." I've been through police checks and I have absolutely nothing against my name. I haven't even been suspended from school before or sent home for the day. This whole issue just does my head in.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 17 Nov 2017, 9:50 am

doc wrote:Please tell me you still have a copy of that letter. I would love to see a redacted copy of this letter get out and circulated wide and far. Would you consider making a copy - redacting the personal and other parts of it and releasing it? (I'd suggest talking to someone with legal knowledge first so you don't get in deeper trouble). Most people have no idea just how extreme measures are being taken to silence opposition for social re-engineering.

Sure thing. I've also contacted firearm owner's united over this issue. You think it'd be worth printing the censored variant of the document on here?
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by doc » 17 Nov 2017, 10:09 am

Heckler303 wrote:Sure thing. I've also contacted firearm owner's united over this issue. You think it'd be worth printing the censored variant of the document on here?

Glad to hear you've contacted someone. I'll be interested in their reply.

As for posting a censored variant here - I'd be very interested in seeing it. However for your own sake I would advise against it - at least until you've had some sort of legal advise as the last thing I'd want to see is that you posting it somewhere ended up working against you and cause TASPOL to 'have it in for you' even more...

If it was me, I'd only release a redacted/censored version after someone with legal knowledge looked at it and approved it - just incase there's anything on there that should have been censored that wasn't.

(I'm kinda paranoid about this kind of stuff, but after seeing what they're doing to you - I think the paranoia isn't unwarranted).
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Heckler303 » 17 Nov 2017, 10:48 am

You're certainly right Doc. Like I said before, I've had it up to my eyeballs in this politically correct boys-in-blue enforced garbage.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Dunxy » 17 Nov 2017, 11:27 am

It really is getting out of hand, im sure you will get this sorted but it should never have got to this stage you have to prove you're not crazy over a couple of posters for crying out loud!
One reason i stay away from the cancer that is mainstream social media is because you upset some snowflake and end up in a situation like this!
Ive heard many stories of license or renewal denial/refusal for rubbish that is totally un-related (in reality) to being a for and proper person.There isn't even any consistency to what they do here in Vic.Perfect example(this is first hand from 2 of my friends) in regards to suspension of license due to drink driving convictions.One friend , on second DUI offense in 7 years had his firearms license suspended and had to store his extremely dangerous .177 break barrel assault air rifle at the LGS , im pretty sure for the term of license suspension/cancellation. Now my other Muppet friend, same kind of blood alcohol levels but couple years shorter between offenses, no affect on his firearms license, at least yet, he was only sentenced thursday, id imagine it would be almost instant if they going to take firearms license as well?
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by juststarting » 17 Nov 2017, 12:17 pm

Those pore innocent DUI drivers. God damn cops, I bet they held them down and made them drink that alcohol and drive at gun point. c***. And to have the nerve, for a cop to force feed alcohol and make someone drive. And then! Book them for it. Horrible injustice!
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by bladeracer » 17 Nov 2017, 12:22 pm

juststarting wrote:Those pore innocent DUI drivers. God damn cops, I bet they held them down and made them drink that alcohol and drive at gun point. c***. And to have the nerve, for a cop to force feed alcohol and make someone drive. And then! Book them for it. Horrible injustice!

Yep, I have zero tolerance for driving under the influence of something you made a conscious decision to imbibe.
But I don't see what it would have to do with firearms licencing, unless you had them in the vehicle at the time.
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Re: TASPOL, political correctness and garbage

Post by Dunxy » 17 Nov 2017, 2:40 pm

juststarting wrote:Those pore innocent DUI drivers. God damn cops, I bet they held them down and made them drink that alcohol and drive at gun point. c***. And to have the nerve, for a cop to force feed alcohol and make someone drive. And then! Book them for it. Horrible injustice!

Kindly point out where i actually said anything about any injustice relating to my friends being busted for the actual drink driving? Maybe re-read my post or find an adult to explain it if you cant make sense of it yourself. Dont really see the need for immature comments like this, are you 12?

Im not whining about anybody being done for drink driving its in relation to their lack of consistency in applying penalties for what are nearly exact offences AND do you guys really think its fair to lose/have suspended you firearms license if you get pulled over and blow over,without doing anything dangerous, abusive or being in possession of firearm/s at the time?
No sympathy for either of my MUPPET mates, they deserve to be busted and lose their licenses to DRIVE...but i feel its a bit harsh to remove firearms license when firearms not in any way shape or form involved in the offence they were guilty of.Whats worse is why one cops it but the other doesnt...
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